- P (C Code Generator prefix operator): UM6-2298
- Package (SDL concept): MG1-40, MG2-39, MG2-166
- PACKAGE diagram: UM4-1508
- Package diagram icon: UM1-50
- PACKAGE REFERENCE symbol: UM4-1541
- PAD function: UM7-3005
- page (printing variable): UM1-293
- Page breaks, hiding and showing (ORCA diagram editors): UM4-1387
- Page breaks, hiding and showing (SDL Editor): UM4-1655
- Page markers (printing from Organizer, ORCA and SDT): UM1-274
- Page name, ORCA diagram editors: UM4-1348
- Page name, SDL Editor: UM4-1517
- Page numbering, printout (ORCA diagram editors): UM4-1348
- Page numbering, printout (SDL Editor): UM4-1517
- Page numbering, specifying when printing (Organizer, ORCA and SDT): UM1-274
- Page numbering, specifying when printing (TTCN documents from Organizer): UM1-279
- Page order in SDL diagrams: UM4-1508
- Page range when printing (Organizer, ORCA and SDT): UM1-275
- Page range when printing (TTCN documents in Organizer): UM1-280
- Page to open first (ORCA diagram pages): UM4-1393
- Page to open first (SDL Editor): UM4-1599
- Page-File (Cmicro Tester command): UM8-3399
- pagename (printing variable): UM1-293
- Pages, hiding and showing (Organizer): UM1-99
- Paper format (when printing from Organizer, ORCA and SDT tools): UM1-272
- Paper format, customizing (ITEX on UNIX): UM3-1074
- par (MSC reference operator): MG1-30
- Parallel Test Component (TTCN concept): MG3-4, GS3-12
- Parameter (OM Access class): UM2-755
- parameter lists (TTCN): MG3-110
- Parameterize-Constraint (Validator command): UM5-1947
- Parse tree (compiler basics): UM2-771
- Parse tree, traversing (ITEX Access): UM2-779
- Partitioning of an SDL system: UM6-2253
- Passive object (SOMT): MG1-101
- Paste as: MG1-16, MG1-98, UM1-379
- Paste page (ORCA diagram editors): UM4-1392
- Paste page (SDL Editor): UM4-1671
- Pasting diagrams, MSC Editor: UM4-1419
- path (Autolink): UM3-1194
- Path (Validator): UM5-2002
- PCO (TTCN concept): MG1-45, MG3-3, MG3-28, GS3-9
- PCO types, declaring (TTCN): MG3-29
- PCO, declaring (TTCN): MG3-30
- PDU (TTCN concept): MG1-45, MG3-3, GS3-9
- PDU values, specifying (TTCN): MG3-55
- PDU, defining (TTCN), CM types, defining (TTCN): MG3-37
- Performance simulation
- PerformanceSimulation (Kernel): UM1-115, UM7-2754
- PId (SDL concept): MG1-37, GS1-7
- PId (SDL sort): MG2-60
- PID Literals, ADT for: UM7-2900
- PIdLit (Abstract data type): UM7-2902
- PIDLIT (sdl2chill): UM6-2478, UM6-2584
- Plain text file icon: UM1-51
- Platforms, supported in Tau: IG-4, RG-30
- POINTER (generator): UM7-2910
- Pointer type, ADT for: UM7-2910
- Points of Control and Observation (TTCN concept): MG1-45, MG3-3, MG3-28, GS3-9
- Poisson (Operator): UM7-2882
- Popup menu
- Popup menus, context sensitive: UM1-24
- Popup menus, general properties: UM1-24
- Popup menus, on background: UM1-24
- Portrait orientation: UM1-290
- PostMaster configuration, searching for tools: UM2-469
- PostMaster files, syntax: UM2-445
- PostMaster functions
- PostMaster messages
- PostMaster, adding a message: UM2-447
- PostMaster, adding a tool: UM2-446
- PostMaster, calling conventions: UM2-450
- PostMaster, communication between PostMaster and environment: UM2-643
- PostMaster, compatibility with SDT 2.X: UM2-468
- PostMaster, configuration: UM2-444
- PostMaster, data types: UM2-450
- PostMaster, environment variables: UM2-447
- PostMaster, environment, starting communication with: UM2-640
- PostMaster, error codes: UM2-451
- PostMaster, functional interface: UM2-449
- PostMaster, functionality: UM2-442
- PostMaster, interface to: UM2-641
