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    Tutorial: Applying SDL-92 to the DemonGame

This tutorial will teach you how to take advantage of the object-oriented extensions that have been added to SDL, also known as SDL-92. The example that has been selected for this purpose is the well known DemonGame, which you should have already practiced on, in the previous tutorials presented in Tutorial: The Editors and the Analyzer and Tutorial: The SDT Simulator.

In order to learn how to take advantage of the object oriented extensions in SDL, read through this entire chapter. As you read, you should perform the exercises on your computer system as they are described.

Table of Contents 

Purpose of This Tutorial

The purpose of this tutorial is to make you familiar with the essential object-oriented SDL functionality in the SDT tools. This tutorial is designed as a guided tour through SDT, where a number of hands-on exercises should be performed on your computer as you read this chapter.

We have on purpose selected a simple example that should be easy to understand. It is assumed that you have a basic knowledge about SDL -- this chapter is not a tutorial on SDL.

The example is DemonGame, which was used in the earlier tutorials in this volume. It is assumed that you have performed the exercises in Tutorial: The Editors and the Analyzer as well as Tutorial: The SDT Simulator before starting with this tutorial.

Note:  Platform differences

This tutorial, and the others that are possible to run on both the UNIX and Windows platform, are described in a way common to both platforms. In case there are differences between the platforms, this is indicated by texts like "on UNIX", "Windows only", etc. When such platform indicators are found, please pay attention only to the instructions for the platform you are running on.

Normally, screen shots will only be shown for one of the platforms, provided they contain the same information for both platforms. This means that the layout and appearance of screen shots may differ slightly from what you see when running SDT on your computer screen. Only if a screen shot differ in an important aspect between the platforms will two separate screen shots be shown.

Applying SDL-92 to the DemonGame

In the previous tutorials, you have practiced using some of the basic language elements in SDL; all of these elements were already defined in the non-object-oriented version of SDL, known as SDL-88.

To introduce SDL-92 to you, we have prepared a number of exercises in which you will add features to the DemonGame. You will do this by redefining and adding properties to the process Game in an object-oriented fashion.

We will introduce the following SDL-92 language constructs:


In this chapter, the term SDL-92 denotes the object-oriented SDL that was introduced in the 1992 version of the language. These object-oriented features remain unchanged in the latest version of the SDL language, i.e. SDL-92 is still supported in the same way in this release of SDT.

Some Preparatory Work

Instead of continue working on the original DemonGame system, we suggest you to continue from a version that is better designed for introducing SDL-92. The changes that have been made are the following:

From the user's point of view, the system will show the same functionality as before, but is more robust.

The new versions of the block GameBlock and the process Main are depicted below, in Figure 161 and Figure 162.

To use the new version:

  1. Make a new empty directory sdl92 of your own (under ~/demongame on UNIX, and under C:\tau35\work in Windows).
  2. Copy all files in the directory $telelogic/sdt/examples/demongame/sdl92/process_type (on UNIX), or C:\tau35\sdt\examples\demongame\sdl92\process_type (in Windows), to this new directory.

Note:  Installation directory

On UNIX, the Telelogic Tau installation directory is pointed out by the environment variable $telelogic. If this variable is not set in your UNIX environment, you should ask your system manager or the person responsible for the Telelogic Tau environment at your site for instructions on how to set this variable correctly.

In Windows, the Telelogic Tau installation directory is assumed to be C:\tau35 throughout this tutorial. If you cannot find this directory on your PC, you should ask your system manager or the person responsible for the Telelogic Tau environment at your site for the correct path to the installation directory.

  1. Start SDT and open the system file demongame.sdt in this new directory with the Organizer. (You will find copies of the diagrams building up the complete system).

You should recognize the system DemonGame, with the modifications as described above.

Nearly all versions of the diagrams shown in the following exercises are available in the directory you created above. You can either draw a diagram to learn how to use SDL-92 in the SDL Editor, or copy (or connect to) the pre-made version of the diagram if you do not wish to do this.

Figure 161  : The block GameBlock, redesigned
The exact layout of your diagrams may differ slightly from the above.

Extracted pic [1]

Figure 162  : The process Main, redesigned
The exact layout of your diagrams may differ slightly from the above.

