This chapter provides information about the SDT library of Abstract Data Types (ADT) that comes with the SDT release. The data types provide services that are often needed in SDL systems.
The ADT library is mainly intended for usage together with the Cadvanced/Cbasic code generators and the ordinary simulation, validation, and applications kernels. Some of the ADTs are, however, also possible to use together with OS integrations (Cadvanced) and with Cmicro. If this is the case it is indicated in the description of the ADT.
There is no support for the ADTs in the CHILL code generators.
The ADT library currently contains the following:
, that contains a number of sorts and generators to simplify an integration with C data types ctypes
instead) ctypes
instead).These data types are delivered in source code1. Feel free to change and adapt these data types for your own needs.
The files that are contained in the ADT library are located in the subdirectory <
SDT installation directory>/include/ADT
. (In Windows, replace /
in the path above with \
The package ctypes
presented below contains a number of types and generators that is intended to directly support C data types in SDL. The package ctypes
can also be used in OS integrations and with Cmicro. However, usage of C pointers (generator Ref) might cause problems, due to potential memory leaks and potential memory access protection between OS tasks.
The file ctypes.sdl
is a SDL-PR version of this package suitable to use in an include statement in an SDL-PR system, while ctypes.sun
is a SDL-GR version of the package.
In an SDL-GR system it is only necessary to insert a use clause, i.e.
use ctypes;
at a proper place. The Organizer will then by itself include the ctypes
package, for example when the system is to be analyzed. To use the ctypes
package in an SDL-PR system the following structure should be used.
/*#include `ctypes.sdl'*/ use ctypes; system example; ... endsystem;
The ctypes
package consists of the following newtypes, syntypes, and generators:
All the newtypes and syntypes introduce type names for "standard types" in C.
Some of the types and generators are briefly described below. A more thorough description can be found in C Specific Package ctypes.
In CharStar there is a literal and some operators included:
LITERALS Null; OPERATORS CStar2CString : CharStar -> CharString; CString2CStar : CharString -> CharStar; CStar2VStar : CharStar -> VoidStar; VStar2CStar : VoidStar -> CharStar;
Note that the operators CStar2CString and CString2CStar are not available when using Cmicro.
The operators are all conversion routines to convert a value from one type to another. Note that CharStar and CharString are not the same types even if they both corresponds to char * in C. Note also that freeing allocated memory for CharStar is the responsibility of the user, as there is not enough information to handle this automatically (as for CharString). For more information about how to free memory, see the Ref generator below.
The VoidStarStar type has all the properties of the Ref generator (see below). This means that *>
, &
, +
, and -
can be used and that the following literal and operators are defined:
LITERALS Null, Alloc; OPERATORS VStarStar2VStar : VoidStarStar -> VoidStar; VStar2VStarStar : VoidStar -> VoidStarStar;
The generator CArray has the following parameters:
where Length is an integer giving the number of elements of the array (index from 0 to Length-1), and ItemSort gives the type of each element in the array. A CArray in SDL is translated to an array in C. Indexing a CArray variable in SDL follows the same rules as for ordinary SDL Arrays. As C has some special treatment for arrays when it comes to parameter passing to functions (address is always passed, not the value), this also affects parameter passing in SDL operators. A CArray cannot be the result type of an SDL operator. A CArray as parameter type is always "passed by reference", which means that only a variable is allowed as actual parameter.
The generator Ref has the following definition:
GENERATOR Ref (TYPE Itemsort) LITERALS Null, Alloc; OPERATORS "*>" : Ref, ItemSort -> Ref; "*>" : Ref -> ItemSort; "&" : ItemSort -> Ref; make! : ItemSort -> Ref; "+" : Ref, Integer -> Ref; "-" : Ref, Integer -> Ref; Ref2VStar : Ref -> VoidStar; VStar2Ref : VoidStar -> Ref; Ref2VStarStar : Ref /*#REF*/ -> VoidStarStar; DEFAULT Null; ENDGENERATOR Ref; procedure Free; fpar p VoidStarStar; external;
Instantiating the Ref generator creates a pointer type on the type given as generator parameter. The literals and operators have the following behavior:
is the value the pointer refers to. Comparing with C, p*>
is the same as *p
. If p is a pointer to a struct, then p*>!a
is the same as (*p).a
. a := (. 2 .);
has the same meaning as a := Alloc, a*> := 2;
The SDT Analyzer can allow implicit type conversion of pointer data types created by the Ref generator; see Implicit Type Conversions.
In this section an SDL abstract data type, TextFile
, is discussed where file manipulations and I/O operations are implemented as operations on the abstract data type. This ADT can be used also in OS integrations and in Cmicro if the target system has support for files in C.
This data type, which you may include in any SDL system, makes it possible to access, at the SDL level, a subset of the file and I/O operations provided by C.
The implementation of the operators are harmonized with the I/O in the monitor, including the Simulator Graphical User interface. All terminal I/O, for example, will be logged on the interaction log file if the monitor command Log-On is given.
The data type defines a "file" type and contains three groups of operations:
The operations may handle I/O operations both on files and on the terminal (file stdin
and stdout
in C).
Note: This data type is not intended to be used in the SDT Validator! |
The TextFile
data type supplies basic file and I/O operations as abstract data type operations in SDL, whereby I/O may be performed within the SDL language. The operations may handle I/O both on the terminal and on files and are harmonized with the I/O from the monitor, from the trace functions, and from the functions handling dynamic errors.
To make the data type available you include the file containing the definition with an analyzer include in an appropriate text symbol:
/*#include '' */
Remember that all file systems are operating system specific. Any rules in your file system apply.
The following literals are available in the data type FileName:
SYNTYPE FileName = Charstring ENDSYNTYPE; SYNONYM NULL FileName = `NULL'; SYNONYM stdin FileName = `stdin'; SYNONYM stdout FileName = `stdout'; SYNONYM stderr FileName = `stderr';
The following literals and operators are available in the data type TextFile
NEWTYPE TextFile LITERALS NULL, stdin, stdout, stderr; OPERATORS GetAndOpenR : FileName -> TextFile; GetAndOpenW : FileName -> TextFile; OpenR : FileName -> TextFile; OpenW : FileName -> TextFile; OpenA : FileName -> TextFile; Close : TextFile -> TextFile; Flush : TextFile -> TextFile; IsOpened : TextFile -> Boolean; AtEOF : TextFile -> Boolean; AtLastChar : TextFile -> Boolean; PutReal : TextFile, Real -> TextFile; PutTime : TextFile, Time -> TextFile; PutDuration : TextFile, Duration -> TextFile; PutPId : TextFile, PId -> TextFile; PutInteger : TextFile, Integer -> TextFile; PutBoolean : TextFile, Boolean -> TextFile; PutCharacter : TextFile, Character -> TextFile; PutCharstring : TextFile, Charstring -> TextFile; PutString : TextFile, Charstring -> TextFile; PutLine : TextFile, Charstring -> TextFile; PutNewLine : TextFile -> TextFile; "//" : TextFile, Real -> TextFile; "//" : TextFile, Time -> TextFile; "//" : TextFile, Duration -> TextFile; "//" : TextFile, Integer -> TextFile; "//" : TextFile, Charstring -> TextFile; "//" : TextFile, Boolean -> TextFile; "//" : TextFile, PId -> TextFile; "+" : TextFile, Character -> TextFile; GetReal : TextFile, Charstring -> Real; GetTime : TextFile, Charstring -> Time; GetDuration : TextFile, Charstring -> Duration; GetPId : TextFile, Charstring -> PId; GetInteger : TextFile, Charstring -> Integer; GetBoolean : TextFile, Charstring -> Boolean; GetCharacter : TextFile, Charstring -> Character; GetCharstring : TextFile, Charstring -> Charstring; GetString : TextFile, Charstring -> Charstring; GetLine : TextFile, Charstring -> Charstring; GetSeed : TextFile, Charstring -> Integer; GetReal : TextFile -> Real; GetTime : TextFile -> Time; GetDuration : TextFile -> Duration; GetPId : TextFile -> PId; GetInteger : TextFile -> Integer; GetBoolean : TextFile -> Boolean; GetCharacter : TextFile -> Character; GetCharstring : TextFile -> Charstring; GetString : TextFile -> Charstring; GetLine : TextFile -> Charstring; GetSeed : TextFile -> Integer; ENDNEWTYPE TextFile;
The operators may be divided into three groups with different purpose:
The next three subsections provide the necessary information for using these operators. The data type itself will be discussed together with the operators for handling files.
