This chapter gives you the rules for how to transform object models to SDL design models. Mappings for active and passive objects and associations are described and exemplified. How to define the behavior of an object is also discussed as well as a section on how to test the design.
The chapter requires that you are at least reasonable familiar with SDL.
The object design is the activity that completes the definition of the system. It carries on where the system design finished and fills in the details about object behavior and system structure. The object design is a creative activity that refines the object definitions and system structure taking at least three aspects into account:
Figure 56 : Overview of the object design activity
There is a close relation between the system design and the object design, in the sense that both activities are dealing with the structure of the system. The difference between the activities is mainly a difference in the point of view. The system design takes a top-down look at the system to identify subsystems and overall structures. The object design on the other hand focuses on the objects and uses them as a starting point for the refinement and structuring.
In practice one of the major tasks of the object design is to define the behavior of the objects. Essentially the object design can be viewed as three sequential tasks that must be performed.
In a project where the design is split on several development teams the iterations in the design will often have to be synchronized. This is further discussed in SOMT Projects.
In SOMT object design, an important step is the transformation of (parts of) the analysis object model to an SDL system. This section describes this transformation.
There are several aspects important in the transformation:
The mapping to CORBA and to ASN.1 will also be discussed briefly.
Consider an object in the analysis model that has been found to be an active object. How should this be mapped into the design model? The default choice is to map this object as an SDL process type. The attributes of the object will then be mapped to variables and the operations will correspond either to remote procedures defined in the type or signals handled by the process type. As an example consider the DisplayInterface object in the Access control system. This object is responsible for interfacing a display that is capable of showing a line of text to a user. In the analysis object model this object may look like Figure 57. It has one attribute, Text, and one operation, Display.
Figure 57 : The DisplayInterface object
When mapped to an SDL diagram as a process type the result will be a process type reference, as shown in Figure 58.
Figure 58 : The DisplayInterface process type
Now consider the case where the Display operation was defined to be an asynchronous operation which is the default. If we now take a look at the DisplayInterface process type definition we can see that it has a variable called Text and a gate with the signal Display. This process type definition is shown in Figure 59.
Figure 59 : The DisplayInterface process type definition
If, on the other hand, the Display operation was defined to be synchronous (by giving the keyword sync after the operation name), then the definition of the DisplayInterface process type would now also be different. It would contain a definition of the Display remote procedure instead of a gate with a signal. See Figure 60.
Figure 60 :
The DisplayInterface process type when mapped
to a process type with RPCs
When mapping an object like the DisplayInterface, the design issue of reuse shows up as a question of where to define the SDL object. If the DisplayInterface class is considered to be a general class that is to be reused in different projects or by different development teams, the most natural choice is to put the process type in a package that includes this type definition and other related types that are to be reused in different contexts. The design choice of what packages to use in a project was one of the issues of system design.
If the DisplayInterface only is intended to be used in this project but it is used in several of the blocks representing subsystems then there is also a possibility to put the process type on the system level. This would allow the type to be used in the entire system but it would not be convenient to use it in other projects.
If the DisplayInterface is only to be used within the local block it can be defined anywhere in the scope in question, even if it probably is a good idea to keep all process type references on one page in the block diagram.
Finally, if the DisplayInterface object is only to be used in one particular place in the system, it is possible to define it as a process directly where it will be used instead of as a process type. This would be done the same way that it was mapped to a process type except that a process would be generated instead of a process type. Sometimes this strategy is a good idea since it slightly reduces the complexity of the system, however it is only possible if the object is only used in one place in the system.
Inheritance among active objects is common in object models and is mapped directly to inheritance between the corresponding process types. For example, when mapping the EnglishDisplay object from Figure 61 to a process type, the result is as shown in Figure 62.
Figure 61 : Object model with inheritance
Figure 62 : Process type with inheritance
A fairly common structure is an aggregation with one assembly class that contains a number of other object classes, the part classes1. This is common for example when using container classes as abstract interfaces to a certain functionality. One example is given in a description of the software in one part of the access control system: the part that controls the access to one particular door in the building.
Figure 63 : An example of an aggregation of active objects
The most common mapping for this type of structure is to map the assembly class to a block or a block type, depending on the strategy for reuse that has been decided upon for the object.
One special, but fairly common, case is when the assembly object class contains attributes. In this case there are two possibilities: either the aggregation is considered as a "subsystem", in which case the attributes should be implemented by one of the parts classes, or the object should in addition to the mapping to a block (type) also be mapped to a process within the block that acts as a data server. This mapping follows the same principles as was discussed in section Mapping an Active Object.