Extracted pic [2]

Creating a Process Type from a Process

What You Will Learn

Changing into a Process Type

To facilitate the introduction of new features, we will start by generalizing the process Game, by changing it to a process type, that you later on will be in a position to specialize or redefine.

  1. Open the process Game and change the diagram type from process to process type, simply by selecting the diagram heading symbol and editing the text in it to say "Process Type Game".

Figure 163 : Changing the diagram type

Extracted pic [29]

  1. From the SDL Editor's File menu, save the diagram Process Type Game on a new file, e.g. new_game.spt using the Save As command. Edit the file name in the file selection dialog and click OK. (The existing *.spt files are copies of the complete system that comes with the examples in SDT.)
  2. Raise the Organizer window.

Figure 164 : Invalid reference as shown in the Organizer

Extracted pic [28]

  1. Open the diagram block GameBlock. Change it so that the process reference Game is changed to an instantiation of the process type Game. The syntax is: "Game(0,1):Game" (You are allowed to add newlines to have the text fit into the symbol.)
  2. As soon as you deselect the symbol, one text rectangle appears for each connection point to the signal routes. Name the connections points for instance G2 and G5:

Figure 165 : Naming the connection points

Extracted pic [3]

  1. Also add a process type reference symbol with the name Game. The block diagram should now look like this:

Figure 166 : The resulting block

Extracted pic [4]

  1. Save the block diagram on a new file, e.g. new_gameblock.sbk (use Save As as before).

Inserting Gates and Virtual Transitions

You will now finish the process type Game. You are recommended to do this by following the editing instructions described below. If you prefer, you can instead connect to the finished version of the diagram (see Connecting to the Finished Diagram), but you should in any case read through the text below.

Editing the Process Type Diagram

  1. Go back to the process type Game in the SDL Editor. The connection to the signal routes must be defined using gate symbols, named in accordance to the connection points you just defined.
  2. Gate symbols are to be connected to the frame symbol. If you want to connect gates to the left or top of the frame, you must first select the frame and drag it down and/or right.

Figure 167 : Adjusting the frame symbol

Extracted pic [27]

  1. For each of the gates G2 and G5, add a gate symbol and fill in the name and the signal list.
  2. Also make the start transition as well as the input of the signals Probe and Bump virtual by adding the text "VIRTUAL" before the name of the signal.

The changes to the resulting diagram should now look something like this:

Figure 168 : The resulting process type Game

Extracted pic [5]

Connecting to the Finished Diagram

The finished Game process type diagram is also available as the file game.spt. If you instead of drawing the diagram wish to use this file, do as follows:

  1. In the SDL Editor, close the Game process type diagram.
  2. In the Organizer, select the diagram Process Type Game, and then select Connect from the Edit menu.
  3. Select the option To an existing file. Change the filename to game.spt, or select this file by using the folder button.
  4. Click Connect and check the new file connection in the Organizer.

The Organizer Structure

  1. Save everything. The resulting Organizer list should now resemble:

Figure 169 : Resulting Organizer view

Extracted pic [6]

  1. Terminate by analyzing the system. Correct any syntactic or semantic errors that are reported.

Redefining the Properties of a Process Type

What You Will Learn

The Process Type JackpotGame

So far, you have redesigned the original functionality of the system DemonGame, using a slightly different design. Next step will be to add a feature that allows you to win the "jackpot", with a probability of 10%. The jackpot is arbitrarily set to increase the score by 10. A simple implementation of this could be to create a pseudo random number generator that returns a sequence of numbers from 0 to 9, and to check the random number upon the reception of the signal Probe.

It should also be possible to specify what kind of game to start at run-time, meaning that we need an additional input signal from the environment, NewJackpotGame, that will start the JackpotGame; that new signal requires additions to the process Main and the system diagram.

The JackpotGame is implemented as a process type that inherits the properties of the process type Game, and adds the random number feature by redefining the transitions that handle the signal Bump. The pseudo random generator is activated upon each reception of the signal Bump. See below.

Figure 170 : The process type JackpotGame

Extracted pic [7]

Changes to the Block GameBlock

To make the process type JackpotGame available from the parent block, you simply add a process reference symbol and a process instantiation symbol, as you did before with the process type Game. You also add a signal NewJackpotGame to the signal list to the process Main.

