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    Tutorial: The SDT Simulator

The SDT Simulator is the tool that you use for testing the behavior of your SDL systems. In this tutorial, you will practice "hands-on" on the DemonGame system.

To be properly assimilated, this tutorial therefore assumes that you have gone through the exercises that are available in Tutorial: The Editors and the Analyzer.

In order to learn how to use the Simulator, read through this entire chapter. As you read, you should perform the exercises on your computer system as they are described.

Table of Contents 

Purpose of This Tutorial

The purpose of this tutorial is to make you familiar with the essential simulation functionality in SDT. Typically, simulation means executing the system under user control; stepping, setting breakpoints, examining the system, processes and variables, sending signals and tracing the execution, as you would do with a debugger, but applied on the SDL domain.

This tutorial is designed as a guided tour through SDT, where a number of hands-on exercises should be performed on your computer as you read this chapter.

We have on purpose selected a simple example that should be easy to understand. It is assumed that you have a basic knowledge about SDL -- this chapter is not a tutorial on SDL.

It is assumed that you have performed the exercises in Tutorial: The Editors and the Analyzer before starting with the tutorial on the simulator.

Note:  C compiler

You must have a C compiler installed on your computer system in order to simulate an SDL system. Make sure you know what C compiler(s) you have access to before starting this tutorial.

Note:  Platform differences

This tutorial, and the others that are possible to run on both the UNIX and Windows platform, are described in a way common to both platforms. In case there are differences between the platforms, this is indicated by texts like "on UNIX", "Windows only", etc. When such platform indicators are found, please pay attention only to the instructions for the platform you are running on.

Normally, screen shots will only be shown for one of the platforms, provided they contain the same information for both platforms. This means that the layout and appearance of screen shots may differ slightly from what you see when running SDT on your computer screen. Only if a screen shot differs in an important aspect between the platforms will two separate screen shots be shown.

Generating and Starting a Simulator

Once you have designed and analyzed a complete SDL system, it is possible to simulate the system, i.e. to interactively inspect and check its actual behavior. To be able to simulate the DemonGame system, you must first generate an executable simulator and then start the simulator with a suitable user interface.


In order to generate a simulator that behaves as stated in the exercises, you should use the SDL diagrams that are included in the Telelogic Tau distribution instead of your own diagrams. To do this:

  • On UNIX: Copy all files from the directory
    to your work directory ~/demongame.
  • In Windows: Copy all files from the directory
    to your work directory C:\tau35\work\demongame.

If you generate a simulator from the diagrams that you have created yourself, the scheduling of processes (i.e. the execution order) may differ.

If you choose to copy the distribution diagrams, you must then re-open the system file demongame.sdt from the Organizer.

What You Will Learn

Generating the Simulator

To generate an executable simulation program, do as follows:

  1. Make sure the system diagram icon is selected in the Organizer.
  2. Select the Make command from the Generate menu. The Make dialog is opened:

Figure 102  : The Make dialog (on UNIX)

Extracted pic [6]

Figure 103  : The Make dialog (in Windows)

Extracted pic [31]

  1. Adjust the options in accordance to the figure, i.e.
  2. Click the Make button.
  3. Check that no errors occurred. The Organizer's status bar should read "Analyzer done" and the Organizer Log should report no errors between the "Make started" and "Make completed" messages.
  4. If errors were reported, bring up the Make dialog again, but click the Full Make button instead. This time, no errors should be reported.

Starting the Simulator

The generated simulator is now stored on a file called demongame_xxx.sct (on UNIX) or demongame_xxx.exe (in Windows) in the directory from which you started SDT (the _xxx suffix is platform or kernel/compiler specific). The simulator contains a monitor system that provides a set of commands which can be used to control and monitor the execution of the simulator.

It is possible for you to execute the simulator directly from an OS prompt, in which case you have to enter all commands to the monitor system textually using a simple command-line interface.

SDT provides a user-friendly graphical interface to the simulator that is started from the Organizer.

  1. From the Tools menu, select the sub-menu SDL and the command Simulator UI. The Simulator UI window is opened:

Figure 104 : The main window of the Simulator UI

Extracted pic [7]

  1. Extracted pic [35] To start a simulator, select Open from the File menu, or click the Open quick button.
  2. In the file selection dialog, the generated simulator file described above should be listed. Select it and click OK or Open.
  3. The text area of the Simulator UI greets you with a welcome message to acknowledge that the simulator has been started:

  4. Welcome to SDT SIMULATOR. Simulating system Demongame.

When a simulator is started, the static process instances in the system are created (in this case Main and Demon), but their initial transitions are not executed. The process in turn to be executed is the Main process.

The Simulator UI is now ready to accept commands to the monitor system. Whenever it is possible to enter a command, the prompt Command: is issued in the text area.

Executing Transition by Transition

What You Will Learn

Executing the Start Transitions

In this exercise, you will execute the start transitions in the process instances of the system. First, however, we must set the amount of trace information that we want printed during execution. The command Set-Trace is used for setting the textual trace level.

For now, you will enter commands textually by using the text field Command: just below the text area; this field is called the input line.