Another possibility is that the assembly object class contains operations. This implies that these operations should be included in the interface of the block/block type. In the same way as when pasting as process types there is a design choice involved here. Are the operations intended to be synchronous remote procedures or are they asynchronous signals? In this case it is also important to define where the operations are to be implemented. Also in this case there are two choices: either the operations are implemented in one of the parts classes or a process is introduced in the block that handles the operations the same way a data server process handles the attributes.
As an example consider the analysis model in Figure 63. The block type DoorModule has both an attribute and an operation. A design counterpart for this is shown in Figure 64 and Figure 65. The process DoorModuleCtrl is the server process that handles the data and operations defined in the DoorModule analysis object.
The choice where to implement the operations and the attributes of the aggregate class is depending on the intended meaning with the aggregation. In SOMT the recommended practise is to use aggregation in object model that describes the architecture of a system as a "subsystem" or "parts vs. whole" relation, meaning the aggregate class is completely determined by its parts classes. In this case the operators and attributes of the aggregate class should be implemented by the parts classes.
Note that this is an example where the attributes and operations of the aggregate class DoorModule have been implemented by one of the part classes, the DoorModuleCtrl class.
Figure 64 : A block type reference for the DoorModule object
Figure 65 : A block type with a data/operations server process
If the object that is mapped to a block type is a subtype of another object in the object model, then the resulting block type will be defined as a subtype that inherits a block type that corresponds to the supertype in the object model.
The principle of reusing as much information as possible of the information gained during the analysis activities when working in the design activities implies that an effort should be made to translate state chart descriptions into SDL process graphs. For a thorough description of the mapping rules please refer to: Converting State Charts to SDL.
State charts may be converted into SDL. Converting state charts without any hierarchical states is very straight forward, but converting a state chart containing hierarchical states requires flattening since the concept of hierarchical states does not exist in SDL.
The state chart LocalStation Figure 66 contain a hierarchical state with sub states and need to be flattened when converted to SDL.
Figure 66 : The State Chart Local Station
The behavior of the SDL process LocalStation Figure 67 is the behavior defined in the state chart LocalStation. The process is flattened and gives a straight forward view of the behavior. To increase traceability between the state chart and the SDL process the converter functionality provides comments on states and transitions which are related to any hierarchical state.
Figure 67 : The SDL process LocalStation
A passive object is an object that does not have any thread of control or spontaneous behavior of its own. A passive object is often used to encapsulate a certain amount of information that is needed in the system. In the context of distributed systems it is often useful to classify the passive data descriptions into two broad classes depending on the way the data is used: external data and internal data
As will be seen in the next sections the mapping of passive objects to SDL data types is slightly biased towards the external data view of passive objects, the mapping to ASN.1 data types is very biased to external data view, and the mapping to C data types is slightly biased towards the internal data view of passive objects.
In general, the SDL construct that can be used as the design representation for a class is an SDL STRUCT. This is exemplified in Figure 68 below.
Figure 68 : Mapping a passive object to a STRUCT type
In this mapping all attributes of the class are mapped to fields of the STRUCT.
The attributes of a class may have data types associated with them. In general there are three ways to handle these data types:
As usual the choice is a matter of personal taste but should be directed by the general idea that the analysis model must be complete enough to be understandable by itself, but as small as possible to facilitate overview and ease of use.
The default mapping in SOMT is a simple literal mapping of whatever exists in the analysis model to the design model in SDL. See Figure 69.
Figure 69 : A data type mapping example
A special case which might be of interest in the analysis is when more complex data types like lists or sets are used. SOMT treats this type of data in the same way as elementary types are treated.
When a class is mapped to a data type in SDL there exists several ways to map the operations of the class. Operations could be mapped to:
The default mapping used by SOMT is to map operations to SDL operators with operator diagrams.
Operators described by operator definitions is the simplest choice. Consider the PersonInfo class as defined in Figure 70.
Figure 70 : A class with operations
This object has two operations: IncreaseAge and Retired which are intended to increase the age of the person with one, and to check if the person has reached the age where he/she has retired from his job.
Figure 71 shows how a mapping of operations to operator definitions can be done.
Figure 71 : Data type with operator diagrams implementing the class operations
Operators described by operator diagrams is another alternative.