First in this subsection each operator and literal will be discussed in detail and then some typical applications of the operators will be presented.
The type TextFile
is implemented using the ordinary C file type FILE
. A TextFile
is a pointer to a FILE
typedef FILE * TextFile;
The literal NULL
represents a null value for files. This literal is translated to TextFileNull()
in the generated C code by an appropriate #NAME
directive and is then implemented using the macro:
#define TextFileNull() (TextFile)0
All variables of the type TextFile
will have this value as default value.
The literals stdin
and stdout
represent the standard files stdin
and stdout
in C, which are the files used in C for I/O to the terminal. The file stdin
is used for reading information from the keyboard, while stdout
is used for writing information on the screen.
The standard operators assignment and test for equality is implemented in such a way that A:=B
means that now A refers to the same file as B, while A=B
tests if A and B refer to the same file.
The data type FileName
is used to represent file names in the operators GetAndOpenR
, GetAndOpenW
, OpenR
, OpenW
, and OpenA
. It has all Charstring literals and the special synonyms NULL
, stdin
(input from the keyboard), stdout
(output to the screen), and stderr
(output to the screen from which SDT was started). As FileName
is a syntype of Charstring, the usual Charstring operators are defined for this type.
The operators GetAndOpenR
and GetAndOpenW
are used to open a file with a name prompted for on the terminal. GetAndOpenR
opens the file for read, while GetAndOpenW
opens the file for write. The operators take the prompt as parameter (type charstring), print the prompt on the screen (on stdout
), and read a file name from the keyboard (from stdin
). An attempt is then made to open a file with that name. If the open operation was successful, a reference to the file is returned by the GetAndOpenR
or GetAndOpenW
operator, otherwise NULL
is returned. After a successful open operation you may use the file for reading or writing.
If you type <Return>
, -
or the file name stdin
at the prompt in GetAndOpenR
a reference to stdin
is returned by the operator. GetAndOpenW
will, in the same way, return a reference to stdout
if the prompt is answered by <Return>
, -
or the file name stdout
Note: To work properly in the Simulator Graphical User Interface, the prompt string should be terminated with: ": ", i.e. colon space. |
The operators OpenR
, OpenW
, and OpenA
are used to open a file with a file name passed as parameter. OpenR
opens the file for read, while OpenW
opens the file for write and OpenA
opens the file for append. An attempt is made to open a file with the name given as a parameter. If the open operation was successful, a reference to the file is returned by the OpenR
, OpenW
, or OpenA
operator, otherwise NULL
is returned. After a successful open operation you may read, write or append on the file.
The operator Close
is used to close the file passed as parameter. Close
always returns the value NULL
. This operator should be used on each file opened for write after all information is written to the file to ensure that any possibly buffered data is flushed.
Note: Always close a file variable before assigning it to a new file, otherwise data may be lost. |
Output to files is usually buffered, and is therefore not immediately written on the physical output device. The operator Flush
forces the output buffer of the file that is passed as parameter to be written on the physical output device. It is equivalent to C function fflush
The operator IsOpened
may be used to determine if a TextFile
is open or not. It may, for example, be used to test the result of the Open
operation discussed above. The test IsOpened(F)
is equivalent to
The operator AtEof
may be used to determine if a TextFile
has reached the end of file or not. This operator could be used in order to determine when to stop reading input from a file. The test AtEof(F)
is equivalent to feof(F)
The operator AtLastChar
may be used to determine if a TextFile
has reached the end of file or not. This operator is useful in order to determine when to stop reading input from a file. The test AtLastChar(F)
returns true
if there are no more characters to be read from the file.
Three typical situations when you want to write information are easily identified:
If the information is to be printed on the screen, you may use the following structure:
DCL F TextFile; TASK F := stdout // 'example';
Declare a variable of type TextFile
and assign it the value stdout
. You may then use it in the write operators discussed under Write Operators.
If the information is to be printed on a file with a given name, you may use the following structure:
DCL F TextFile; TASK F := OpenW('filename'); TASK F := F // 'example';
The difference from the above is that the operator OpenW
is used to open a file with the specified name. This outline may be complemented with a test if the OpenW
operation was successful or not.
If you want to be able to determine at run-time where the information should be printed, you should define a TextFile
as in the examples above, and then use the following structure.
Figure 500 : Accessing a TextFile
If you answer the question by hitting <Return>
or by typing stdout
, the information will be printed on screen (stdout
). If you type the name of a file, the information will be printed on that file.
If you want to open the file for read instead of write, you may use almost identical structures.
Operator BehaviorThe write operators PutReal
, PutTime
, PutDuration
, PutInteger
, PutBoolean
, PutCharacter
, and PutCharstring
all take a TextFile
and a value of the appropriate type as parameters. The operators print the value passed as parameter on the file referenced by the TextFile
parameter and then return the TextFile
. The Put* operators will print the values in the same format as the monitor uses for the command Examine-Variable, and will append a space after each printed value.
The operator PutString
takes a TextFile
and a Charstring
parameter and prints the string on the TextFile
. PutString
prints the string as a C string, not using the format for SDL Charstring. This means that no ' is printed. PutString
returns the TextFile
given as parameter as result.
The infix write operator "//"
takes as parameters a TextFile
and a value of type Boolean, Charstring, Integer, PId, Real, Time,
or Duration
. TextF // Val
prints the value `Val'
to the TextFile
referenced by `TextF'
, and returns value `TextF'
. Character
strings are printed without enclosing `''. All // operators except the one for Charstring
append a space to the file, after the value is written.
The infix write operator "+"
takes as parameters a TextFile
and a Character
. "+"
behaves just as "//"
, but it has its special name in order to avoid type conflicts with Charstring
The operator PutNewLine
takes a TextFile
as parameter, prints a carriage return (actually a "\n"
) on this file, and returns the TextFile
as operator result.
The different Put
operators are equivalent to the //
operators, and they are mainly present for backward compatibility reasons.
There is a function named xPutValue
in the implementation of the data type TextFile
. This function may print a value of any type that may be handled by the monitor system, but may only be accessed from in-line C code and not from SDL. A detailed description of the xPutValue
function may be found under Accessing the Operators from C.
To print a line according to the following example, where 137 is the value of the variable NoOfJobs
Number of jobs: 137 Current time: 137.0000
You could use the following statements, assuming that the TextFile F
is already opened:
TASK F := F // `Number of jobs: ` // NoOfJobs; TASK F := F // `current time: ` // Now; TASK F := PutNewLine(F);
Operator BehaviorThe read operators GetReal
, GetTime
, GetDuration
, GetInteger
, GetBoolean
, GetCharacter
, GetCharstring
, and GetSeed
are used to read values of the various sorts.