Figure 171 : The block GameBlock

Extracted pic [8]

Changes to Process Main and System DemonGame

The process Main and the system DemonGame need to be extended with the declaration of the signal NewJackpotGame and the code to receive the signal and create an instance of the game JackpotGame:

Figure 172 : The extensions to process Main and system DemonGame

Extracted pic [9]

  1. Update the diagrams Main and DemonGame according to the figure above and save them on file. You may want to save the diagrams on new files, e.g. new_demongame.ssy and new_main.spr.
  2. In the Organizer, make sure that the process type diagram JackpotGame is connected to the file new_jackpotgame.spt that you created earlier. (If not, use Connect in the Edit menu and the option To an existing file.)

The resulting Organizer list should now look like this:

Figure 173 : JackpotGame added to Organizer list

Extracted pic [10]

Simulating the JackpotGame

To understand the resulting system, you may want to spend a few minutes simulating it.

  1. First analyze the system and generate a simulator, as you learned from the tutorial on the simulator. Then open the generated simulator in the Simulator UI.
  2. We suggest that you check the following features:
  3. Play the game in a realistic way.

Figure 174 : Defining the button Probe

Extracted pic [30]

  1. Stop the execution with the Break button.

Adding Properties to a Process Type

What You Will Learn

The Process Type DoubleGame

Even with a "jackpot" feature, winning "a lot" with the DemonGame takes some time... Suppose now that you would like to add a function that doubles the "stake" of the game, whenever you want, so that you have the possibility to win more.

A way to do this is to:

  1. Create a process type DoubleGame, that inherits the properties of the process type Game, with the following additions:
  2. The resulting graph is depicted below. Create it in the same way as you have learned from the previous exercises, and save it on the file new_doublegame.spt. Then close the diagram in the SDL Editor (Close Diagram from the File menu).


The diagram contains a dashed gate symbol G5, where the signal DoubleStake is conveyed. You use dashed gates to refer to gates that are already defined in the supertype (the type that you inherit from), to distinguish from situations where you have to add a new gate.

To dash a gate:

  • Make sure the gate is selected.
  • Select the Dash command from the Edit menu of the SDL Editor (this command toggles between Dash/Undash).

Figure 175 : The process type DoubleGame

Extracted pic [11]

  1. Add a process type reference symbol DoubleGame, and a process instantiation symbol with the text "DoubleGame (0,1):DoubleGame" to the block diagram GameBlock; see below.
  2. Also add the signals NewDoubleGame and DoubleStake to the signal list on the signal route R1, and DoubleStake to the signal list to the process DoubleGame; see below.

Figure 176 : The resulting block GameBlock

Extracted pic [12]

  1. Add the new signals NewDoubleGame and DoubleStake at the system level (in the DemonGame diagram), both in the signal declaration, and in the signal list on the channel C1.
  2. Extend the process Main with the code to receive the signal DoubleStake, and the code to receive the signal NewDoubleGame and create an instance of the game DoubleGame; see below.

Figure 177 : New code in process Main

Extracted pic [13]

  1. If needed in the Organizer, connect the process type diagram DoubleGame to the file new_doublegame.spt that you created earlier.

Simulating the DoubleGame

You may simulate the DoubleGame in a similar way as the JackpotGame (the DoubleGame is started with the signal NewDoubleGame).

  1. To play the game in a realistic way, also add a button Double to the Simulator UI, with the text "Double" and the command
    Output-to DoubleStake Main; go
  2. Try for instance the following tactic: whenever your score is negative, double the stake.

Combining the Properties of Two Process Types

What You Will Learn

So far, you have created a basic version of the game (the supertype process type Game), and extended it as two subtypes (the process types JackpotGame and DoubleGame). To assist you in understanding the inheritance and instantiation of types, SDT is provided with a "class browser", the Type Viewer.

Working with the Type Viewer

  1. Open the Type Viewer with the command Type Viewer from the Organizer's Tools > SDL menu.

  2. The Type Viewer is started and displays two windows: the main window, where all types are listed, and the Type Trees, where the inheritance and instantiation of the types is visualized.

Figure 178 : The two windows of the Type Viewer

Extracted pic [31]

The main window displays a list of all types and instances that exist in your current system. When selecting an object in the main window, the Type Trees window is updated to show the inheritance tree for that type.

