- MA_ (H2SDL prefix): UM2-687
- MACRO CALL symbol: UM4-1545
- MACRO diagram: UM4-1508
- Macro diagram icon: UM1-50
- Macro expansion (Analyzer): UM6-2113
- MACRODEFINITION (Analyzer): UM6-2113
- MACROID (Analyzer): UM4-1678, UM6-2114
- Macro-PR-File (Analyzer command): UM6-2099
- Macros (MS Word): UM1-367
- MAIN (C Code Generator directive): UM6-2336
- MAIN (sdl2chill): UM6-2476, UM6-2581
- Make options (Organizer): UM1-111
- Make options file, importing (Organizer): UM1-77
- Make-File (Analyzer command): UM6-2099
- MAKEOPTIONS section (System file): UM1-169
- Make-Template-File (Analyzer command): UM6-2099
- Manuals (in documentation): RG-viii
- Map file (printing): UM1-277, UM1-298
- Margins (printing): UM1-272
- Master link file: MG2-182, UM1-375
- Master Test Component (TTCN concept): MG3-3, GS3-12
- Max input port length (Validator option): UM5-2078
- Max number of instances (Validator option): UM5-2079
- Max state size (Validator option): UM5-2079
- Max transition length (Validator option): UM5-2079
- MAX_READ_LENGTH (Compilation switch): UM7-2759
- MAX_WRITE_LENGTH (Compilation switch): UM7-2759
- MaxQueuelength (Validator report): UM5-1980
- MaxTransLen (Validator report): UM5-1984
- Member (Operator): UM7-2893
- Memory (Cmicro Tester command): UM8-3397
- Memory requirements for Tau: IG-4
- Menu bars, general properties: UM1-8
- Menu choices, inaccessible: UM1-5
- Menu choices, previewing: UM1-5
- Menu definition files: UM1-17
- Menu definitions (SimUI): UM5-1841
- Menu traversal: UM1-35
- Menus, general contents: UM1-8
- Menus, general properties: UM1-8
- Menus, inaccessible: UM1-5
- Menus, licence dependent (Organizer): UM1-56
- Menus, long and short menus (Organizer): UM1-56
- Menus, underlined characters in: UM1-35
- Menus, user-defined: UM1-17, UM2-530
- Merge-Constraints (Validator command): UM5-1946
- Merge-Report-File (Validator command): UM5-1946
- Message Sequence Charts (MSC): MG1-29, GS1-9, GS3-15
- MESSAGE symbol (MSC): UM4-1366
- Messages (MSC concept): MG1-29, GS1-9
- MESSAGE-TO-SELF symbol (MSC): UM4-1366
- Microsoft Windows (compliance to): UM1-2
- Microsoft Windows bindings: IG-46
- Microsoft Windows Fonts: IG-46
- Microsoft Word, integrating with SDT: UM1-366
- MIF, conformance to format: UM1-301
- MIF, generating when printing: UM1-276
- Mismatch icon state (Organizer): UM1-53
- Mnemonics (general): UM1-35
- Model (SOMT): MG1-4, MG1-16
- Analysis object model: MG1-77
- Analysis use case model: MG1-89
- Data dictionary: MG1-55
- Design module structure: MG1-113
- Design use case model: MG1-120
- IDL interface definitions: MG1-124
- Requirements object model: MG1-65
- SDL architecture definition: MG1-111
- SDL object design model: MG1-134
- System operations model: MG1-70
- Textual analysis documentation: MG1-93
- Textual design documentation: MG1-124
- Textual requirements model: MG1-54
- Use case model: MG1-58
- Modular Test Suite icon: UM1-51
- Modular TTCN: GS3-12
- Modularization of TTCN documents: MG3-116
- Module (IDL): UM7-2935
- module (IDL): MG1-48, MG1-125
- Module (in Organizer): UM1-42
- Module (SOMT): MG1-16
- Module icon: UM1-49
- Module testing (SOMT): MG1-120
- Monitor commands, syntax: UM5-1754
- Monitor user interfaces: UM5-1752, UM5-1912
- More icon: UM1-49
- Motif (compliance to): UM1-2
- Mounting CD-ROM (HP): IG-12
- Mounting CD-ROM (SunOS): IG-12
- Mounting CD-ROM (Windows): IG-28
- MP, converting to (ITEX in Windows): UM3-1109
- MP, converting to (ITEX on UNIX): UM3-989
- mp-output-old command: RG-12
- MSC: MG1-29, GS1-9, GS3-15
- MSC action trace (Validator option): UM5-2074
- MSC condition (MSC notation): MG1-29
- MSC diagram icon: UM1-50
- MSC diagrams: GS1-32
- MSC diagrams, absolute order between events: UM4-1429
- MSC diagrams, consumption of messages: UM4-1430
- MSC diagrams, environment instance: UM4-1431
- MSC diagrams, instance kind: UM4-1432
- MSC diagrams, instance name: UM4-1432
- MSC diagrams, layout conventions for simulation: UM4-1429
- MSC diagrams, lost messages: UM4-1430
- MSC diagrams, reception of messages: UM4-1429
- MSC diagrams, size: UM4-1459
- MSC diagrams, stopped instances: UM4-1430
- MSC diagrams, storage format compatibility: RG-10
