- I (C Code Generator infix operator): UM6-2298
- I/O, ADT for: UM7-2865
- I2B (Operator): UM7-2899
- IA5String (SDL sort): MG2-52
- IA5String, ASN.1 translation to SDL: UM2-654
- IAF, conformance to format: UM1-302
- IARC51 (Compiler definition switch): UM7-2794
- IC86 (Compiler definition switch): UM7-2794
- Icon status
- iconcat (ITEX on UNIX): UM3-998
- Icons
- Icons, double-click on (Organizer): UM1-55
- Icons, order in Organizer: UM1-53
- ID (C Code Generator directive): UM6-2341
- Identifier (in ASN.1): MG3-22
- IDL C++ class (CORBA): UM7-2967
- IDL compiler: UM7-2957
- IDL data types: MG1-49
- IDL file icon: UM1-51
- IDL language: MG1-46
- IDL to SDL, compiler: UM7-2957
- IDL to SDL, mapping: UM7-2932
- IDL, mapping from object models: MG1-126, GS2-410
- IDL, mapping to SDL: MG1-162, UM7-2932
- IdNode (Abstract data type): UM7-2905
- IEBXANALYZE (PostMaster message): UM2-513
- IEBXCLEARSELECTION (PostMaster message): UM2-528
- IEBXCLOSEDOCUMENT (PostMaster message): UM2-514
- IEBXCLOSETABLE (PostMaster message): UM2-524
- IEBXCONVERTSELTOMP (PostMaster message): UM2-511
- IEBXCONVERTTOGR (PostMaster message): UM2-506
- IEBXCONVERTTOMP (PostMaster message): UM2-510
- IEBXDESELECTALL (PostMaster message): UM2-518
- IEBXFINDTABLE (PostMaster message): UM2-523
- IEBXGETBUFFIDFROMMPPATH (PostMaster message): UM2-509
- IEBXGETBUFFIDFROMPATH (PostMaster message): UM2-508
- IEBXGETMPPATH (PostMaster message): UM2-522
- IEBXGETPATH (PostMaster message): UM2-521
- IEBXGETROWNUMBER (PostMaster message): UM2-526
- IEBXGETTABLESTATE (PostMaster message): UM2-525
- IEBXISSELECTED (PostMaster message): UM2-519
- IEBXMERGEDOCUMENT (PostMaster message): UM2-512
- IEBXOPENEDDOCUMENTS (PostMaster message): UM2-507
- IEBXROWSSELECTED (PostMaster message): UM2-529
- IEBXSAVE (PostMaster message): UM2-515
- IEBXSELECTALL (PostMaster message): UM2-517
- IEBXSELECTOR (PostMaster message): UM2-516
- IEBXSELECTROW (PostMaster message): UM2-527
- IF statement (in SDL): MG2-132
- IFFIRST (printing variable): UM1-297
- IFNOTFIRST (printing variable): UM1-297
- Implementation activity (SOMT): MG1-11, MG1-178
- Implementation links: MG1-16, UM1-374
- Implementation phase (SOMT): MG1-193
- Implementation Under Test (TTCN concept): MG1-45, MG3-3, GS3-5
- IMPLICIT (ASN.1 keyword): MG3-28
- Implinks: MG1-16, UM1-374
- ImplSigCons (Validator report): UM5-1978
- Import (Validator report): UM5-1983
- IMPORT icon: UM5-1718
- Import text (ORCA diagram editors): UM4-1400
- Import text (SDL Editor): UM4-1665
- IMPORTED icon: UM5-1718
- Importing text, SDL Editor: UM4-1609
- INCLUDE (Analyzer directive): UM6-2117
- Include-File (Analyzer command): UM6-2098
- Include-File (Simulator command): UM5-1776
- Include-File (Validator command): UM5-1942
- Including SDL-PR files (Analyzer): UM6-2117
- IN-CONNECTOR icon: UM5-1717
- IN-CONNECTOR symbol: UM4-1545
- Index (Validator report): UM5-1983
- Index icon: UM1-52
- Info window (MSC Editor): UM4-1424
- Information server: UM2-736
- inheritance (IDL): UM7-2940
- Inheritance of classes (OM notation): MG1-20, GS1-12
- Inheritance of types, showing: UM5-1709
- Inheritance tree: UM5-1709
- INHERITS (in additional heading symbol): UM4-1540
- INHERITS (SDL keyword): MG2-152
- Inherits (SDL sorts): MG2-67
- INHERITS icon: UM5-1718
- INIT (tarsim shell command): UM5-1906
- INIT_PROCESS_TYPE (Compilation switch): UM7-2830
- INIT_TIMER_VAR (Compilation switch): UM7-2834
