The Organizer is the main tool in Telelogic Tau. When you invoke a Telelogic Tau tool, the Organizer is started and displayed on the screen.
This chapter contains a reference manual for the Organizer; the functionality it provides, its menus, windows and symbols.
The following basic terminology is used throughout this chapter:
The Organizer consists of two windows: a main window and a log window. For a general description of the user interface, see User Interface and Basic Operations.
The main window of the Organizer is also the main window of the Telelogic Tau environment. It manages the current system structure and is responsible for invocation and termination of other tools in Telelogic Tau.
Figure 14 : The Organizer main window
The main window exists in one instance only. If more than one Organizer is required, another Telelogic Tau tool must be started. For special purposes, the Organizer can handle more than one TTCN or SDL system simultaneously.
The log window is a text window used for displaying output during analysis and code generation and for displaying general logs. The window is described in Organizer Log Window.
In the Organizer's drawing area, the files in the system and their structure are presented graphically using icons.
The Organizer can present the system information in two different ways graphically:
The user can change the amount of information and the way it is presented in the drawing area with the menu choice View Options in the View menu. See View Options for more information.
Figure 15 : Indented list mode
Figure 16 : Vertical tree mode
The chapter concept can be used to define a collection of documents. There are no restrictions on what kind of documents that may be placed in a certain chapter, or on the order of documents in a chapter; this is for the user to decide. Chapters can further be used to structure a print-out of the system included in the Organizer view. More information about this can be found in Advanced Print Facilities.
A chapter has a name, and possibly a number. A chapter is shown as a thick horizontal line in the drawing area, together with its number and name. A chapter symbol can be placed inside a Module, as well as inside an SDL diagram structure and a TTCN Module structure.
In addition to the line icon, it is possible to have the Organizer show the text "Chapter" ahead of the number and name; see Icon Names and Types.
A chapter has an associated chapter level, ranging from 0 to 4, which is reflected in the numbering of the chapter:
Numbered chapters are auto-numbered by the Organizer. The initial number for the first chapter in the drawing area can be specified. The initial level of a chapter is specified when the chapter is created, but can later be changed.
A chapter can be associated with a text, which can be regarded as an introduction text to the chapter. When the chapter is included in a print-out, this text will be inserted on a separate page corresponding to the position of the chapter symbol.
The text is saved in a text file, which the chapter symbol is connected to.
There is a default set of unnumbered chapters, known as the basic Organizer view, intended for different kinds of documents. This view appears when creating a new system file and contains the following chapters:
The intended use of these default chapters is described below. The default set of chapters can be changed by editing the preference Organizer* Areas.
The Analysis Model chapter is intended for documents used in a system's analysis, such as Object Model and State Chart diagrams, text requirement documents, MSC, HMSC and SDL requirement diagrams, etc.
The Used Files chapter is intended for documents that are not generated by Telelogic Tau and that are used, included, or imported by other documents in other chapters. Such documents may be C/C++ header files, IDL text documents, etc.
The SDL System Structure chapter is intended for the SDL diagram structure that normally is the primary information managed by the Organizer. The diagram structure contains a strictly hierarchical view of one or more root diagrams and their substructures. Most often only one diagram structure is used (a system) with one or more package or macro structures present as separate roots in the system. A characteristic of these diagrams is that they are directly involved in the analysis/code generation process. Multiple system roots are allowed, mainly to support the possibility of running communicating simulators with graphical trace.
The TTCN Test Specification chapter is intended for TTCN documents used for test specifications.
The Other Documents chapter is intended for documents that do not fit into any of the other chapters. It may contain SDL, MSC, and HMSC diagrams, text documents, etc. that are not directly part of an SDL system and that are not related to the other document structures in the Organizer.
A few special icons in the Organizer are used for showing how document icons are structured, and for specifying where they are stored in the file system by default.
In addition to the icon, it is possible to have the Organizer show the type of the structure icon textually; see Icon Names and Types.
Different operations are applicable to different types of icons. Double-clicking an icon is described in Double Clicks, and associated popup menus are described in Pop-Up Menus.
