This chapter describes ITEX Access. It is intended to be read by developers of executable test suites, translator developers and test result analyzers. It requires some basic programming knowledge in C++ as ITEX Access is a C++ programming tool.
Note: UNIX only ITEX Access is only available on UNIX. |
A TTCN test suite can be looked upon as a formal description of a collection of test sequences where each test sequence involves signals and values. The abstract test suite contains formal definitions of these signals and values as well as a structural description of each test sequence. A common formal notation used to describe these test sequences, as well as all the other items in an abstract test suite, is TTCN.
ITEX Access is a C++ application programmers interface towards an arbitrary abstract test suite written in TTCN and incorporated in ITEX. ITEX Access reveals the content of the test suite in a high level abstraction and allows various users to access the content in a read-only manner.
ITEX Access is a platform for writing applications related to an abstract test suite such as:
By using ITEX Access, a variety of applications can be implemented that will ease the maintenance of abstract test suites and the development of executable test suites. ITEX Access is an easy-to-use application programmers interface that provides the required functionality for applications in these areas.
The easiest, and simplest way of describing ITEX Access would be to state that ITEX Access is a TTCN compiler. Unfortunately this statement is not fully true and also somewhat misleading as it might, conceptually, bring the reader (and ITEX Access users) towards the domain of executable test suites and thereby not reveal all the other possibilities that ITEX Access brings. A more correct statement would thereby be that ITEX Access is a half compiler, more precisely the first phase of a compiler, often called the front-end. For a general explanation of compiler theory and compiler front-ends, see Basic Compiling Theory. The fact is that ITEX C Code Generator is built on top of ITEX Access.
All the components and definitions mentioned in Basic Compiling Theory, together build up the basics for compiling theory. As mentioned, ITEX Access is a C++ application programmers interface towards a test suite written in TTCN. It reveals the content of the test suite in a high level abstraction and allows various users to access the content in a read-only manner.
This section will once again mention these components, but this time put them in the context of ITEX and the functionality that ITEX provides, thereby explaining the relationship between ITEX and ITEX Access.
The lexical analysis in ITEX is done in two phases, depending on the format of the abstract test suite.
The syntax analysis is done when executing the Analyzer and it is done in the second phase. This second phase also contains a semantic analysis of the test suite, all in order to verify that the test suite complies with the standardized notations for TTCN and ASN.1.
The last phase of the analysis is to generate a parse tree. This can only be done if the lexical and syntax analysis have been successfully completed.
During execution of an ITEX Access application the symbol table is accessible at any time.
As ITEX Access looks upon a test suite as a parse tree, it provides the required primitives and functionality for parse tree handling. This includes parse tree traversing and hooks into the parse tree as well as templates for main() and several examples in source code format. The best way to visualize the functionality of ITEX Access is by using a small example:
Figure 187 : The PCO Declarations table
The PCO Declarations table, containing just one PCO declaration will generate the parse tree visualized below:
The basics of parse tree functionality has to include traversing primitives. ITEX Access therefore provides a special visitor class with a default traverser that, given any node in the parse tree, traverses that parse tree in a Left-Right-Depth-First manner. In the parse tree previously described, the default traversing order for the sub tree PCO_Dcl will be:
Figure 189 : Default traversing tree
This default translating algorithm may be customized in order to fit any user specific traversing order. For the above example, a customized traverser could be implemented as traversing sub tree PCO_TypeId before sub tree PCO_Id and ignoring sub tree Comment.
The second most important functionality when discussing parse trees, is the possibility to access specific nodes in the parse tree in order to generate side effects, such as executing external code, print parse tree information, etc. By being able to modify the default traverser, ITEX Access provides the user with the possibility of defining such side effects.
To visualize the strength of ITEX Access, this section will discuss a small ITEX Access application. The example is a generic encoder.
Transforming an abstract test suite into an executable test suite will eventually involve the problem of representing the actual ASP and PDU signals as bit patterns. The step from abstract syntax (TTCN) to transfer syntax (bit patterns) has to be provided and implemented by someone with vast knowledge of the actual protocol as well as the test system and the test environment.