The operator GetSeed
is used to read appropriate values to initialize random number generators (odd integers in the range 1 to 32767).
There are two versions of each Get
operator: one that only takes as parameters a TextFile
, and the other that takes as parameters a TextFile
and a Charstring
which is used as prompt. All Get
operators behave differently depending on if the value should be read from the terminal (stdin
) or from a file.
If the value should be read from the terminal, the Get
operators with the prompt parameter may be used. This prompt is printed on the screen, and then an attempt to read a value of the current type is made. If a Get
operator with only the TextFile
parameter is used, a default prompt is used, that depends on the type that is to be input. If the operation is successful, the read value is returned as a result, otherwise the message "Illegal value"
is printed and the user is given a new chance to type a value.
Note: To work properly in the Simulator Graphical User Interface, the prompt string should be terminated with: ": ", i.e. colon space. |
If the value should be read from a file, it is recommended to use the Get
operators without the prompt parameter, as it is not used. It is assumed that a value of the correct type will be found.
There are several Get
operators for reading character strings:
reads a sequence of characters until the first white space character, and is equivalent to fscanf (f, "%s")
reads a sequence of characters until the end of line is reached. It is equivalent to fgets
, but the end-of-line character will not be part of the string.
reads a sequence of characters on a single line that is enclosed by single quotes (`)
. This operator is mainly present for backward compatibility reasons.
There is a function named xGetValue
in the implementation of the data type TextFile
, which may read a value of any type that may be handled by the monitor system. This function can only be accessed from in-line C code and not from SDL. A detailed description of the xGetValue
function may be found under Accessing the Operators from C.
TASK Mean := GetReal (F), A(1) := GetReal (F), A(2) := GetReal (F), A(3) := GetReal (F);
In some circumstances it may be easier to use C code (in #CODE
directives) rather than SDL to implement an algorithm. SDL implementations for linear algorithms sometimes become unnecessarily large and complex, as SDL for example lacks a loop concept. Consider the SDL graph in Figure 500. This graph could be replaced by a TASK
with the following contents:
'Open file F' /*#CODE #(F) = GetAndOpenW("LFile : "); while ( ! IsOpened(#(F)) ) #(F) = GetAndOpenW("LIllegal name. File : "); */
which is more compact and gives a better overview at the SDL level.
is an SDL directive telling the C Code Generator to translate the SDL variable F
to the name it will receive in the generated C code.
To simplify the use of in-line C code, #NAME
directives are introduced on all identifiers defined in this data type. The same names are used in C as in SDL.
From in-line C, two functions xGetValue
and xPutValue
are also available to read and write values of any type. These functions have the following prototypes:
extern void xGetValue( TextFile F, SDL_Charstring Prompt, xSortIdNode SortId, void * Result, char * FunctionName ); extern void xPutValue( TextFile F, xSortIdNode SortId, void * Value, char * FunctionName );
Note: xGetValue and xPutValue will not work together with the Application library. |
To handle, for example, I/O of an SDL struct, the ideas presented below may be used.
NEWTYPE SName STRUCT a, b Integer; ENDNEWTYPE; DCL FIn, FOut TextFile, SVar SName; TASK 'Put SVar on FOut' /*#CODE xPutValue( #(FOut), ySrtN_#(SName), &(#(SVar)), "PutSName" ); */; TASK 'Get SVar from FIn' /*#CODE xGetValue( #(FIn), "Value : ", ySrtN_#(SName),&(#(SVar)), "LGetSName"); */;
One important feature, especially in performance simulations, is the possibility to generate random numbers according to a number of distributions, like for example the negative exponential distribution and the Erlang distribution. It is also important that the random number sequences are reproducible, to be able to run a slightly modified version of a simulation with the same sequence of random numbers.
In this section an SDL abstract data type according to the previous discussion is presented. This data type may be included in any SDL system. This ADT can also be used in OS integrations and in Cmicro. It is, however, necessary to check that the typedef for the RandomControl, see below, refers to an unsigned 32-bit type.
The SDL RandomControl
data type allows you to generate pseudo-random numbers. A number of distributions are supported, including the negative exponential distribution and the Erlang distribution. In performance simulations, which is the main application area for this data type, the most important need for random numbers is in connection with Time
and Duration
values. It is, for example, interesting to draw inter- arrival times in job generators, and service lengths in servers. Distributions returning positive real numbers are thus most meaningful.
The basic mechanism behind pseudo-random number generation is as follows. A sequence of bit-patterns is defined using a formula of type:
The function f should be such that the sequence of elements seen as numbers should be "random", and the number of element in the sequence, before it starts to repeat itself, should be as large as possible.
To obtain a new random number is thus a two step process:
In this data type, 32 bit patterns, implemented in C using the type unsigned long, are used together with the formula:
The result returned by the operator Random
, which is the basic random number generator, is this bit-pattern seen as a number between 0 and 1, and expressed as a float.
The data type RandomControl
may be included in any SDL system using an analyzer include statement, where the file containing the definition of the data type is included. Example:
/*#include '' */
As the C standard functions log
and exp
are used in the
file, it is necessary to link the application together with the library for math functions, i.e. to have -lm
in the link operation in the makefile. See Makefile Options. To use the entry -lm
in the link list seems to be a fairly standard way to find the library for math functions. If this does not work, or you want more details, please see the documentation for your C compiler.
The type RandomControl
, introduced by this data type, is in C implemented as the address of an unsigned long.
typedef unsigned long * RandomControl;
Note that you have check that unsigned long
is a 32 bit type, otherwise you have to change the typedef.
The reason for passing the address to the bit-pattern (that is to the unsigned long), is that this bit-pattern has to be updated by the random functions.
Below the operators provided in this data type are listed. There are, for many of the operators, several versions with different sets of parameters and/or result types to support different usage of the operator.
