The Organizer
Menu Bar
This section describes the menu bar of the Organizer Main window and all the available menu choices.
The menu bar contains the following menus:
Available Menu Choices
The following concepts affect the menu choices that are available in the menu bar.
Long and Short Menus
The user can choose between long and short menus with the menu choice View Options in the View menu. Menu choices only available in long menu mode are presented with the menu choice name within parenthesis in the textual enumeration of menu choices for a menu in the following sections.
License Dependent Menu Choices
The following menu choices are only available if the corresponding SDT tool is available according to the license configuration:
Configurable Menus
In ORCA1 and SDT, some menu choices may be available through the concept of user-defined menus. For more information, see Defining Menus in ORCA and SDT.
File Menu
The File menu contains the following menu choices. (Menu choices within parenthesis are not available in short menu mode.)
This menu choice creates a new system, containing the basic Organizer view (see Chapters).
If a system file already is open in the Organizer, the behavior is determined by the status of the existing system. If modified information exists, the user first gets the possibility to save it; see The Save Before Dialog.
The new system is then created in memory. Source Directory and Target Directory are left unchanged, i.e. set to the values they had before the New operation.
The actual value of a directory in the Set Directories dialog may change if the directory is set to System file directory. Since there is no system file associated with a new system, the Telelogic Tau start-up directory is used until the file is saved. |
You have to save the system to create a system file on disk.
The old contents of the drawing area is replaced with the basic Organizer view. If any of the documents in the old system managed by the Organizer were opened in an editor, these editor windows are closed.
This menu choice opens an existing system file.
If a system file is already open in the Organizer, the behavior is determined by the status of the existing system. If the information is not modified, the Open dialog is issued (see below). If modified information exists, the user first gets the possibility to save it; see The Save Before Dialog.
The Open dialog is a standard file selection dialog, with the file filter set to *.sdt
. The Open button in the dialog opens the specified system file. The old contents of the drawing area is replaced with the new system. If a system window state file is found, see System Window State File, the window position and size is restored to the position and state it had when the system file was saved. If any of the documents managed by the Organizer were opened in an editor, the editor windows are closed.
An SDL diagram cannot be opened with this menu choice in the Organizer. If you specified an SDL diagram created with version 2.X of SDT, you are suggested to import this diagram in order to create a diagram structure.
If the system file does not specify the Source Directory and/or the Target Directory explicitly, these directories are set to the directory where the system file was found.
The following information consistency checks are performed when opening a system:
- That the opened file is a valid system file. The case when an SDT-2 diagram file is opened is discussed above. If a system file created with an earlier version of SDT-3 is opened, you will be warned that the file will be saved in 3.5 format
All file bindings in the system file are verified. For each file, a check is made to see that the file exists and that the file is of the correct type. The file access permissions are also determined. If something is not correct, it is reported in the Organizer Log.
If a document is marked Invalid, the user must later correct the file binding. The user could either reconnect the document to a valid file, or perform a disconnection in which case the document disappears.
The SDL diagram structures in the system file and in the SDL diagram files are also compared, in terms of existing SDL reference symbols. If connected SDL diagrams in the system file are not present in the corresponding SDL diagram files, the diagram icons are marked Mismatch and the status is logged in the Organizer Log window. Unconnected SDL diagrams are removed from the system file and the Organizer's diagram structure. New reference symbols found in the SDL diagram files are added as unconnected diagrams in the system file and the Organizer's diagram structure.
If an SDL diagram is marked mismatched, the user must later correct the diagram structures. The user could either perform a disconnection in which case the diagram disappears, or change the appropriate diagram in an editor to include the mismatched reference symbol.
- File protection of the system file and the working directory. If either of them is write protected, a warning message appears.
This menu choice saves all modified documents and control unit files known to the Organizer, the link file, and finally the system file used by the Organizer. You can still perform a save even if the Organizer contains a completely new system, or if the system has not been changed since the last save operation. The menu choice has the text Save (not needed) in this situation.
Whenever the system file is saved, the system window state file is saved as well. See System Window State File.
If the system file is modified and needs saving, an asterisk `*' is appended to the name of the system file in the Organizer's title bar.
When the first document that is modified is encountered in the Organizer's view of files, the Save dialog below appears. If not Save All, Quit All or Cancel is selected, the dialog will remain on the screen and all modified documents will be handled by the dialog subsequently.
Whether the document is connected to a file or not will affect the layout and behavior of the Save dialog. For any unsaved and unconnected documents found, the user must provide a filename to connect to.
The appearance of the dialog if the document is already connected:
Figure 17
: The Save dialog when connected
The appearance of the dialog if the document is not connected:
Figure 18 : The Save dialog when unconnected
If the system has been saved before, the system file is saved (without a dialog) after all diagrams and documents have been saved. If the system never has been saved, the Organizer presents a dialog and proposes a name for the system file; the prefix is the name of the first document in the structure, the suffix is .sdt
The fields and buttons in the Save dialog are:
Save in file
If the document is connected, the name of the connected file is shown. If the system file is to be saved for the first time, a proposed name for the system file is shown. The filename can be edited by the user.
If the document is not connected, the Organizer proposes a filename based on the document name and a file extension corresponding to the document type, making the file name unique in the file system (see Save for more information). The filename can be edited by the user.
The Organizer will not accept a file name that would overwrite another document or a diagram file that is loaded in an editor.
The user is prompted to confirm the file name if it is already used by a document included in the document structure.
If the file exists in the file system when the Save button is pressed, the user is warned in a message box that the existing file will be overwritten.
If a valid filename is provided, Save or Save All below also connects the diagram to the supplied file.
Saves the document file. Then the next file which needs to be saved is shown.
No Save
Ignores the file without saving it. Then the next file which needs to be saved is shown. If, during the save process, the user saves some SDL diagram files but not others, there is a risk of SDL diagram structure mismatches between the system file and the diagram files. Therefore, the following warning dialog is opened:
Figure 19 : The No Save dialog
- Clicking OK does not save the file and continues with the next file.
- Clicking Cancel returns to the original Save dialog, making it possible to save the file.
Save All
Saves all files (diagram and document files, control unit files, the link file, and the system file) without a confirmation by the user, with the exception of unconnected files, which causes the dialog to appear again.
Quit All
Quits all files (document files, control unit files, the link file, and the system file) without saving. If, during the save process, the user saves some SDL diagram files but not others, there is a risk of SDL diagram structure mismatches between the system file and the diagram files. Therefore, the following warning dialog is opened:
Figure 20 : The Quit All dialog
- Clicking OK as a response to an Exit operation, completes the exit process without saving any more documents / files.
- Clicking Cancel aborts the save process (possibly the exit process) completely.
Save As
This menu choice works as the Save menu choice with the following differences:
- Save As is always selectable.
- There is always a Save dialog for the system file.
- The Save As menu choice is used to save the system file under a new name. If the system file is saved under the old system file name, the user has to confirm this in a dialog.
The Save Before Dialog
Some operations in the Organizer need to save information before the actual operation can be performed. The saving is only performed if modified information exists in the system. In these cases a Save Before dialog is opened, which is very similar to a normal Save dialog. The dialog title is Save before <command> and some buttons may behave differently (see Figure 17). If not Save All, Quit All or Cancel is selected, the dialog will remain on the screen and all modified files will be handled by the dialog subsequently.
The Save Before dialog is opened for the following menu choices:
- File menu: New, Open and Exit
The save process handles modified documents in all chapters. In the case of Exit, unsaved diagrams in editors that are not yet in the document structure of the Organizer are also handled.
If an SDL diagram is modified, has a diagram substructure and some of these SDL diagrams are either opened in an editor or connected to a file, special care must be taken. If the user chooses not to save such an SDL diagram, inconsistencies between the system file and the diagram files may result. The user is warned in a dialog and may choose to continue, i.e. not to save, or to return to the Save Before dialog. (See No Save and Quit All.)
- File menu: Compare System and Import SDL
The save process handles modified documents in all chapters. However, if any modified documents are opened in an editor, only the system file may be saved, not any of the documents.
- Generate menu: Analyze, Make and SDL Overview
The save process handles modified SDL diagrams in all chapters. The buttons No Save and Quit All are dimmed.
- Generate menu: Convert to PR/MP
The save process handles modified SDL diagrams in all chapters. The buttons No Save and Quit All are dimmed. If the user clicks Cancel, the Convert to PR/MP dialog is opened with the GR source diagram toggle dimmed.
Auto Saving
When selecting any of the Generate commands Analyze, Make, Convert to PR/MP or SDL Overview, the Save Before dialog does not appear if the preference AutoSaveBefore is set. However, unconnected and modified documents still require user interaction. If such documents exist, the dialog appears.
Prints all or some of the diagrams in the Organizer. See Printing Documents and Diagrams, for more information about the dialog and some examples of how to print.
Set Directories
This menu choice sets the source and target directories. For more information on these directories, see Source Directory and Target Directory.
If the source directory is changed while a Save dialog is active in an editor, the directory where the editor saves the diagram is undefined. An ongoing analysis is not affected by changing the target directory.
Figure 21 : The Set Directories dialog
Source Directory
Target Directory
Source and target directory settings are saved in the system file. Both these directories can be specified in three ways:
- SDT/ITEX start-up directory: Source or target directory is set to the directory where the Telelogic Tau tool was started from (in Windows the directory of the executable file or the specified start directory for a shortcut icon). This setting means that relative file bindings in the system will be evaluated starting from the start-up directory the next time the system file is loaded into the Organizer.
- System file directory: This is the default value for both source and target directory. Source or target directory is set to the directory where the system file resides. For a new system that has not been saved yet, the start-up directory is used until the system is saved. This setting means that relative file bindings in the system will be evaluated starting from the system file directory the next time the system file is loaded into the Organizer. This setting also makes it possible to move a system file and all related diagram and document files to a new directory without having to update the system file, provided that the positions of all diagram and document files relative to the system file are preserved.
- A specific directory. The directory specified in the text field will be used. Note that the target directory can here be specified using a relative file name. If this is done, the source directory is used as a base to dynamically calculate an absolute target directory. This is useful when you want to have a target directory as a sub directory to the source directory and you want to be able to move all your Telelogic Tau files in or between file systems without great effort.
Absolute file names
If this option is set, the Organizer shows and stores document files with full (absolute) path.