The encoder described in this small example will assume the following:
These assumptions tell us that encoding functions are data driven and that the encoding function has to be derived from the type definitions. It also tells us that the encoding of base types, that is INTEGER, BOOLEAN, etc., are identical.
Before looking at the algorithm for the generic encoder, let us have a look at a specific type and how the corresponding encoding function may be implemented. The type will be a small PDU as below:
Figure 190 : TTCN PDU type definition
The corresponding encoding function may look like:
void AUTHENT_REQ1_encode( AUTHENT_REQ1* me, char* enc_buf ) { INTEGER_encode( &me->message_flag, enc_buf ); BITSTRING_encode( &me->message_type, enc_buf ); AUTH_TYPE_encode( &me->auth_type, enc_buf ); }
It is a data driven encoding function that given any element of type AUTHENT_REQ1
will encode them all identical. The first argument is a pointer to the element that shall be encoded, the second argument is the buffer where the result of the encoding shall be stored.
The function may of course contain more code and more information, but for this example, the above is the smallest encoder function needed.
The following example will give an algorithm for how the encode functions may be generated via ITEX Access. The algorithm is followed by a small ITEX Access application generating the actual encoder.
FUNCTION GenerateEncoder( type : typedefinition ) BEGIN /* Generate encoder function header such as: */ /* void type_encode( type* me, char* enc_buf ) */ /* { */ FOR( "every element in the structured type" ) /* Generate a call to the element type encoder /* function /* such as: */ /* element_type_encode( &type->element, enc_buf ); END /* Generate encoder function footer such as: */ /* } */ END
The above algorithm will generate generic encoders for any type. Of course, header files and base type encoder functions must be provided/generated as well. Below is a nearly complete ITEX Access application that generates encoders for any TTCN PDU type definition. Observe how the visitor class is customized to traverse and generate side effects for the specific parts we are interested in.
// Start by customizing the default visitor class class Trav : public AccessVisitor { public: void VisitTTCN_PDU_TypeDef( const TTCN_PDU_TypeDef& Me ); void VisitPDU_FieldDcl( const PDU_FieldDcl& Me ); }; void Trav::VisitTTCN_PDU_TypeDef( const TTCN_PDU_TypeDef& Me ) { // Generate the header part cout << Me.pdu_Identifier( ) << "_encode( const "; cout << Me.pdu_Identifier( ) << "& me, char* enc_buf )"; cout << "\n{" << endl; // Traverse fields using default traverser AccessVisitor::VisitPDU_FieldDcls( Me.pdu_FieldDcls( ) ); // Generate the footer part cout << "}" << endl; } void Trav::VisitPDU_FieldDcl( const PDU_FieldDcl& Me ) { Astring type = get_type( Me.pdu_FieldType( ) ); Astring name = get_name( Me.pdu_FieldId( ) ); cout << "void " << type << "_encode( me->" << name << "( ), enc_buf );" << endl; }
All that remains now is a main function for the generic encode generator.