If a mapping to SDL is done using operators with operator diagrams, the SDL will look like in Figure 72.
Figure 72 : Data type with operator diagrams implementing the class operations
Some things worth noting about SDL operators are:
A consequence of this is that an operator cannot both modify an object and return a result. The operators can thus be divided into two classes:
The modifiers are defined as:
ModOp: ObjType, P1type, P2type -> ObjType;
and used as
MyObj := ModOp( MyObj, p1, p2 )
An extractor would be defined as:
ExtrOp: ObjType, P1type, P2type -> ResultType;
and used as
Result := ExtrOp( MyObj, p1, p2 )
However, SOMT allows a way to overcome the third aspect above. If a C implementation is used as discussed below, the restriction that operators cannot modify the parameters is somewhat relaxed, since the data type itself can be defined using a pointer and then whatever is pointed at can of course be modified by the operator.
The second mapping possibility for object model operations is to map them to SDL operators with C implementation. See Figure 73.
Figure 73 : Data type with C implemented operators
The third way to implement operations of a class is to use SDL procedures. In this case the definition of the PersonInfo class would be like in Figure 74.
Figure 74 : Data type with procedure implementation of operations
Some differences when procedures are used compared to when operators are used:
Figure 75 : Procedure call symbol
ret:= CALL retired(p1)
The fourth way is to implement the operations as normal C functions. These functions correspond in SDL to external procedures. For example, to implement the IncreaseAge
operation, one could have the following C function (the PersonInfo data type would have to be specified as a C type):
void IncreaseAge (PersonInfo *p) { (p->age)++; }
External procedures can be declared in text symbols, and they are called as if they were normal SDL procedures, as shown in Figure 76. Mapping Passive Objects to C gives more details about mapping operations to C.
Figure 76 : External procedures in SDL
A common situation is that the information used by a system has to be structured into some kind of tree structure. In the analysis this will appear as an aggregation hierarchy of passive objects. An example is shown in Figure 77.
Figure 77 : An aggregation of passive objects
If the PersonInfo object is mapped to a struct the aggregation would be visible in the design model as fields in the struct the same way attributes would be mapped. The mapping of the PersonInfo object from Figure 77 into an SDL diagram is shown in Figure 78.
Figure 78 : The SDL mapping of a passive object with aggregation
A common special case is when there is a multiplicity associated with the aggregation as in where one person can have more than one card.
Figure 79 : An aggregation with associated multiplicity
In general the multiplicity implies that there is a list or set of elements associated with the aggregation. There are several mappings to SDL possible, for example based on:
The default mapping in SOMT is a mapping to a type called "xxxList", where "xxx" is the name of the class. In Figure 80 the mapping of the PersonInfo type is illustrated.
Figure 80 : An SDL mapping an aggregation with multiplicity other than one
The "xxxList" type will then have to be designed separately. One simple way is to use an SDL string as in Figure 81 for the CardInfoList type.
Figure 81 : An SDL implementation of a list using the string generator
Another special case is given by recursive data structures that are used to describe tree structures. In Figure 82 a simple recursive tree is illustrated. In general this type of tree can of course also include a multiplicity other than one.
Figure 82 : A recursive object model
Due to the lack of pointers in SDL, this type of structure can normally not be defined in standard SDL-92. However, SDL tools may offer tool-specific pointer generators that can be used to represent the above tree. Figure 82 shows how the recursive data structure can be represented with help of the Ref
pointer generator of SDT.
Inheritance in an object model is used to model "is-a" relationships. In practise the inheritance shows how attributes, operations and associations are inherited from a superclass to the subclasses. An example is shown in Figure 83 which models the fact that both the users and operators are persons.
Figure 83 : Inheritance relations
When mapping classes that inherit other classes to SDL data types there are three mechanisms that can be used:
Flattening means essentially that all operators, attributes and associations are copied from the superclass to the subclasses. In the example above this strategy would imply that the SDL representation of the User class might look like in Figure 84.
Figure 84 : Representing inheritance using flattening
Using delegation to represent inheritance is essentially to replace the inheritance hierarchy with aggregation hierarchies. When using this strategy the SDL representation of the classes in Figure 83 will be as illustrated in Figure 85.
Figure 85 : Using delegation to represent inheritance
When using the data types defined as in Figure 85, note that the syntax for accessing the attributes will of course show the delegation strategy used. For example, in order to access the name attribute of a User a construction like "uservar!person!name"" will have to be used.