  1. Click in the input line to place the cursor. Enter the command
    set-trace 6 and hit <Return>. The value 6 specifies that we want full information about the actions that are performed during the transitions. The entered command is moved to the text area and the simulator monitor confirms the trace setting; the text area should now show:

  2. Welcome to SDT SIMULATOR. Simulating system Demongame.
    Command : set-trace 6
    Default trace set to 6
    Command :
    A graphical trace (GR trace) is also available, which means that the execution is traced in the SDL diagrams by selecting the next symbol to be executed. GR trace is by default off when you start the simulation.
  3. To enable the GR trace, enter the command set-gr-trace 1. The value 1 specifies that the next symbol to be executed will be displayed in an SDL Editor each time the monitor system is entered.
  4. To have an SDL Editor window appear now, enter the command show-next-symbol. An SDL Editor window appears, showing the diagram for the process Main with its start symbol selected (this is the next symbol in turn to be executed). This SDL Editor window will be used for graphically tracing the execution of the simulator during your simulation session.
  5. If needed, move and resize the Simulator UI and SDL Editor windows so that they both are completely visible and fit on the screen together. A few useful advice are:
  6. To determine the transition in turn to be executed, you can look in the editor window. The start state of process Main is selected and the next state symbol is Game_Off. To execute this (empty) transition, you will use the command Next-Transition.
  7. Execute the command Next-Transition by simply entering n-t in the input line. All commands may be abbreviated as long as the abbreviation is unique among all available commands.

  8. The start transition of Main is now traced in two ways:
    *      PId    : Main:1
    *      State  : start state 
    *      Now    : 0.0000
    *** NEXTSTATE  Game_Off
    The next transition is the start transition of Demon, which contains the setting of a timer. To execute it, you can use another feature of the command interface:
  9. Place and click the pointer on the input line and press the arrow key <Up>. The command you entered previously appears (n-t). Execute it by pressing <Return>.
  10. The start transition of Demon executes. Also, the SDL Editor sets the selection on the text symbol where the declaration of the timer T is found. This is a convention adopted in SDT to show that the next event to take place in the system, if no signal is sent from the environment, is the expire of a timer.

    Note that the printed trace also contains the action of setting the timer T.

Sending Signals from the Environment

To make something of interest happen in the system you have to send signals from the environment into the system. We will start by sending the signal Newgame to the Main process. For this, you can use the command Output-Via, which takes as parameters a signal name, the parameters of the signal (none in this case), and a channel name.

In this exercise, however, you will execute commands using buttons instead of entering them textually on the input line. The command buttons are arranged into different "modules" in the left part of the Simulator UI. You can "preview" the command that is executed by a button by selecting it and move the mouse pointer away from the button before you release the mouse. The associated command is then listed in the Status Bar at the bottom of the window.

  1. Locate the button module Send Signal and click on the Send Via button.

  2. This button executes the Output-Via command, as is shown in the text area. A dialog is opened, asking for the value of the first parameter, the signal name. The list contains all signals possible to send from the environment:

Figure 105 : Sending the signal Newgame

Extracted pic [8]

  1. Select the signal Newgame and click the OK button.
  2. Another dialog is opened, asking for the channel name.

Figure 106 : Selecting the channel to send via

Extracted pic [9]

  1. As there is only one channel from the environment to the system, you do not have to select it explicitly. Simply click the OK button.

  2. The signal is now sent, which is confirmed in the text area. The GR trace shows that the next symbol to execute is the input of Newgame (in process Main).
  3. Execute the next transition by using the button Transition in the module Execute (this executes the Next-Transition command). The printed trace information shows the actions of the executed transition up until the state Game_On. Note that the start of the transition is described by the combination of a state (Game_Off) and the input of a signal (Newgame):

    *      PId    : Main:1
    *      State  : Game_Off 
    *      Input  : Newgame
    *      Sender : env:1
    *      Now    : 0.0000
    *   CREATE Game:1
    *   ASSIGN  GameP := Game:1
    *** NEXTSTATE  Game_On
    Since the process Game was created in the transition, the GR trace shows that the next symbol to execute is the start state of Game. This clearly demonstrates the difference between printed trace and GR trace:
  5. Execute the start transition of Game with the Transition button. The Game process reaches the state Losing, and the GR trace changes back to the Demon process. The SDL Editor selection shows again the text symbol with the declaration of the timer T.
  6. Execute the next transition, in order to have the timer expire. This transition is a timer output, i.e., a timer that sends its signal to the process which earlier executed the Set action. A timer output is also considered to be a transition. Note that the simulation time has now been updated to 1:

  7. *** TIMER signal was sent
    *   Timer    : T
    *   Receiver : Demon:1
    *** Now      : 1.0000
  8. Execute another transition. The start of this transition is described by the combination of the Generate state and the input of the timer T. The signal Bump is now sent to the Game process:

    *      PId    : Demon:1
    *      State  : Generate 
    *      Input  : T
    *      Sender : Demon:1
    *      Now    : 1.0000
    *   OUTPUT of Bump to Game:1
    *   SET on timer T at 2.0000
    *** NEXTSTATE  Generate
    The GR trace shows the next symbol to be the input of Bump in Game. In the process diagram, note that after the input of Bump, the Game process will be in the state Winning awaiting either the input of another Bump or the input of a Probe signal.
  10. Execute the next transition to put the process Game in the state Winning. The GR trace switches back to the Demon process and indicates the next default behavior which is the expire of the timer T. However, you will instead send the signal Probe from the environment:
  11. Send the Probe signal by using the Send Via button as before. The GR trace switches back to the Game process.
  12. Execute the next transition. The Probe signal is consumed and the signal Win is output to the environment. The process returns to the state Winning and awaits a new Bump (or Probe) signal.