- PostMaster, memory handling: UM2-450
- PostMaster, message format: UM2-444
- PostMaster, messages, transferring: UM2-640
- PostMaster, multiple instances of: UM2-469
- PostMaster, public interface: UM2-472
- PostMaster, run-time considerations: UM2-466
- PostMaster, SDL signals, transferring: UM2-639
- PostMaster, variables: UM2-450
- PostScript files (documentation): IG-9, IG-25
- PostScript, conformance to PostScript language: UM1-300
- PostScript, generating when printing (Organizer, ORCA and SDT): UM1-275
- PostScript, printing (ITEX on UNIX): UM1-283
- Power walk algorithm (Validator): UM3-1224, UM5-1948
- Powerset (SDL generator): MG2-73
- Power-Walk (Validator command): UM5-1948
- Precede (Operator): UM7-2893
- Predecessor (Operator): UM7-2893
- Preference Manager, starting: UM1-244
- Preferences files
- Preferences files, syntax of: UM1-202
- Preferences parameters: UM1-206
- Preferences, adjusting: UM1-245
- Preferences, changing a preference parameter: UM1-187
- Preferences, company: UM1-192
- Preferences, company-defined: UM1-200
- Preferences, default: UM1-200, UM1-241
- Preferences, default values, showing: UM1-196
- Preferences, diagram options: UM1-242
- Preferences, dialog options: UM1-242
- Preferences, factory settings: UM1-200, UM1-241
- Preferences, filtering what parameters to show: UM1-196
- Preferences, list of all: UM1-206
- Preferences, organization: UM1-241
- Preferences, parameter description, obtaining: UM1-197
- Preferences, project: UM1-192, UM1-200, UM1-241
- Preferences, reverting: UM1-250
- Preferences, reverting to default: UM1-193
- Preferences, reverting to project: UM1-193
- Preferences, reverting to saved: UM1-193
- Preferences, saved values, showing: UM1-196
- Preferences, saving company preferences: UM1-251
- Preferences, saving preference parameters: UM1-205
- Preferences, saving project preferences: UM1-252
- Preferences, saving user defined: UM1-250
- Preferences, source of preferences, showing: UM1-197
- Preferences, sources, locating: UM1-253
- Preferences, syntax: UM1-185
- Preferences, system file options: UM1-243
- Preferences, tool names, showing: UM1-196
- Preferences, tree node syntax: UM1-185
- Preferences, user defined: UM1-192, UM1-200, UM1-241
- PREOCEDURE START symbol: UM4-1546
- Presentation views (Link Manager): UM1-410
- Prestudy phase (SOMT): MG1-189
- Pretty printing an SDL-PR file: UM6-2239
- Pretty-PR-File (Analyzer command): UM6-2100
- Pretty-print PR: UM1-121
- Pretty-printer, general description: UM6-2229
- Print from / to (printing from Organizer, ORCA and SDT tools): UM1-275
- Print from / to (printing TTCN documents from Organizer): UM1-280
- Print only selected symbols: UM1-290
- PrintableString (SDL sort): MG2-52
- PrintableString, ASN.1 translation to SDL: UM2-654
- Print-Autolink-Configuration (Validator command): UM5-1948
- Print-Conf (Cmicro Tester command): UM8-3399
- Print-Coverage-Table (Simulator command): UM5-1784
- Print-Evaluated-Rule (Validator command): UM5-1949
- Print-File (Validator command): UM5-1949
- Print-Generated-Test-Case (Validator command): UM5-1949
- Printing: UM1-256
- adjacent page markers (Organizer, ORCA and SDT): UM1-274
- double sided (TTCN documents in Organizer): UM1-291
- Encapsulated PostScript (Organizer, ORCA and SDT): UM1-275
- excluding diagrams: UM1-288
- Footer: UM1-273
- Footer syntax: UM1-292
- FrameMaker format: UM1-276
- Header: UM1-273
- Header syntax: UM1-292
- HTML: UM1-261, UM1-277
- IAF: UM1-277
- importing to FrameMaker: UM1-276
- Instance ruler: UM1-290
- lpr command: UM1-278
- map file, specifying: UM1-277