#include <stdio.h> #include <iostream.h> #include <time.h> #include <ITEXAccessClasses.hh> #include <ITEXAccessVisitor.hh> class Trav : public AccessVisitor { public: void VisitTTCN_PDU_TypeDef( const TTCN_PDU_TypeDef& Me ); void VisitPDU_FieldDcl( const PDU_FieldDcl& Me ); }; int main( int argc, char **argv ) { //The actual suite AccessSuite suite; if ( argc != 2 ) { fprintf( stderr, "usage: %s suitename\n", argv[ 0 ] ); return 0; } /* Open the suite and go for it! */ if ( argv[ 1 ] ) ) { Trav trav; trav.Visit( suite ); suite.close( ); } }
The get_type
and get_name
functions can be simple or complex. See the example below:
Astring get_type( const PDU_FieldType& Me ) { TypeAndAttributes ta = Me.typeAndAttributes( ); switch ( ta.choice( ) ) { case Choices::c_TypeAndLengthAttribute: return get_type( ta.typeAndLengthAttribute( ) ); default: cerr << "ERROR: Type not supported: " << Me.content( ) << endl; return "***#***"; } } Astring get_type( const TypeAndLengthAttribute& Me ) { const TTCN_Type tt = Me.ttcn_Type( ); switch ( tt.choice( ) ) { case Choices::c_PredefinedType: if ( tt.predefinedType( ).choice( ) == Choices::c_INTEGER ) return "INTEGER"; break; case Choices::c_ReferenceType: return tt.referenceType( ).identifier( ); default: break; } cerr << "ERROR: Type not supported: " << Me.content( ) << endl; return "***#***"; } Astring get_name( const PDU_FieldId& Me ) { const PDU_FieldIdOrMacro pfid = Me.pdu_FieldIdOrMacro( ); if ( pfid.choice( ) != Choices::c_PDU_FieldIdAndFullId ) { cerr << "ERROR: Slot name not supported: " << Me.content( ) << endl; return "***#***"; } return pfid->pdu_FieldIdAndFullId( ).pdu_FieldIdentifier( ); }
ITEX Access is created for the purpose of accessing and traversing the contents of a TTCN test suite. As a basis for the development of ITEX Access, the TTCN-MP syntax productions in BNF [ISO/IEC 9646-3, appendix A] together with the ASN.1 standard [ISO/IEC 8824] have been used.
Every node in ITEX Access reflects a rule in the BNF. However there are some small differences between the BNF and ITEX Access:
The intention is to map the ASN.1 and TTCN standards as good as possible. In a perfect world this would mean that no extra nodes could be found in ITEX Access and that each rule in the standards would have exactly one corresponding node in ITEX Access. Some differences between the perfect world and our world are listed in detail below. Differences exist due to redundancies in the standardized grammar or design decisions made during the development of ITEX Access. The goal of any implementation of ITEX Access is to make as few changes compared to the perfect world as possible. However, some extra nodes have been added to ITEX Access, and in a few places the exact calling order of the pre/post functions has been altered to what we feel is a more straight forward approach for executable languages.
The TTCN and ASN.1 notations at times allow for arbitrary many nodes to be grouped in lists of nodes or sequences of nodes. For example there is the SubTypeValueSetList rule of the ASN.1 standard and there is the AssignmentList rule of the TTCN standard. In both BNF notations a difference is made between lists that are allowed to be empty and those which must contain at least one element, corresponding to the {} and {}+ notation in the TTCN standard.
In ITEX Access no difference is made between the two forms of lists, since a well defined and simple access method is of prime interest. All lists are allowed to be empty, and it is the work of the Analyzer to ensure non-empty lists where appropriate. In the ASN.1 standard the non-empty lists are sometimes written by re-grouping already existing rules. This re-grouped structure will not be represented in ITEX Access. The decision does not alter the number of nodes or the names of nodes, but merely the visiting order when traversing the nodes, i.e. SubTypeValueSetList before SubTypeValueSet.
ASN.1 rule SubTypeSpec:
SubTypeSpec ::= ( SubTypeValueSet SubTypeValueSetList )
SubTypeSpec ::= ( SubTypeValueSetList )
In the TTCN standard there are nodes which contain an implicit grouping.
TTCN BNF rule:
TestStepLibrary ::= ({TestStepGroup | TestStep})
TS_ConstDcls ::= {TS_ConstDcl}+ [Comment].
Furthermore there are nodes that contain groupings without the list postfix name convention.
TTCN BNF rule:
TimerOps ::= TimerOp {Comma TimerOp}.
Whenever necessary, a grouping or/and choice node will be inserted between rules in the TTCN standard. When nodes are created without corresponding node in any of the standards, the nodes will be named according to the convention used in the ASN.1 standard, i.e. these nodes will have postfix "List". Nodes which are a grouping but do not follow the naming convention will be left as they are.
In the BNF rules for TTCN-MP, the use of [ abc ]
implies zero or one instance of abc
. In the definition of ITEX Access the same effect is achieved by the use of the symbol "OPTIONAL" after the ITEX Access definition. If an ITEX Access element defined as "OPTIONAL" is not present in a specific instance, no ITEX Access representation for that specific field will be available. To detect whether or not an ITEX Access node defined as "OPTIONAL" is present or not, a boolean ITEX Access function will be necessary to apply to that ITEX Access node in order to verify the presence/absence of the parse tree related to the specific slotname.