SDL includes an inheritance concept for inheritance between data types. Unfortunately the inheritance between data types is an inheritance of operators only which limits the usefulness of the SDL inheritance. For more information about inheritance between SDL data types see Inherits.
Multiple inheritance implies that attributes, operations and association are inherited from more than one superclass as illustrated in Figure 86, that models the fact that a user is both a person and a card holder.
Figure 86 : Multiple inheritance example
When mapping classes with multiple inheritance to SDL both the flattening and delegation strategy works fine (except for name clashes when using the flattening strategy) but the SDL inheritance does not include multiple inheritance so it can not be used. In Figure 87 the delegation strategy is used to map the User class from the previous example to SDL.
Figure 87 : Mapping multiple inheritance using delegation
Delegation is the default mapping of inheritance used in SOMT.
A special kind of passive objects in the analysis object model are the objects that are used only for communication, either between the system and its environment or between modules within the system. For example, when defining the use cases it is useful to show the relations among the events using an object model. It is especially useful if there are inheritance relations among the events as shown in Figure 88. The corresponding SDL signal definitions are shown in Figure 89.
Figure 88 : Object model describing communication events
There is often a choice of whether to map a passive object used for communication to a struct data type or to a signal. This is one of the design decisions that has to be taken during the object design.
Figure 89 : SDL signal definitions corresponding to the object model in Figure 88
Passive objects can also be mapped to C data types and functions. In C, classes correspond to types, attributes of a class to fields in struct types, and operations to functions.
Figure 90 Mapping a passive object to C
Figure 90 shows a possible mapping of class PersonInfo to C. Note that in the mapping of the operations, a parameter is present to identify the PersonInfo object.
To represent aggregations in C, the same mechanisms as described in Mapping Aggregations can be used. When mapping inheritance to C, the flattening and delegation mechanisms described in Inheritance can be used.
When mapping associations to C, pointers are very powerful. Figure 91 shows an example of a one-to many association that is mapped to a linked list in C. Note how the role name has been used in the mapping.
Figure 91 Mapping an association to C
SDT has facilities to instantiate classes that have been mapped to C, and access their attributes and operations from SDL. This is described more detailed in Data Types in SDT.
Figure 92 shows an SDT-specific SDL fragment that uses the C types for PersonInfo of Figure 90. The CString2CStar
operator converts an SDL Charstring
to C's char *
. Operations are called by means of SDL procedure calls. Note also the address operator `&
' in the call to IncreaseAge
Figure 92 Using C type PersonInfo in SDL
The choice between the SDL struct representation of classes and the C code representation is to some extent a matter of taste. There is a trade-off between simplicity and expressiveness. The SDL struct definition is very simple and all SDL based tools can completely analyze and manipulate this type of data. When using a C implementation, you take over some of the responsibilities from the tools. This means more work for you, but also a possibility to define in detail what you want.
An analysis object can also be mapped to an ASN.1 data type. The ASN.1 SEQUENCE construct corresponds best to a passive object with attributes. The most basic example is illustrated in Figure 93 below.
Figure 93 : Passive object mapped to ASN.1
The ASN.1 SEQUENCE can be compared with the SDL STRUCT, so most of chapter Mapping a Passive Object on mapping classes to STRUCTs is also valid for ASN.1. The few differences are treated here.
The largest difference is that ASN.1 has no possibility to specify operators. Therefore the operations of a passive object should be inserted in some dummy SDL type, while the attributes are mapped to a different ASN.1 type, as illustrated below.
Figure 94 : Passive object with operators mapped to ASN.1
The second difference is that ASN.1 has no concepts for inheritance. Therefore only flattening and delegation can be used to represent inheritance. ASN.1 has a special construct, COMPONENTS OF, that is useful to represent flattening. An example of this is given in Figure 95 below.
Figure 95 : The use of COMPONENTS OF to represent inheritance
SDT only allows use of ASN.1 in separate ASN.1 modules, that have to be included into SDL with the IMPORTS construct.
Associations are in object models used to represent relationships between objects of different classes. The instances of associations are called links. An example is given in Figure 96. In this example the association is a relationship between Cards and Codes that describes that a card must have exactly one valid code. In the object model this is represented by an association called Valid between the classes Card and Code.
Figure 96 : An example of an object model with associations
In the mapping to SDL, the information about the association is kept in one or both of the involved classes, in the example in Card, in Code, or in both.