    *      PId    : Game:1
    *      State  : Winning 
    *      Input  : Probe
    *      Sender : env:1
    *      Now    : 1.0000
    *   OUTPUT of Win to env:1
    *   ASSIGN  Count := 1
    *** NEXTSTATE  Winning

We have now shown how you can use the commands Next-Transition and Output-Via to reach a certain point or state in the simulation.

Viewing the Internal Status

In this exercise we will introduce some of the available commands for viewing the internal status of the system. With the graphical user interface, it is also possible to continuously view the internal status without having to execute commands manually.

In the previous exercise, you learned how to interpret the available traces. We will not focus on these details anymore, unless we need to point out some important aspect.

What You Will Learn

Restarting the Simulator

Before continuing, you need to restart the simulation from the beginning and set the trace level:

  1. Select the Restart command from the File menu.
  2. A dialog informs you that the current simulation will terminate. Confirm this by clicking OK. The text area is cleared and the simulator is now reset.
  3. Set the trace level to 6 and the GR trace level to 1, as before. The easiest way to do this is to use the up arrow key on the input line to find the previous Set-Trace 6 and Set-GR-Trace 1 commands and then hit <Return>.

Viewing Process and Signal Queues

To view the internal status continuously, the Command window is used. This window shows, if your preferences are set up adequately, the process ready queue and a list of all processes.

This information is displayed in separate "modules" in the Command window by executing suitable monitor commands (List-Ready-Queue and List-Process). These modules are similar to the button modules in the main window.

  1. Select Command Window from the View menu to open the Command window. Resize the window so that both command modules become visible (see Figure 107). Move the window so that you can still see the SDL Editor window and use the main window.

Figure 107  : The Command window

Extracted pic [10]


Whether the Command window shows any commands or not is preference dependent. If the window does not show these command modules at start-up, you may add the commands using the Add Command menu choice from the Command menu and specify each of the commands to add. See Figure 108.

Figure 108  : Specifying a command to add

Extracted pic [1]

  1. Execute the next transition and note the changes in the Command window. The Main process is removed from the ready queue since it needs a signal input (Newgame) to execute the next transition, but this signal has not yet been sent. The process list shows the new state of Main (Game_Off).
  2. Execute the next transition. The ready queue is now empty since the Demon process needs an input of the timer signal T, but this timer has not yet expired.
  3. Send the signal Newgame from the environment. The Command window shows that Newgame has entered the signal input port of Main, thus adding Main to the ready queue.
  4. You may also print a list of all signals in the input port of the process in turn to execute. The command for this is not available through a command button. Instead, locate the menu Examine in the menu bar and select the Input Port command. For each signal an entry number (the position in the signal queue), the signal name, and the sender of the signal is printed. The asterisk before the entry number of Newgame indicates that this signal will be consumed by the process in the next transition.

Viewing Variables and Process Instances

Apart from the Command window, you can also continuously monitor variable values by using the Watch window. We will now monitor the variable GameP in process Main to see how its value changes as the process Game is started and later stopped.

  1. Open the Watch window by selecting Watch Window from the View menu. If needed, move it so that you can also see the contents of the Command window.
  2. In the Watch window, select Add from the Watch menu to add a variable to the list of variables to display.
  3. In the dialog, you have to specify both the process (within parenthesis) and the variable name. Enter (Main) GameP and click OK.

Figure 109 : Adding a variable to watch

Extracted pic [32]

  1. The value null should now be displayed in the Watch window:

Figure 110 : Adding GameP to the Watch window

Extracted pic [12]

  1. Execute the next transition and check that the value of GameP in the Watch window changes to the value Game:1 as the process Game is created. Game is also added to the lists printed in the Command window.
  2. You can examine the newly created Game process. The information is printed by giving the command Examine-PId (enter ex-pid on the input line) and contains the current values of Parent, Offspring, and Sender. Parent is Main:1, as expected.
  3. Send the signal Endgame from the environment. Notice that Main is added to the ready queue, but after Game.
  4. Execute the next transition, which is the start transition of Game.
  5. You can now examine the Main process, since it is the next to execute. Give the command Examine-PId again and compare the values printed with those from the Game process.
  6. Execute the two next transitions to stop the Game process. Notice that the value of GameP is reset to null and that Game no more is listed in the Command window.

Other Viewing Options

There are a number of other viewing commands available in the Examine menu. You can list the active timers in the system, check the parameters of signal and timer instances, etc. We will conclude this exercise by showing that the system is not idle, even though the ready queue is now empty.

  1. Check that the timer T is still active by choosing Timer List in the Examine menu. The timer's name, corresponding process instance, and expiration time is printed.
  2. Execute the next transition. Try to examine the timer instance by giving the command Examine-Timer-Instance (enterex-tim-ins on the input line). You are informed that the timer queue is empty, i.e. the timer T is no longer active.