- Relative file names
If this option is set (the default), the Organizer stores document files with paths relative to the source directory. There are two variants regarding showing document files in the Organizer drawing area:
- Short form on (the default). The file connection is shown exactly as it is stored in the system file.
- Short form off. The directory part of a file connection is shown in italics for a file connection that exactly matches the Source Directory path. All other file connections are shown as absolute file names, even if they are not necessarily stored with absolute file paths in the system file.
- Change document directory
This operation is used to change the directory part of one or more file connections in one operation. A symbol that has a file connection including the directory that should be changed has to be selected before invoking the dialog. This operation will be dimmed if there is no selection or if the selected file has no file connection.
In the To text field, the directory which the selected directory should be changed into should be specified. When pressing OK with Change document directory on, all file connections matching the From directory will be changed to the To directory.
PC Drives
This menu choice displays the drive table of the currently opened system, i.e. the mapping between drive names in Windows and the beginning of corresponding directory paths on UNIX. For more information, see Windows and UNIX File Compatibility.
The following dialog is opened:
Figure 22 : The PC Drives dialog
The text area displays the drive table currently used in the system. The table can be edited directly in the text area. When the system file later is saved, the table is stored in the Drives Section.
When clicking OK, a basic syntax check is performed on the entered drive table. Each line should consist of two items only:
- A Windows path, either a drive letter followed by a colon, e.g.
, or a full path (e.g. C:\TEMP
). UNC paths can be used (e.g. \\<host>\file
). If you include a trailing backslash (optional) you must also include a trailing slash in the corresponding UNIX path.
- A UNIX directory path starting with a slash `/'. If you include a trailing slash (optional) you must also include a trailing backslash in the corresponding Windows path.
Paths containing spaces must be put within double quotes. Note that within double quotes, each backslash must be entered as two backslashes, i.e. a UNC path \\host\dir name
(containing spaces) must be entered as "\\\\host\\dir name"
If any errors are found, the user is notified and the dialog is not closed. If the table was changed and found to be syntactically correct, the system file is marked as modified.
Changes made in the PC Drives dialog only take effect when the system file is reloaded. |
Compare System
This menu choice compares the contents of the Organizer Main window with the contents of a system file (.sdt
file). The compare operation is performed on a diagram/document level.
The two systems are compared and possible differences are reported to the user, with the option to merge them, by specifying which documents to add and which to remove in the Organizer system.
The information is processed according to the following scheme:
- The user is asked to exit any editors, if any is found running. This means that modified documents must be saved before the comparison can be started.
- If the system file is modified, the user is prompted to save it in a The Save Before Dialog.
- A standard file selection dialog is issued, where the system file to compare the Organizer system with may be selected. Choosing a system file in this dialog starts the compare operation.
- The Compare System dialog is issued, where the differences are reported (if the Organizer system and the contents of a system file are found identical, this is reported in a message box and the operation is terminated).
Figure 23 : The Compare System dialog
- The user decides if and how to merge the two views, by selecting / deselecting the items to include or exclude from the resulting system. OK updates the system in accordance with the settings.
The Compare System Dialog
- The lists are sorted according to the order of appearance of the items in the Organizer Main window and the order of appearance in the system file.
- Each item in a list identifies a chapter, module or document that was found inonly one of the two systems (i.e. in the Organizer or in the system file) or were found in both systems, but differ from each other (see How Systems Are Compared for more information about how structures and documents are compared).
A document is listed with its type, name and the file it is stored on. A module is listed with its type and name. A chapter is listed with its name.
- A chapter, module or document that was found in one system but missing in the other, is present in one list only and is identified in the other list with a non-selectable
- Documents that were found in both systems and that are considered equal are not listed. See equal for more information.
- Documents that were found in both systems and that are considered almost equal are presented in both lists. See almost equal for more information.
- Association and dependency links are not included in the lists, but are preserved as far as possible. See Associations and Dependencies for more details.
- The items in the two lists that are selected will be included in the resulting (merged) Organizer view.
The items in the Organizer diagrams list are the icons that were found in the Organizer's chapters.
By default, all items that originate from the Organizer are selected, meaning that they will be included in the merged view.
Figure 24
: A diagram originating from two sources
The MSC DemonGame has been found both in the current Organizer view (where the diagram is connected to a file) and in the system file (where it is connected to another file). The dialog suggests by default to include the diagram originating from the Organizer (the left list) and to exclude the diagram originating from the system file. The user may however change the selection to merge the systems in a different way.
The <system file> list indicates the directory and name of the selected system file. The items in this list are the items that were found in the system file.
By default, given two documents that are considered almost equal, the dialog will select the document originating from the Organizer, not the document originating from the system file. See example in Figure 24, above.
How Systems Are Compared
Some rules that govern how systems are compared:
- Relative file names:
Relative file names are managed as if they were relative to the Source Directory as currently specified in the Organizer.
- Handling of SDL diagrams (including packages, excluding macro diagrams):
SDL diagrams in a tree structure are examined starting from the top and down. When two diagrams are found to differ, their diagram subtree is not examined further, the subtrees being considered as a part of the diagrams that differed.
This means that if the user chooses to include a diagram that has a subtree, the complete subtree will also be included. Similarly, if the user chooses to exclude a diagram that has a subtree, the complete subtree will be excluded.
The level of indentation used when listing SDL diagrams in the dialog indicates the structural level at which a diagram is found.
- Handling of Object Model diagrams, State Chart Diagrams, HMSC diagrams, MSC diagrams, SDL macro diagrams, and SDL overview diagrams:
Since these diagrams cannot be part of a subtree, adding or removing any of these does not affect the remaining parts of the structure.
- Rules for equality of diagrams:
Two diagrams/documents with the same type and name can be equal or almost equal.
They are considered equal if the file names are equal (equal diagrams/documents are not listed in the dialog).
almost equal
They are almost equal if the file names are not equal. Two documents that are almost equal are presented on one line in the dialog. For root documents it is possible to select both diagrams on one line in the dialog. For non-root documents it is only possible to select one of the diagrams.
Compare System does only compare the structural system information saved in the system file. Compare System does not compare the document contents, such as page names. |
Associations and Dependencies
The Compare System function preserves, as far as possible, the association and dependency links that exist between documents:
- When an association link is found in a system file, the file names of the two documents are saved.
- If a document with an association link is selected by the user to be included in the Organizer, a new link is generated if a document with the previously saved file name can be found in the Organizer structure. If such a document cannot be found, the association link is removed from the included document.
Import SDL
Imports an SDL diagram or a number of SDL diagrams in SDT-2 or SDT-3 format, and extracts the diagram structure with the possibility to save it in a system file. The command may, on demand, convert the imported diagrams into SDT-3 format without the need to involve the user for each diagram to convert. It is not possible to import an SDT-3 system file.
To avoid potential name conflicts when saving an imported diagram structure, the menu choice will not perform any action, and causes the following message box to be displayed, in the case any files are opened in an editor.
Figure 25 : Import diagrams disabled
Basically, the involved diagrams and their corresponding files are bound and presented in the Organizer. A number of information entities can be extracted from the diagrams.
If a system file already is open in the Organizer, the behavior is determined by the status of the existing system structure. The user is first asked to exit any editors, if any is found running. This means that modified documents must be saved before the import is started. If a modified system file exists, the user first gets the possibility to save it; see The Save Before Dialog.
The following dialog is then opened:
Figure 26
: The Import SDL dialog
The root diagram to import and convert can either be named logically with type and name, or physically with a file name. The specified diagram will become a new root diagram, placed last in the Organizer.
- Type
The type of the diagram is selected with this option menu. Used when naming a diagram logically.
- Name
The name of the diagram. Used when naming a diagram logically.
- File
The name of a diagram file. Used when naming a diagram physically.
For unspecified diagrams/files, search in directory
Specifies that search for diagram files should be done in the specified directory.
Starts the import operation. Both a root diagram and a search method must be specified in order to start the conversion. If this is not done, an error message is shown. The Organizer log window informs about the progress and result of the conversion.
Issues this dialog:
Figure 27 : The Import SDL Details dialog
- Close the current system first
If this option is set (the default), the current system in the Organizer will be closed and the SDL diagrams will be imported in a new system. If this option is not set, the SDL diagrams will be imported and added to the current system.
- Expand Substructure
If this option is set (the default), the conversion will be done recursively in the diagram substructure from the specified root diagram. If not set, files corresponding to referenced diagrams are not imported.
Extract MSC Diagrams from SDT2 SDL diagrams
If this option is set (the default), references to MSC diagrams found in SDL diagrams saved in SDT-2 format will be extracted and placed after the SDL diagram structure, together with a file binding. An association link to the MSC diagram is also inserted in the SDL diagram structure where the MSC diagram was extracted.
Extract SDL Overviews from SDT2 SDL diagrams
If this option is set (the default), existing overview diagrams stored in SDL diagrams saved in SDT-2 format will be extracted and stored in a separate file. The overview diagram is placed after the SDL diagram structure. An association link to the overview diagram is inserted in the SDL diagram structure where the overview diagram was extracted.
Extract code generator directives
If this option is set, the diagrams will be searched for a number of directives to be included in the system file. The option is not set as default. The directives #SEPARATE and #WITH are handled
#SEPARATE: a separator is set in the system structure on each diagram containing the directive (see Separator symbols).
#WITH: a warning is issued in the Organizer log and a template makefile is generated with the object files found.
For more information on directives, see Directives to the Cadvanced/Cbasic Code Generator.
Save imported diagrams in SDT3 format
If this option is set, parts of the diagrams which are obsolete in SDT-3 are removed from the diagram files to convert them to SDT-3 format. The parts removed are the ones controlled by the options Extract SDL Overviews from SDT2 SDL diagrams and Extract MSC Diagrams from SDT2 SDL diagrams, described above. If these options are not set, some information may be lost when importing SDT-2 diagrams. In this case, the user will be warned in a dialog when pressing the Import button:
Figure 28 : Import diagrams warning
Import SDT2 Analyzer options file
If this option is set and a file is specified, the Analyze and Make options found in an SDT-2 Analyzer file (typically <system>.san
) will be used.
Recently used system files
Just above the Exit menu choice, there can be up to four menu choices representing recently opened system files. To open one of them again, select the appropriate menu choice. The information about recently used system files is saved in a file called .sdtfiles
, in your home directory (see Environment Variables).
This menu choice exits the Organizer.
The exit operation consists of four phases:
- Handling of modified files managed in the Organizer structure.