Random : RandomControl -> Real; Random : RandomControl -> Duration; Random : RandomControl -> Time; Erlang : Real, Integer, RandomControl -> Real; Erlang : Real, Integer, RandomControl -> Duration; Erlang : Real, Integer, RandomControl -> Time; Erlang : Duration, Integer, RandomControl -> Real; Erlang : Duration, Integer, RandomControl -> Duration; Erlang : Duration, Integer, RandomControl -> Time; Erlang : Time, Integer, RandomControl -> Real; Erlang : Time, Integer, RandomControl -> Duration; Erlang : Time, Integer, RandomControl -> Time; HyperExp2 : Real, Real, Real, RandomControl -> Real; HyperExp2 : Real, Real, Real, RandomControl -> Duration; HyperExp2 : Real, Real, Real, RandomControl -> Time; HyperExp2 : Duration, Duration, Real, RandomControl -> Real; HyperExp2 : Duration, Duration, Real, RandomControl -> Duration; HyperExp2 : Duration, Duration, Real, RandomControl -> Time; HyperExp2 : Time, Time, Real, RandomControl -> Real; HyperExp2 : Time, Time, Real, RandomControl -> Duration; HyperExp2 : Time, Time, Real, RandomControl -> Time; NegExp : Real, RandomControl -> Real; NegExp : Real, RandomControl -> Duration; NegExp : Real, RandomControl -> Time; NegExp : Duration, RandomControl -> Real; NegExp : Duration, Rando mControl -> Duration; NegExp : Duration, RandomControl -> Time; NegExp : Time, RandomControl -> Real; NegExp : Time, RandomControl -> Duration; NegExp : Time, RandomControl -> Time; Uniform : Real, Real, RandomControl -> Real; Uniform : Real, Real, RandomControl -> Duration; Uniform : Real, Real, RandomControl -> Time; Uniform : Duration, Duration, RandomControl -> Real; Uniform : Duration, Duration, RandomControl -> Duration; Uniform : Duration, Duration, RandomControl -> Time; Uniform : Time, Time, RandomControl -> Real; Uniform : Time, Time, RandomControl -> Duration; Uniform : Time, Time, RandomControl -> Time; Draw : Real, RandomControl -> Boolean; Geometric : Real, RandomControl -> Integer; Geometric : Real, RandomControl -> Duration; Geometric : Real, RandomControl -> Time; Geometric : Duration, RandomControl -> Integer; Geometric : Duration, RandomControl -> Duration; Geometric : Duration, RandomControl -> Time; Geometric : Time, RandomControl -> Integer; Geometric : Time, RandomControl -> Duration; Geometric : Time, RandomControl -> Time; Poisson : Real, RandomControl -> Integer; Poisson : Real, RandomControl -> Duration; Poisson : Real, RandomControl -> Time; Poisson : Duration, RandomControl -> Integer; Poisson : Duration, RandomControl -> Duration; Poisson : Duration, RandomControl -> Time; Poisson : Time, RandomControl -> Integer; Poisson : Time, RandomControl -> Duration; Poisson : Time, RandomControl -> Time; RandInt : Integer, Integer, RandomControl -> Integer; RandInt : Integer, Integer, RandomControl -> Duration; RandInt : Integer, Integer, RandomControl -> Time; DefineSeed : Integer -> RandomControl; GetSeed : Charstring -> Integer; Seed : RandomControl -> Integer;
The operator Random
is the basic random generator and is called by all the other operators. Random
uses the formula
to compute the next value stored in the parameter of type RandomControl
. The result from Random
is a real random number in the interval 0.0 < Value < 1.0.
The operator Erlang provides random numbers from the Erlang-N distribution with mean Mean
. The first parameter Mean should be > 0.0, and the second parameter N should be > 0.
The HyperExp2
operator provides random numbers from the hyperexponential distribution. With probability Alpha
it return a random number from the negative exponential distribution with mean Mean1
, and with the probability 1-Alpha
it returns a random number from the negative exponential distribution with mean Mean2
. Mean1
and Mean2
should be > 0.0, and Alpha
should be in the range 0.0 <= Alpha
<= 1.0.
The operator NegExp
provides random numbers from the negative exponential distribution with mean Mean
. Mean
should be > 0.0.
The operator Uniform
is given a range Low
to High
and returns a uniformly distributed random number in this range.
should be <= High
The Draw
operator returns true with the probability Alpha
and false with the probability 1-Alpha
. Alpha
should be in the range
0.0 <= Alpha
<= 1.0.
The operator Geometric
returns an integer random number according to the geometric distribution with the mean p/(1-p). The parameter p
should be 0.0 <= p
< 1.0.
Since the range of feasible samples from the distribution is infinite and the result type is integer, integer overflow may occur. |
The operator Poisson
returns an integer random number according to the Poisson distribution with mean m
. The parameter m
should be >= 0.0.
Since the range of feasible samples from the distribution is infinite and the result type is integer, integer overflow may occur. |
This operator RandInt
returns one of the values Low
, Low+1
, High-1
, High
, with equal probability. Low
should be <= High
Each RandomControl
variable, which is used as a control variable for a random generator, has to be initialized correctly so the first bit-pattern used by the basic random function is a legal pattern. This DefineSeed
operator takes an integer parameter, which should be an odd value in the range 1 to 32767, and creates a legal bit-pattern. This first value is usually referred to as the seed for the random generator. Using the same seed value, the same random number sequence is generated, which means that the random number sequences are reproducible.
The Seed
operator returns random numbers that are acceptable as parameters to the operator DefineSeed
. If many RandomControl
variables are to be initialized, the Seed
operator may be useful.
The GetSeed
operator, which is implemented in the data type TextFile
(see The ADT TextFile), may be used to read an integer value that is acceptable as parameter to the DefineSeed
To use the abstract data type for random number generation you must:
variables, one for each random number sequence that is to be used.RandomControl
variables, either in the variable declaration or in a TASK
often placed in the start transition of the process. The operator DefineSeed
should be used to initialize a RandomControl
variables in appropriate random number operators.
Note: SDL variables can only be declared in processes and will be local to the process instances. |
To have global RandomControl
variables you may, however, define synonyms of type RandomControl
and use them in random generator operators.
SYNONYM Seed1 RandomControl = DefineSeed(GetSeed(stdin, 'Seed1 : ')); TASK Delay := NegExp(Mean1, Seed1);
This is correct according to SDL as operators only have IN
parameters and therefore expressions are allowed as actual parameters. In C it is also an IN
parameter and cannot be changed. But as a RandomControl
value is an address it is possible to change the contents in that address.
The C Code Generator will, for synonyms that cannot be computed at generation time, allocate a variable and initialize it according to the synonym definition at start-up time. Note that this will be performed before any transitions have been executed.
A typical application of RandomControl
synonyms are together with the Seed
operator. The Seed
operator is used to generate values suitable to initialize RandomControl
variables with.
SYNONYM BasicSeed RandomControl = DefineSeed(GetSeed(stdin, 'Seed : ')); DCL S1 RandomControl := DefineSeed(Seed(BasicSeed)); DCL S2 RandomControl := DefineSeed(Seed(BasicSeed));
The variety of operators with the same name makes it possible to directly use operators in many more situations. This is called overloading of operators. If, for example, there were only the NegExp
NegExp : Real, RandomControl -> Real;
then explicit conversion operators would have been necessary to draw, for example, a Duration
value from the negative exponential distribution. The code to draw a Duration
value would then be something like:
RealToDuration(NegExp(Mean, Seq))
We have instead introduced several operators with the same name and purpose, but with different combinations of parameter types and result type. So for the NegExp
operator discussed above, there is also a version:
NegExp : Real, RandomControl -> Duration;
which is exactly what we wanted.
There is, however, a price to be paid for having overloaded operators. It must be possible for the SDT Analyzer to tell which operator that is used in a particular situation. It then uses all available information about the parameters and what the result is used for. Consider Example 387 below.
TIMER T; DCL Mean, Rand Real, D Duration, Seq RandomControl := DefineSeed(GetSeed('Seed : ')); TASK Rand := NegExp(Mean, Seq); TASK D := NegExp(Mean, Seq); TASK D := NegExp(TYPE Real 1.5, Seq); DECISION NegExp(Mean, Seq) > TYPE Duration 10.0; (true) : .... ELSE : ENDDECISION; SET (Now + NegExp(Mean, Seq), T);
are no problem, as the parameter type is given by the type of the Mean
variable, and the result type is given by the variable that result is assigned to. NegExp
call, the value 1.5 has to be given a qualifier, that is, TYPE Real
, as the literal 1.5 may be of type Real
, Duration
, or Time
as left parameter and returns Time
should have a Time
value as first parameter) is:"+" : Time, Duration -> Time;defined in the sort
. So, both the type for the parameter and the result are possible to determine for the NegExp
operator in this example.Most of these problems can be avoided by using SYNONYMS
or variables instead of literal values. This is in most cases a better solution than to introduce qualifiers.
If, for example, the synonyms:
SYNONYM MeanValue Real = 1.5; SYNONYM Limit Duration = 10.0;
were defined, the third and fourth NegExp
call would cause no problem:
TASK D := NegExp(MeanValue, Seq); DECISION NegExp(Mean, Seq) > Limit; (true) : .... ELSE : ENDDECISION;
Trace printouts are available for the functions in this abstract data type. By assigning a trace value greater or equal to nine (9) using the monitor command Set-Trace, each call to an operator in this data type causes a printout of the name of the operator.