Dynamic Errors

What You Will Learn

Finding a Dynamic Error

In this exercise, a dynamic error in the Demongame system will be detected. The error is found by simply executing the first four transitions of the system:

  1. Select the Restart command from the File menu.
  2. Set the trace level to 6.
  3. We will not use graphical trace in this exercise. So, exit the currently open SDL Editor from its File menu.
  4. As you will not need the Command and Watch windows, close them by selecting Close All from the View menu.
  5. Execute the four next transitions until a warning message is printed in the text area:

  6. ********************* WARNING ********************
    Warning in SDL Output of signal Bump
    Signal sent to NULL, signal discarded
    Sender: Demon:1
      Process        : Demon:1
      State          : Generate
      Input          : T
      Symbol         : #SDTREF(SDL,c:\tau35\work\...
      Process        : Demon
      Block          : DemonBlock
      System         : Demongame
    The message indicates that there was no receiver for the Bump signal sent from the Demon process. This is quite true, as no process instance of type Game has been created. The definition of the Demon game is thus not correct, as it is actually requires that the user always has a game running, when Bump signals are sent. A better (and correct) solution would be to direct the Bump signals from Demon to Main, which then retransmits the signal to the instance of the Game process, if it exists.
  7. When no GR trace is in effect, you can still see where the error occurred. Choose Prev Symbol in the Show menu. This opens an SDL Editor and selects the last symbol that was executed. In this case, the output of Bump in the Demon process.

  8. After a dynamic error has occurred it is, of course, possible to continue the simulation, both to execute more transitions and to examine the status of the system. Note that the execution was stopped directly after the symbol in which the dynamic error occurred, i.e. the transition was interrupted.
  9. To execute the interrupted transition to its end, issue a Next-Transition command as usual. In the printed trace you can see that no signal was sent in the erroneous output statement.

Using Different Trace Values

The amount of trace information printed during transitions is set by the command Set-Trace. So far, you have used this command to set the trace value to 6. The higher the trace value you set, the more information is printed.

You can also define trace values for different parts of the system. In this way, blocks, process types, process instances, etc. can have different trace values. If a process does not have a trace value defined, the value for the enclosing block is used. If the block does not have a defined value, the value for the next enclosing structure is used, etc. The system always have a trace value defined, which initially is 4.

In this exercise, you will use these facilities to run the demon game and only print trace information for transitions executed by the processes Main and Game. The process Demon will not be traced. This is accomplished by setting the trace value for the system to 0 and the value for the block GameBlock to 6.

The GR trace value will be set to 1 throughout this exercise.

What You Will Learn

Setting Trace Values

The command Set-Trace actually takes two parameters, the name of a unit and a trace value, and assigns the trace value to the unit. To easily specify the unit, you will now execute Set-Trace by using a menu, instead of entering it on the input line.

  1. First, restart the simulator. If needed, resize and move the SDL Editor window that is open.
  2. Locate the Trace menu and select the Text Level : Set entry. In the first dialog, select the unit System Demongame and click OK. In the second dialog, select the trace value 0. Note that all possible trace values (0-6) have a short explanation.

Figure 111 : Setting the trace 0 for System DemonGame

Extracted pic [11]

  1. In a similar way, set the trace value for the block GameBlock to 6.
  2. The menu choice SDL Level : Set can be used to set the GR trace value in the same way. Use it to set the trace value for the system DemonGame to 1.
  3. Check that you have set the correct trace values by using the menu choices Text Level : Show and SDL Level : Show. The following information should be printed:

  4. Default    4 = All SDL actions
    System  Demongame  : 0 = No trace
    Block   GameBlock  : 6 = All SDL actions + Result + Parameters
    Default    0 = GR trace off
    System  Demongame 1 = Show next symbol when entering monitor

Executing Symbol by Symbol

To clearly see that the Demon process is not traced in the text area, we will follow the execution in smaller steps than complete transitions. The smallest execution step possible is one SDL symbol at a time. The command Step-Symbol is used for this.

  1. First, send the Newgame signal from the environment.
  2. Execute the start symbol of Main by clicking the button Symbol (in the Execute module). Note that the printed trace does not include information about the next state (Game_Off) since that symbol has not yet been executed (it is selected to be executed next):

    *      PId    : Main:1
    *      State  : start state 
    *      Now    : 0.0000
  4. Execute the next symbol with the Symbol button. Now, the printed trace gives information about the Game_Off state being reached:

  5. *** NEXTSTATE  Game_Off
  6. The execution now continues in the Demon process. Execute the three symbols in the start transition of Demon. Note that no trace is printed in the text area, since Demon is not part of the block GameBlock.
  7. Continue executing the symbols in the Main and Game processes until the Demon process is entered again (you will need to press the Symbol button a number of times; watch the SDL Editor window for monitoring the execution). Note that trace is printed for each symbol.
  8. When the Demon process is entered, you can continue to execute symbol by symbol, or you may execute the complete transition by using the Transition button as usual. No trace is printed.
  9. Stop executing when you are back in the Game process.

Hiding Uninteresting Transitions

If you would continue to execute transition by transition at this point, trace would only be printed while executing the Game process. But, you would still have to manually execute the "silent" transitions in the Demon process. To avoid this, you can use another command,
Next-Visible-Transition. This command executes a sequence of transitions; it stops after it has reached a process with a trace value greater than 0, i.e., when the first "visible" transition is executed. In this way, transitions by uninteresting parts of the system are hidden.

  1. Execute the command by choosing Until Trace in the Execute menu. The execution does not stop until the Game process is entered again and the state Winning (or Losing) is reached. Trace is then printed for the last executed transition.
  2. Repeat the command a number of times. The printed trace shows that you are now switching between the states Losing and Winning in the Game process. The execution in the Demon process is hidden in the printed trace.