There are several aspects of associations that are important to consider when mapping an association to SDL:
The rest of this section will discuss these issues and how they influence the mapping to SDL.
In general, associations form a graph structure among the objects where each object may have associations to a number of the other objects. Mapping associations to SDL implies in most cases that some kind of object references or pointers must be used.
In general, associations between active objects indicates that there is a possibility for the objects to communicate. In SDL this means that there must exist a communication path (signal routes and channels) between the corresponding SDL concepts (usually processes). In addition, an association between two active objects may also need to be represented by a PId variable in one (or both) of the processes.
There are however cases when PIds should not be used: as PId is a concept that only exists in the SDL world, associations with objects outside the SDL system cannot be represented with PIds. Instead, data types defined in protocols define how to refer to external objects. For example in the TCP/IP protocol, TCP services are addressed by a host address (for example and a local port number. In an SDL implementation of a TCP service it would be impossible to refer to a service outside the SDL system by means of a PId; the host number and the port number must be used instead.
Since strict SDL does not include a pointer concept, associations with passive objects must be represented by other data types. Alternatively a C representation can be used when mapping the objects to SDL as discussed in Mapping Objects to SDL Structs.
There is one special case where there is no need for special data types. This is the case when the associations form a pure tree structure and furthermore all associations are one-way one-to-one associations with a traversal direction from the root to the leaves. In this case a strategy based on mapping classes to SDL structs can be used, i.e. a reference to an object is in SDL represented by the object itself.
Sometimes an association is implicitly represented in the class definitions themselves, which is called an intrusive representation. In this case the association does not have a representation of its own in the SDL model. For example, if the classes are represented by SDL structs then the association can be represented by a field in one (or both) of the structs. As an example the Valid association from Figure 96 is mapped in Figure 97 to a field in the struct that represents the Card.
Figure 97 : Mapping an association to a field in a struct
A non-intrusive representation of the association, on the other hand, does not rely on fields in structs that represent classes or any similar strategy. Instead the association is explicitly represented in SDL. A convenient way to accomplish this is to use the SDL array generator as exemplified in Figure 98.
Figure 98 : A non-intrusive mapping of an association using an SDL array
The design choice to make when choosing a mapping to SDL depends on the way it will be traversed in the application: is the traversal of the association always in one direction or is it traversed in both directions. This is usually not relevant in the analysis model but influences the SDL representation. For example if the Valid association in Figure 96 is a one-way association only traversed from the Card to the Code then the SDL representation in Figure 97 is all that is needed. If, on the other hand, the association is also traversed from the Code to the Card then the Code representation will also have to contain an element corresponding to the association (note that this requires a C implementation due to the lack of pointers in SDL) or alternatively a non-intrusive representation can be used.
The multiplicity of the association defines how many instances of one class can be associated with an instance of the other class. A one-to many association requires a list or set representation. This is essentially the same as an aggregation with a multiplicity greater than one, which is described in Mapping Aggregations.
Role names are an alternative that can be used instead of or in combination with association names. A role is one end of an association, and the role name uniquely identifies the object from the perspective of the object at the other end. An example is given in Figure 99 where the association is identified using role names instead of an association name.
Figure 99 : An association that uses role names instead of an association name
In many cases the role names are more convenient and less confusing than an association name. In a mapping to SDL it is preferred to use the role name as e.g. the name of a field in a struct rather than the association name. As an example consider Figure 100 where the Person object from Figure 99 is mapped to a struct in SDL and the role name is used as the field name.
Figure 100 :
SDL mapping of a an association using the role
name instead of the association name
An association may have an associated class as illustrated in Figure 101.
Figure 101 : An example of an association class
The implication of this is that there are some attribute values and/or operations associated with each link of this association class that exists between the two objects. When mapping this construct to SDL there are two strategies: an intrusive representation and an explicit representation of the association class. If an intrusive strategy is used there is no explicit representation of the association so the attributes/operations must instead be associated to one of the objects involved in the relation. This strategy is possible only if at least one of the end points involved has the multiplicity "1". In the example in Figure 101 it would be possible to incorporate the association class into the Person object since there is only one company for each person in this model. A structured way to represent this in SDL is illustrated in Figure 102.
Figure 102 :
The association class from Figure 101 mapped into
the Person object with an intrusive strategy
The second alternative is essentially to view the association class as a regular class and map it to SDL using any of the strategies that can be used to map regular classes to SDL. This is necessary for many-to-many associations.