If modified information exists in the current system structure, the user gets the possibility to save it; see The Save Before Dialog. The dialog is opened for the first file (document/system file) that is modified in the Organizer's view of files. The user can then choose how to continue. If the user does not select Save All, Quit All or Cancel, the dialog will remain on the screen and all modified files will be handled by the dialog subsequently.
The link file and the system file are saved last, if necessary. If the Exit process at a later stage is cancelled, all documents in the editors are still available, since they are not closed until all modified documents are handled.
- Confirmation of Exit.
If no analyze, make, simulation or validation jobs are active, the Organizer exits without user confirmation. If there are such active jobs, or a simulator/validator UI is executing, the user has the possibility to force an exit of these jobs:
Figure 29 : Exit confirmation with active jobs
- Removing of documents in editors.
- Shutdown of tools.
All Telelogic Tau tools are terminated, possibly issuing a Save before exit dialog. Finally, the Organizer itself is terminated.
Edit Menu
A general mechanism to edit the document structure(s) in the Organizer does not exist. Some of the menu choices in the Edit menu are used for basic operations on root documents and file connections. However, most changes to the document structure are a result of operations made in the diagram editors; see Reference Symbols.
The Edit menu features the following menu choices (menu choices within parenthesis are not available in short menu mode):
This menu choice edits the selected symbol or document. A document is edited by starting the corresponding editor. A document which is opened in an editor has its name shown in bold face in the Organizer.
The menu choice is dimmed if the selected icon is invalid, or if an instance or dashed SDL diagram icon is selected.
The operation performed depends on the type of symbol or document selected, according to the following:
Type of symbol or document |
Operation performed |
System file |
The CM Group dialog is opened (see CM Group). |
Link file |
The Link Manager is opened. |
Directory symbol |
The Set Directories dialog is opened (see Set Directories). |
Chapter |
The Edit Chapter dialog is opened. This dialog contains three choices:
- Edit chapter symbol: the Edit dialog is opened (see below) to allow editing the symbol type, the chapter name, or the connected text file.
- Edit chapter options: the Chapter Options dialog is opened (see Chapter Options).
- Edit first page after chapter: the first connected SDL diagram or page after the chapter symbol is edited (see below).
Module |
The Edit dialog is opened (see below) to allow editing the module name. |
Connected document or header/footer file |
The document/file is opened in an editor. For a diagram, the first page in the diagram is shown, or if the user has specified a page to open first in the editor (see The Open This Page First Option), this page is shown instead. |
Association or dependency link |
The corresponding referenced document is edited as if it was the selected document. |
Page symbol |
The page is opened in an editor. |
Unconnected document or header/footer file |
The Edit dialog is opened (see below). |
The Edit dialog looks like this:
Figure 30
: The Edit dialog
- The Document type and Document name fields can be used to change the type and name of a root document. If a non-root document is selected, these fields are dimmed. If the type is changed, the new document icon will replace the old one. However, the type of a module that contains documents cannot be changed.
The wanted document type is specified by selecting the correct radio button and selecting the document type in the option menu. It is also possible to select a document in an option menu without selecting the associated radio button first; the radio button will be auto-selected in this case.
- The Document name text field contains the current name of the document, chapter or module. The name must conform to the naming rules for the document type; otherwise an error dialog is issued. The name of a module must conform to the naming rules for SDL diagrams, but the name of a chapter may contain any printable characters except quotation marks.
- The Show in editor option opens the document in an editor. This option is by default on for document types that can be shown in an editor. Deselecting this option automatically deselects the Copy existing file option.
- The Copy existing file option copies the specified file and uses it as a starting point/template for the document. If no file is specified, or the file does not exist, no file is copied. Selecting this option automatically selects the Show in editor option.
Add New
This menu choice adds a new document to the system. Normally, the added document is placed as a root document below the current selection. If there is no selection, the document is placed as the first root document in the Organizer. Adding a diagram also involves an update of a control unit if there is one that is associated with the diagram substructure affected by the Add New command.
There are two exceptions to this:
- If the selection is a module, the new document is instead added at the top level in the module. If the selection is a document in a module, the new document is added in the module at the top level after the selection. To move diagram and documents in and out of modules when they are already in the Organizer, the Move Down and Move Up quick buttons should be used.
- If the selection is a root TTCN document and the user adds a TTCN document, the added document will be placed as a child document below the selected document. If the selection is a child TTCN document, the added document will be placed below the selected document in the same TTCN system. This menu choice is therefore, together with the Move Down and Move Up quick buttons, used to build TTCN systems.
To add SDL diagrams other than root SDL diagrams, the SDL Editor is used (see Adding a Diagram Reference Symbol).
The same dialog is opened as for Edit on an unconnected document (see Figure 30). By default, the Show in editor button is on.
If there is a selection, Document type and Document name in the dialog will be set to the selected symbol's type and name. If there is no selection, the dialog will show the settings from the previous invocation. If it is the first time this dialog is used, the default type Module and the default name "Untitled" will be used.
Multiple root diagrams with the same name are allowed.
If an SDL diagram was selected and an MSC diagram is added, an association link to the MSC diagram is automatically added to the SDL diagram.
Add Existing
This menu choice adds an existing document file to the system. The existing document is added at the same place as described for the Add New menu choice. Adding a diagram also involves an update of a control unit if there is one that is associated with the diagram substructure affected by the Add Existing command.
A dialog will be opened, that allows you to specify the file to add, either via a text field or via a standard file selection dialog.
There are also two options in the dialog:
- One to specify if the substructure of the added SDL diagram should be expanded.
- One to specify if the added diagram or document should be shown in an editor.
If the standard file selection dialog is used, the file filter is set to reflect the currently selected document type. If a module is selected, the file filter is the same as in the previous invocation. If no document is selected, the file filter is set to .s??
The document type and logical name of the existing document is determined in different ways for different document types. The type and name is determined by:
- Reading the specified file for SDL, MSC, HMSC, OM, SC, and TTCN documents.
- Looking at the file name and extension for text files and generic documents.
It is not possible to add a document that does not have a default file extension. For information about default file extensions, see Save. |
If an SDL diagram was selected and an MSC or Overview diagram is added, an association link to the MSC or Overview diagram is automatically added to the SDL diagram.
The existing document is by default opened in an editor. This behavior can be changed by the preference Organizer* ShowAddExisting.
This menu choice removes a selected root document and its document substructure, if any, from the system structure. Modules, chapters and top-level documents in modules can also be removed.
Removing a root document may also involve the update of one control unit file if there is any containing the diagram substructure that has been removed. The menu choice is dimmed if no such document, module or chapter is selected, or if the document is modified.
Removing a chapter symbol does not remove the documents in that chapter; only the chapter symbol itself is removed.
The following dialog is opened:
Figure 31 : The Remove dialog
- Keep sub documents as new roots
If the selected document contains a substructure, this option moves all documents in the substructure to become new root documents (but with their substructures kept intact). It also keeps all bindings to diagrams loaded in an editor. The new root documents are placed directly after the selected root document. If the selected document is a top-level document in a module, the new root documents are placed as top-level documents in the module.
If this option is not set, the document substructure is removed together with the selected document, but documents being edited are still kept as buffers in editors. This is the default setting, except when a module is selected.
The option is dimmed if the document contains no substructure, if no substructure document is connected, or if a chapter symbol is selected.
- Delete file <file> at the same time
This option also deletes the connected file from the file system. It is dimmed if the document is not connected or is opened in an editor, or if a chapter or module is selected.
This menu choice connects a selected document to a file. It is possible to reconnect an already connected document. The menu choice is dimmed if a directory, page, instance diagram, dashed diagram, chapter, or module symbol is selected.
The following dialog appears:
Figure 32 : The Connect dialog
To an existing file
This option connects the document to an existing file. If the document already is connected, the name of the connected file is shown. If the document is unconnected, the field is filled in with the directory component of the file used the last time a document was connected. The filter in the associated file selection dialog corresponds to the file extension for the document type.
When the connection is to be made, the selected file is inspected. For instance, for an SDL diagram, if the file is not an SDT object file, an error message box is issued:
Figure 33 : The Connect error message
If the file contains a document of the correct type but with an incorrect name, the symbol in the Organizer is renamed.
If the file contains a document which has an incorrect type or name, the user is warned in a dialog:
Figure 34 : The Connect warning dialog
If the document already is connected and only the directory part of the existing file connection is changed, the following dialog is opened:
Figure 35 : The Connect change directory dialog
- Search in directory
This option searches the specified directory for a document file of a type and name matching the selected document. If such a file is found, the document is connected to the file. If no such file is found, an information box is opened. Pressing OK in the dialog returns to the Connect dialog.
The directory field is filled in with the Source Directory the first time the dialog is used. After that, the directory from the previous usage of the dialog is remembered.
Expand substructure
This option is only available for SDL diagram symbols. This option recursively expands and connects SDL diagrams to files until no more reference symbols are found. If an SDL diagram has a USE clause, i.e. it references a package diagram, this option also tries to expand the package and put it as a root diagram in the system. The diagram substructure of the package is expanded. Package references are expanded recursively.
After the expansion is completed, the Organizer display is updated.
- Show in editor
This option opens the document in an editor after the connection has been established.
Error Notification
If an error occurs, the user is informed in a message box and control is returned to the Connect dialog.
Reconnect Connected SDL Diagram
When performing a reconnect to an already connected SDL diagram, the current SDL child diagram references are matched against those found in the connected file. If mismatches are found, icons are marked as such but the structure is kept intact, if possible.
Connect Open Documents
When connecting an unconnected document that is opened and unsaved in an editor, the file name binding is not conveyed to the editor, i.e., the editor binding is lost.
This menu choice disconnects the connected file from the selected diagram. The menu choice is dimmed if the selected symbol has no file connection.
The following dialog is opened:
Figure 36 : The Disconnect Diagram dialog
- Keep <file> as a new root
This option keeps the connected document in the Organizer structure by making it a new root document. The disconnected document remains in the same place in the Organizer structure.
- Delete file <file> at the same time
This option also deletes the connected file from the file system.
If the document is currently loaded in an editor and is modified, the document reference in the Organizer gets the same status as if a new document is edited, i.e. new and unconnected. The editor binding is then lost.
CM Group
This command operates on the currently selected diagram, and is used to create or remove a Configuration Management Group for the diagram structure. Following this menu choice, a dialog is issued:
Figure 37 : The CM Group dialog
- No CM group
No CM group should be associated with this document; any existing CM group for this document group will be removed.