  3. You should note, however, that the GR trace only shows the Demon process. Remember that the GR trace selects the next symbol to be executed, which is always in the Demon process when the Game process has reached the state Winning or Losing. If you want to check where in the Game process you are, do as follows:
  4. Choose Prev Symbol in the Show menu to select the last executed symbol. This should be a state symbol, Winning or Losing, in the Game process.

Looking at the External Behavior

What You Will Learn

Setting Trace and Signal Logging

During this exercise, you will look at the external behavior of the system, which is the same as actually playing the Demon game. To achieve this, we will set the system trace to 1. This means that you will see only signals sent to the environment and none of the actions performed during transitions. In order to log the external behavior on a file, you will also use the signal log facility.

  1. As usual, restart the simulator.
  2. Set the trace value for the system to 1.
  3. To log the signals sent to and from the environment, enter the command signal-log in the input line and hit <Return>. (This command has no associated button or menu choice.)

  4. The Signal-Log command takes two parameters, which are now asked for in dialogs. The first parameter is a unit name. All signals sent to, from or through the specified unit will be logged to file.
  5. Instead of selecting one of the units in the list, enter the unit name env in the dialog's text field. This is the way to specify the environment of the system.

Figure 112 : Specifying the environment

Extracted pic [13]

  1. In the dialog's File field, enter the file name signal.log.

Adding Buttons for Common Commands

When you are playing the Demon game, you are sending signals to the system from the environment. You will start by sending the signal Newgame. Since this is an action often performed in the simulation of this system, we will first define a new button that executes the proper command. In this way, you only need to click the button to send the signal.

  1. In the Send Signal module, select Add from the Group menu to the far right:

Figure 113 : Adding a new button to a module

Extracted pic [14]

  1. In the dialog, enter Newgame as the button label, but do not hit <Return>. Enter output-via newgame - as the command definition.

Figure 114 : Adding a button

Extracted pic [33]

  1. Click Apply. The new button appears in the module, and the dialog is ready for another button definition.
  2. Since sending the Probe signal also is a common action, add a button Probe in the same way as above.
  3. If you wish, add buttons for the signals Result and Endgame in the same way. Finally, close the dialog with the OK button.

Playing the Game

You are now ready to start playing the game. You will use the new buttons to send signals to the game, and the command Proceed-Until to execute transitions up to the next point in time when you want to send a signal.

  1. Send the signal Newgame with a click on the Newgame button.
  2. Execute transitions until the time is 5.5 by selecting Until Time (in the Execute menu). Enter the value 5.5 in the dialog. This executes the command Proceed-Until 5.5. This will execute all transitions up to the point in time when the simulation time first becomes equal to the specified time value.
  3. Send a Probe signal.
  4. Execute transitions until the time is 10.3. Note the output of the signal Win or Lose to the environment.
  5. Send a Probe signal again. Then, send another Probe signal. The two signals will enter the input port of the Game process. Check this by selecting Input Port in the Examine menu:

  6. Input port of Game:1
    Entry   Signal name          Sender
    *1      Probe                env:1
     2      Probe                env:1
  7. Send the signal Result. Use the button if you have defined one; otherwise, use the Send Via button or enter the command on the input line.
  8. Execute transitions until the time is 13.5. Note the output of the signals Lose or Win (one for each Probe) and Score to the environment.

Examining the Signal Log File

  1. Exit the simulation by choosing Stop Sim in the Execute menu. This is needed to finish the signal logging. The Simulator UI itself is not closed by this command.
  2. Examine the file signal.log from outside the simulator. The file contains a specification of all signals sent to and from the environment. It should look like this:

  3. Signal log for system Demongame with unit Process env on file ...
    0.0000 Newgame from env:1 to Main:1
    5.5000 Probe from env:1 to Game:1
    5.5000 Win from Game:1 to env:1
    10.3000 Probe from env:1 to Game:1
    10.3000 Probe from env:1 to Game:1
    10.3000 Result from env:1 to Game:1
    10.3000 Lose from Game:1 to env:1
    10.3000 Lose from Game:1 to env:1
    10.3000 Score from Game:1 to env:1
    Parameter(s) : -1

Using Breakpoints

The facility of a simulator demonstrated in this exercise is the breakpoint. A breakpoint can be used to stop the execution and activate the monitor system at a certain point of interest. There are four kinds of breakpoints; symbol, transition, output and variable. The first two kinds will be explained in the following.

What You Will Learn

Setting Up the System

To see where a breakpoint is reached, you will start the execution of the system with the Go command. This command continuously executes transitions until an error occurs, a breakpoint is reached, or the system is completely idle. You should first set up the system in a way suitable for continuous execution:

  1. Restart the simulator.
  2. Set the trace value for the system to 0 to avoid trace information being printed during execution.
  3. Set the GR trace value for the system to 2 (you may use the SDL Level : Set entry from the Trace menu to do this). Each SDL symbol will then be selected in the SDL Editor as it is executed, allowing you to follow the execution even though no trace is printed.

Setting a Symbol Breakpoint

A symbol breakpoint is set at a specific SDL symbol in the process diagrams. Symbol breakpoints are checked before symbols are executed, i.e. the symbol is not executed when the breakpoint is reached. We will now show how to set a breakpoint on the first task symbol in the Game process, i.e. the initializing of the variable Count to 0.

