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    The Text Editor

The Text Editor is the graphical tool that is used to create, edit, display and print text file documents.

The Text Editor can also be used as a state matrix viewer. One or several state-signal matrices can be presented for each process in an SDL system. The state matrices for an SDL system are presented as one read-only text file. As in any other SDT viewer tool, it is possible to navigate from an entity in a state matrix to the corresponding entity in the SDL system.

This chapter contains a reference manual to the Text Editor; the functionality it provides, its menus and windows.

Table of Contents 

Text Files

The Text Editor works with ASCII text files. The text editor can be used to view, edit and print text files. In addition to providing typical text editor functions, the Text Editor provides special support for embedding link endpoints into the text. For more information on links and endpoints, see Implinks and Endpoints.


The Text Editor is only available if the Organizer is started with the preference SDT* TextEditor set to "SDT".

Endpoint Support

In the Text Editor, endpoints are user-defined, non-overlapping, contiguous ranges of characters, possibly spanning several lines of text, that are made visible to other tools, allowing you to define links between fragments in your text and endpoints in other documents.

Endpoints are displayed in the text editor by underlining the range of characters that are part of the endpoint.

Note that when you define an endpoint, you do not impose any particular restrictions on the text in the endpoint, meaning that you can still edit the text in the endpoint using the normal text editing functions to modify the endpoint's contents. The text editor dynamically notifies other tools the changes you make to your endpoints as you make your changes, to make sure that the view of the endpoints in your file is always current.

Considerations when Using Text Endpoints

The requirement that endpoints must be non-overlapping means that you cannot create an endpoint inside another endpoint. Also, while an endpoint is allowed to span several lines, it is generally best to restrict endpoints to small, well-defined fragments of text on a single line, used as external reference points to the information in your files.

Also note that while the Text Editor visualizes endpoints by simply underlining the text in the endpoints, the endpoints are stored in your actual text files using special keywords before and after the characters in the endpoint. This means that it is not advisable to view or edit text documents with endpoints in a text editor that is not aware of the special significance of these keywords. If you do so, you should be careful so as to not destroy information about the endpoints in the file, as this could cause links attached to these endpoints to break.

Another consequence of how the Text Editor stores the endpoint information is that if you are editing text documents that are intended as input to other tools (such as a C or C++ compiler) you should take care to place endpoints only within commented regions of text. This makes sure that the extra text inserted when storing the endpoints does not conflict with the allowed grammar of the type of file you are editing.


In the examples below you will find typical placements of text endpoints. These endpoints could then be the basis for creation of links into requirements, analysis, design, and specification documents, to name only a few possibilities.

Example 20       

Improperly commented C header with endpoints:

Properly commented C header with endpoints:

Example 21       

Improperly commented C++ header with endpoints:

Properly commented C++ header with endpoints:

State Overview Files and State Matrices

The Organizer can produce a state overview file, see State Overview. The Text Editor recognizes a state overview file by the extension .ins. If such a file is opened in the Text Editor, the Text Editor extracts information from the file and presents the information as a read-only text file containing state matrices. State overview files cannot be edited or saved in the Text Editor.

A state matrix is a textual table with the states in a process or procedure along one dimension and the signals in the same process or procedure along the other dimension. In the table, you will find the transitions for the process or procedure.

A state matrix may look like this: ("-" means no signal)

The Text Editor keeps track of how entities in the state matrix is related to the SDL system. This makes it possible to navigate back to the SDL system. To do so, place the text cursor close to an entity in a state matrix and bring up the pop-up menu for that entity and invoke one of the available menu choices.

A state overview file can be saved as a normal text file. This might be useful if you want to edit a state matrix. But by doing so, you will lose all the extra information associated with the state matrices that is not visible when viewing a state overview file in the text editor. You will no longer be able to:

Text Editor User Interface

The Text Editor window is depicted below. For a general description of the user interface, see User Interface and Basic Operations.

Figure 131  : The Text Editor window

Extracted pic [2]

Text Area

Text in the Text Editor is displayed and printed using the non-proportional font face Courier, which is suitable for displaying ASCII texts such as source code.

While the screen font is fixed, you can change the font face used use for printing by editing the SDT preference SDT* PrintFontFamily.

Text Editing Functions

The following text editing functions are provided in the text window:

Text Selection

To select text you can either:

Word Selection

Double-click a single word, delimited by spaces, to select it.

Line Selection

Triple-click a line of text to select it.

Text Editing

When you edit text, you can:

Undoing Text Modifications

The Undo command reverts the previous editing command. Several undo operations can be performed in sequence to undo sequences of editing commands.

Undo can negate the effects of all commands that alter the text in the Text Editor; however, the effect of user operations on endpoints and links cannot be undone by the undo command.

Depending on the nature of the last performed operation, the effects of the last text editing operation is undone, on a per editing operation. For undo purposes, the text editor recognizes the following operations:

While having to undo each typed character individually may be somewhat inconvenient, a keyboard accelerator (<Ctrl+Z>, see Keyboard Accelerators) can speed up the process.