- INIT_TIMER_VAR_PARA (Compilation switch): UM7-2834
- INLET symbol: UM4-1546
- INLINE EXPRESSION symbols (MSC): UM4-1367
- Inline expressions (MSC notation): MG1-31
- in-line types (H2SDL): UM2-686
- Input focus (in ITEX on UNIX): UM1-26
- Input focus (ITEX Browser on UNIX): UM3-950
- INPUT icon: UM5-1717, UM5-1719
- INPUT symbol: UM4-1544
- INPUT_TIMER_VAR (Compilation switch): UM7-2835
- INPUT_TIMER_VAR_PARA (Compilation switch): UM7-2835
- Input-File (Cmicro Tester command): UM8-3397
- Input-Mode (Analyzer command): UM6-2098
- InputPortLength (Operator): UM7-2908
- INSIGNAL_NAME (Compilation switch): UM7-2821
- Installation directory (UNIX): IG-13
- Installation directory (Windows): IG-29
- Installation of Tau: IG-7
- Components to install (UNIX): IG-8
- Components to install (Windows): IG-24
- Installation directory (UNIX): IG-13
- Installation directory (Windows): IG-29
- Installation procedure (UNIX): IG-8
- Installation procedure (Windows): IG-24
- Installing a compiler (UNIX): IG-20
- Installing a compiler (Windows): IG-38
- Installing FLEXlm license (UNIX): IG-16
- Installing FLEXlm license (Windows): IG-34
- Installing the software (UNIX): IG-13
- Installing the software (Windows): IG-28
- Prerequisites: IG-1
- Requirements: IG-1
- Starting the license server (UNIX): IG-19
- Starting the license server (Windows): IG-36
- Installing compiler (UNIX): IG-20
- Installing compiler (Windows): IG-38
- Instance (in Type Viewer): UM5-1702
- Instance (MSC concept): MG1-29, GS1-9
- Instance diagram icons: UM1-51
- Instance diagrams, hiding and showing (Organizer): UM1-99
- INSTANCE END symbol (MSC): UM4-1366
- Instance Generator (SDT): UM6-2123
- INSTANCE HEAD icon: UM5-1719
- INSTANCE HEAD symbol (MSC): UM4-1366
- Instance information, generating: UM6-2236
- Instance information, generating (Organizer): UM1-105
- Instance information, SDL: UM6-2123
- Instance Kind (MSC Editor): UM4-1421
- Instance Name (MSC Editor): UM4-1421
- Instance ruler (MSC diagrams): UM4-1426
- Instance ruler, hiding and showing (MSC Editor): UM4-1387
- Instance ruler, including when printing MSC: UM1-290
- Instance-File (Analyzer command): UM6-2098, UM6-2124
- instance-oriented MSC-PR: UM4-1451
- Instances of types, showing: UM5-1709
- INSTANTIATION icon: UM5-1718
- Instantiation of types in SDL: MG2-146
- INTEGER (ASN.1 type): MG3-23
- Integer (SDL sort): MG2-53
- INTEGER, ASN.1 translation to SDL: UM2-656
- Integration mechanism in Telelogic Tau: GS1-24
- Integration models (RTOS integration): UM7-2990
- Integration models (SOMT): MG1-181
- interface (IDL): MG1-47, MG1-125, UM7-2936
- interface description (IDL), creating: GS2-408
- Interface Description Language (IDL): MG1-46
- Interface objects (SOMT): MG1-80
- Interface to Tau, public: UM2-472
- Interleaf ASCII format, conformance to format: UM1-302
- IntoAsFirst (Operator): UM7-2892
- IntoAsLast (Operator): UM7-2892
- Invalid icon state (Link Manager): UM1-410
- Invalid icon state (Organizer): UM1-52
- IsOpened (Operator): UM7-2870
- IsStopped (Operator): UM7-2908
- ITEX Access, class definitions: UM2-806
- ITEX Access, general: UM2-776
- ITEX Access, terminal node: UM2-793
- itex command: IG-21, IG-43
- ITEX overview (UNIX): GS3-26
- ITEX overview (Windows): GS3-18
- ITEX, new features: RG-35
- ITEX, starting (UNIX): GS3-65, UM3-948
- ITEX, starting (Windows): GS3-36, UM3-1082
- itex2mp (ITEX on UNIX): UM3-992
- itexdiff (ITEX on UNIX): UM3-981
- IUT (TTCN concept): MG1-45, MG3-3, GS3-5