A difference between ITEX Access and the BNF rules is that ITEX Access views every BNF production reflecting a field in the TTCN-GR format to be optional even though the field is not defined as such in the BNF. The reason for this is that no ITEX Access tree can be built for a field unless a successful analysis has been performed on that field. If the analysis failed, the field will not carry any ITEX Access information and the field may not be accessed.
In ITEX Access all fields are marked with the symbol "FIELD". This "FIELD" symbol implies that the field may be empty. The field may be empty even though the field is not defined as optional in the BNF. To detect whether or not a field is present or not present, a boolean ITEX Access function will be necessary to apply to that ITEX Access node in order to verify the presence/absence of the parse tree related to the specific field. This extension is applicable to all fields except if a field is implemented in ITEX Access as a node of type TERMINAL. All TERMINAL types are strings and ITEX Access sees the absence of a TERMINAL as an empty string.
The value notations of the two standards must be unified. Some values are clearly within one standard only (SetValue for instance), while others are in both standards (7 for instance). Those values that have the same syntax in both standards are considered to belong to the TTCN standard. Note that the ASN.1 standard might specify some other chain of productions to reach such a value and that this chain of productions is not represented in ITEX Access.
The expression rule has been re-written since it is undesirable to have the flat representation from the standard. Instead a normal tree oriented representation of an expression is used. This means that the rules making up an expression are heavily changed.
Base nodes are the representation of the terminals in the ITEX Access tree. They can in most aspects be treated as strings, they can be printed directly for example. The base nodes are:
An extension to the BNF adds the possibility to access the content of test cases, test steps and defaults, by using the logical tree structure of the test. This is achieved by adding a slot in the node type definition BehaviourLine named "children". By accessing that slot an ITEX Access object is returned that holds a vector of children to the current statement line. A child is a BehaviourLine with a level of indentation one greater that the preceding BehaviourLine.
As a basis for naming ITEX Access nodes, the names in the BNF for TTCN and ASN.1 have been used. There are some differences though, and they will be discussed and explained in this subsection.
The notation used to describe a node in ITEX Access is described as below (a simple BNF for an example node):
Node ::= TypeReference Assign TypeAssignment TypeReference ::= Identifier --has to start with an upper case letter Assign ::= "::=" TypeAssignment ::= ClassType ClassBody | "TERMINAL" ClassType ::= "SEQUENCE" | "SEQUENCE OF" | "CHOICE" ClassBody ::= "{" { Slot }+ "}" Slot ::= SlotName TypeReference [ "OPTIONAL" | "FIELD"] SlotName ::= Identifier --has to start with a lower case letter
StructTypeDef ::= SEQUENCE { structId FullIdentifier FIELD comment Comment FIELD elemDcls ElemDcls detailedComment DetailedComment FIELD }
symbol meaning that the slot is associated with a field in the TTCN-GR format.OPTIONAL
symbol meaning that the slot can be absent.For more information see The ITEX Access Class Reference Manual.
Each node in ITEX Access is translated to a C++ class definition. Each instance of a specific C++ class definition contains one or more elements as defined in the specific C++ class definition. For each type definition there are a collection of ITEX Access functions.
In this chapter names written in italic are referred to as meta names. Words written in courier
are taken from the definition of ITEX Access.
Note: For further details see the ITEX Access include file |
SlotType TypeReference.SlotName()that returns an object of type SlotType. This type is the type of the corresponding slot in ITEX Access.