CM group file
Associates a CM group to this document, i.e. a Control Unit file will be created to hold the structural information about the document and its document substructure. In the text field, the name of the Control Unit file is specified. See Control Unit File for more information.
A check is made that the name of the control unit file given by the user is unique within the system. If not, a warning dialogue is issued, making it possible to cancel the operation and to provide a new file name.
The CM Group will be shown in the Organizer view like this:
Figure 38 : A CM group in the Organizer view
The name of the CM Group is presented directly below the document name, in italics. The asterisk `*' indicates that the control unit file is dirty and needs saving. After saving, the asterisk will be removed.
The name of the control unit file is presented directly below the document's file name.
This menu choice associates or disassociates a selected document with another document. An association symbol indicates that two document symbols are connected. (A related symbol is the dependency symbol, see Dependencies.)
If an association icon is selected, this menu choice operates on the associated document, not the icon itself. Any document may be associated with any other document, and a document may have more than one associated document.
The following dialog is opened:
Figure 39 : The Associate dialog
- Associate <document> with
The multiple selection list displays the type and name of all documents in the Organizer structure. When the dialog is opened, all documents that the current document is associated with are selected, i.e. the list shows all its associated documents.
By selecting a new document in the list, an association link to the current document will be created in the selected document's structure. By deselecting a document in the list, the corresponding association link will be removed from the selected document's structure.
Paste As
This menu choice is used to paste copied objects as new diagrams in the Organizer. A root diagram is created and opened in an editor. The following transformations are possible via Paste As in the Organizer:
- An Object Model class symbol can be pasted as an SDL system diagram.
- An Object Model object symbol can be pasted as an SDL system diagram.
- A text fragment can be pasted as an MSC diagram.
For more information about the Paste As dialog, see The Paste As Command.
Go To Source
This menu choice is used to open an editor with a document according to an SDT reference. The SDT reference is specified in a dialog, see Figure 40. If the SDT reference includes information about an object in the document, that object will be selected. SDT references can be obtained by using the menu choice Show GR Reference in an editor.
For information about SDT references, see SDT References.
The following dialog is opened:
Figure 40
: The Go To Source dialog
- SDT Reference
The textual SDT reference is specified in the input field.
- Go To
Shows the symbol in an editor.
An error message appears if the format of the SDT reference is incorrect or if the requested SDT reference cannot be found.
Update Headings
This menu choice checks the headings of SDL, HMSC, OM, and SC diagrams for correctness with respect to what is defined in the Organizer structure.
It operates on the selected diagram and its substructure. If no diagram is selected, all SDL, HMSC, Object Model, and State Chart diagrams in the Organizer are checked. For SDL diagrams, the kernel headings are checked.
Before the headings are checked, a check is made to see if any file is connected to more than one diagram. Such files are reported in the Organizer log, and a warning box is issued to the user. These files may be modified for each appearance and will cause all but the last update to be incorrect.
The heading check is made silently until the first incorrect heading is found. The diagram checked is then shown in the dialog below. If an incorrect qualifier is found, the user is prompted in the dialog whether to update the header or not. The user also has the possibility to silently update all incorrect headings. That is, they are loaded in an editor and are then corrected without confirmation by the user.
After the operation, all updated headings are in an unsaved mode in the editor.
This operation should be done regularly in order to avoid peculiar and hard-to-find analysis error caused by incorrect diagram headings.
In SDL diagrams, qualifiers can be placed in other symbols than the heading in the system, such as qualifying data types in a text symbol. Such qualifiers are not found by the Update Headings menu choice.
The following dialog is opened:
Figure 41 : The Update Headings dialog
- Current kernel heading
A read-only text field that shows the contents of the heading as defined in the SDL, HMSC, Object Model, or State Chart diagram, i.e. what is displayed in the editor. ( The Kernel Heading in SDL diagrams.)
- Correct kernel heading
A text field with the correct heading according to the structural location of the diagram. This field may be edited by the user.
- Update
Updates the heading in the editor according to the text in the Correct kernel heading text field. Continues to search for the next incorrect heading and keeps the dialog open. When the updating is completed, a message appears in the status bar.
- No Update
Does not update the diagram's heading. Continues to search for the next incorrect heading and keeps the dialog open.
- Update All
Updates all headings without a confirmation by the user and closes the dialog. When the updating is completed, a confirmation message is shown in the status bar.
View Menu
The View menu includes the following menu choices (menu choices within parenthesis are not available in short menu mode):
This menu choice expands the symbol structure tree one level down for the selected document. If any symbols one level down are hidden, they are still hidden after this operation. (Use the menu choice Show Sub Symbols to show hidden symbols.)
The menu choice is dimmed if:
- No document is selected
- The selected icon is a leaf (no child icons)
- The selected diagram is not connected
- The selected icon is marked invalid
- The selected icon is already expanded
Expand Substructure
This menu choice expands the symbol structure tree the whole way down for the selected document. This also expands sub symbols that are hidden, but those sub symbols are still hidden after this operation. (Use the menu choice Show Sub Symbols to show hidden symbols.)
The menu choice is dimmed if:
- The selected icon is a leaf (no child icons)
- The selected diagram is not connected
- The selected icon is marked invalid
- The selected icon is already expanded
If no document is selected, all icons will be expanded.
This menu choice collapses the selected document, i.e. the sub symbols are not shown after this operation. A collapsed document has a small triangle drawn below the icon to indicate that it is collapsed.
The menu choice is dimmed if:
- The selected icon is a leaf (no children icons)
- The selected document is not connected
- The selected icon is marked invalid
- The selected icon is already collapsed
If no document is selected, all icons will be collapsed. A collapsed document does not affect a corresponding document file opened in an editor, i.e. it does not have to be closed or saved.
Show Sub Symbols
This menu choice is used to specify which sub symbols of the selected document that should be shown or hidden. The sub symbols can be documents, instance diagrams, pages, or associations. If a More symbol is selected, the operation applies to the parent document, which becomes selected instead.
Only the sub symbols one level down from the selected document is affected, not the complete symbol substructure. The menu choice is dimmed if there is no selection or the selected symbol has no sub symbols.
This menu choice does not expand or collapse the document. |
The following dialog is opened:
Figure 42 : The Show Sub Symbols dialog
- Show all sub symbols for <document>
This option shows all sub symbols for the selected document. It is a shortcut for selecting all sub symbols in the list below.
- Show these
This option shows the sub symbols that are selected in the list, and hides the sub symbols that are unselected. Already shown sub symbols are pre-selected when the dialog is opened. The list is a multiple selection list that toggles the state of the selected item.
This menu choice hides the selected non-root document and its substructure. The document and its substructure is replaced by a More symbol, which is always placed last of the symbols on that level. If such a symbol already existed in the parent document, the document is hidden under the same More symbol. The symbol's count of hidden documents is updated.
The menu choice is dimmed if there is no selection, or the selected document is a root document.
By double-clicking on the More symbol, the Show Sub Symbols dialog is opened.
View Options
This menu choice sets options for controlling the appearance of the Organizer window, as well as options for which icon attributes to show.
The options are set in a modeless dialog, i.e. the Organizer can continue working without waiting for the dialog to be closed. The options are saved in the system file.
The following dialog is opened:
Figure 43 : The View Options dialog
The figure above shows the default settings. The settings made in the dialog are preserved as default values the next time the dialog is invoked.
Tree mode
The Tree mode section contains options for the two different tree presentation modes available in the chapters (see Presentation Modes).
Indented list
Vertical tree
Menu bar
The Menu bar section contains options for which menu choices that are available (see Long and Short Menus).
The Show section contains options for which window parts, documents and file attributes to show. The options are available as items in a multiple selection list, which can be selected or deselected. Options already turned on are pre-selected when the dialog is opened.
Association symbols
Show/hide association symbols (links to associated documents).
CM Groups
This option governs whether CM Groups should be displayed or not. By default, CM Groups are visible. However, note that they are not shown in vertical tree mode (see Presentation Modes).
Dashed diagrams
Show/hide dashed diagrams.
Dependency symbols
Show/hide dependency symbols (links to documents which a document is depending on).
File access permissions
Add/remove the file access permissions for connected files. An access permission can have one of the following values:
Readable and writable
Only readable
Only writable
Neither readable nor writable
In list mode, the permissions are added in front of the file names, if they are shown. In tree mode, the permissions are added on a separate line under each node in the document structure tree, just above the file names if they are shown.
File directories
Complements the File names option below. Add/remove the directory path of the connected files, in the same location as File names. If the File names option is set, the directory path is added in front of the file name. The path added is determined by the Source Directory option; see Set Directories.
File names
In list mode: Add/remove a column of connected file names to the documents.
In tree mode: Add/remove a line of text with the connected filename under each node in the document structure tree. The texts do not overlap; document symbols are separated to make space for the full text.
If a document is not connected to a file, [unconnected]
is shown.
Footer file
Show/hide the Footer File icon.
Header file
Show/hide the Header File icon.
Instance diagrams
Show/hide instance diagrams.
Link file
This option sets the visibility of the Link File icon. The link file icon is hidden by default.
Page symbols
Show/hide page symbols below SDL, HMSC, OM, and SC diagrams.
Separator symbols
Show/hide separators between diagrams. Separator symbols show how the generated code will be separated into different files. The lines between diagrams are broken by two vertical or horizontal bars where the separations occur.
Figure 44 : Separators between SDL diagrams
Source directory
Show/hide the Source Directory.
Status bar
Show/hide the status bar of the Organizer Main window.
System file
This option sets the visibility of the System File icon. The system file icon is visible by default.
Target directory
Show/hide the Target Directory.
Tool bar
Show/hide the tool bar of the Organizer Main window.
Type names
Show/hide the type of all icons and documents in textual form, e.g. Object Model, Module, Block, System file, Chapter, etc. The text is placed to the left of the name of the icon.
Show/hide the virtuality of SDL type diagrams in textual form.
Chapter Options
This menu choice is used to set chapter properties.
The following dialog appears:
Figure 45 : The Chapter Options dialog
The first chapter number is defined in the text field. This number defines the chapter number to use for the first chapter symbol of type Chapter 1, Chapter 1.1, Chapter 1.1.1 or Chapter in the Organizer View area. For example, if the first chapter number is specified as "3.2", then an initial chapter symbol of type Chapter 1 will get chapter number 3. If the initial chapter symbol instead is of type Chapter, it will get a chapter number of
The maximum TOC chapter level decides which chapter symbols that will be visible in the table of contents when a print is done from the Organizer. A maximum TOC chapter level of zero will only show chapter symbols of type Chapter, while a chapter level of 4 will show all chapter symbol types in the table of contents.
