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    Introduction to ITEX in Windows

This chapter gives an introduction to ITEX and its functionality. It also includes a list of file types supported by ITEX.

When you have read this chapter and want to get more familiar with ITEX, you should read and practice Tutorial: The Basics of ITEX in Windows.

If you want to know more about what is new in this release of ITEX, you should read News in Telelogic Tau 3.5.

Note:  Windows version

This is the Windows version of the chapter. The UNIX version is Introduction to ITEX on UNIX.

Table of Contents 

Introduction to ITEX

ITEX is an abbreviation for Interactive TTCN Editor and eXecutor. ITEX is a family of tools for the development, specification and compilation of executable tests for the TTCN language. You can find more information about the ITEX tools in The ITEX Toolset.

With ITEX and TTCN, tests are specified in a way that is independent of implementation software and hardware, that is, the tests are only based on the system to be tested and not on the system performing the test. This has encouraged standards organizations to use the technology. Test suites for various standards, supplied by standardization authorities such as ETSI, can therefore be used by all manufacturers and users of that standard. The test suites are created in a graphical editor environment and checked for syntactic and semantic errors by means of a TTCN analyzer.

One of the ITEX tools is ITEX Access. It is a general tool for developing translators, code generators for different languages, automatic encoders and decoders, interpreters, reporters and analysis tools for TTCN test specifications.

In order to ease the production of an ETS (Executable Test Suite), Telelogic has developed ITEX Cadvanced, a code generator that generates C code from any Abstract Test Suite (ATS) written in TTCN. ITEX Cadvanced produces code for both concurrent and non-concurrent TTCN as well as a limited subset of ASN.1 (see C Code Generator for further details on the restrictions that apply). To complete the production of an ETS, the generated code must be adapted to the specific target environment.

The generated C code forms an ETS together with the Generic Compiler Interpreter (GCI) Interface. The GCI Interface standardizes the communication between a TTCN component supplied by a vendor and other test system components supplied by the customer, thus forming a Means Of Testing (MOT). GCI is a minimal interface for the adaptation of the generated code to a specific target environment. It makes ETS adaptation easy.

The ITEX Toolset

Telelogic Tau consists of ORCA1, SDT and ITEX. ITEX is an integrated set of tools used for creating, editing and maintaining TTCN documents. ITEX will be described below. For more information about ORCA and SDT, see Introduction to ORCA and SDT.

The Organizer -- Co-Ordination of Telelogic Tau

You start ITEX by adding and opening TTCN documents in the Organizer. The Organizer is the main window in Telelogic Tau. It integrates and co-ordinates the individual tools as required. Several tools may be used simultaneously through the Organizer. For instance, one part of a design may be analyzed at the same time as another is edited.

The Organizer features a graphical view of all the diagrams and documents you are working with, making them an integrated part of the development process. This may include TTCN documents, SDL hierarchies, Messages Sequence Charts, Object Model diagrams, State Charts, Highlevel MSCs and text documents. The view may be freely organized according to your preference.

Different Views of the Test Suite

You can view and edit the contents of a TTCN test suite in the Browser, the Table Editor and the Finder. The Browser gives information about the overall structure while the Table Editor is used for viewing and editing the contents of the TTCN tables. The Finder is used for displaying parts of the test suite, based on different search criteria. Some operations in ITEX produce logs and they are displayed in the Log Manager.

The Browser

The Browser presents the view of the overall structure of a test suite. You can manipulate the test suite by adding and deleting items. It is also possible to control the amount of information displayed in the Browser by collapsing and expanding the test suite.

Several Browsers, displaying different test suites, can be opened at the same time. You may also find it useful to create a sub Browser, in which you can select to display only a part of the test suite.

The Table Editor

When you double-click a table that is included in a test suite, it will be opened in the Table Editor. In the Table Editor you can edit the standardized TTCN-GR tables, including the concurrent TTCN tables.

The Finder

By using the Finder, you can display the TTCN tables in a list, without any ordering restrictions. You can sort out the amount of tables included in the list by different criteria, for example name, type, modification time and analysis status. The tables can also be opened and analyzed from the Finder.

The Log Manager

The Log Manager presents information about different operations in ITEX. For example, log information will be generated when you analyze, simulate or export a file.

Building a Test Suite

You can edit the declarations, constraints and dynamic tables manually in the Table Editor, but there are also other ways for editing which reduce the manual work and the risk of typing-errors:

Data Dictionary

An alternative to manually writing behaviour lines is to use the Data Dictionary. By using the Data Dictionary, you can select system components -- for example PCOs, types, constraints and timers -- that are already declared, to build behaviour statements.


