- G (C Code Generator generate operator): UM6-2300
- Gate (SDL concept): MG1-41, MG2-149
- GATE icon: UM5-1717
- GATE symbol: UM4-1543, UM4-1546
- Gateway (Cmicro Tester): UM8-3479
- GCCWIN (Compiler definition switch): UM7-2794
- GCI interface (ITEX): UM3-1228
- Generalization (OM Access class): UM2-756
- Generalization (OM notation): GS1-12
- Generalizations, description of (OM Access): UM2-749
- Generate-Advanced-C (Analyzer command): UM6-2095
- Generate-Basic-C (Analyzer command): UM6-2096
- Generate-CHIPSY-CHILL (Analyzer command): UM6-2096
- Generate-ETRI-CHILL (Analyzer command): UM6-2096
- Generate-Micro-C (Analyzer command): UM6-2096
- Generate-Samsung-CHILL (Analyzer command): UM6-2097
- Generate-Test-Case (Validator command): UM5-1941
- GENERATOR icon: UM5-1717
- Generators (in SDL): MG2-69
- Generic Compiler Interface (ITEX): UM3-1228
- Generic document (in Organizer): UM1-40
- Generic Document icon: UM1-52
- Geometric (Operator): UM7-2882
- GetAggregations, all (OM Access): UM2-761
- GetAggregations, search for owner (OM Access): UM2-762
- GetAndOpenR (Operator): UM7-2869
- GetAndOpenW (Operator): UM7-2869
- GetAssociations, all (OM Access): UM2-762
- GetAssociations, search one node (OM Access): UM2-763
- GetAssociations, search two nodes (OM Access): UM2-763
- GetBoolean (Operator): UM7-2874
- GetBufID (OM Access): UM2-758
- GetCharacter (Operator): UM7-2874
- GetCharstring (Operator): UM7-2874
- Get-Configuration (Cmicro Tester command): UM8-3395
- GetDuration (Operator): UM7-2874
- GetEndPoints (OM Access): UM2-760
- GetFile (OM Access): UM2-758
- gethostinfo command: IG-42
- GetIdNode (Operator): UM7-2907
- GETINDRAND (Compilation switch): UM7-2796
- GETINDRAND_MAX (Compilation switch): UM7-2796
- GetInteger (Operator): UM7-2874
- GetReal (Operator): UM7-2874
- GetSeed: UM7-2874
- GetSeed (Operator): UM7-2883
- GetSubClassList (OM Access): UM2-759
- GetSuperClassList (OM Access): UM2-759
- GetTime (Operator): UM7-2874
- Go (Simulator command): UM5-1775
- Go-Forever (Cmicro Tester command): UM8-3396
- Go-Forever (Simulator command): UM5-1776
- GOTO (TTCN statement): MG3-87
- Goto-Path (Validator command): UM5-1941
- Goto-Report (Validator command): UM5-1941
- GR to PR conversion: UM4-1678
- GR trace (Validator): UM5-2017
- GR, converting to (ITEX in Windows): UM3-1109
- GR, converting to (ITEX on UNIX): UM3-993
- GR2PR (Analyzer command): UM6-2097
- Grammar help file: UM4-1622
- Grammar help window, grammar section: UM4-1640
- Grammar help window, open (SDL Editor): UM4-1660
- Grammar help, inserting text from: UM4-1617
- Grammar help, replacing text: UM4-1619
- Grammar help, requesting: UM4-1616
- GREP (tarsim shell command): UM5-1906
- Grid, disabling (SDL Editor): UM4-1655
- Grid, hiding and showing (ORCA diagram editors): UM4-1387
- Grid, hiding and showing (SDL Editor): UM4-1655
- Grids
- Group tables (ITEX on UNIX): UM3-996
- GR-PR-File (Analyzer command): UM6-2097
- grs (SDL label created by Analyzer): UM4-1678
- Guard-condition (SC notation): MG1-25