Set Scale
Sets the scale (20%--800%) used in the Organizer window. The setting is saved in the system file.
Generate Menu
The Generate menu contains the following menu choices (menu choices within parenthesis are not available in short menu mode):
This menu choice analyzes the selected SDL or TTCN system. If there is no SDL or TTCN system selected, the Organizer operates on the first SDL system found in the Organizer. The menu choice is dimmed if:
- A job using the Analyzer is already running.
- No SDL diagram is present in the Organizer and no TTCN system is selected.
- The selected SDL diagram or TTCN document is not connected.
- The selected icon is marked invalid.
The Analyze SDL variant of this menu choice is described below, followed by the Analyze TTCN variant.
Analyze SDL
This menu choice starts the Analyzer for one or several related SDL diagrams. If modified information exists in the current system structure, the user should first save it. See The Save Before Dialog for more information.
Any SDL diagram can be selected for analysis, but in practice at least the parent block diagram will be the source of the analysis. If no SDL diagram is selected, the first SDL diagram found in the Organizer view will be used. The diagram will be analyzed in its context and together with its substructure.
Options for the Analyzer are specified in the modal dialog below. The settings are saved in the system file and persist until the next time the dialog is invoked for the same system.
Figure 46 : The Analyze dialog
The Analyze SDL Settings
Normal versus full analyze (make)
In the Analyze and the Make dialog, the user can choose between the normal Analyze/Make and the Full Analyze/Make buttons. The last used button (normal or full) will be the default when any of these two dialogs is used the next time. The last used button will also determine if normal or full analyze/make will be used when invoking operations via the quick buttons Analyze, Make, Simulate and Validate. It is possible to toggle between normal or full analyze/make by pressing <Ctrl+T> . |
Select other(s)
When the Analyze dialog is opened, the selection in the Organizer decides the SDL diagrams that will be analyzed. The part that will be considered for analysis is the diagram itself, all diagrams below the diagram and all parent diagrams. A used package is considered to be a parent diagram. All diagrams below a used package will be analyzed.
This button opens a sub dialog, with the possibility to analyze SDL diagrams other than the one selected in the Organizer. For instance, it is possible to analyze two out of many blocks from the same level in one SDL system. In the sub dialog, just select the diagrams that you want analyzed. Note that you only have to select the top diagram you want analyzed, all sub diagrams will be included in the analysis. The initial label in the Analyze dialog (Analyze <diagram type> <diagram name>) will change to reflect the new selections you have made.
Macro expansion
Run the Macro Expander before the analysis. (See The Macro Expander for more information.)
Syntactic analysis
Perform a syntax check.
Semantic analysis
Perform a semantic check. This option automatically sets the option Syntactic analysis. The additional semantic check options below require this option to be set; otherwise they are dimmed. They are also dimmed if a system or package was not the target for the analysis. For more information on these options, see Performing Semantic Check.
Check output semantics
Check unused definitions
Check optional parameters
Check trailing parameters
Check references
Allow implicit type conversion
Generate a cross reference file
Generate a cross reference file when performing the analysis. In the text field, a file name is proposed with the diagram to be analyzed as prefix and .xrf
as suffix. The filter in the associated file selection dialog is *.xrf
. The file is by default generated in the Target Directory.
If this option is selected and if no file is specified, the user is warned in a message box. No generation is performed and control is returned to the Analyze dialog.
If a user-specified file already exists, the following dialog appears:
Figure 47 : The Overwrite dialog
Generate an instance information file
Generate an instance information file when performing the analysis. In the text field, a file name is proposed with the diagram to be analyzed as prefix and .ins
as suffix. The filter in the associated file selection dialog is *.ins
. The file is by default generated in the Target Directory.
Error limit
The error limit before aborting the analysis (0--1000). A limit of 0 (zero) means that there is no error limit.
Log expressions deeper than
The performance of the Analyzer depends to a large extent on the depth of the SDL expressions to be resolved. This option is used to emit warnings when the depth of an expression exceeds a certain value (0--100). A limit of 0 (zero) means that no warnings will be issued.
Filter command
If used, this option allows preprocessing of files before the different analyzer phases. An executable (script), possibly with parameters, should be specified in the text field. The executable will be called before the analyzer processes any file in any phase. The executable will be called with two parameters:
- The first parameter is the file that is going to be processed.
- The second parameter identifies the analyzer phase that is going to be executed. Three different phases are distinguished: import (before conversion to PR), macro (before macro expansion) and parse (before syntax analysis).
Echo Analyzer commands
Print (echo) all Analyzer commands in the Organizer Log as they are executed.
Terminate Analyzer when done
Terminate the Analyzer process after analysis is done. By default, the Analyzer process is left running in the background after completed analysis.
The options above are forwarded to the Analyzer when the analysis process starts.
The Analyze SDL Buttons
Starts the Analyzer in the background and closes the dialog. Status information from the ongoing analysis is shown in the Organizer Log window. Among those diagrams that are considered for analysis according to the top of the dialog ( Select other(s)), only the following diagrams are really analyzed:
- Diagrams that had errors the last time the system was analyzed.
- Changed diagrams.
- Diagrams that any diagram mentioned above are depending on.
- Full Analyze
Has the same effect as the Analyze button, except that it forces all diagrams that are considered for analysis to be analyzed.
Saves the Analyzer option settings and closes the dialog, but does not perform an analysis.
H2SDL Options
Opens the H2SDL Options dialog to set the H2SDL options. The Set button returns to the Analyze dialog.
If used, these options allow C preprocessor options to be passed to the H2SDL utility. See Setting Options for the Preprocessor and H2SDL for more information.
Analyze TTCN
This menu choice is used to analyze a TTCN system and/or to generate a Flat View for a TTCN system.
Options for the Analyze process are specified in the modal dialog below. A selectable Generate Flat View phase is executed in the analyze process. The settings are saved in the system file and persist until the next time this dialog is invoked for the same TTCN system.
Figure 48 : The Analyze TTCN dialog
The Analyze TTCN Settings
- Analyze
Selecting this radio button means that the complete TTCN document will be considered for analysis. This radio button is set as default when the dialog is invoked.
- Generate Flat View
Selecting this radio button means that a Flat View will be generated for the selected TTCN system. For a detailed description of this operation, see Generating a Flat View.
- Generate and analyze Flat View
Selecting this radio button means that a Flat View will be generated for the selected TTCN system and it will be considered for analysis.
- Enable forced analysis
This option is described in Enable Forced Analysis.
- Verbose report
This option is described in Verbosity.
- Error limit
The error limit before aborting the analysis (0--1000). A limit of 0 (zero) means that there is no error limit.
The Analyze TTCN Buttons
- Analyze
Starts the Analyzer and closes the dialog. Status information from the ongoing analysis is shown in the ITEX log. For more information, see ITEX Logs.
- Set
Saves the Analyzer option settings and closes the dialog, but does not perform an analysis.
For more information about this dialog, see The Analyzer.
See also Analyzing TTCN Documents (in Windows).
This menu choice makes the selected SDL or TTCN system, or the selected SDL block or process diagram. If a Build Script containing commands to the C Code Generator is selected, that file will be used as input to the C Code Generator, without opening the Make dialog (see Build Scripts.
If no document or file of the above mentioned type is selected, the Organizer operates on the first SDL system found in the Organizer. The menu choice is dimmed if:
- A job using the Analyzer is already running
- There is no SDL system diagram in the chapters and no TTCN system is selected
- The selected diagram is not connected
- The selected icon is marked invalid
If modified information exists in the current system structure, the user should first save it; see The Save Before Dialog.
The SDL Make variant of this menu choice is described below, followed by the TTCN Make variant.
SDL Make
Options for the Make process are specified in the modal dialog below. An analysis phase is executed as part of the Make process. The existing Analyzer options as set in the Analyze dialog are used.
Figure 49 : The Make dialog
Code Generation Options
- Select other(s)
When the Make dialog is opened, the selection in the Organizer decides the diagrams that will be used when code is created. This button opens a sub dialog, with the possibility to generate code for diagrams other than those selected in the Organizer. For instance, it is possible to generate code for two out of many blocks on the same level in one SDL system. In the sub dialog, select the diagrams that you want to include in the code generation process. Note that you only have to select top diagrams, sub diagrams will be automatically included. The initial label in the Make dialog (Make <diagram type> <diagram name>) will change to reflect the new selections you have made.
Analyze & generate code
This option generates code, and performs an analysis if necessary. If not set, the settings below do not affect the Make process.
Code generator
The code generator is selected with this option menu. The following code generators are supported to date:
The type of prefix for variables is selected with this option menu: Full (default), Entity Class, No or Special. For more information, see Prefixes.
The type of modularity is selected with this option menu: No (default), Full or User Defined. For more information, see Selecting File Structure for Generated Code -- Directive #SEPARATE.
The type of capitalization is selected with this option menu: Lower Case or As Defined (default). For more information, see Case Sensitivity.
Generate environment header file
If this option is set, a header file is generated containing the definitions of the SDL system's interface to the environment. For more information, see System Interface Header File.
Generate environment functions
If this option is set, environment functions are generated. For more information, see The Environment Functions.
Generate signal number file
If this option is set, a file with signal numbers will be generated. For more information, see Generation of Support Files.
Directory Options
- Target directory
This option is by default set to Target Directory. This option determines where the generated files will be put in the file system.
Makefile Options
This option controls makefile creation/usage. If not set, a makefile will not be created/used.
Generate makefile
Generate a makefile (default). Choose the file by adding a .m
extension to the separation name of the selected unit and the file is created in the directory specified as target directory. See Target Directory for more information.
Generate makefile and use template
Generates a makefile and appends the specified, user defined, template at the end of the makefile. Two "hooks" are provided in the generated part of the makefile: USERTARGET and USERLIBRARIES. This enables the user to define his own targets as well as adding properties in the make file. The recommended file name extension for a template file is .tpm
In the template file, USERTARGET is used to add additional object files to the link script in the generated make file, by defining this name as a list of object files.
In the template file, USERLIBRARIES is used to add library modules, for example -lm or -lsocket, to the link script in the generated make file, by defining this name as a list of libraries.