  1. First, send the signal Newgame (using the new button). This is very important, as otherwise the Game process will not be created and the breakpoint will never be reached!
  2. In the SDL Editor, bring up the Game process diagram from the Diagrams menu.
  3. In the Simulator UI, choose Connect sdle in the Breakpoint menu (you may have to resize the window to see the menu). This establishes a connection between the Simulator and the SDL Editor. As a consequence, a new menu Breakpoints appears in the SDL Editor's menu bar (you may have to resize the window to see the menu).
  4. Go back to the SDL diagram and select the task symbol "Count:=0". Then, select the second command Set Breakpoint from the new Breakpoints menu in the editor (the one without trailing dots). The symbol breakpoint is now defined.

  5. A red "stop" sign is added to the task symbol to indicate the breakpoint. Back in the Simulator UI, the definition of the symbol breakpoint is printed.
  6. Start executing the system by pressing the Go button in the Execute module. Note how the SDL symbols are selected in rapid succession as they are executed. Finally, the breakpoint is reached and the execution stops. The symbol where the breakpoint was set is next to be executed.

Setting a Transition Breakpoint

A transition breakpoint is set at a specific transition in the system. Transition breakpoints are checked before transitions are executed, i.e. the transition is not executed when the breakpoint is reached. We will set a breakpoint in the Demon process, when it is in the state Generate and receives the timer T.

  1. To define the breakpoint, choose Transition in the Breakpoint menu of the Simulator UI. This command takes a number of parameters. In the dialogs that appear:
  2. Select the Demon process and click OK:

Figure 115 : Specifying the process

Extracted pic [15]

  1. Leave the instance number empty and click OK:

Figure 116 : Leave the instance number empty

Extracted pic [16]

  1. Do not specify a service name; simply click OK:

Figure 117 : Do not specify a service name

Extracted pic [17]

  1. Select the Generate state and click OK:

Figure 118 : Specifying the state Generate

Extracted pic [18]

  1. Select the timer T and click OK:

Figure 119 : Specifying the timer T

Extracted pic [19]

  1. Simply click OK in the remaining dialogs:

Figure 120 : Leaving the remaining dialogs empty

Extracted pic [20]

  1. To see how the new breakpoint was defined, list all breakpoints with the Show entry in the Breakpoint menu:

  2. 2
    Process name    : Demon
    Instance        : any
    Service name    : any
    State           : Generate
    Input           : T
    Sender name     : any
    Sender instance : any
    Stop each time
  3. Resume execution of transitions by clicking the Go button. When the breakpoint is reached, you can see that the current state of the system matches the breakpoint definition:

  4. Breakpoint matched by transition
    PId    : Demon:1
    State  : Generate 
    Input  : T
    Sender : Demon:1
    Now    : 1.0000

Changing the System

There are a number of commands in the simulator monitor that change the behavior of the system. These commands should be used with care, since it is no longer the original system that is simulated after such a command has been issued. These commands are still useful, especially in debugging situations, for making minor changes so that it is possible to continue the simulation after an error has been detected. They can also be used to force the system into certain situations, that otherwise would require a large number of transitions to be attained.

What You Will Learn

Some Preparations

In the following two exercises, you will be changing processes and timers. Before continuing, you will set up the simulation and the Simulator UI in a suitable way.

  1. Restart the simulator.
  2. Open the Command window through the View menu. You will now change the commands executed in the Command window. The List-Process command is to be replaced by Examine-PId, and a new command, List-Timer, will be added.
  3. In the List-Process command module, select Edit from the Command menu to the far right. (This menu works in the same way as the Group menu in the button modules.)
  4. In the dialog, change the command to examine-pid and click OK.
  5. Go to the Command window's menu bar and select Add Command from the Command menu. In the dialog, enter the command list-timer and click OK.
  6. A new command module is added to the window. Resize the window so that all three modules are visible.

Figure 121 : Adjusting the number of lines

Extracted pic [34]

  1. Set the system trace value to 6 to get full trace.
  2. Execute the two first transitions so the processes Main and Demon are started.
  3. If the GR trace in the SDL Editor window makes it difficult to see the output in the Command window, set the system GR trace to 0.

Creating a Process

In this exercise, we will put the system in the state it would be in after the reception of a Newgame signal. This will be accomplished without actually sending the signal. Instead, we will manually create an instance of process type Game, using the Create command.

  1. Create the Game process by selecting the Create Process entry (in the Change menu). Select the process Game, and click OK.
  2. In the next dialog, select the parent process Main and click OK. This sets up the Parent-Offspring link between the process instances.

Figure 122 : Creating the process Game from process Main

Extracted pic [21]

Figure 123  : The Ready Queue
Next process to execute is Game.

Extracted pic [22]

  1. Change the scope by selecting Set Scope in the Examine menu. Select the process Main in the dialog and click OK.

  2. The Examine-PId command in the Command window shows that Main is the current process. The variable GameP must be set to the value of Offspring in Main. In the Command window, check that this value is Game:1.

Figure 124 : Process Main is the current process
The Offspring of the current process is Game:1.

Extracted pic [26]

  1. Assign the GameP variable by selecting Variable in the Change menu. In the dialogs that follow, select the variable GameP, and enter the PId value Game:1.
  2. To put the Main process in the correct state, use the State entry in the Change menu. Select the state Game_On.

  3. The system is now in exactly the state it would be in after the reception of a Newgame signal. Even though you have changed the process scope, the next transition to be executed is still the start transition of Game. (You can check this by viewing the process ready queue. See Figure 123.)
  4. Execute the next transition and check that the Game process is started.