Attach MyRepeat.attach()where MyRepeat is of type Repeat and the return value is of type Attach.
there is a general methodChoices::choice TypeReference.choice()that returns the allowed SlotName type for current object. It is then possible to use the general method
SlotType TypeReference.SlotName()that returns an object of type SlotType.
switch ( MyEvent.choice() ) { case Choice::c_send: do_something( Me.send() ); break; case Choice::c_receive: do_something( Me.receive() ); break; case Choice::c_otherwise: do_something( Me.otherwise() ); break; case Choice::c_timeout: do_something( Me.timeout() ); break; case Choice::c_done: do_something( Me.done() ); break; default: do_something_default(); break; }
SlotTypeList TypeReference.SlotName()that returns an object of type SlotTypeList which is a vector of elements of type SlotType.
in the previous example returned the value Choice::c_done
. Then, ITEX Access method MyEvent.done().tcompIdList
will then be a valid method and return an object of type TCompIdList
.int Object.nr_of_items()that returns the number of elements in the vector. The elements can be accessed with the method
SlotType Object[ index ]where Object is an element of type SlotTypeList and index starts with 0 for the first element. It returns an element of type SlotType.
returns an integer value of the number if items in the vector object MyTCompIdList
and MyTCompIdList[ 2 ]
will return the third element in the vector.Boolean TypeReference.is_present_SlotName()used for verifying if an object is present or not. It is the responsibility of the ITEX Access programmer to ensure that all calls to optional slots are preceded with a call to the
method of that slot. It is a fatal error to attempt to access a non-present optional slot.FIELD
and slots residing in a sub tree to a field there is a general methodAstring Node.content()that returns an object of type
holding the content of the current field in a vector of characters.BehaviourLine BLine = MyLine; cout << BLine.line( ).content() << endl;
Every ITEX Access node that represents a leaf in the parse tree is considered to be a terminal ITEX Access node. A terminal ITEX Access node is a node that does not have any ITEX Access child nodes and can therefore not be accessed any further.
Terminal ITEX Access children are nodes containing identifiers, strings, keywords as well as numbers (i.e. ITEX Access nodes of type Identifier
, IA5String
, etc.). However, the content of such terminal nodes can be accessed through the methods supplied by the inherited class Astring
Every terminal ITEX Access node carries information in string format. In order to access that information, every terminal ITEX Access node inherits a class named Astring
. This class contains various methods for treating string information.
For terminal ITEX Access nodes, the following operations are available:
:Astring tmp1; // tmp1 is empty Astring tmp2( "test1" ); // tmp2 contains "test1" Astring tmp3 = "test2"; // tmp3 contains "test2" Astring tmp4 = tmp2; // tmp4 contains "test1"
==, !=
objects are type cast equivalent with const char*
Astring myString( "test" ); cout << myString; printf( "%s", ( const char* ) myString );
char c = myString[ 2 ]; // save the third character of the string
Note: For further details see class |
The AccessSuite
object is the ITEX Access representation of a TTCN test suite. The test suite is in turn contained in an ITEX data base. The AccessSuite services include opening and closing ITEX data bases as well as services to start an ITEX Access application and accessing the symbol table manager.
Opening and closing the test suite Test.itex for use in ITEX Access:
AccessSuite suite; Boolean ok_open = "Test.itex" ); if( ok_open ) { // do something Boolean ok_close = suite.close(); }
After opening a test suite for ITEX Access use, it is possible to use the following methods to get a handle to the contents of the data base file:
AccessSuite suite; Boolean ok_open = "Test.itex" ); if( ok_open ) { const AccessNode node = suite.root(); // do something with NSAPaddr Boolean ok_close = suite.close(); }
Note: For further details see class |
object for a specific ITEX Access object in the test suite. The object asked for must be a global object in the test suite. This is performed by using ITEX Access class AccessNode
in test suite Test.itex:AccessSuite suite; Boolean ok_open = "Test.itex" ); if( ok_open ) { const AccessNode node = suite.find("NSAPaddr"); // do something with NSAPaddr Boolean ok_close = suite.close(); }
The AccessNode
object now holds the ITEX Access item corresponding to the name NSAPaddr, if any.