The template file can also contain the compilation scripts for the object files specified as USERTARGET.
Example 2 : Contents of a UNIX Make Template File
USERLIBRARIES = -lm -lsocket
# Dependencies and actions
sctenv$(sctOEXTENSION): sctenv.c
$(sctCC) $(sctCPPFLAGS) $(sctCCFLAGS) \
$(sctIFDEF) -o sctenv$(sctOEXTENSION)
Use makefile
Specifies an existing makefile to use.
Compile & Link Options
Compile & link
This option controls if compilation and linking should take place. If set, compilation or linking will be done according to the settings below.
Standard kernel
Use one of the available standard kernels. The kernel is selected from this option menu. The available kernels depend on the license configuration.
Each kernel is available in versions compiled for different compilers. You should use a kernel corresponding to a compiler you have access to on your system.
On UNIX, the following kernels are available. There are versions for standard ANSI C compilers (e.g. cc) and for the GNU C compiler (gcc).
- gcc-RealTimeSimulation
- gcc-Application
- gcc-ApplicationDebug
- gcc-Validation
- gcc-TTCN-Link
In Windows, the following kernels are available. There are versions for the Borland C++ compiler (bcc32) and the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler (cl).
- Borland Simulation
- Microsoft Simulation
- Borland RealTimeSimulation
- Microsoft RealTimeSimulation
- Borland PerformanceSimulation
- Microsoft PerformanceSimulation
- Borland Application
- Microsoft Application
- Borland ApplicationDebug
- Microsoft ApplicationDebug
- Borland Validation
Information about the kernels can be found in Compilation Switches and Libraries3. A list of the available kernels can also be found in the file sdtsct.knl
(see File sdtsct.knl).
Use kernel in directory
Specifies a non-standard kernel to use. The user should specify the directory where the actual kernel is stored.
- Preprocess C file
This option informs the C Code Generators if the SDT C Compiler Driver (SCCD) should be invoked. See SDT C Compiler Driver (SCCD) for more information.
Dialog Buttons
Starts the generation in the background and closes the dialog. Status from the ongoing Make process is shown in the Organizer Log window. Only those diagrams that need to be analyzed, code generated, compiled or linked are involved in the operation:
- Diagrams that had errors the last time the system was analyzed.
- Changed diagrams.
- Diagrams for which the target files have been removed.
- Diagrams that any diagram mentioned above are depending on.
Full Make
Has the same effect as the Make button, except that it forces the entire system to be regenerated, even if only certain parts needs to be regenerated.
- Set
Saves the Make option settings and closes the dialog, but does not perform a make.
Analyze Options
Opens the Analyze dialog to set the analyze options. The Set button returns to the Make dialog.
This menu choice is used to make (generate code, compile and link) a TTCN system.
For more information about this operation, see The ITEX C Code Generator (on UNIX) or The ITEX C Code Generator (in Windows).
Stop Analyze/Make
This menu choice stops an ongoing analyze/make operation. The Analyzer tool is also stopped. (The Analyzer tool normally remains resident in memory for the rest of the SDT session once the first analyze/make is performed, and this menu choice is then renamed to Stop Analyzer. Using this menu choice is one way to free memory if needed.) Several commands, such as Analyze, Make, Convert to PR/MP and Convert to GR, are not available when the Analyzer is processing data. Stopping the Analyzer enables these commands again.
A message with the essence "Analyzer could not be stopped" may be issued as a response to this command; in this case, repeat the menu choice until the message "Analyze/make stopped" is issued in the message area.
Cmicro BodyBuilder
This menu choice starts the Cmicro BodyBuilder tool. See The BodyBuilder, for more information.
SDL Overview
This menu choice generates an SDL overview diagram for the selected SDL diagram as the top diagram. The menu choice is dimmed if:
- No SDL diagram is present in the Organizer.
- The selected SDL diagram is not connected.
- The selected icon is marked invalid.
If modified information exists in the current system structure, the user should first save it; see The Save Before Dialog.
Any SDL diagram can be selected for generation. If no SDL diagram is selected, the first SDL diagram found in the Organizer view will be used.
Figure 50 : The Generate SDL Overview dialog
- Name of Generated SDL Overview
Specifies the name of the generated Overview diagram. The Organizer proposes a name based on the SDL diagram which the Overview should be generated from.
Use Expanded Diagrams Only
Controls whether the resulting SDL Overview should comprise all diagrams that are included in the SDL diagram substructure, or only include the diagrams which are expanded (i.e. visible in the Organizer).
Include Procedures & Operators
Governs if SDL procedure and operator diagrams should be included in the SDL Overview.
Include States
Controls whether state symbols should be added to the SDL Overview or not.
Include Lines
Governs whether lines (such as channels and signal routes) should be added to the SDL Overview or not.
Minimum Symbol Width
Minimum Symbol Height
These slide bars control the minimum size the tool will apply on symbols. (Symbols will be shrunk, if possible, to make the SDL Overview smaller.)
This slide bar specifies the distance (in any direction) between symbols at one SDL level and the enclosing frame (the boundaries of the enclosing SDL symbol).
Distance between Lines
Distance between Symbols
These slide bars define what distance will be inserted between lines that otherwise will overlap each other in the generated SDL Overview diagram.
Causes the generation of the overview diagram to start. The user is informed about the progress of the generation in the Organizer Log window. The generated SDL Overview is added as a root document directly after the SDL structure for which the Overview diagram is generated. An SDL Editor opens and presents the Overview diagram.
State Overview
This menu choice generate a state overview information file (*.ins
) in the target directory for the selected SDL system. A plain text symbol is added in the Organizer view and connected to the generated file. If the *.ins
file could be created (no analyzer errors), the Text Editor pops up and presents state matrices for the processes in the SDL system. Read more about managing state matrices in The Text Editor.
If no SDL system is selected, the Organizer operates on the first SDL system found in the Organizer. The menu choice is dimmed if a job using the Analyzer is already running.
Convert to PR/MP
This menu choice converts the selected diagram/document to textual form. SDL-GR is converted to SDL-PR and TTCN-GR is converted to TTCN-MP. If no diagram/document is selected, the Organizer operates on the first SDL system found in the Organizer. The menu choice is dimmed if a job using the Analyzer is already running.
The Convert to PR (SDL) variant of the menu choice is described below, followed by the Convert to MP (TTCN) variant.
Convert to PR (SDL)
The SDL variant of the Convert to PR/MP menu choice generates a formatted (pretty printed) SDL-PR file. Input is either an SDL-PR file or an SDL-GR diagram structure.
If modified information exists in the current system structure, the user should first save it; see The Save Before Dialog.
Figure 51 : The Convert to PR dialog
- Source:
<type> <name>
Converts an SDL-GR diagram structure to PR. The top of the diagram structure appears in the name of the button.
If an SDL diagram is selected, that diagram will be converted. Otherwise, the first SDL diagram structure found in the Organizer will be converted. If no SDL diagrams are found, this option is dimmed, in which case the name of the button is "<No SDL-GR diagram selected>". This will also be the case if the SDL diagram is not connected, or if its icon is marked invalid.
If the SDL diagram to be converted has an expanded diagram substructure visible in the Organizer, this substructure is also converted. All PR code is put in the destination PR file.
PR file
Generates a pretty printed PR file from an existing PR file, which is specified in the input field. By default, this file is read from the Source Directory.
Write reserved words in
Specifies whether reserved words in SDL are to be written in lower case or upper case.
Expand included PR files
Expands SDL-PR include files found in /*#INCLUDE...*/
- Destination PR file name
Specifies the pretty printed PR file to generate. The default name uses the selected diagram name as prefix and .sdl
as suffix. By default, this file is stored in the Target Directory.
If no file name is provided, the user is warned and no conversion is performed.
An Overwrite confirmation dialog is issued if the user changes the suggested file name and specifies a file that already exists.
- Convert
Generates the pretty printed PR file and closes the dialog. Status from the ongoing conversion process is shown in the Organizer Log window.
- Analyze Options
Opens the Analyze dialog to set the analyze options. The Set button returns to the Convert to PR/MP dialog.
Convert to MP (TTCN)
This TTCN variant of the Convert to PR/MP menu choice converts a TTCN-GR document to a TTCN-MP text file.
For more information about Convert to MP, see Exporting a TTCN Document to TTCN-MP or Exporting and Importing TTCN-MP
Convert to GR
This menu choice converts a textual file to one or more graphical diagrams. A TTCN-MP file is converted to TTCN-GR diagrams, and an SDL-PR file is converted to SDL-GR diagrams. The menu choice is dimmed if a job using the Analyzer is already running.
The Convert to GR (SDL) variant is described below, followed by the Convert to GR (TTCN) variant.
Convert to GR (SDL)
The Convert to GR dialog is in SDL mode when the radio button Convert SDL PR to SDL GR is on (see Figure 52).
Figure 52
: The Convert to GR dialog in SDL mode
- Source PR file name
Specifies the PR file to convert.
- Write reserved words in
Specifies whether reserved words in SDL are to be written in lower case or upper case.
- Expand included PR files
Expands SDL-PR include files found in /*#INCLUDE...*/
- Destination directory for generated SDL GR
Specifies the directory where to put the generated SDL diagrams. By default, the Source Directory will be used (see Set Directories).
- Convert
Generates the SDL-GR diagrams. The SDL-GR files are named in the same way as when saving unconnected documents in the Organizer, i.e. files are named so that no files are overwritten. Status from the ongoing conversion process is shown in the Organizer Log window.
- Analyze Options
Opens the Analyze dialog to set the analyze options. The Set button returns to the Convert to GR dialog.
Convert to GR (TTCN)
The Convert to GR dialog is in TTCN mode when the radio button Convert TTCN-MP to TTCN-GR is on (see Figure 52).
For more information about the Convert to GR dialog in TTCN mode, see Importing a TTCN-MP Document or Exporting and Importing TTCN-MP.
Convert IDL to SDL
This menu choice converts IDL text files to SDL-GR. In Windows, this functionality is not available and the menu choice is dimmed.
On UNIX, the following dialog appears:
Figure 53 : The Convert IDL to SDL dialog (UNIX only)
- Source IDL file
The IDL text file that should be converted to SDL should be specified in this text field. If a connected IDL document was selected when this menu choice was invoked, then this text field will have the connected IDL file as default value.