- MSC diagrams, void Instance: UM4-1432
- MSC formats supported: UM4-1451
- MSC grid, changing the: UM4-1459
- MSC instance
- MSC instance (MSC concept): MG1-29, GS1-9
- MSC instance, environment: UM4-1431
- MSC language: MG1-29, GS1-9, GS3-15
- MSC lines: UM4-1366
- MSC message (MSC concept): MG1-29, GS1-9
- MSC objects, adding: UM4-1462
- MSC objects, adjusting to grid: UM4-1462
- MSC objects, detailed info, obtaining: UM4-1461
- MSC objects, inserting space between: UM4-1463
- MSC objects, removing: UM4-1464
- MSC objects, removing space between: UM4-1463
- MSC reference (MSC notation): MG1-29, GS1-9
- MSC reference operators: MG1-29
- MSC REFERENCE symbol: UM4-1367
- MSC requirements, verifying: UM5-2000
- MSC spacing, changing the: UM4-1459
- MSC state trace (Validator option): UM5-2074
- MSC symbols: UM4-1366
- ACTION: UM4-1367, UM4-1474, UM4-1482
- COMMENT: UM4-1366, UM4-1464, UM4-1477, UM4-1483, UM4-1485
- CONDITION: UM4-1366, UM4-1469, UM4-1482, UM4-1485
- connecting: UM4-1386
- COREGION: UM4-1367, UM4-1475, UM4-1483
- CREATE: UM4-1367, UM4-1475, UM4-1482, UM4-1485
- decomposing: UM4-1387
- INLINE EXPRESSION symbols: UM4-1367
- inline separator: UM4-1367
- Instance composition, showing: UM4-1388
- INSTANCE END: UM4-1366, UM4-1466, UM4-1479
- INSTANCE HEAD: UM4-1366, UM4-1465, UM4-1478
- INSTANCE KIND: UM4-1368, UM4-1432, UM4-1465
- Instance kind, showing: UM4-1388
- INSTANCE NAME: UM4-1368, UM4-1432, UM4-1465
- Instance name, showing: UM4-1388
- MESSAGE: UM4-1366
- Message name, showing: UM4-1388
- Message parameters, showing: UM4-1388
- MESSAGE, overtaken: UM4-1484
- MESSAGE-TO-SELF: UM4-1366, UM4-1469, UM4-1481, UM4-1484
- MSC REFERENCE: UM4-1367, UM4-1469, UM4-1482, UM4-1485
- Separate timer: UM4-1366
- STOP: UM4-1367, UM4-1467, UM4-1479
- TEXT: UM4-1464, UM4-1477, UM4-1485
- Text: UM4-1355, UM4-1366
- TIMER: UM4-1366, UM4-1471
- TIMER NAME: UM4-1368
- MSC symbols, information on: UM4-1395, UM4-1424
- MSC symbols, status of separate timer: UM4-1423
- MSC symbols, status of timer: UM4-1423
- MSC symbols, syntax check on text: UM4-1374
- MSC symbols, syntax checking: UM4-1367
- MSC symbols, textual attributes: UM4-1368
- MSC syntax: UM4-1444
- MSC trace (simulation): UM4-1427
- MSC trace (Validator): UM5-2018
- MSC trace autopopup (Validator option): UM5-2075
- MSC trace, mapping between SDL and MSC: UM4-1428
- MSC use cases (SOMT): MG1-60
- MSC, collapsing a diagram: UM4-1476
- MSC, compatibility with Z.120: RG-16, RG-49
- MSC, creating: UM4-1456
- MSC, decomposing a diagram: UM4-1476
- MSC, editing functions: UM4-1450
- MSC, exiting the editor: UM4-1455
- MSC, hiding window: UM4-1460
- MSC, inserting space between objects: UM4-1463
- MSC, listing: UM4-1458
- MSC, mapping to SDL: UM5-1806
- MSC, mapping to SDL (simulator trace): UM4-1428
- MSC, message, drawing: UM4-1467
- MSC, message, moving: UM4-1481
- MSC, message, reconnecting: UM4-1484
- MSC, message, redirecting: UM4-1484
- MSC, moving objects: UM4-1477
- MSC, opening: UM4-1457
- MSC, pagination: UM4-1451
- MSC, printing objects: UM4-1486
- MSC, removing space between objects: UM4-1463
- MSC, renaming: UM4-1456
- MSC, requirements for verification: UM5-2046
- MSC, resizing: UM4-1459
- MSC, restrictions in ORCA: RG-49
- MSC, saving: UM4-1457
- MSC, saving copy of: UM4-1458
- MSC, separate timer, changing status: UM4-1474
- MSC, showing a: UM4-1458
- MSC, showing window: UM4-1460
- MSC, starting the editor: UM4-1452
- MSC, supported language definitions: UM4-1451
- MSC, syntax rules: UM4-1452
- MSC, timer, changing: UM4-1472
- MSC, timer, changing status: UM4-1473
- MSC, timer, implicit reset: UM4-1431
- MSC, timer, moving: UM4-1482
- MSC, tracing: UM4-1450
- MSC, usage in SOMT: MG1-121
- MSC, validating: UM4-1450
- MSC, verifying (Validator): UM5-2040
- MSC, void instance: UM4-1432
- MSC-GR: GS1-11, UM4-1451
- MSC-Log-File (Validator command): UM5-1946
- MSC-PR: GS1-11, GS1-32, UM4-1451
- MSC-Trace (Validator command): UM5-1947
- MSCVerification (Validator report): UM5-1985
- MSCViolation (Validator report): UM5-1985
- MSW print (printing): UM1-277
- MTC (TTCN concept): MG3-3, GS3-12
- Multiplicity (OM notation): MG1-22, GS1-14
- Multiuser support: MG1-187, MG2-180, UM1-171, UM1-375