Figure 179  : The inheritance tree for the process type Game

Extracted pic [14]

Figure 179 shows an inheritance tree for the process types Game, JackpotGame and DoubleGame. We have one level of inheritance, as depicted above. You can also note that the Type Viewer keeps track about the types that have been instantiated somewhere in the SDL system.

How to Work-Around the Lack for Multiple Inheritance

Say that you would like to design a new game where both the "jackpot" and the "double" features are supported. As SDL-92 does not support multiple inheritance, we cannot simply create a SuperGame that inherits JackpotGame and DoubleGame. Instead, we will have to inherit from, i.e. reuse, the JackpotGame or the DoubleGame, and then redefine/add some of the properties. (The idea is to rewrite as little code as possible).

Which one should we reuse as is? The code for the DoubleGame seems to be still valid for the SuperGame. So, let us inherit that process type, and redefine some of the properties in accordance to the JackpotGame.

To create the SuperGame:

  1. Open the process type JackpotGame in the SDL Editor, and Save As on a new file, e.g. new_supergame.spt
  2. Rename the diagram to process type SuperGame.
  3. Change the inheritance from "INHERITS Game" to "INHERITS DoubleGame".
  4. Update the contents of the graph, in order to:

Figure 180 : The changes to the process type SuperGame

Extracted pic [15]

  1. If the Process Type JackpotGame has become unconnected in the Organizer, re-connect it to the file used earlier (new_jackpotgame.spt).
  2. Also add a process type reference symbol with the name SuperGame in the diagram GameBlock. In the Organizer, then connect the newly added process type diagram SuperGame to the file new_supergame.spt that you created earlier.
  3. You may check the impact of the changes above in the Type Viewer. Save everything and the select Update from the Type Viewer's File menu (since the Type Viewer does not automatically update its content when you make changes to a diagram). Your inheritance tree should now look like this:

Figure 181 : The process type SuperGame, added

Extracted pic [16]

  1. If you want to be able to play the SuperGame, you must also add a process instantiation symbol "SuperGame(0,1):SuperGame" in the GameBlock, and add a signal NewSuperGame that starts the game (in a similar fashion as you did in the JackpotGame and the DoubleGame). Do not forget to update the system diagram.

Using Packages and Block Types

What You Will Learn

Package -- a Reusable Component

Packages are used to make type definitions available in different systems, and to make components reusable. You will take advantage of the package concept by developing two versions of the DemonGame, one that has only the basic "Probe" feature, and one that also includes the "Jackpot" and "DoubleStake" features.

The idea here is to develop a package "BasicFeatures" that is used in the basic version and that is reusable to 100% in the advanced version.

Using packages to their full extent in this example requires not only the process Game to be transformed to a process type (as you have done in the previous exercises, when creating the JackpotGame, DoubleGame and SuperGame), but also to transform the process Main and the block GameBlock to reusable process type and block type, respectively.

You have probably noticed that the process type Main also requires to be extended for each feature that we add ("jackpot", "double", etc.), so it would be a good idea to make a reusable type of it. This has already been prepared for you, so your task will be to add the required "glue" to build the two packages.

  1. Start by copying the files gameblock.sbt and main.spt from the directory $telelogic/sdt/examples/demongame/sdl92/packages (on UNIX), or C:\tau35\sdt\examples\demongame\sdl92\packages (in Windows) to the same directory you created earlier for this tutorial.

Creating a Package

To create a package:

  1. Select the Add New command from the Organizer's Edit menu. In the Add New dialog, specify document type as SDL Package, and document name as BasicFeatures.

Figure 182  : Adding a new package Basic Features

Extracted pic [32]

  1. With the SDL Editor, move the declaration of the signals from the system diagram to the package diagram. Also add the process type reference symbol Game and the block type reference symbol BasicGameBlock to the package diagram. See below.

Figure 183 : The package BasicFeatures

Extracted pic [17]

  1. Save the package diagram on a file, e.g. basicfeatures.sun
  2. With the Organizer, connect the block type BasicGameBlock to the recently copied file gameblock.sbt (the diagram is depicted in Figure 184).

Figure 184  : The block type BasicGameBlock

Extracted pic [18]

  1. You should also connect the process type Main to the copied file main.spt (This may already have been done if you had Expand Substructure turned on in the Connect dialog in the previous step.)