System File
The name of the system file. This system file could be managed as a control unit (CM group) to allow revision control of the system file in a multiuser environment. |
Link File
The name of the link file. |
Control Unit File
This icon designates a control unit whose contents have not yet been resolved. |
Source Directory
The name of the source directory. |
Target Directory
The name of the target directory. |
Header File
The name of the header definition file. Note that it is possible to connect a text file to this symbol, i.e. the symbol can act as a plain text symbol. |
Footer File
The name of the footer definition file. Note that it is possible to connect a text file to this symbol, i.e. the symbol can act as a plain text symbol. |
A chapter in the drawing area. A chapter can have a number and a name and may be connected to a text file. |
Another way to define a collection of documents, within a chapter. A module has a name but no associated file name. |
Indicates that a number of documents are hidden in the document structure (see Hide). The text associated with the icon indicates the number of hidden (additional) documents, e.g. "5 More". |
To visualize the different types of documents that are present in the user's system, a large number of graphical icons are used. A unique icon is provided for every document type that is commonly used in a system. In particular, each SDL diagram type (except packages, systems, macro definitions and operators) already have a given icon (the reference symbol specified in the Z.100 recommendation).
In addition to the icon, it is possible to have the Organizer show the type of the document textually; see Icon Names and Types.
Different operations are applicable to different types of icons. Double clicking an icon is described in Double Clicks, and associated popup menus are described in Pop-Up Menus.
The list below shows the icons that may be part of a system display in the Organizer:
Object Model Diagram icons |
SDL Diagram icons |
MSC Diagram icons |
Text Document icons |
Build Script (see Build Scripts) |
TTCN Document icons |
SDL Instance icons |
SDL Dashed icons |
Other icons |
The icon for an association or a dependency is a dashed version of the icon of the referenced document. The example to the left shows an association referencing an MSC icon. |
Index icon, representing a generated cross reference file that can be viewed in the Index Viewer. |
The diagram and document icons can have different background colors indicating the state of the information entity associated with the icon. If the icon state is anything else than normal, additional information about the corresponding file is provided in the Status Bar when the icon is selected.
The normal state of the icon. Information is not modified. All diagram and document icon types can be normal. This is also the background color used by all non-diagram/document icons. |
The connected file does not exist or is not a diagram file of the correct type. This state is only possible when connected to a file. All diagram and document icons can be invalid. For more information on invalid icons, see Open and Drives Section. |
The SDL diagram is not referenced in the diagram file where this diagram is referenced in the Organizer, i.e. there is a SDL diagram structure mismatch between the system file and the diagram files. This state is only possible when connected to a file. Mismatched diagrams that are unconnected are removed from the diagram structure in the Organizer. SDL diagram icons that are not root diagrams can be mismatched. The reason for a mismatch is that the reference symbol in the parent diagram states a diagram name different than the kernel heading in the mismatched SDL diagram. |
The associated information entity is modified, but not yet saved. This state is only possible when connected to a file. All diagram and document icons can be dirty. |
The order of root documents in a chapter is not fixed and can be changed by the user; see Move Down and Move Up. Moving documents in the Organizer is also used for two other purposes:
However, the order in which "child" icon types to a "parent" icon appear is fixed according to the following:
The ordering of page icons is specified in the appropriate editor for the diagram/document type (see SDL Page Order, or Diagrams and Pages). The ordering of association icons, dependency icons, SDL instance icons and SDL dashed icons is fixed and cannot be changed by the user. The ordering of child diagram and document icons can also be changed.
The names of chapters, modules and documents in the Organizer are always shown to the right of the icon.
It is possible to show the type of each icon, i.e. a text of the form "System file", "Chapter", "Module", "Object Model", "Block", etc., directly to the right of the icon (ahead of the name). For SDL diagrams, it is also possible to show the virtuality of the diagram. Both these options are available from the menu choice View Options in the View menu. See View Options for more information.
If the document is not opened in an editor, the icon text is presented in a normal, plain type face. If the document is opened in an editor, the text is presented in bold face.
To double click on an icon invokes a default action on the information type that the icon represents.
The menu choices and operations corresponding to the double clicks are:
Type of icon | Menu choice / operation |
Diagram and document icons |
Edit on the selected diagram/document itself |
Page icons |
Edit on the selected page in the associated diagram/document |
Association and Dependency icons |
Edit on the diagram the link points to |
The corresponding symbol becomes selected in the Type Viewer. A double-click on the symbol in the type viewer shows and selects the symbol in the parent SDL diagram. |
Source Directory and Target Directory icons |
System File icon |
Link File icon |
Header File and Footer File icons |
Edit on the connected text file |
Chapter icon |
Edit on the chapter, i.e. brings up the Edit Chapter dialog for that symbol |
Module icon |
Edit on the module, i.e. brings up the Edit dialog for that symbol |
More icon |