Note: Each operator returning a random number will call the basic operator |
The operator for random number generation may be used directly in C by using the name given in the appropriate #NAME
directive. Please look at the
file for the #NAME
The abstract data types defined in this "package" are intended for processing of linked lists. Linked lists are commonly appearing in applications and are one of the basic data structures in computer science. With these data types, you can concentrate on using the lists and do not have to worry about the implementation details, as all list manipulations are hidden in operators in the data types.
A queue is a list in which the members are ordered. The ordering is entirely performed by the user. The available operations make it possible to access members of the queue and insert members into or remove members from any position. Furthermore, the operators suppress the implementation aspects. That is, the fact that the queue is implemented as a doubly linked list with a queue head. The operators also prevent the unwary user from trying to access, for instance, the successor of the last member or the predecessor of the first member.
The entities which may be members of a queue are called object instances. An object instance is a passive entity containing user defined information. This information is described in the object description.
In SDL these definitions are implemented using sorts called Queue
, ObjectInstance
, and ObjectDescr
, where ObjectDescr
should be defined by the user. ObjectDescr
should have the structure given in the example below ( Example 389).
The data types for list processing may be included in any SDL system using Analyzer #include
statements, where the files containing the definitions of the data types are included. The definitions should be placed in the order given in the example below:
/*#include ''*/ NEWTYPE ObjectDescr /*#NAME 'ObjectDescr'*/ STRUCT SysVar SysTypeObject; /* other user defined components */ ENDNEWTYPE; /*#include ''*/
The file
contains the definition of the sort Queue
(and the help sorts ObjectType
and SysTypeObject
), while the file
contains the definition of the type ObjectInstance
When the data types for list processing are included, two new sorts, Queue
and ObjectInstance
, are mainly defined, together with the type ObjectDescr
defined by the user. The user can declare variables of type Queue
and type ObjectInstance
, but should never declare a variable of type ObjectDescr
Variables of the sorts Queue
and ObjectInstance
are references (pointers) to the representation of the queue or the object instance. In both sorts there is a null value, the literal NULL
, which indicates that a variable refers to no queue or no object instance. The default value for Queue
and ObjectInstance
variables is NULL
A variable of sort ObjectInstance
can refer to a data area containing the components defined in the struct ObjectDescr
. The example below shows how to manipulate these components.
/*#include ''*/ NEWTYPE ObjectDescr /*#NAME 'ObjectDescr'*/ STRUCT SysVar SysTypeObject; Component1 Integer; Component2 Boolean; ENDNEWTYPE; /*#include ''*/ DCL O1 ObjectInstance; TASK O1 := NewObject; /* see next section */ TASK O1!ref!Component1 := 23, O1!ref!Component2 := false; TASK IntVar := O1!ref!Component1, BoolVar := O1!ref!Component2;
A component is thus referenced by the syntax:
ObjectInstanceVariable ! ref ! ComponentName
Assignments and test for equality may be performed for queues and for object instances. The assignments:
Q1 := Q2; O1 := O2;
mean that Q1
now refers to the same queue as Q2
and that O1
now refers to the same object instance as O2
. Assignment is thus implemented as copying of the reference to the queue (and not as copying of the contents of the queue). The same is true for object instances.
The test for equality is in the same way implemented as a test if the left and right hand expression reference the same queue or the same object instance (and not if two queue or object instances have the same contents).
Due to the order in which the sorts are defined, a component of sort Queue
can be a part of the ObjectDescr
struct, while components of type ObjectInstance
cannot be part of ObjectDescr
If you want several different types of objects in a queue, with different contents, the #UNION
directive (see Union) may be used according to the following example:
NEWTYPE Ob1 STRUCT Comp1Ob1 integer; Comp2Ob1 boolean; ENDNEWTYPE; NEWTYPE Ob2 STRUCT Comp1Ob2 character; Comp2Ob2 charstring; ENDNEWTYPE; NEWTYPE Ob STRUCT /*#UNION*/ Tag integer; C1 Ob1; C2 Ob2; ENDNEWTYPE; NEWTYPE ObjectDescr /*#NAME 'ObjectDescr'*/ STRUCT SysVar SysTypeObject; U Ob; /*#ADT (X)*/ ENDNEWTYPE;
The components may now be reached using:
O1 ! ref ! U ! Tag O1 ! ref ! U ! C1 ! Comp1Ob1 O1 ! ref ! U ! C2 ! Comp2Ob1
In the sort Queue
, the following literals and operators are available:
null NewQueue Cardinal : Queue -> Integer; DisposeQueue : Queue -> Queue; Empty : Queue -> Boolean; FirstInQueue : Queue -> ObjectInstance; Follow : Queue, ObjectInstance, ObjectInstance -> Queue; IntoAsFirst : Queue, ObjectInstance -> Queue; IntoAsLast : Queue, ObjectInstance -> Queue; LastInQueue : Queue -> ObjectInstance; Member : Queue, ObjectInstance -> Boolean; Precede : Queue, ObjectInstance, ObjectInstance -> Queue; Predecessor : ObjectInstance -> ObjectInstance; Remove : ObjectInstance -> ObjectInstance; Successor : ObjectInstance -> ObjectInstance;
In the sort ObjectInstance
, the following literals and operators are available:
null NewObject DisposeObject: ObjectInstance -> ObjectInstance;
The operators defined in the sorts Queue
and ObjectInstance
have the behavior described below. All operators will check the consistency of the parameters. Each queue and object instance parameter should, for example, be /= null
. If an error is detected the operator will cause an SDL dynamic error that will be treated as any other dynamic error found in an SDL system.
The literal NewQueue
is used as an operator with no parameters and returns a reference to a new empty queue. The data area used to represent the queue is taken from an avail stack maintained by the list processing sorts. Only if the avail stack is empty new dynamic memory is allocated.
This operator takes a reference to a queue as parameter and returns the number of components in the queue.
This operator take a reference to a queue as parameter and returns all object instances and the data area used to represent the queue to the avail stack mentioned in the presentation of NewQueue
. DisposeQueue
always returns the value null
Note: Any references to an object instance or to a queue that is returned to the avail stack is now invalid and any use of such a reference is erroneous and has an unpredictable result. |
This operator takes a reference to a queue as parameter and returns false
if the queue contains any object instances. Otherwise the operator returns true
This operator takes a reference to a queue as parameter and returns a reference to the first object instance in the queue. If the queue is empty, null
is returned.
Follow takes a reference to a queue and to two object instances and inserts the first object instance directly after the second object instance. It is assumed and checked that the second object instance is a member of the queue given as parameter, and that the first object instance is not a member of any queue prior to the call.
Note: The operator |
This operator takes a reference to a queue and to an object instance and inserts the object instance as the first object in the queue. The queue given as parameter is returned as result from the operator. It is assumed and checked that the object instance is not a member of any queue prior to the call.
This operator takes a reference to a queue and to an object instance and inserts the object instance as last object in the queue. The queue given as parameter is returned as result from the operator. It is assumed and checked that the object instance is not a member of any queue prior to the call.
This operator takes a reference to a queue as parameter and returns a reference to the last object instance in the queue. If the queue is empty, null
is returned.