Changing the State of Timers

In this exercise, we will execute Set and Reset actions on timers directly in the monitor system. At this stage, the timer T is active, as it has been set by the Demon process. You can check this by looking at the List-Timer module in the Command window.

Figure 125 : The timer T is active

Extracted pic [29]

  1. Reset the timer by choosing Reset Timer in the Change menu. Select the timer T and click OK.
  2. Try to execute the next transition and note the message printed:

  3. No process instance scheduled for a transition
    The system is now completely idle, i.e., there are no transitions in the system that can be executed. The Command window shows that both the ready queue and the timer queue is empty. To restart the system you must perform a set operation on timer T in process Demon.
  4. Choose Set Timer in the Change menu, select the timer T and enter a time value of 10.
  5. Execute the next transition and check that the timer was set at time 10 (look at the trace in the main window).

  6. *** TIMER signal was sent
    *   Timer    : T
    *   Receiver : Demon:1
    *** Now      : 10.0000

Generating Message Sequence Charts

In this exercise, we will demonstrate the power of Message Sequence Charts as a method of illustrating, in a graphical way, the dynamic behavior of the system. This can easily be done when simulating the system by using MSC trace. MSC trace transforms some of the SDL events that take place into MSC events; typically sending of signals and dynamic creation of processes. The trace can then be graphically logged in an MSC Editor during the execution.

Earlier in this tutorial, you drew a Message Sequence Chart which illustrated a simple sequence of messages. We will now run the simulator and generate the MSC trace of the events which actually take place.

What You Will Learn

Initializing the MSC Trace

  1. Restart the simulation.
  2. Make sure the GR trace is disabled to avoid having the SDL Editor window being updated and raised (select the SDL Level : Show entry in the Trace menu and verify that system GR trace is 0).

  3. By default, the MSC trace is enabled for the entire system. You must, however, explicitly start the interactive logging of MSC events:
  4. Choose MSC Trace : Start in the Trace menu. A dialog is issued, where you are prompted to specify the amount of symbols to include in the MSC trace. You will include states in the MSC trace, so select 1 and click OK.

Figure 126 : Specifying to include states in the MSC trace

Extracted pic [3]

  1. An MSC Editor is opened, displaying an MSC diagram named "SimulatorTrace." If needed, move and resize the window to make it fit on the screen together with the Simulator UI.
  2. Initially, the system has three active instances, the processes Main_1_1 and Demon_1_2, as well as env_0 which has been introduced in order to represent the environment to the system:

Figure 127 : The initial appearance of the MSC

Extracted pic [23]

Tracing the Execution in the MSC

  1. Send the signal Newgame from the environment. This is now displayed in the MSC Editor as a message sent from the instance env_0.

  2. At this stage, the message is connected to the instance Main_1_1, since it has not yet been consumed. Instead, the message is temporarily drawn as a "lost" message, indicated by the filled circle. You may also see the text "Main_1_1" associated with the circle, indicating the intended receiver of the message.

Figure 128 : The sent Newgame signal

Extracted pic [2]

  1. Execute the next transition. A condition symbol with the text Game_Off appears on the instance axis for the process Main. This symbol shows that the process has started executing and has reached the corresponding SDL state, Game_Off.

Figure 129 : The Condition symbol

Extracted pic [25]

  1. Execute the next transition. The timer T is set in the Demon process. The vertical coordinate is incremented downwards in the MSC, enhancing the impression of an absolute order of events. Also, a condition symbol with the text Generate is drawn on the instance axis.
  2. Execute the next symbol only (use the Symbol button). The Main process consumes the Newgame message; the filled circle disappears. Note that the start point and the end point of the message have different vertical positions, since the timer T was set after the message was sent.
  3. Execute the next symbol. An instance of the Game process is created, thus adding a new instance head and instance axis. The MSC should now look like this:

Figure 130 : The MSC after creating the Game process

Extracted pic [27]

  1. Terminate the current transition and execute the next transition by clicking the Transition button twice. The second transition causes the Game process to enter the state Losing.
  2. Execute the next three transitions. The timer signal T is consumed and the signal Bump is sent and consumed. The Game process is now in the state Winning. Note how the signal interchange is shown in the MSC.
  3. Next we illustrate a message which is consumed immediately. Send the signal Probe from the environment and execute only the next symbol. First, the message Probe is displayed (marked with filled circle), then it is redrawn, keeping its horizontal alignment.
  4. Terminate the current transition. The system responds with the signal Win.
  5. Send the signal Result and execute the next transition. In the MSC, you can see that the message Score has the parameter 1.
  6. End the game by sending the Endgame signal and execute the next two transitions. The Game process is stopped.

The MSC should now look like in the figures below. (You may note a dotted horizontal line in the MSC diagram on screen. This indicates where a page break will occur if you would print out the diagram.)

Compare this diagram with the one in Figure 97. You will notice differences between the hand-drawn and the generated diagram. These discrepancies are quite natural, since it is impossible to predict the dynamic behavior of a system just by looking at the SDL diagrams.

Figure 131 : The finished MSC 1(2)

Extracted pic [24]

Figure 132 : The finished MSC 2(2)

Extracted pic [28]

Trace-Back to SDL Diagrams

From the generated MSC diagram, you may obtain a trace back to the SDL source diagrams.

  1. From the MSC Editor's Window menu, select Info Window. A window is opened, containing information about the graphical object which is currently selected. (The amount and type of information depends on what sort of object you have selected.)

Figure 133 : The Info window
The window shows information related to the message Bump.