To gain access to the data in an AccessNode, you must now find out the runtime type of the object. Based on that type, you will be able to use the conversion routine for an object of the corresponding type:
Find the type of the ITEX Access node corresponding to a name:
extern void HandleSimpleType( const SimpleType * ); AccessSuite suite; Boolean ok_open = "Test.itex" ); if( ok_open ) { AccessNode node = suite.find( "SomeName" ); switch( node.choice() ) { case Choice::_SimpleType: HandleSimpleType(node.SimpleType()); break; default: break; }}
Note: For further details see class |
ITEX Access is a large class library, with over 600 classes, and therefore we also need suitable tools for simplifying the creation of ITEX Access applications. The preferred solution is the usage of the class AccessVisitor, which definition is available in the C++ header file ITEXAccessVisitor.hh
The AccessVisitor class is a very close relative to the design pattern `Visitor' (described by, for instance, Gamma, Helm, Johnson and Vlissides in `Design Patterns - Elements of reusable software', Addison-Wesley1994). The difference is that the ITEX Access classes contain runtime type information which eliminates the need for them to have dependencies to the Visitor class (and therefore there is no need for `Accept' methods in the visited classes).
An object of a class which is derived from the class AccessVisitor is later on referred to as a `visitor'.
The AccessVisitor class has two methods for visiting objects of common classes AccessSuite and AccessNode. These are declared
public: void Visit( const AccessNode ); void Visit( const AccessSuite & );
and calling them with, will start a chain of calls in the visitor which effectively is a pre-order traversal of the subtree of the AccessNode, or the complete syntactical tree of the AccessSuite.
The AccessVisitor class has one virtual member function for each TTCN and ASN.1 derived class in ITEX Access. Each of the member functions are declared
public: virtual void Visit<class>( const <class> & );
Visitor member method for an Identifier (excerpt from ITEXAccessVisitor.hh):
class AccessVisitor { public: ... virtual void VisitIdentifier(const Identifier&); virtual void VisitVerdict(const Verdict&); ... };
The base class implementation of this method calls the related Visit<child-class> function for all of the child objects to the current object.
If you need to change the behavior, for instance in order to generate some code or report from the ITEX Access Suite, just derive a new class from the AccessVisitor class and override the relevant method(s). Call the base class implementation of the method to traverse the children if needed.
The AccessVisitor class contains no explicitly declared data members and is therefore stateless. It therefore makes program re-entrance possible, and several visitors may be active in the same tree/document at the same time if needed.
The intended usage of the AccessVisitor class is by derivation. Derive one or several specialized classes for each of the purposes which you use ITEX Access. Override the relevant methods.
It is simple to create a visitor class for collection of some kind of information from the test suite. The basic method for this is to have a handle or actual information in the visitor class.
An information collecting visitor class:
#include <time.h> #include <iostream.h> #include <ITEXAccessClasses.hh> #include <ITEXAccessVisitor.hh> // // A visitor which counts the number of testcases // in a test suite. class TestCounter : public AccessVisitor { public: TestCounter() : _count( 0 ) { } ~TestCounter() { cout << _count << endl; } void VisitTestCase(const TestCase&) { _count++; } private: unsigned int _count; }; // Small example usage, no real fault control... int main( int argc, char ** argv ) { AccessSuite suite; if ( argv[1] ) ) { TestCounter testCounter; testCounter.Visit( suite ); } return 0; }
It is likewise simple to create a class for simple code generation. The following example is a class for generation of a c-style declaration which contains a list of all SimpleType names in a test suite.
An information collecting visitor class:
#include <stdio.h> #include <time.h> #include <ITEXAccessClasses.hh> #include <ITEXAccessVisitor.hh> // A visitor which generate a c-style declaration // of a null-terminated array of all Simple Type // Declarations (identifiers) in a test suite. class ListGenerator : public AccessVisitor { public: ListGenerator(FILE * f) : _file( f ) { printf( "const char *ids[]={\n"); } void VisitSimpleTypeId(const SimpleTypeId& id) { printf( " \"%s\",\n", (const char*) id.simpleTypeIdentifier()); } ~ListGenerator() { printf( " NULL\n};\n"); } }; // Small example usage, no real fault control... int main( int argc, char ** argv ) { AccessSuite suite; if ( argv[1] ) ) { ListGenerator generator; generator.Visit( suite ); } return 0; }
The last two examples are not the most efficient implementations due to the fact that they traverse the whole tree even though we are only interested in small parts, and therefore we may want to improve the efficiency. This may be done using any of the techniques described in Optimizing Visitors.