The default mapping of associations between passive objects in SOMT is to use the intrusive strategy where classes are mapped to SDL structs and thus associations are mapped to fields in these structs. The name of the field in the struct is the corresponding role name if a role name exists, otherwise it is the association name. If there is no name specified for one of the roles and furthermore no name for the association, then no field is generated in the corresponding struct, and the association is considered to be a one-way association.
There are a number of possible SDL target concepts that an analysis object can be mapped to. The choice of target depends mainly on properties of the object:
When using CORBA, the main result from the system design is an IDL specification which describes a component from an external point of view. It defines the objects that are available, and the operations and attributes that are offered by each object, and it also shows how the objects are structured architecturally.
Note: CORBA and IDL support in SDT is only available on UNIX. |
The object design is aimed at defining the behavior of the objects that are defined, but also at completing the structure of the system by providing the internal structures that are needed. In order to do this, one of the very first steps of the object design is to convert the IDL specification into a corresponding target language specification, i.e., when SDL is used as design notation, an IDL specification should be converted to an SDL system, where all objects are provided as types of different kinds.
The conversion between an IDL specification and a corresponding SDL system is rather straightforward. From an IDL specification, the following is created:
As an example, consider the IDL specification that was shown in Example 13. The interface package that is created from that IDL specification is shown in Figure 103. It is assumed that the IDL specification was found in the file example.idl
; the name of the SDL system as well as the name of the interface package are associated with this name.
Figure 103 : An interface package
If the corresponding SDL system is shown using a tree view, it would look like in Figure 104.
Figure 104 : An SDL system as a tree structure
During object design, the block types and process types that are created from the IDL specification must be provided with behavioral information, and it is also necessary to define how these types fit together using instances, signal routes, and channels. It is possible to add other types and structures to the system, but these will all be internal in the sense that they will not be accessible for other clients through an ORB. The object behavior is performed as is described in Describing Object Behavior, while additional structures and data types can be taken from the object models of the system analysis according to Mapping Object Models to SDL Design Models.
A client wishing to utilize the component that has been created above must use the IDL specification that is provided for the component. From this IDL specification, an interface package can be generated that is identical with the above interface package, and using these definitions it is possible for the client to access the server component through an ORB.
Once the type of SDL target concept has been chosen, the behavior of the object can be defined. Processes and process types are defined by creating the process graphs and ADTs are preferably defined by giving operator diagrams for the operators.
In practise, the major task of the object design activity is the definition of the behavior of SDL processes since they are the SDL representation of active objects that tend to have a more complex behavior than the passive objects. SDL process graphs provide a graphical notation for extended finite state machines, i.e. finite state machines with variables. In Figure 105 an example of a small process graph that illustrates some of the constructs possible in an SDL process is shown. More details about SDL and SDL process graphs are provided in section SDL.
Figure 105 : An SDL process graph
The possible inputs to the process design task are illustrated in Figure 106. The possible inputs directly from the system analysis/design are:
The inputs resulting from the mapping of object models to SDL are:
Based on these inputs the goal of the process design is to create a process diagram that defines the behavior of the process.
Figure 106 : Inputs and output of the process design task
A useful way to structure the tasks that are needed to create a complete process are:
The control structure of an SDL process is defined by the states and the transitions of the process. Ideally the states of a process represent what the environment might expect of the process. Different states represent different stable phases in the life-time of a process and depending on what state a process is in it will respond differently to requests and inputs from the environment.
One straight-forward way to find the states of a process is to analyze the use cases. Since the use cases show an external view of the processes they reflect the expectations the environment can have on the behavior of the process. Both directly in terms of sequences of inputs and outputs the process has to conform to but also indirectly in terms of states since each input of a process must be preceded by a state.
So, the task of designing the control structure of the process starts with selecting a set of typical and essential use cases. If the use cases are in MSC format and on an appropriate abstraction level that includes the process to be defined, the use cases can be analyzed directly. If not they should be rewritten to clearly show the responsibilities of the process in question.
Analyze each use case in terms of states and transitions for the process. Incrementally build up the process graph by adding states and transitions. Start in the beginning of the use case and figure out what state the process must be in. Manually walk through the use case, checking the process defined so far and incrementally adding states and transitions to the process graph. Check for each transition in the use case (i.e. input followed by one or more outputs by the process in question) that the transition exists in the process graph. If it does not exist, add it. Take a look in the use case to see if there is an external need for a state change in the process: has the expectations on the process changed after this transition in the use case? If no: go back to the same state again. If yes: is there an already defined state that may fit these expectations? If there is one, use it. If there is no such state, create a new one and give it a name that describes the expectations. Continue until all use cases has been analyzed.