- Generate SDL for a
It is possible to generate SDL for the server or the client side of an SDL application. The default is server.
- Identifiers used are
SDL names can be global or local. Default is global.
- Destination directory for generated SDL
This text field defines the directory where the generated SDL diagrams will be put. Default value is Target Directory.
Convert GR to CIF
This menu choice converts SDL-GR diagrams to the Common Interchange Format (CIF).
On UNIX, the Convert GR to CIF dialog is opened. For more information, see Convert GR to CIF Dialog (UNIX only).
In Windows, the SDT2CIF converter tool is started. For more information, see Graphical User Interface (Windows only).
Convert CIF to GR
This menu choice converts diagrams in Common Interchange Format (CIF) to SDL-GR diagrams.
On UNIX, the Convert CIF to GR dialog is opened. For more information, see Convert CIF to GR Dialog (UNIX only).
In Windows, the CIF2SDT converter tool is started. For more information, see Graphical User Interface (Windows only).
Convert State Chart to SDL
This menu choice transforms the selected State Chart to an SDL process diagram. For more information, see Converting State Charts to SDL.
Edit Separation
This menu choice inserts or edits a separation on the selected SDL diagram. It is dimmed if the selected diagram type is not one of system, system type, block, block type, process, process type, procedure, and package.
Diagram separation symbols are used during code generation and controls both the splitting of the target into separate modules and the naming of these modules. For more information, see Selecting File Structure for Generated Code -- Directive #SEPARATE. Separations can be shown in the diagram structure of the Organizer; see Separator symbols. Information about separations are stored in the system file.
Figure 54 : The Edit Separation dialog
- No separate file
No separation is to be used on this diagram; any existing separation is cleared. This option is disabled on system and package diagrams.
- Separate file
Inserts a separation on this diagram, i.e. the diagram and its substructure is generated separately. In the text field, the name of the separation is specified, i.e. the prefix of the files generated for this separation.
This menu choice introduces or removes dependencies between a selected document and other documents. A dependency symbol below a document indicates that the document is depending on another document. For instance, if an SDL system is depending on an ASN.1 document, then the SDL system must be re-analyzed each time the ASN.1 document is updated. A related symbol is the association symbol, see Associate.
Dependency links between SDL systems and C header files or ASN.1 documents are not required, but serve mainly as comments. The SDT Analyzer will re-analyze the SDL system automatically for such dependencies. |
If a dependency icon is selected, this menu choice operates on the document the dependency icon is referring to, not the icon itself. Any document may depend on any other document, and a document may have be depending on more than one document.
The following dialog is opened:
Figure 55 : The Dependencies dialog
- Select documents depending on <document>
The multiple selection list displays the type and name of all documents in the Organizer structure. When the dialog is opened, all documents that the current document is depending on are selected, i.e. the list shows all dependencies for the document.
By selecting a new document in the list, a dependency for the current document will be created. By deselecting a document in the list, the corresponding dependency link will be removed from the selected document's structure.
Tools Menu
The Tools menu contains the following menu choices:
Organizer Log
This menu choice raises the Organizer Log window. The Organizer Log window can be raised automatically when the user performs an analysis or other forms of generation. There is only one Organizer Log window.
The Organizer Log window is described in Organizer Log Window.
Link > Create Endpoint
This menu choice creates an endpoint for the selected document. A document with an endpoint is recognized by a small triangle in the upper left corner of the document symbol. See Link > Create Endpoint.
Link > Traverse
This menu choice traverses a link for the selected document. A document with at least one link is recognized by a small black triangle in the upper left corner of the document symbol. See Link > Traverse.
Link > Link Manager
This menu choice opens the Link Manager's main window. For more information about the Link Manager, see The Link Manager.
Link > Clear Endpoint
This menu choice removes an existing endpoint for the selected document. See Link > Clear Endpoint.
This menu choice searches for text in SDL, MSC, HMSC, Object Model, and State Chart diagrams. Textual documents (C Header, Text ASN.1, Text IDL and Text Plain) are also searched if the Text Editor is used. (The Text Editor is used if the preference variable SDT* TextEditor is set to "SDT.") It is not possible to search in TTCN, Word or Generic documents with this menu choice. To search in TTCN documents, use TTCN > Find Table.
The document scope of the search depends on the selection:
- If a module is selected, all searchable documents in that module will be searched.
- If a chapter is selected, all searchable documents in that chapter will be searched.
- If a root document is selected, all searchable documents in that document's substructure will be searched.
- If there is no selection, all searchable documents in the Organizer will be searched.
The menu choice is dimmed if the selected document is not a root document, not connected, or marked invalid.
The search will only take place in diagrams that are connected and do not have an invalid status. The search will start in the selected diagram and continue in top-down order for the rest of the diagrams (the order is left-right in a tree view).
The search function will go through the list of diagrams and stop each time the search criteria, as set in the dialog below, matches. If a search/replace string or any option is changed when the search is stopped (a match is found or the user pressed Abort), these values become the basis when the search is continued.
The search process will open an editor window, if necessary, and select the matched search text.
The searching is based on ASCII character matching. All text fragments in symbols are searched, with a few restrictions (see below).
The Search dialog is modal, which means that the Organizer is locked for other user input during the search. When all diagrams have been searched, a beep is issued and the message Search completed appears in the dialog to inform the user.
Figure 56 : The Search dialog
Dialog Fields and Options
The Search dialog contains the following fields and options. The default settings when first invoked are shown in the figure above. Values from the previous invocation is used for settings when the dialog is used again.
Search for
The text to search for. If not specified, a warning is issued when the user tries to start the search.
- Replace with
The text which is to replace the text searched for. Does not have to be specified.
- Search in
A read-only field showing the scope of the search before the search has started, and the type and name of the diagram currently being searched when the search is in progress.
- Consider case
If this option is set, search is case sensitive.
Wildcard search
Specifies whether a wildcard matching will be used. In wildcard search the asterisk (`*') matches a sequence of zero or more characters of any kind, e.g. whether the search text dist*ution will find the text distribution or not.
Search substructure
If this option is set, not only the selected diagram but also its diagram substructure will be searched.
Only the textual elements that are visible in an MSC will be searched. See Diagram Options. |
Dialog Buttons
When the dialog is first opened, all buttons except Replace&Search and Replace All are enabled. When Search, Replace&Search or Replace All is pressed all fields and buttons are disabled except the Close button. (The Close button changes name during the search to Abort.) If a search string is found in an editor, it is selected and all buttons and fields are enabled.
When the first search or replace operation has been applied and control returns to the Search dialog, it is possible to perform a new search on the same diagram(s).
Searches for the search string. An editor is opened when the search string is found. If no text is supplied in the Search for field, a warning message appears. Confirming the message box will return control to the Search dialog.
Replaces the current match with the replace string and searches for the next match. An editor is opened when the search string is found.
Replace All
Replaces all occurrences of the search string with the replace string. No editors are opened. However, diagrams with replaced text are loaded in the editor and gets a "dirty" state in the Organizer.
Text in reference symbols and in kernel headings are not replaced.
- Close/Abort
The Close button closes the Search dialog. The Close button is temporarily renamed to Abort during search in diagrams. If Abort is pressed, the current search is stopped as soon as possible (when a new file is to be searched). After an Abort, the dialog remains on screen, ready for new input.
Search Restrictions
All data in the editors that affects the diagram structure maintained by the Organizer (primarily reference symbols and kernel headings in the SDL Editor) is regarded as read only during the search operation. That is, they are not affected by the search.
Externally editing (i.e. through means other than using replace) of a diagram during a search operation completely resets the search, i.e. the next search starts from the first diagram.
The search may fail if dialogs are opened in the editor during the search. In this case the editor blocks the continuation of the search process. To continue the search process, the editor dialog must be closed.
The Organizer's data is locked during the search process. This is normally not noticed since the Search dialog is modal, but the SDL Editor needs to access that data to perform operations affecting the diagram structure. The Organizer will deny the editor's requests to modify the data structure. The duration of the search process is the period of time during which the Search dialog is visible in the Organizer.
Change Bars
This menu choice is used to control the usage of change bars in SDL diagrams. A dialog with two options is opened:
- Reset change bars for selected SDL diagrams
This option is used to reset change bars in SDL diagrams that fall under the selection in the Organizer. Note that removing a change bar makes the diagram dirty, i.e. change bars cannot be removed from diagram files where you do not have write access. If this option is on, a second dialog will be opened telling you about the diagrams that the operation will be applied upon.
- Create change bars when SDL changes occur
This option is used to decide if change bars should be created when an SDL diagram is edited. This option is saved in the system file and is valid for all SDL diagrams in the system. The preference ChangeBars is used as default for new SDL systems. See ChangeBars.
This menu choice compares the contents of SDL diagram file pairs. A diagram file pair is constructed by matching an SDL diagram file loaded into the Organizer with an SDL diagram file with the same name, but in a different directory.
There is a similar operation in the SDL Editor for comparing one SDL diagram pair at a time. See Diff. |
The menu choice is dimmed if there are no SDL diagrams in the Organizer.
In the same way as for the Search menu choice, the diff operation is limited by the selection in the Organizer. Only SDL diagrams within the scope of the selection will be considered for the diff operation.
When the diff menu choice is invoked, the diff setup dialog appears.
Figure 57 : The Diff Setup dialog
In the diff setup dialog, the following input parameters to the diff operation can be specified:
- Diff source directory
The directory specified here is used instead of the normal source directory to find SDL diagrams to compare the SDL diagrams in the Organizer with.
- For SDL diagrams in the Organizer that are relative to the normal source directory, the relative part of the file path is kept, but the part of the file path that matches the normal source directory is replaced with a part of a path constructed from the diff source directory instead.
For example, if the source directory is /home/lat
in Windows) and the diff source directory is /opt/home/gn
), then the Organizer file /home/lat/demo/x.ssy
will be compared with /opt/home/gn/demo/x.ssy
), if that file exists.
- For SDL diagrams in the Organizer that are not relative to the normal source directory, the directory part of the file path is replaced with diff source directory.
For example, if the source directory is /home/lat
in Windows) and the diff source directory is /opt/home/gn
), then the Organizer file /usr/local/lat/y.ssy
will be compared with /opt/home/gn/y.ssy
), if that file exists.
- Textual difference report: Summary
When this option is chosen, a summary of found differences is printed for each diagram pair that is compared. If more than one diagram pair is compared, a summary for all compared diagram pairs is also printed. The textual difference report is printed in the Organizer Log window.