More advanced designs may be possible by combining several visitors for performing more advanced tasks. You may for instance have visitors which are parameterized with other visitors for specialized tasks, where you still would want to maintain decent performance and yet not have trade-offs in clarity of the design.
A TTCN Interpreter would need a mechanism for building an internal representation of values. Values are always built by using the same structure, but you may wish to have several possible representations of atomic values. A visitor could be used to generate the value objects, where one visitor is used for building the overall structure, and another is used for building individual fields. There are at least two choices available in the design:
In this example, the value building class inherits from the AccessVisitor class and the Visit<xxx> functions are used to generate a new value. The class GciValueBuilder in the example, may visit any structured type and will on the Visit<class> function either create itself a data value, or if it is a structured type, create a dynamic array, and then invoke a new visitor for each of the fields, which results will later be assigned to each of the fields in the same array. The implementation is not present in the example. It is just outlined below.
The solution of using visitors for building the values, removes the switch statements, which otherwise would undoubtedly clobber an implementation which uses Direct Access as described in a previous section.
class GciValueBuilder : public AccessVisitor { // basic structure for building/matching values virtual void VisitXxxx( const Xxxx & ); ... // built value GciValue * _value; }; class GciValueBinaryBuilder : public GciValueBuilder { // suitable overrides for efficient binary value // handling ... }; class GciValueBigNumBuilder : public GciValueBuilder { // suitable ovverides for a `bignum' // implementation ... };
A visitor is a potentially inefficient way to find and process objects, since it in its unmodified version traverses the whole document, without regarding what parts of the document the inherited visitor is interested in. All optimizations are in the domain of limiting the subtree for which we are traversing. The following examples shows methods for avoiding unnecessary traversal and optimally, constant time access.
Optimizing a visitor class to avoid traversal of all parts but the declarations part, may improve performance for suite traversal by over 100 times for some fairly representable suites (since most suites contain more and larger syntactical trees in the dynamic part than in all other parts, possibly with the exception of ASN.1 constraint declarations).
class DeclarationChecker : public AccessVisitor { public: void VisitSuiteOverviewPart( const SuiteOverViewPart& ) { } void VisitConstraintsPart( const ConstraintsPart & ) { } void VisitDeclarationsPart ( const DeclarationsPart & ) { } // Add the functions which actually do processing // below ... };
Optimizing a visitor class to traverse only parts we are interested in, is also possible, by using one or a few levels of Direct Access instead of the default traversal.
This example skips all traversal down to the Simple Type Definitions table, and only traverses those.
class SimpleTypeIdPrinter : public AccessVisitor { public: void VisitASuite( const ASuite& ); void VisitSimpleTypeId ( const SimpleTypeId & ); }; void SimpleTypeIdPrinter::VisitASuite(const ASuite & s) { VisitSimpleTypeDefs( s.declarationsPart(). definitions(). ts_TypeDefs(). simpleTypeDefs()); } void SimpleTypeIdPrinter::VisitSimpleTypeId( const SimpleTypeId & id ) { cout << "Id: " << id.simpleTypeIdentifier() << endl; }
Finally, you may combine several visitors into one visitor, thus avoiding multiple passes when processing a suite. This implies that you define several classes which are not truly visitors, and define a inherited class from AccessVisitor which calls methods in these classes.
Two objects driven by a visitor, thus performing two passes on one traversal.