Extracted pic [30]

  1. Select a few different objects in the MSC Editor and note how the information in the Info window changes.
  2. Select the message Bump and click on the button Show SDL Symbol in the Info window. An SDL Editor is opened, in which the symbol corresponding to the actions of sending or consuming the SDL signal Bump is selected:

Ending the MSC Trace

  1. Stop the logging of MSC events by selecting the MSC Trace : Stop entry in the Trace menu.
  2. In the MSC Editor, save the generated MSC diagram under the file name SimulatorTrace.msc.
  3. Exit the MSC Editor.

The Coverage Viewer

In this final exercise of the SDT Simulator, you will learn to use the Coverage Viewer. The Coverage Viewer is a graphical tool that shows how much of a system has been covered during a simulation in the terms of executed transitions or symbols. By checking the system coverage, you can for instance see what parts of the system that have not been executed in the simulation so far.

What You Will Learn

Starting the Coverage Viewer

  1. Restart the simulator.
  2. Send the signal Newgame. Execute seven (7) transitions until the printed trace shows that the Game process is in the state Winning.
  3. Send the signal Probe and execute the next transition.

  4. Let us see how much of the system we have executed so far. By simply starting the Coverage Viewer from the Simulator UI, the current coverage information is displayed.
  5. Select Coverage from the Show menu. The main window of the Coverage Viewer is opened.

Using the Coverage Viewer

  1. Extracted pic [38] If a symbol coverage tree is displayed, switch to a transition coverage tree by clicking on the Tree Mode quick button.

  2. Extracted pic [39] To see all of the transition coverage tree, click on the All Nodes quick button.

Figure 134 : A transition coverage tree
Only a part of the tree is depicted.

Extracted pic [4]

  1. Extracted pic [41] To only see those transitions that never have been executed, click on the Least quick button. You can now see which signals must be sent in which states to execute the rest of the system

  2. Extracted pic [42] In the same way, to only see those transitions that have been executed at least once, click on the Most quick button. You can now see which signals have been sent so far in the system.

  3. Extracted pic [43] To see the whole tree again, click on the All Nodes quick button. If you want to see a transition in the SDL Editor, just double-click on one of the signal input symbols or start state symbols. Try this!

  4. The Coverage Viewer can also show a symbol coverage tree, i.e. how many times each SDL symbol in the process diagrams have been executed:

  5. Extracted pic [44] Switch to a symbol coverage tree by clicking on the Tree Mode quick button. Beneath each process diagram, you will now see a small icon for each SDL symbol. To see which SDL symbol an icon represents, double-click the small icon.
  6. Switch back to a transition coverage tree and go back to the Simulator UI.

Augmenting the Coverage

  1. Execute three more transitions to put the Game process in the state Losing again.
  2. Send the signal Result. Execute four more transitions to return to state Winning.
  3. Send the signal Endgame. Execute two more transitions to stop the Game process.
  4. Check the current system coverage in the Coverage Viewer by selecting Coverage from the Show menu.
  5. Change to a transition coverage tree and show All Nodes. As you can see, the Main process has now been completely executed. The Losing and Winning states are also more filled.
  6. To see what transitions have still not been executed, you can click the Least quick button. If, however, you click the Most quick button you will only see the most executed transition (and other symbols), i.e. the input of timer T, not all transitions that have been executed.
  7. To see more of the tree, select Increase Tree from the Tree menu. The input of Bump should now be added. Select the command again and all remaining executed transitions should be added.

Looking at Coverage Details

  1. Extracted pic [45] Select the system diagram in the Coverage Viewer. From the Tools menu, select Show Details, or click the quick button for this. The Coverage Details window is opened.

  2. The displayed coverage chart shows how many transitions that have been executed a certain number of times. The chart should contain four bars:

Figure 135 : The Coverage Details window

Extracted pic [5]

  1. Select the bars one at a time and look at the text in the Status Bar at the bottom of the window. You will now see how many transitions that have been executed 0, 1, 2 and 3 times. To see which transitions that have not been executed at all, do as follows:

  2. Extracted pic [46] Select the "zero bar" furthest to the left. Click the Show in Editor quick button. The SDL Editor is opened, showing the three transitions in the Game process that remain to be executed.
  3. Select another symbol in the coverage tree in the main window. The Coverage Details window is now updated to show the coverage chart for that symbol.
  4. "Play around" in the Coverage Viewer as much as you like. You should note, however, that the Demongame system is a bit too simple to give full justice to the power of the Coverage Viewer.

Exiting the Simulator UI

You will now close down the Simulator UI.

  1. First, exit the Coverage Viewer from the File menu.
  2. Then, exit the Simulator UI from the File menu. You will be asked whether to save the changes to the sets of variables in the Watch window, commands in the Command window, and buttons in the button area. If you choose to save them (with the suggested file names), they will become the default the next time you start the Simulator UI from the same directory.

So Far ...

You have now learned how to "animate" an SDL system by generating, executing and tracing a simulator.

If your configuration includes the Validator tool, we suggest that you proceed with the exercises on the Validator. These exercises start in Tutorial: The SDT Validator.

In all cases, the example you have been practising on, the system DemonGame, is rather simple. To deepen your knowledge of SDT, you may practise on a number of exercises that illustrate the advantages of SDL-92 when adopting an object-oriented design methodology. These exercises are described in Tutorial: Applying SDL-92 to the DemonGame.

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