This operator takes a reference to a queue and to an object instance and returns true
if the object instance is member of the queue, otherwise it returns false
Precede takes a reference to a queue and to two object instances and inserts the first object instance directly before the second object instance. It is assumed and checked that the second object instance is a member of the queue given as parameter, and that the first object instance is not a member of any queue prior to the call.
Note: The operator |
This operator takes a reference to an object instance and returns a reference to the object instance immediately before the current object instance. If the object instance given as parameter is the first object in the queue, null
is returned. It is assumed and checked that the object instance given as parameter is a member of a queue.
Remove takes a reference to an object instance and removes it from the queue it is currently a member of. A reference to the object instance is returned as result from the operator. It is assumed and checked that the object instance given as parameter is a member of a queue.
This operator takes a reference to an object instance and returns a reference to the object instance immediately after the current object instance. If the object instance given as parameter is the last object in the queue, null
is returned. It is assumed and checked that the object instance given as parameter is a member of a queue.
The literal NewObject
is used as an operator with no parameters and returns a reference to a new object instance, which is not member of any queue. The data area used to represent the object instance is taken from an avail stack maintained by the list processing sorts. Only if the avail stack is empty new dynamic memory is allocated.
This operator take a reference to an object instance as parameter and returns it to the avail stack mentioned above. DisposeObject
always returns the value null
Note: Any references to an object instance that is returned to the available stack are now invalid and any use of such a reference is erroneous and has an unpredictable result. |
In this section a number of examples will be given to give some indications of how to use the list processing "package". The following sort definitions are assumed to be included in the system diagram:
/*#include '' */ NEWTYPE ObjectDescr /*#NAME 'ObjectDescr'*/ STRUCT SysVar SysTypeObject; Number Integer; Name Charstring; ENDNEWTYPE; /*#include '' */
To create a new queue and insert two objects in the queue, so that the first object has Number = 23
and Name = 'xyz'
and the second object has Number = 139
and Name = 'Telelogic'
, you could use the following code (assuming appropriate variable declarations):
Q := NewQueue,
O1 := NewObject,
O1!ref!Number := 23,
O1!ref!Name := 'xyz',
Q := IntoAsFirst(Q, O1),
O1 := NewObject,
O1!ref!Number := 139,
O1!ref!Name := 'Telelogic
Q := IntoAsLast(Q, O1);
To remove the last object instance from a queue, assuming the queue is not empty, you could use the following code:
TASK O1 := Remove(LastInQueue(Q));
You may look at the component Name
in the first object instance in the queue in the following way:
TASK O1 := FirstInQueue(Q), StringVar := O1!ref!Name;
or if the reference to O1
is not going to be used any further
TASK StringVar := FirstInQueue(Q)!ref!Name;
The result of the following algorithm is that O1
will be a reference to the first object instance that has the value IntVar
in the component Number
. If no such object is found O1
is assigned the value null
TASK O1 := FirstInQueue(Q); NextObject: DECISION O1 /= null; (true) : DECISION O1!ref!Number /= IntVar; (true): TASK O1 := Successor(O1); JOIN NextObject; (false): ENDDECISION; (false): ENDDECISION;
The algorithm below removes all duplicates from a queue (and returns them to the avail stack). A duplicate is here defined as an object instance with the same Number
as a previous object in the queue.
TASK O1 := FirstInQueue(Q); NextObject: DECISION O1 /= null; (true) : TASK O2 := Successor(O1); NextTry: DECISION O2 /= null; (true): DECISION O1!ref!Number = O2!ref!Number; (true): TASK Temp := O2, O2 := Successor(O2), Temp := DisposeObject ( Remove(Temp)); (false): TASK O2 := Successor(O2); ENDDECISION; JOIN NextTry; (false): TASK O1 := Successor(O1); JOIN NextObject; ENDDECISION; (false) : ENDDECISION;
Trace printouts are available for the operators in this abstract data type. By assigning a trace value greater or equal to eight (8) using the monitor command Set-Trace, each call to an operator in this data type causes a printout of the name of the current operator. Note that some of the operators may call some other operator to perform its task.
You may use the monitor command Examine-Variable to examine the values stored in a variable of type ObjectInstance.
By typing an additional index number after the variable Queue
the value of the ObjectInstance
at that position of the queue is printed.
The sorts Queue
, ObjectInstance
, and ObjectDescr
, and all the operators and the literals NewQueue
and NewObject
have the same name in C as in SDL, as #NAME
directives are used. The literal null
is the sort Queue
and is translated to QueueNull()
, while the literal null
in sort ObjectInstance
is translated to ObjectInstanceNull()
In C you access a component in an ObjectInstance
using the -> operator:
OI_Var -> Component
As an example of an algorithm in C, consider the algorithm in Example 395. A reference to the first object instance that has the value IntVar
in the component Number
is computed:
#(O1) = FirstInQueue(#(Q)); while ( #(O1) != ObjectInstanceNull () ) { if ( #(O1)->Number == #(IntVar) ) break; #(O1) = Successor(#(O1)); }
In this section an abstract data type for byte, i.e. unsigned char
in C, is presented. This ADT can be used also in OS integrations and with Cmicro. However, please see the note below.
Note: This ADT is only provided for backward compatibility, as the new predefined data type Octet should be used instead of Byte. |
The purpose of this data type is of course to have the type byte and the byte operations available directly in SDL.
The data type becomes available by including the file containing the definition with an analyzer included in an appropriate text symbol.
/*#include '' */
The following operators are available in this data type:
Bitwise and. Corresponds to C operator &
Bitwise or. Corresponds to C operator |
Bitwise exclusive or. Corresponds to C operator ^
Unary not. Corresponds to C operator ~
Left shift of the byte parameter the number of steps specified by the integer parameter. Corresponds to C operator <<
(byte)( (b << i) & 0xFF )
Right shift of the byte parameter the number of steps specified by the integer parameter. Corresponds to C operator >>
Implementation: ( b >> i)
Byte plus (modulus 0xFF). Corresponds to C operator +
Byte minus (modulus 0xFF). Corresponds to C operator -
Byte multiplication (modulus 0xFF). Corresponds to C operator *
Byte division. Corresponds to C operator /
Byte modulus. Corresponds to C operator %
This operator transforms a charstring ('00' - 'ff' or 'FF') into a byte. The string may be prefixed with an optional '0x'.
I2B transforms an integer in range 0 - 255 into a byte.
B2I transforms a byte into an integer.
There are three files called:
where three SDL sorts implemented in C as unsigned, unsigned long, and long int may be found. All these types are in SDL implemented as syntypes of integer. For more information please see the definitions of the data types.
Note: These ADTs are only provided for backward compatibility, as is recommended to use the types in the package |
This section describes a way to obtain PId
literals for static process instances. PId
literals will make it possible to simplify the start-up phase of an SDL system, as direct communication (OUTPUT TO) may be used from the very beginning. It is otherwise necessary to start sending signals without TO, as the only PId
values known at the beginning are the Parent - Offspring relations.
In SDL the only way to obtain a PId
value is to use one of the basic functions Self, Parent, Offspring, or Sender. Such values may then, of course, be passed as parameters in signals, in procedure calls and in create operations.
During system start-up there is no way to obtain the PId
value for a static process instance at the output that starts a communication session. The receiver of the first signal must therefore be implicit, by using an output without TO.
To be able to handle outputs without TO, in SDL-92 types and in separate generated units, complete knowledge about the structure of channels and signal routes must be known at run-time. The same knowledge is also necessary if we want to check that there is a path from the sender to the receiver in an output with TO. As the information needed about channels and signal routes requires substantial amounts of memory, it would be nice, in applications with severe memory requirements, to be able to optimize this.