SDT TTCN Link is similar in use and appearance to the Data Dictionary. The difference is that with SDT TTCN Link, you generate TTCN declarations and interactively build behaviour tables based on an SDL specification.


Autolink supports the automatic generation of declarations, constraints and dynamic behaviour tables in a TTCN test suite. The test generation is based on an SDL specification and a number of MSC diagrams. You may create these MSCs manually in the MSC Editor or automatically in the SDT Simulator or Validator. The output from Autolink is a test suite in MP file format which can be opened in ITEX and refined subsequently.

In general, it is easier to describe test cases by MSCs than to specify them in TTCN directly. Moreover, Autolink provides a number of facilities to control the format and enhance the readability of a generated test suite.

Generation of the Test Suite Overview

The test suite overview tables includes the test suite structure, test case index and default index tables. These tables only need to be generated once, for example when the test suite is to be printed or exported. After that, the overview will be updated automatically as soon as you edit the test suite.

Analyzing, Verifying and Executing a Test

The Analyzer

The Analyzer performs a complete syntax check on TTCN and ASN.1 (as used in TTCN), as well as a number of static semantic checks, focusing on the existence and uniqueness of identifiers and the way they are being used.

It is possible to analyze the entire Browser structure or selected parts of it, as well as an entire modular TTCN system. If any tables are found to be erroneous after analysis, the names of those tables will be displayed in the Log Manager. An easy way to find and open an erroneous table, is to left-click the table name in the log and then <Ctrl>-right-click the table name again.

The C Code Generator

The C Code Generator translates TTCN to ANSI-C. The C Code Generator reduces the time for code generation as well as the volume of the generated code. Automatically generated code is also free from the potential errors of manual coding. The generated code is independent of the target operative system and protocol. In order to be executable, the generated C code must be linked to a library containing the pertinent OS functions.

The Generic Compiler Interpreter Interface

The Generic Compiler Interpreter interface (GCI) is an interface for the adaptation of the generated code to a specific target environment. The GCI interface focuses on what an abstract test suite needs in order to execute in terms of functionality, and on what is needed to integrate TTCN with a larger system.

The Simulator

The Simulator allows execution of a TTCN test suite in a host environment. The system under test consists of a simulated SDL system. When the ITEX Simulator is connected with the SDT Simulator, the combined system is simulated. The test cases are executed one by one or in batch. After the execution, the test coverage information can be visualized by the SDT Coverage Viewer.

Input and Output Formats

The TTCN language supports two notations that are equivalent: TTCN-GR -- the graphical notation -- and TTCN-MP -- the textual notation.


TTCN-GR is the format used when you edit a test suite in ITEX. ITEX also prints a TTCN document in the TTCN-GR format according to ISO/IEC 9646-3. You may select to print an entire test suite or just parts of it. A preview feature allows you to see what the printed material will look like before printing. The document may be printed as a hard copy or a PostScript file.


It is possible to export TTCN documents to TTCN-MP format. Selected items in the Browser -- a single table or sets of tables -- may also be exported to TTCN-MP format. The test suite that is to be exported, does not have to be correct, analyzed or complete.

It is also possible to open a document in TTCN-MP format. There is a high tolerance for errors and any error correction can be done in ITEX, after analysis, rather than in the original MP file.

Files in ITEX

File Types

ITEX supports a number of different file types with various suffixes:

Filename Explanation


TTCN document main data base file


TTCN document working file


TTCN document working structure file


TTCN document working table file


TTCN document lock file


TTCN-MP file


ITEX log file


ANSI-C file generated by the C Code Generator


Header file generated by the C Code Generator

The working structure and table files are the internal ITEX files and will be created temporarily. ITEX checkpoints automatically to these files during editing but the main data base files and the working files are updated only on save.

Locking of TTCN Documents

When a TTCN document is opened, a lock file for the working files (which has the additional suffix -lock) is automatically created. This means that no other user can access these working files. The lock files are always stored in the Windows temporary directory which is pointed at by the TEMP environment variable. If this variable should not be set for some reason, you will be prompted about where temporary files and lock files are to be stored.

This mechanism implies that if a lock file is associated with a TTCN document file, ITEX will refuse to open it.

Transferring ITEX TTCN Documents

Entire ITEX data bases may be transferred between storage areas. This is useful in order to preserve information that is lost in the TTCN-MP format. Use the usual file commands to achieve this.

1. ORCA is part of the Telelogic product suite and stands for Object oriented Requirement Capture and Analysis.

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