- Textual difference report: Details
When this option is chosen, detailed information about every found difference is printed as a textual report in the Organizer Log window.
- Graphical difference report with merge facility
When this option is chosen, differences are shown in the SDL Editor, one difference group at a time. The SDL diagram from the Organizer can be updated with information from the other diagram.
Detect moved symbols
When this option is chosen, the diff operation tries to detect moved symbols by using symbol ids, instead of just reporting one removed symbol and one added symbol. This option should only be used when comparing two versions of the original diagram file: moved symbols cannot be accurately detected by using symbol ids when comparing two versions of the same diagram that are both built from scratch.
When the OK button in the dialog is pressed, the Organizer checks if a matching diagram can be found for all SDL diagrams in the operation. If that is not the case, a dialog appears to inform about this fact.
Figure 58 : The Diff missing files dialog
Finally, the real diff operation starts in the SDL Editor. Read more about this in Diff.
This menu choice is used to split one SDL diagram into two SDL diagrams. This menu choice can be applied several times to split one SDL diagram into several parts. This menu choice is, together with the menu choice Join, useful in situations where several people have to work simultaneously on one SDL diagram. The SDL diagram file is partitioned into several SDL diagram files and each person is given one part to work on.
To split an SDL diagram consisting of several pages, select the diagram symbol in the Organizer and select the Split menu choice. (It is also possible to select a page symbol associated with the diagram that should be split.)
A dialog appears with a list of all pages but the first one in the diagram, see Figure 59. Select a page to define how the SDL diagram should be split. All pages before the selected page will end up in the first SDL diagram part. The selected page and all pages after the selected page will end up in the second SDL diagram part.
Figure 59
: The first Split dialog
The Split button in the first Split dialog closes the dialog and brings up the second Split dialog, as shown in Figure 60. The second Split dialog is used to specify the files that the two resulting SDL diagram parts should be saved in.
Figure 60
: The second Split dialog
When the second Split dialog is closed with the Save button, the split operation is performed: The SDL Editor is loaded with the SDL diagram that should be split. Two new smaller SDL diagrams are created in the SDL Editor and saved under the file names specified in the second Split dialog.
The visible result of the Split operation is that the SDL Editor contains at least the diagram that was split and the resulting SDL diagram parts. Note that no additional symbols are created in the Organizer. The SDL diagram parts are accessed by opening the SDL diagram part files in the SDL Editor with the Open menu choice. It is of course possible to manually add symbols for the SDL diagram parts in the Organizer with for instance the Add Existing menu choice.
This menu choice is used to join two SDL diagrams of the same type into one SDL diagram. This menu choice is, together with the Split menu choice, useful when several people have to work on the same SDL diagram at the same time.
Note that it is not necessary to do a Split before doing a Join. One way to work in parallel on the same diagram is to let one designer work on the existing SDL diagram, while another designer creates new pages destined for the same SDL diagram, in a new SDL diagram with the same type as the existing SDL diagram. A join operation when the parallel work is finished puts the new SDL pages in the correct SDL diagram.
The resulting SDL diagram is produced by copying the complete first diagram part and merging/joining pages from the second diagram part by copy and paste. This means that information that is common for all pages in an SDL diagram is taken from the first diagram part. This includes:
- The diagram name and any other information in the header.
- The information in the extended heading symbol.
- The information in the use text symbol.
Another consequence of this way of working is that duplicate page names and reference symbol names emerging from the second diagram part are changed by the join operation to make them unique. Auto-numbered pages from the second diagram part will also have their names changed.
When the Join menu choice is invoked, the Join dialog appears, see Figure 61.
Figure 61
: The Join dialog
In the dialog, specify the names of the two SDL diagram files that should be merged. Pressing the Join button will close the dialog and start the Join operation.
The result of the Join operation is that three diagrams will be loaded in the SDL Editor; the two SDL diagram parts that act as input to the Join operation and a new and unsaved SDL diagram that contains all the pages from both the input diagrams. The first thing that you will normally do after a Join operation is to save the new SDL diagram in a file. After that, it might be appropriate to check the new SDL diagram in the context of the SDL system with the Analyzer.
Editors > MSC Editor
Adds an MSC diagram symbol to the Organizer view, and starts the MSC Editor. The symbol is added at the same place as when using the Add New command.
Editors > HMSC Editor
Adds a HMSC diagram symbol to the Organizer view, and starts the HMSC Editor. The symbol is added at the same place as when using the Add New command.
Editors > OM Editor
Adds an Object Model diagram symbol to the Organizer view, and starts the OM Editor. The symbol is added at the same place as when using the Add New command.
Editors > State Chart Editor
Adds a State Chart diagram symbol to the Organizer view, and starts the State Chart Editor. The symbol is added at the same place as when using the Add New command.
Editors > SDL Editor
Adds an SDL System diagram symbol to the Organizer view, and starts the SDL Editor. The symbol is added at the same place as when using the Add New command.
Editors > Text Editor
Adds a Plain Text document symbol to the Organizer view, and starts the Text Editor. The symbol is added at the same place as when using the Add New command.
Editors > TTCN Browser
Adds a TTCN module symbol to the Organizer view, and starts the TTCN Browser. The symbol is added at the same place as when using the Add New command.
SDL > Type Viewer
This menu choice starts the Type Viewer. It is dimmed if there is no SDL diagram in the Organizer, or if the preference SDT* StartInformationServer is set to false. Only one instance of the Type Viewer exists. If the Type Viewer has already been started, its window is raised.
If a Referenced Diagram Type icon, an Instance Diagram icon or a Dashed diagram icon is selected in the Organizer, the Type Viewer selects the corresponding symbol when this menu choice is used.
The Type Viewer is described in The Type Viewer.
SDL > Coverage Viewer
This menu choice starts a Coverage Viewer. A new instance of the Coverage Viewer is started each time this command is selected.
The Coverage Viewer is described in The Coverage Viewer.
SDL > Index Viewer
This menu choice starts an Index Viewer. A new instance of the Index Viewer is started each time this command is selected.
The Index Viewer is described in The Index Viewer.
SDL > Simulator UI
This menu choice starts a new, empty Simulator UI. Several Simulator UI's may exist at the same time.
The Simulator UI is described in Graphical User Interface.
SDL > Validator UI
This menu choice starts a new, empty Validator UI. Several Validator UI's may exist at the same time.
The Validator UI is described in Graphical User Interface.
SDL > Cmicro Tester UI
This menu choice starts a new, empty Cmicro Tester UI. The Cmicro Tester UI is described in Graphical User Interface.
TTCN > Find Table
This menu choice invokes the find table operation on a selected TTCN system. In Windows, this functionality is not available and the menu choice is dimmed.
For more information about the find table operation on UNIX, see Finding Tables. For more information about finding tables in Windows, see Finding and Sorting Tables.
TTCN > Access
This menu choice starts a TTCN Access application for a selected TTCN document/system.
This operation is only available on UNIX. |
For more information, see ITEX Access.
TTCN > Simulator UI
This menu choice starts a TTCN simulator UI.
For more information about this, see The ITEX Simulator (on UNIX) or The ITEX Simulator (in Windows).
Preference Manager
This menu choice starts the Preference Manager. Only one instance of the Preference Manager exists. If the Preference Manager has already been started, its window is raised.
The Preference Manager is described in The Preference Manager.
Help Menu
For more information about Help menus in Telelogic Tau, see Help Menu. One of the Organizer Help menu choices is described in more detail below.
License Information
Opens a dialog with license information for all tools in Telelogic Tau.
Figure 62
: The License Information dialog
The dialog contains the following:
- The names of the tools that are included in Telelogic Tau and that are separately licensed.
Each name consists of the prefix SDT or ITEX, followed by a hyphen and an abbreviated name for the tool. See the table below for a reference to these abbreviations.
Abbreviation |
Telelogic Tau Tool(s) |
Telelogic |
Organizer |
SDT-Base |
SDL Editor, SDL Analyzer and SDL Viewers. |
Object Model Editor and State Chart Editor |
Message Sequence Chart Editor and High-Level Message Sequence Chart Editor |
SDT-Cbasic |
Cbasic Code Generator |
SDT-Cadvanced |
Cadvanced Code Generator |
SDT-Cmicro |
Cmicro Code Generator |
SDT-Cmicro-Bodybuilder |
Cmicro BodyBuilder |
SDT-Cmicro-Tester |
Cmicro Simulator UI |
SDT-X1 (UNIX only) |
<Configuration dependent> |
SDT-Chill (UNIX only) |
CHIPSY CHILL Code Generator |
ETRI CHILL Code Generator |
SDT-Samsung-CHILL (UNIX only) |
Samsung CHILL Code Generator |
SDT-Validator |
Validator Library |
SDT-Simulator |
Simulator Library |
SDT-Application |
Application Library |
SDT-Performance |
Performance Simulation Library |
Interactive link to ITEX |
ITEX-Base |
TTCN Browser, TTCN Table Editor and TTCN Analyzer |
ITEX-Access |
ITEX Access API Library |
ITEX-Simulator |
ITEX Simulator |
ITEX-C-Code-Generator |
ITEX C Code Generator |
1. The SDT-X is a generic name that allows to introduce new code generators that are under development. In "normal" SDT installations, it has no meaning.
- On UNIX, beneath each tool, the following information is displayed:
- Current licenses, along with the name of the host computer, the user identity and the time the license was checked out
- Remaining available licenses
- Total available licenses
- If a license has expired, the information would be replaced by:
Expired: <Date>
A Give Up License button which allows you to release the interactive licenses in your current ORCA or SDT session.
This will disable licensed tools without closing them, making the licenses available to other users. You can reclaim these licenses at a later time, if there are corresponding licenses available, by using the Get License button, allowing you to continue working in the licensed applications.
A Get License button which allows you to reclaim licenses released by either the use of the Give Up License button or the automatic release of licenses.
Licenses will be automatically released if the idle time limit, set in the preference LicenseTimeout, is exceeded. For more information, see LicenseTimeout.
The reclamation of licenses is limited in the sense that it will only attempt to reclaim lost licenses once, implying that you will have to save your work in and restart the tools for which licenses could not be obtained.
1. ORCA is part of the Telelogic product suite and stands for Object oriented Requirement Capture and analysis.
2. X is reserved for future extensions in SDT applied to code generation.
3. The TTCN-Link kernel is described in the ITEX manuals.