- map file, syntax of: UM1-298
- Microsoft Windows print: UM1-277
- MIF: UM1-276
- Minimized symbols (expanding at print): UM1-302
- Minimized symbols (expanding at print) (MIF): UM1-301
- Minimized symbols (expanding at print) (PostScript): UM1-300
- output format, specifying (Organizer, ORCA and SDT): UM1-275
- page numbering, specifying (Organizer, ORCA and SDT): UM1-274
- page numbering, specifying (TTCN documents in Organizer): UM1-279
- page range, specifying (Organizer, ORCA and SDT): UM1-275
- page range, specifying (TTCN documents in Organizer): UM1-280
- paper format, specifying (Organizer, ORCA and SDT): UM1-272
- paper orientation: UM1-290
- post-processing command, specifying: UM1-278
- PostScript (ITEX on UNIX): UM1-283
- PostScript (Organizer, ORCA and SDT): UM1-275
- print / do not print: UM1-288
- Table of contents (Organizer): UM1-269
- Text symbols (expanding at print): UM1-302
- Text symbols (expanding at print) (MIF): UM1-301
- Text symbols (expanding at print) (PostScript): UM1-300
- to file (Organizer, ORCA and SDT): UM1-277
- to file (TTCN documents in Organizer): UM1-280
- Variables: UM1-293, UM1-295, UM1-297
- Printing, page numbering (ORCA diagram editors): UM4-1348
- Printing, page numbering (SDL Editor): UM4-1517
- Print-MSC (Validator command): UM5-1949
- PRINTOPTIONS section (System file): UM1-170
- Printout page number, ORCA diagram editors: UM4-1348
- Printout page number, SDL Editor: UM4-1517
- Print-Path (Validator command): UM5-1949
- Print-Report-File-Name (Validator command): UM5-1950
- Print-Rule (Validator command): UM5-1950
- Print-Trace (Validator command): UM5-1950
- PRIO (C Code Generator directive): UM6-2335
- PRIO (Cmicro Code Generator directive) for Processes: UM8-3147
- PRIO (Cmicro Code Generator directive) for Signals: UM8-3147
- PRIO (sdl2chill): UM6-2580
- PRIORITY INPUT symbol: UM4-1545
- PROC_DATA_PTR (Compilation switch): UM7-2842
- Procedure (SDL concept): MG1-36, MG2-167, GS1-5
- PROCEDURE CALL icon: UM5-1718
- PROCEDURE CALL symbol: UM4-1545
- PROCEDURE diagram: UM4-1507
- Procedure diagram icon: UM1-50
- PROCEDURE_ALLOC_ERROR (Compilation switch): UM7-2842
- PROCEDURE_ALLOC_ERROR_END (Compilation switch): UM7-2842
- PROCEDURE_VARS (Compilation switch): UM7-2814
- Procedures in SDL, usage: MG2-19
- Proceed-To-Timer (Simulator command): UM5-1787
- Proceed-Until (Simulator command): UM5-1787
- Process (SDL concept): MG1-36, GS1-5
- Process Activity Definition (PAD function): UM7-3005
- PROCESS diagram: UM4-1507
- Process diagram icon: UM1-50
- Process Instance diagram icon: UM1-51
- PROCESS REFERENCE symbol: UM4-1542
- PROCESS TYPE diagram: UM4-1508
- Process Type diagram icon: UM1-50
- PROCESS TYPE symbol: UM4-1543
- Process type, transforming from a process: MG2-148
- Process, representation of: UM6-2353
- PROCESS_VARS (Compilation switch): UM7-2814
- Process-Profile (Cmicro Tester command): UM8-3400
- Process-State (Cmicro Tester command): UM8-3400
- Program (Analyzer command): UM6-2100
- Project organization in SDT: MG2-172
- Project preferences: UM1-192, UM1-200
- Prompting (simulation): UM5-1815
- Protocol Data Units (TTCN concept): MG1-45, MG3-3, GS3-9
- pSOS integration: UM7-3065
- PTC (TTCN concept): MG3-4, GS3-12
- Public interface to Tau: UM2-472
- PutBoolean (Operator): UM7-2873
- PutCharacter (Operator): UM7-2873
- PutCharstring (Operator): UM7-2873
- PutDuration (Operator): UM7-2873
- PutInteger (Operator): UM7-2873
- putit command: UM7-2952
- PutReal (Operator): UM7-2873
- PutString (Operator): UM7-2873
- PutTime (Operator): UM7-2873