To remove all information about channels and signal routes from a generated application means two things:
The second limitation is no problem as this is the way we probably want it in a running application (during debugging the test ought to be used, but not in the application).
The first limitation, that output without TO cannot be used, is however more difficult. In an SDL system not using the OO concepts (block type, process type, and so on) and not using separate generation there are no problems, but otherwise such outputs are necessary at the system start-up phase to establish communication between processes in different blocks. The purpose of this abstract data type is to provide a way to establish PId
literals and thereby to be able to avoid outputs without TO.
The data type PIdLit contains the following operators:
PId_Lit : xPrsIdNode -> PId; PId_Lit : xPrsIdNode -> PIdList; PId_Lit : xPrsIdNode, Integer -> PId;
In the file containing the data type (
) there is also a synonym that you may use to access the environment:
SYNONYM EnvPId PId = ...;
The type xPrsIdNode
corresponds to the C type xPrsIdNode
, which is used to refer to the process nodes in the symbol table tree built up by a generated application.
Use the first version of PId_Lit
to obtain a synonym referring to the process instance of a process instance set with one initial instance.
Use the second version of PId_Lit
to obtain a synonym of array type referring to the process instances of a process instance set with several initial instances.
Use the third version of PId_Lit
to obtain a synonym referring to one of the process instances of a process instance set with several initial instances.
To introduce PId
literals implemented as SDL synonyms, follow the steps below:
, which contains the implementation of the PIdList
type, among the declarations in the system:/*#include '' */
directives for these process instance sets.#CODE
directive among the declarations in the system. If. however, separate generation is not used, this #CODE
directive need not be included./*#CODE #HEADING extern XCONST struct xPrsIdStruct yPrsR_ProcessName1; extern XCONST struct xPrsIdStruct yPrsR_ProcessName2; extern XCONST struct xPrsIdStruct yPrsR_ProcessName3; */There should be an external definition for each process instance set identified in step 2.
should be replaced by the name introduced in the #NAME
directives for the processes.SYNONYM Name1 PId = PId_Lit(#CODE('&yPrsR_ProcessName1'));If the process type has several initial instances:
SYNONYM Name2 PIdList = PId_Lit(#CODE('&yPrsR_ProcessName2'));If the process type has several initial instances, but only one of them should be possible to refer to by a synonym:
SYNONYM Name3 PId = PId_Lit(#CODE('&yPrsR_ProcessName3'), No);where
should be the instance number, that is, if No
is 2, then the synonym Name3
should refer to the second instance of the process type.#CODE
directive should be the xPrsIdNode
variables in the extern
definitions discussed in step 4 above.PId
that you defined in step 5 in expressions of PId
type, for example as a receiver in the TO
clause in an output. The synonym EnvPId
, which refers to an environment process instance, can be used in the same way.PIdList
may be indexed (as an array) by an integer expression to obtain a PId
value and may then be used in the same way as the synonyms of type PId
. Indexes should be in the range 1 to the number of initial instances.OUTPUT Sig1 TO Name1; OUTPUT Sig2 TO Name2(2); OUTPUT Sig3 TO Name2(InstNo); OUTPUT Sig4 TO EnvPId; DECISION (Name3 = Sender); TASK PId_Variable := Name2(1);where
is an integer variable or synonym and PId_Variable
is a variable of type PId
Note: Note that no index check will be performed when indexing a PIdList synonym. |
The abstract data type IdNode
described in this section introduces a number of operators that may be used to simplify an SDL system. The simplifications will give both reduced code size and higher speed of execution for your application, as well as make debugging easier. This ADT cannot be used in OS integrations or with Cmicro.
The operators may be grouped into two groups:
This abstract data type becomes available by inserting the analyzer include:
/*#include ''*/
This abstract data type file introduces three SDL sorts called PrsIdNode, PrdIdNode,
and SignalIdNode
in SDL. These sort correspond to the types xPrsIdNode, xPrdIdNode,
and xSignalIdNode
in C, which are used to represent the symbol table in the generated application. The symbol table, which is a tree, will contain the static information about the SDL system during the execution of the generated program.
Is is possible to refer to processes, procedures, and signals (among others) using the following the names:
yPrsN_ProcessName or &yPrsR_ProcessName yPrdN_ProcedureName or &yPrdR_ProcedureName ySigN_SignalName or &ySigR_SignalName
where ProcessName
, ProcedureName
, and SignalName
should be replaced by the name of the process, procedure, or signal with prefix, or by the name given to the unit in a #NAME
directive. To obtain a name of a unit with prefix the directive #SDL
may be used:
yPrsN_#(ProcessName) or &
To avoid problems when separate generation is to be used, the &yPrsR_...
syntax is recommended.
The #SDL
directive is not always possible to use. It will look for an entity with the specified name in the current scope unit (where the #SDL
directive is used) and outwards in the scope hierarchy. So, for example, if the reference for a process is to be used in a process defined in another block, a #SDL
directive cannot be used for the referenced process. The name of the referenced process ought then to be given in a #NAME
If separate generation is used there may be more problems to access these references. The variables will be defined in the compilation unit where the entity they represent is defined.
for a process will be defined in the file containing the code for the block enclosing the process.xPrdIdNode
for a procedure will be defined in the file containing code for the enclosing unit.xSignalIdNode
for a signal will be defined in the file containing code for the enclosing system, block, or process.A reference is visible in the compilation unit (file) where it is defined and in all subunits to the unit, as a compilation unit will include the .h
file of all its parent units.
Problems occur when we want to use a reference in a place where it is not visible, for example using an xPrsIdNode
for a process defined in a separate block, in a process in another block. All references are, however, extern, which makes it possible for a user to introduce an appropriate extern
definition (in a #CODE
directive) himself in the compilation units where it is needed.
/*#CODE #HEADING extern XCONST struct xPrsIdStruct yPrsR_ProcessName; */
To know the name of the referenced process, a #NAME
directive ought to be used.
Note: Such |
This operator takes a PId
value and returns a reference to the PrsIdNode
that represents the process type. PrsIdNode
values are not useful for anything except as parameters to the operators discussed here.
The Kill
operator can be used to stop another process instance. In SDL a process instance may only stop itself. This operator has exactly the same effect as if the process instance given as parameter executed a stop operation. The Kill
operator always returns the value null
This operator takes a reference to an PrsIdNode
representing a process type and will kill all the instances of the specified process type. The effect is the same as if all the instances executed stop operations. The operator returns the number of "killed" process instances.
See SucPId: PId -> PId; (next).
This operator, together with FirstPId, are intended to be used to enumerate all process instances of the process type referenced by the PrsIdNode
given as parameter to FirstPId
. FirstPId
should be given a reference to an PrsIdNode
for a process type and returns the first (last created) process instance. SucPId
should be given a PId
value and will return the next PId
for the given process type.
This operator returns the number of signals in the input port of the given process instance.
This operator returns the number of signals, of the signal type given as IdNode
parameter, that are present in the input port of the given process instance. The SignalIdNode
parameter should refer to a SignalIdNode
that represents a signal or a timer.
This operator should be given a reference to an PrsIdNode
representing a process instance set and will return the number of active instances of this instance set.
The operator may be used to determine if a PId
value refers to a process instance that is active or has executed a stop operation.
This operator may be used to send one signal (without parameters) to each active process instance of a specified process instance set. The value of the third parameter, of type PId
, will be used as sender in the signals. The result of the operator is the number of signals that are sent during this operation, i.e. the number of active process instances of the specified type.