When adding transitions do not forget to check with the mapping from the object model if it is a regular transition with input and outputs or a remote procedure that is to be added. Also check if state lists (and "*" states) can be used as the starting state of the transition.
During the design of the process also consider what part of the control to put in the process graph states and what to put in variable values. In general it is recommended to define the control flow using the process graph states, but there are cases when it is better to put parts of the control in data values instead of as explicit process states. One example is loop variables that count the number of occurrences of something and is used to exit the loop after a certain number.
One problem that might occur during the use case analysis is that two of the use cases seem to be very difficult to combine in the same process since they require different states of the process. This is an indication that some restructuring is needed and that maybe the process should be divided into different processes or into a set of services.
When finished with the analysis of the selected use cases the result should be a skeleton process graph that contains states and transitions with mainly inputs, outputs, remote procedures, timer actions and a few tasks and decisions that deal with control variables. Make sure that the state/transition structure makes sense. The states should represent external expectations on the behavior and their names should reflect it. This is an important issue, in particular for the possibilities to maintain the process.
The next step is now to consider the data aspects of the transitions.
Often there will be three kinds of variables in an SDL process: temporary variables used to handle the parameters of signals, control variables like loop counters as discussed above, and "real" variables that store information about some entity that will be accessed later during the execution. Most of the "real" variables should have been identified during the analysis are given by the mapping from the object model to SDL. The task now is to define how the "real" variables are affected by the transitions. Add temporary variables handling the parameters of the signals when needed and tasks with expressions that define the needed computations. If complex computations are needed it is good practise to hide them in procedures or operators. The transitions should preferably stay fairly simple.
The first version of the process is considered to be finished when it is possible to verify that the process fulfills the selected use cases, e.g. by running a simulator or verifying MSC use cases (compare with Design Testing). Both the control and the data aspects should be dealt with.
Now it is time to start with the elaboration of the process.
The purpose of the first version of the process was to define the control structure of the process and make sure that this is able to cope with the requirements from the most typical and important use cases. The purpose of the elaboration is to complete and refine this structure to make the process definition reliable and facilitate the maintenance. There are several aspects to cover in this elaboration:
The major topic for the elaboration task is to consider the secondary use case that was not treated in the first version and also the exceptional cases of the already treated use cases. This is done essentially the same way as when creating the first version as described in The First Version -- Defining the Control Structure. The use cases are walked through by hand and the process graph is checked and possibly extended to cope with the new cases.
To enable the understanding of the process and thus also to make it possible to maintain it, it is important that the definition is as simple as possible. This is a topic that is dealt with in the elaboration task. Procedures can be used to simplify process definitions considerably by defining a particular piece of code in one place and using it in several. Procedures can also be used on a higher level to indicate different phases in the lifetime of the process. Using state lists and "*" states it is also possible to simplify the definition of a process by defining transitions that are common to many states in one place.
The robustness and completeness of the process must also be handled in the elaboration. The strategy is essentially to make sure that the appropriate action is taken by the process, not only for the expected cases but also for unexpected cases. So, for each state in the process and each input signal/ remote procedure call possible; check that the action taken makes sense. Also check the treatment of unexpected parameter values.
Another topic to be treated in the elaboration is to consider how to facilitate reuse of the created process. Is it possible to create a more general process type by factoring out some parts of the definition and defining a more general process type that can be specialized in other situations?
The elaboration is in practise an iterative process where all the aspects above are treated more or less in parallel. When the elaboration is finished, the process definition is completed and is ready for integration test. The module test should preferably already have been done at this stage.
When defining the behavior of passive data types defined in SDL the preferred way to define the operator is using operator diagrams. An operator diagram is essentially a flow graph with a start symbol, symbols defining the actions performed by the operation and one or more return symbols. The symbols may for example be tasks with assignments or decisions. An example is given in Figure 107 that shows the operator diagram for an operator BirthDay that increases the age of a person by 1.
Figure 107 : An operator diagram
One of the major benefits with a design notation like SDL that has a well-defined and complete semantics, is the possibility to test the application already in the design activity. This is feasible since the completeness of an SDL design makes it possible to simulate the design taking distribution and concurrence into account.