Using a Package

To use a package, you add a USE statement to the package reference symbol (looking like a text symbol immediately outside the frame symbol).

  1. To create a version of the DemonGame that has the basic features, add a USE statement to the system diagram. Also remember to instantiate the block type BasicGameBlock (which is contained in the package). See below.

Figure 185  : USE of packages

Extracted pic [19]

  1. In the Organizer, Disconnect the old GameBlock from the system structure. The resulting Organizer view should now be something like this (the order of appearance of symbols may differ):

Figure 186 : System BasicDemonGame using package BasicFeatures

Extracted pic [20]

  1. Terminate the exercise by analyzing the resulting system.


You may analyze the package (by selecting the package symbol in the Organizer as input to the Analyzer before ordering the Analyze command), in which case a partial semantic analysis will be done on the package. (The Analyzer will not check the consistency between the package and the system that uses it.)

A complete semantic analysis requires the system diagram to be selected before ordering Analyze.

Reusing Packages

When developing the version of the DemonGame that has all features, you create a package AdvancedFeatures that contains the additional features and that will reuse the package BasicFeatures.

What You will Learn

The Package AdvancedFeatures

  1. Create the package AdvancedFeatures in a similar fashion as the package BasicFeatures (see Figure 182).

The package AdvancedFeatures must do the following:

  1. Use the package BasicFeatures.
  2. Add the declarations of the new signals.
  3. Add references to the process types JackpotGame, etc.
  4. Add a reference to a block type AdvancedGameBlock (which inherits the block type BasicGameBlock and in turn refers to a redefined process type Main).
  5. Save the package diagram on the file advancedfeatures.sun

Figure 187 : The package AdvancedFeatures

Extracted pic [21]

Block Type AdvancedGameBlock

The diagram contains a reference to a REDEFINED process type Main, and a dashed instantiation symbol Main.

Figure 188 : Block type AdvancedGameBlock

Extracted pic [22]

Redefined Process Type Main

The REDEFINED process type Main inherits implicitly from the VIRTUAL process type Main in the package BasicFeatures, and adds the code to receive the signals that command the new features.

Figure 189 : The redefined process type Main

Extracted pic [23]

Creating the System AdvancedDemonGame

Creating the system is now fairly simple.

  1. Add a New SDL system in the Organizer. Say you name the system AdvancedDemonGame and save it as demongameadvanced.ssy
  2. With the SDL Editor, Copy the contents of the system BasicDemonGame and Paste them into the new system.
  3. Have the system USE AdvancedFeatures in addition to BasicFeatures.
  4. Change the reference from the block type BasicGameBlock to AdvancedGameBlock.
  5. Update the signal list C1 with the new signals JackpotGame, etc. The system is now complete. Analyze it and simulate it if you find it meaningful.

Figure 190 : The system AdvancedDemonGame

Extracted pic [24]


The SDL-92 session of this tutorial has shown how to design a (small) SDL system so that the result becomes reusable components, which in turn reduces the effort needed to maintain and extend the functionality.

The tutorial also illustrates the need to design the system properly in order to introduce the OO paradigm in a smooth way.

To verify that you have assimilated the SDL-92 tutorial, you should now be ready to add new features on your own, without having to rewrite the whole system.

More Exercises ...

As a "menu" of new features that can be introduced, we suggest that you try to extend the AdvancedDemonGame with the following:

  1. Memorization of "highest score ever" since system start (there should be only one highest score, common for all types of games).
  2. A "hall of fame" that memorizes the name of the player that reaches the "highest score ever". (The name is assumed to be provided by the environment).
  3. A "gameover" function that checks if the current score is less than an arbitrary value of, say -100, and disables the game so that the player needs to restart it entirely.

Good luck!


A suggestion for a solution for the exercises above can be found in the directory: $telelogic/sdt/examples/demongame/sdl92/exercises (on UNIX), or C:\tau35\sdt\examples\demongame\sdl92\exercises (in Windows)

Appendix: Diagrams for the DemonGame Using Packages

Figure 191 : Hierarchical structure

Extracted pic [25]

Figure 192 : Inheritance tree for the block type and process type Main

Extracted pic [26]

(The inheritance tree for the process type Game is displayed in Figure 179.)

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