Note: The FreeAvailList operator has no meaning in the SDT Validator. It can be used but will in the Validator be a null action. |
The operator takes a reference to an IdNode
(of one of the three type above) that represents a process, a procedure, or a signal and returns the memory in the avail list for the specified IdNode
to the free memory by calling the sctOS
function xFree
. The function xFree
uses the C standard function 'free' to release the memory. The FreeAvailList
operator requires thus that free really releases the memory in such a way that it can be reused in subsequent memory allocations. Otherwise the operator is meaningless.
is intended to be applied for reusing memory allocated for processes, procedures, and signals used only during a start-up phase. If the system, for example, contains a process used only during start-up, that is, all instances of this process perform stop actions early during the execution and no more processes will be created later, then the memory for these instances can be reused.
This operator should only be used as one of the last resorts in the process of minimizing the memory requirements of an application. |
In the trace output, operators like Kill
and Broadcast
will produce trace messages exactly in the same way as the equivalent Stop
operation and the sequence of Output
This section deals with the possibility to implement pointer types in SDL. An SDL generator called POINTER is provided in the file
Note: The generator POINTER is only provided for backward compatibility. It is strongly recommended to use the generator Ref in the package
Note: The generator POINTER is not intended to be used in the SDT Validator! It can be used in OS integrations and with Cmicro, but it is not recommended, due to the risk for memory leaks. |
The POINTER generator may be used to create pointer types in SDL according to the following example:
The sort ptr
is now a pointer to Charstring.
A pointer type created by the generator POINTER contains a literal value null
, which is the default value of all variables of pointer types. There will also be two operators:
where POINTER is the pointer type and S is the type pointed to. These operators may be used to convert between pointer and the value pointed to according to the following example.
NEWTYPE ptr POINTER(Charstring) ENDNEWTYPE; DCL p ptr, c Charstring; TASK p := Addr(c), c := Value(p);
The operator Addr
is implemented as the C operator &, while the operator Value
is implemented as the C operator *.
We will below present two application areas for pointer types: optimizing parameters passing to, for example, operators, and building linked lists.
It is of course also possible to pass pointer values as parameters in signals, in create operations, and in procedure calls in the same way as described for operators above.
This is not especially useful in procedure calls, as IN/OUT parameters to procedures serve exactly this purpose.
Parameters to an operator are normally passed by value in code generated by the C Code Generator (see also the #REF directive in Directive #REF). This means that the value will be copied at the call. Consider the following data type as an example:
SYNONYM MaxIndex Integer = 999; SYNTYPE IndexSort = Integer CONSTANTS 0:MaxIndex ENDSYNTYPE; NEWTYPE Arr ARRAY(IndexSort, Integer) ADDING OPERATORS EqualEntries : Arr, Arr -> Integer; /*#ADT(HP) #HEADING extern SDL_Integer #(EqualEntries) XPP((#(Arr) P1, #(Arr) P2)); #BODY #ifndef XNOPROTO extern SDL_Integer #(EqualEntries) (#(Arr) P1, #(Arr) P2) #else extern SDL_Integer #(EqualEntries) (P1, P2) #(Arr) P1; #(Arr) P2; #endif { SDL_Integer No = 0; SDL_Integer I; for (I = 0; I <= #(MaxIndex); I++) if (P1.A[I] == P2.A[I]) No++; return No; } */ ENDNEWTYPE;
are used to handle compilers that accept or do not accept function prototypes.
The array type Arr
is defined as an array with 1000 elements and the operator EqualEntries
take two such arrays and return the number of entries that are equal in the two arrays; that is, for how many indexes P1(Index)
is equal to P2(Index)
. An example of an operator application is:
DCL I Integer, A1, A2 Arr; TASK I := EqualEntries(A1, A2);
When EqualEntries
is called the two array parameters are copied, as the parameter types are the array type. For this operator it is unnecessary to copy the parameters, as parameters are never changed. Passing the addresses of the parameters instead of copying the arrays would increase the speed substantially.
Consider the following definition of the array type:
SYNONYM MaxIndex Integer = 999; SYNTYPE IndexSort = Integer CONSTANTS 0:MaxIndex ENDSYNTYPE; NEWTYPE ArrAddr POINTER(Arr) ENDNEWTYPE; NEWTYPE Arr ARRAY(IndexSort, Integer) ADDING OPERATORS EqualEntries : ArrAddr, ArrAddr -> Integer; /*#ADT(HP) #HEADING extern SDL_Integer #(EqualEntries) XPP((#(ArrAddr) P1, #(ArrAddr) P2)); #BODY #ifndef XNOPROTO extern SDL_Integer #(EqualEntries) (#(ArrAddr) P1, #(ArrAddr) P2) #else extern SDL_Integer #(EqualEntries) (P1, P2) #(ArrAddr) P1; #(ArrAddr) P2; #endif { SDL_Integer No = 0; SDL_Integer I; for (I = 0; I <= #(MaxIndex); I++) if ((*P1).A[I] == (*P2).A[I]) No++; return No; } */ ENDNEWTYPE;
The major difference from the previous version is the introduction of the type ArrAddr
, which is a pointer to Arr
If we now look at the Arr
type, the EqualEntries
operator now takes two ArrAddr
parameters. In the implementation of EqualEntries
we now have addresses to Arr
:s as parameters and the code is modified to handle this.
This abstract data type may now be used as follows:
DCL I Integer, A1, A2 Arr; TASK I := EqualEntries(Addr(A1), Addr(A2));
Now it is only the addresses to the arrays that are passed to EqualEntries
What is it that we lose by working with pointers? We lose the ability of the operator to take other actual parameters than variables. In the first version of Arr
the call:
I := EqualEntries( A1, (. 1 .) );
is valid and will count the number of components in A1 that have the value 1. If we try the same thing in the second version of Arr
; that is, if we write:
I := EqualEntries( Addr(A1), Addr( (. 1 .) ) );
then there will be a C compilation error, as it is not possible to take the address of a function result. The application of the make operator, (. 1 .
), will be implemented as a yMake
function and we try to take the address of the result of such a function call, which is illegal in C.
This is the reason why the C Code Generator cannot always work with addresses instead of values; the restrictions for the allowed parameters to operators would be too severe.
To build linked structures, for example linked lists or trees, the example presented in this section may serve as a guideline.
Assume that we want to create a linked list containing integer values, then we define the following sorts:
NEWTYPE Item STRUCT Element Integer; Next ItemPointer; ENDNEWTYPE; NEWTYPE ItemPointer POINTER(Item); /*#ADT() #TYPE #define yAddr_#(ItemPointer)(VAR, ref) (*(VAR)) #define yExtr_#(ItemPointer)(VAR, ref) (*(VAR)) */ ENDNEWTYPE;
The #ADT
section in the pointer type is introduced to simplify accessing components of an Item struct directly from an ItemPointer
, see the examples below.
Assume the sorts in the previous example.
DCL sum Integer; a,b,c Item, p ItemPointer; TASK /* Create a linked list of a, b, c */ a!Element := 1, b!Element := 2, c!Element := 3, a!Next := Addr(b), b!Next := Addr(c), c!Next := NULL; TASK /* add Item value in list starting with a */ sum := 0, p := Addr(a); again: DECISION (p /= NULL); (true) : TASK sum := sum + p!ref!Element p := p!ref!Next; JOIN again; ELSE: ENDDECISION;
Note: The way to refer to a struct component directly for a pointer: |
The table below summarizes the restrictions concerning the usability of the various Abstract Data Types that are delivered with SDT.
Table Legend:
3 Compatible
? Incompatible
* Meaningless combination, or restrictions. See the respective section for more information.