Note that since the text editor supports unlimited undo, it is not possible to use the undo operation to undo the last undo operation. Instead there is a keyboard accelerator (<Ctrl+Y>, see Keyboard Accelerators) which can be used repeatedly to undo the effects of a sequence of undo operations.

Editing Text Containing Endpoints

It is possible to edit text using normal operations even after endpoints have been embedded in your text. To unambiguously determine the effects of editing operations on endpoints, the Text Editor uses the character just before the position of your insertion cursor or your selection (the initial character) to determine if your editing affects an endpoint:


When deleting or overwriting text, you should be careful not to delete or overwrite all characters in an endpoint since this will remove the endpoint and the associated links.

Dealing with Consecutive Endpoints

When working with consecutive endpoints (i.e. two endpoints follow each other without any intervening non-endpoint text), it is impossible to insert extra characters between these endpoints using the normal text editing operations, since any text inserted between the two endpoints will be considered a part of the first endpoint.

If this particular case arises, you should use Clear Endpoint (see Link > Clear Endpoint) to remove some characters from one of the endpoints so that some non-endpoint characters become available between your endpoints.

Also note that while the text editor has no difficulty in dealing with consecutive endpoints, visual limitations will make it difficult to distinguish between the two endpoints. You should therefore avoid using consecutive endpoints if possible.

Menu Bar

The menu bar provides commands available in menus and menu choices for editing diagrams and pages of diagrams. Most the functionality that the Text Editor offers is contained within the commands from the menu bar. The Text Editor's menu bar provides the following menus:

File Menu

The File menu contains the following menu choices:

The menu choices are described in File Menu, except Print which is described in The Print Dialogs in ORCA, SDT and the Organizer.

Edit Menu

The Edit menu provides the following choices, which may or may not be dimmed depending upon whether or not some text is selected:


This command restores the last text editing operation. The following operations can be undone:


Undo does not restore endpoints or links, even though typing, insertions and deletions can destroy both endpoints and links

For more information on the operation of the Undo command, see Undoing Text Modifications.


Cut removes the selected portion of text from the text window and saves it in the clipboard buffer just as if a Copy has been made. Cut is only available if a portion of text has been selected. Cut is not available for state overview files (*.ins), because they are not editable.

Also see Deleting an Object.


Copy makes a copy of the selected portion of text in the clipboard buffer. The content of the text window is not affected. Copy is only valid if a portion of text has been selected.

When copying text to the clipboard buffer it becomes possible to paste into three different contexts:


Paste inserts the content of the clipboard buffer into the text window. The text in the clipboard buffer will be appended immediately following the cursor position, or replacing the selected text. Paste is only available if a portion of text has been cut or copied into clipboard buffer. Paste is not available for state overview files.

Also see Pasting an Object.

Paste As

Pastes the currently copied object (from the OM or Text Editor) as a text in the text window. The object is transformed and a link is optionally created between the copied object and the pasted text.

The Paste As dialog is opened. See The Paste As Command for more information. Paste As is not available for state overview files (*.ins), because these files are not editable.


Clear removes the selected portion of text from the text window. The content of the clipboard buffer is not affected. Clear is only available if a portion of text has been selected. Clear is not available for state overview files (*.ins), because these files are not editable.

Also see Deleting an Object.

Select All

Select All selects all of the text contained in the text window.

View Menu

The View menu provides rescaling functions and access to various options that affect the behavior of the Text Editor. The following menu choices are available:

Window Options

This menu choice issues a dialog where the presence of the tool and status bars can be set:

Figure 132  : The Window Options dialog

Extracted pic [5]

Editor Options

This menu choice issues a dialog where the behavior of the Text Editor can be customized.

Figure 133 : The Editor Options dialog

Extracted pic [6]

The options are controlled by toggle buttons. They are:


Regardless of the setting of this option, link endpoints are never shown when printed.

State Matrix > Filter Processes

This menu choice is only available for state overview files (*.ins).

This menu choice decides the group of processes that should be visible as state matrices. As default, all processes in the SDL system are visible.

Figure 134 : The Filter Processes dialog

Extracted pic [1]

State Matrix > Transition Information

This menu choice is only available for state overview files (*.ins).

This menu choice decides the information that should be visible for a transition. For each SDL process, there will be one state matrix for each selected transition information alternative.

Figure 135 : The Transition Information dialog

Extracted pic [3]

Below, you will find examples of each possible transition information alternative.

Page Numbers

The page number refers to the printed page where the transition in question starts, i.e. where the SDL input symbol is placed. `-' means no signal.

Page numbers are normally not visible, they are replaced with `*'. The only chance you have to see page numbers instead of `*' is to print the SDL process together with the state overview file (*.ins) from the Organizer.


For each transition, the possible nextstates are listed. `-' means no signal.


For each transition, signals that might be sent from SDL output symbols during the transition are listed. `-' means no signal or no output.

Procedure Calls

For each transition, procedures that might be called during the transition are listed. `-' means no signal or no procedure call.

Diagrams Menu

The Diagrams menu records all diagrams and pages that are opened by the Text Editor. The available menu choices are:


Select this menu choice to browse back to the document that was previously displayed in the window.


Select this menu choice to browse forward to the document that was displayed in the window before you selected Back.