It is important to emphasis that the output of the object design activity is not only an SDL design but it is a tested SDL design that has been shown to fulfil its requirements. This implies that the design testing is an important task in the object design activity.
A traditional development/test strategy can be described by a "V" as in Figure 108. The design is performed top down, starting with a system design where the major components and their interfaces are defined, followed by a module design and an implementation phase where the application is implemented. The implementation of each module is then tested separately in a module test and finally the entire system is tested. The system test can also sometimes be divided into two parts, one focusing on the integration of the different modules and the other focusing on testing the functionality of the complete system.
Figure 108 : The "V" model of a traditional design/test strategy
This model works in practise fairly good but it has one problem: the complete functionality is not tested until the system tests are performed in the end of the development/testing process. To some extent this problem can be overcome by an iterative process that includes more than one "V" in a development project. Using techniques like SDL this can be even more improved by introducing one more line of testing in the model as in Figure 109.
Figure 109 : The improved "V" design/test strategy
The extra line of testing represents the design level testing that is the focus of this section. There are two practical aspects that differentiates the design testing from the traditional target testing:
The second aspect is very important. Problems that otherwise would not show up until system test time is now found and solved during design at a much lower cost.
In the figure it may look like the testing effort has doubled in the improved "V" strategy since there are now two lines of testing instead of one. This is fortunately not the case. What has happened is that the effort of testing has switched from the target testing to the design testing, making the total amount of testing more or less the same. There are several reasons for this:
There are several sources from where the test cases may come:
The most important input, both to module and system test, is the design use case model from the system design. This model should capture most of the requirements on the system and using the implinks it is also possible to trace the dependencies from the original requirements all the way to the design use cases. Furthermore, the design use case should be in a format that is possible to test more or less automatically against the SDL system, like MSC or TTCN.
However, during the object design there are usually more test cases developed that tests other aspects of the design, and these form also an important part of the module testing tests.
The third source of tests is external sources. For example, in the telecommunication area it is common to have standardized tests suited for certain types of applications or interfaces. In other cases the customer may have specified acceptance tests that the system must comply to before it is approved. These type of tests should of course also be part of the design tests, in particular for system testing the external sources are important.
It is convenient, but not necessary, if the same notation is used for the design use cases, the tests developed during object design and the external test suites.
To perform the testing there is a need for tools, and fortunately there are several tools available that make a number of testing strategies possible:
Using a standard SDL simulation tool it is of course possible to manually simulate the test cases and check that the system performs as expected, but it requires quite a lot of manual work. A better way is to produce test scripts that contain the simulator commands that are needed and then execute them automatically in a batch mode and log the results on a log file. To check the outcome of the test either the log files are manually inspected or checked by a post processing tool that e.g. compares the new log files with old, manually inspected log files.
Another approach to testing is to use a state space exploration tool that can automatically check if an MSC is consistent with the SDL system. The benefit with this method is that MSCs can be directly input to the tool and checked and furthermore there is no need for a manual inspection of the results: a verdict can be automatically generated by the tool. The drawback is that some features like the combination of user-written and automatically generated code can not always be handled by state space exploration tools.
A third approach that is useful if the tests are defined using TTCN is to use a co-simulation of an SDL system and a TTCN test suite as the means to perform design testing. Essentially this is similar to using an SDL simulator alone, but instead of specifying the input as simulator commands a TTCN simulator specifies the input to the SDL simulator and checks the outcome of the test.
A common situation in particular when performing module tests is that there is a need to test one part of an SDL system in isolation from the rest of the system. In an SDL system the part may be for example a block, a process or a data type definition. The simplest way to accomplish this in SDL is to use a package as a container of e.g. the block (which in this case will have be a block type) or data type and then use a special test system to specify the test environment.
As an example consider the DoorCtrl part of the access control system. Assume that this part is designed as a block type "DoorCtrlT" in a package DoorCtrlPack. To perform a module test on this block the simplest way is to create a special test system DoorCtrlTest that instantiates the DoorCtrlT and connects all its gates to the environment.
This sections describes some consistency checks that are useful to perform on the models produced in the object design.
The object design activity should produce a complete and tested design of the system. The precise system and internal object structure as well as the reuse structure are defined in this activity. Relevant parts of the object models are mapped to SDL concept and then completed in an SDL process design activity with design use cases as the main input. This is done iteratively by starting with a initial set of essential use cases, making that part of the design complete and then testing the design (verifying it against the use cases). The activity is finished when all use cases have been implemented and the final design has been tested against all the use cases.