class IdOperation { public: virtual void AtIdentifier(const Identifier&) = 0; }; // A IdOperation class IdCounter : public IdOperation { public: IdCounter( ) : _count( 0 ) { } void AtIdentifier( const Identifier & id ) { _count++; } ~IdCounter( ) { cout << _count << endl; } private: unsigned int _count; }; // Another IdOperation class IdPrinter : public IdOperation { public: void AtIdentifier( const Identifier & id ) { cout << id << endl; } }; // A class which drives up to IdOpDriverMax // IdOperations const int IdOpDriverMax = 10; class IdOpDriver : public AccessVisitor { public: IdOpDriver() : _ops_used(0) { } void VisitIdentifier( const Identifier & id ) { for (unsigned int op = 0 ; op < _ops_used; ++op) _ops[op].AtIdentifier( id ); } void AddIdOp( IdOperation * op ) { _ops[_ops_used++] = op; } private: IdOperation _ops[IdOpDriverMax]; unsigned int _ops_used; }; // Main routine which opens a suite and applies two // IdOperations. int main( int argc, char ** argv ) { AccessSuite suite; if ( argv[1] ) ) { IdCounter counter; IdPrinter printer; IdOpDriver driver; driver.AddIdOp( &counter ); driver.AddIdOp( &printer ); driver.Visit( suite ); suite.close( ); } return 0; }
This part contains the declaration of the three common ITEX Access classes AccessSuite
, AccessNode
and Astring
. For further information see ITEX Access include file access.hh
class AccessSuite { public: AccessSuite(); ~AccessSuite(); AccessSuite( const AccessSuite& orig ); void operator=( const AccessSuite& orig ); Boolean open( const char* suite_name ); Boolean open( Suite* suite ); Boolean close(); const AccessNode root(); const AccessNode find( const Identifier & id ); const AccessNode find( const char* id ); };
class AccessNode { public: AccessNode(); AccessNode(NodeInfo nodeinfo); ~AccessNode(); AccessNode(const AccessNode& Me); int operator==(const AccessNode& o) const; void operator=(const AccessNode& orig); Boolean is_equal(const AccessNode& o) const; Choices::Choice choice() const; Boolean ok() const; };
class Astring { public: Astring(); Astring(const char* s); // end should point to the char after the last char Astring(const char* begin, const char* end); Astring(Field* field, PT* pt); Astring(const Astring& orig); ~Astring(); //operators Astring* operator->(); const Astring* operator->() const; operator const char*() const; char& operator[](unsigned i) ; char operator[](unsigned i) const ; void operator=(const Astring&); void operator=(const String&); void operator=(const char*); void operator=(const char); int operator==(const Astring& s) const; int operator!=(const Astring& s) const; int operator==(const char* cs) const; int operator!=(const char* cs) const; };
When building applications using ITEX Access, the compiler will need to find a few files, the ITEXAccessClasses.hh
include file and the libaccess.a
library file. Normally these files are found in the .../itex/include/CC
and .../itex/lib/CC
directory respectively. The include file must be included in every ITEX Access application and the library libaccess.a
must be used when linking.
Note: For further information, contact your system administrator. |
ITEX Access operates on ITEX data bases. These data bases must have passed analysis and be saved before using ITEX Access. If the data base contains a TTCN test suite that is not analyzed, the ITEX Access application can not reach into the fields of the tables. The default behavior of ITEX Access is to simply skip those fields that are not analyzed. De-referencing a particular field in an non-analyzed data base, will result in undefined behavior.
TTCN test suite data bases are managed by the AccessSuite object, which has member functions for opening and closing ITEX data bases and also for starting traversing. From an AccessSuite object it is also possible to access tables in a random manner via the symbol table manager.
ITEX Access is delivered with some simple example applications. To compile the examples, the installation directory, where the ITEXAccessClasses.hh
and libaccess.a
files reside, must be known to the makefiles. Do this by setting the environment variable ACCESS or by explicitly filling in the local variable ACCESS in every makefile or using make with the syntax make ACCESS=$telelogic/itex/access
You have to retrieve the ITEX Access license when you start ITEX. To do this, start ITEX from the command line with the switch -access
Then you can execute ITEX Access applications from the command line or from the window manager.
You can also select Start Application in the Access menu in the Browser. This will open a dialog in which you may change settings and start the ITEX Access application.
Figure 191 : The Start Application dialog
Select this to save the current selection in the Browser before executing the ITEX Access application.
Switches may be passed to the chosen ITEX Access application. The switches are written as free text. As the last argument is the name of the ITEX database passed. This name is always passed to the ITEX Access application.
Note: Observe that it is the name of the (working) database file and not the name of the test suite that is passed to the ITEX Access application. |
Sets the filter for the files that will be displayed in the Suites list. There are no predefined naming conventions for ITEX Access applications.
For example the name filter *.acc
will cause only those files whose names end with .acc
to be displayed.
Displays the selected application.