<Diagram Name>

The last edited page always goes to the top of the list, and subsequently moves the other diagrams and pages down a position. A maximum of 9 open pages can be shown. A tenth one will be put at the top of the list, but any subsequent opening of a diagram or page will only show the last 9 that have been opened. Another option -- List All(at the bottom of the list) -- is available to list all the open diagrams in the Text Editor.

Each item in the menu provides information about the diagram name, possibly followed by the file it is stored on (the file information is missing if the diagram has never been saved). A diagram that is preceded by an asterisk (`*') denotes that it has been modified during the Text Editor session.

List All

This menu choice becomes available when a maximum of 9 open pages has been surpassed. When List All is selected, it provides a dialog containing all diagrams and pages that are currently open in the Text Editor:

Figure 136  : The List All dialog

Extracted pic [7]

Window Menu

The Window menu contains the following menu choices:

Close Window

This option closes the open window, but, not necessarily the diagram. If more than one editor window is opened, only the current window is closed and not the diagram. If the last open editor window is closed, the Text Editor will act as if Exit has been chosen, possibly in conjunction with a save of information (see Close Diagram).

Entity Dictionary

Opens the Entity Dictionary window. See The Entity Dictionary for more information.

When working with the Entity Dictionary in the Text Editor, note that the Link > Create command will not automatically create an endpoint on the current selection as is the case in the graphical Editors.

Tools Menu

The Tools menu contains the following menu choices:

Go To Line

This menu choice moves the cursor to a line specified by the user. When selected, a dialog will appear querying the user where to move.

Figure 137 : The Go To Line dialog

Extracted pic [4]


This menu choice opens a dialog where you may search through the document for a text string and replace it with some other piece of text.

Figure 138 : The Search dialog

Extracted pic [8]

Dialog Fields and Options

The Search dialog contains the following fields and options. Values from the previous invocation is used for settings when the dialog is used again.

Dialog Buttons

When the dialog is first opened, all buttons except Close are disabled. Buttons will be enabled when appropriate, for instance the Search/Restart Search button will be enabled when a string is entered in the Search for text field.

When the dialog opens, searches always start at the top of the document.

Go To Source

This command takes the currently selected text fragment and attempts to interpret it as an SDT Reference and display it in the appropriate editor. The selection must include the selected reference exactly. This command corresponds to Go To Source in the Organizer.

The syntax of the graphical references used in the Text Editor is described in SDT References.

Show Transition

This operation is only available for state overview files (*.ins), and only when the text cursor is placed close to a transition in a state matrix.

An SDL Editor window is popped up with the SDL input symbol corresponding to the start of the transition currently in focus in the Text Editor.

Show Nextstate

This operation is only available for state overview files (*.ins), and only when the text cursor is placed close to a transition in a state matrix.

Show Nextstate is a sub menu. The menu choices in the sub menu have the names of the states found in all nextstate symbols that ends the transition currently in focus in the Text Editor. When a nextstate name is selected, an SDL Editor window pops up, showing the nextstate symbol.

Show Output

This operation is only available for state overview files (*.ins), and only when the text cursor is placed close to a transition in a state matrix.

Show Output is a sub menu. The menu choices in the sub menu have the names of all signals that might be sent from an SDL output symbol during the transition currently in focus in the Text Editor. When a signal is selected, an SDL Editor window pops up, showing the output symbol with the signal sending.

Show Call

This operation is only available for state overview files (*.ins), and only when the text cursor is placed close to a transition in a state matrix.

Show Call is a sub menu. The menu choices in the sub menu have the names of all procedures that might be called during the transition currently in focus in the Text Editor. When a procedure call is selected, an SDL Editor window pops up, showing the procedure call symbol.

Show State

This operation is only available for state overview files (*.ins), and only when the text cursor is placed close to a state or transition in a state matrix.

Show State is a sub menu. The menu choices in the sub menu represents all the places where SDL state symbols can be found for the state currently in focus in the Text Editor. If a transition is currently in focus in the Text Editor, the Show State operation operates on the start state for the transition. When a menu choice is selected, an SDL Editor window pops up, showing the corresponding state symbol.

Show Signal

This operation is only available for state overview files (*.ins), and only when the text cursor is placed close to a signal or transition in a state matrix.

When this operation is invoked, an SDL Editor window is popped up with the signal declaration corresponding to the signal in focus in the Text Editor. If a transition is in focus in the Text Editor, the operation operates on the signal that triggers the transition.

Pop-Up Menu

Open the pop-up menu by right-clicking or pressing <F2>. The pop-up menu remains opened until you click the mouse or press <Esc>.

Pop-Up Menu in Text Documents

In text documents, the pop-up menu contains some of the menu choices in the Edit and Tools menus.

In state overview files (*.ins), the pop-up menu contains the state overview menu choices in the Tools menu. The menu choices are different depending on if a state, signal or transition is closest to the cursor position.

Keyboard Accelerators

In addition to the standard keyboard accelerators, described in Keyboard Accelerators, the Text Editor includes the following:

Accelerator Command / functionality


Redraw window.


Redo (i.e. undo last undo)


Show Organizer



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