Class JEP


public class JEP
extends java.lang.Object

The JEP class is the main interface with which the user should interact. It contains all neccessary methods to parse and evaluate expressions.

The most important methods are parseExpression(String), for parsing the mathematical expression, and getValue() for obtaining the value of the expression.

Visit for the newest version of JEP, and complete documentation.

Nathan Funk

Field Summary
protected  boolean allowUndeclared
          Allow undeclared variables option
protected  java.util.Vector errorList
          Error List
protected  FunctionTable funTab
          Function Table
protected  boolean implicitMul
          Implicit multiplication option
protected  SymbolTable symTab
          Symbol Table
Constructor Summary
          Creates a new JEP instance with the default settings.
JEP(boolean traverse_in, boolean allowUndeclared_in, boolean implicitMul_in, NumberFactory numberFactory_in)
          Creates a new JEP instance with custom settings.
Method Summary
 void addComplex()
          Call this function if you want to parse expressions which involve complex numbers.
 Complex addComplexVariable(java.lang.String name, double re, double im)
          Adds a new complex variable to the parser, or updates the value of an existing variable.
 void addFunction(java.lang.String functionName, PostfixMathCommandI function)
          Adds a new function to the parser.
 void addStandardConstants()
          Adds the constants pi and e to the parser.
 void addStandardFunctions()
          Adds the standard functions to the parser.
 java.lang.Double addVariable(java.lang.String name, double value)
          Adds a new variable to the parser, or updates the value of an existing variable.
 void addVariableAsObject(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object object)
          Adds a new variable to the parser as an object, or updates the value of an existing variable.
 Complex getComplexValue()
          Evaluates and returns the value of the expression as a complex number.
 java.lang.String getErrorInfo()
          Reports information on the errors that occured during the most recent action.
 NumberFactory getNumberFactory()
          Returns the number factory.
 SymbolTable getSymbolTable()
          Returns the symbol table (the list of all variables that the parser recognises).
 Node getTopNode()
          Returns the top node of the expression tree.
 double getValue()
          Evaluates and returns the value of the expression.
 java.lang.Object getValueAsObject()
          Evaluates and returns the value of the expression as an object.
 boolean hasError()
          Returns true if an error occured during the most recent action (parsing or evaluation).
 void initFunTab()
          Creates a new FunctionTable object as funTab.
 void initSymTab()
          Creates a new SymbolTable object as symTab.
 void parseExpression(java.lang.String expression_in)
          Parses the expression.
 java.lang.Object removeFunction(java.lang.String name)
          Removes a function from the parser.
 java.lang.Object removeVariable(java.lang.String name)
          Removes a variable from the parser.
 void setAllowUndeclared(boolean value)
          Sets the value for the undeclared variables option.
 void setImplicitMul(boolean value)
          Sets the value of the implicit multiplication option.
 void setTraverse(boolean value)
          Sets the value of the traverse option.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected boolean allowUndeclared
Allow undeclared variables option


protected boolean implicitMul
Implicit multiplication option


protected SymbolTable symTab
Symbol Table


protected FunctionTable funTab
Function Table


protected java.util.Vector errorList
Error List

Constructor Detail


public JEP()
Creates a new JEP instance with the default settings.

Traverse = false
Allow undeclared variables = false
Implicit multiplication = false
Number Factory = DoubleNumberFactory


public JEP(boolean traverse_in,
           boolean allowUndeclared_in,
           boolean implicitMul_in,
           NumberFactory numberFactory_in)
Creates a new JEP instance with custom settings. If the numberFactory_in is null, the default number factory is used.

traverse_in - The traverse option.
allowUndeclared_in - The "allow undeclared variables" option.
implicitMul_in - The implicit multiplication option.
numberFactory_in - The number factory to be used.
Method Detail


public void initSymTab()
Creates a new SymbolTable object as symTab.


public void initFunTab()
Creates a new FunctionTable object as funTab.


public void addStandardFunctions()
Adds the standard functions to the parser. If this function is not called before parsing an expression, functions such as sin() or cos() would produce an "Unrecognized function..." error. In most cases, this method should be called immediately after the JEP object is created.


public void addStandardConstants()
Adds the constants pi and e to the parser. As addStandardFunctions(), this method should be called immediatly after the JEP object is created.


public void addComplex()
Call this function if you want to parse expressions which involve complex numbers. This method specifies "i" as the imaginary unit (0,1). Two functions re() and im() are also added for extracting the real or imaginary components of a complex number respectively.


public void addFunction(java.lang.String functionName,
                        PostfixMathCommandI function)
Adds a new function to the parser. This must be done before parsing an expression so the parser is aware that the new function may be contained in the expression.

functionName - The name of the function
function - The function object that is used for evaluating the function


public java.lang.Double addVariable(java.lang.String name,
                                    double value)
Adds a new variable to the parser, or updates the value of an existing variable. This must be done before parsing an expression so the parser is aware that the new variable may be contained in the expression.

name - Name of the variable to be added
value - Initial value or new value for the variable
Double object of the variable


public Complex addComplexVariable(java.lang.String name,
                                  double re,
                                  double im)
Adds a new complex variable to the parser, or updates the value of an existing variable. This must be done before parsing an expression so the parser is aware that the new variable may be contained in the expression.

name - Name of the variable to be added
re - Initial real value or new real value for the variable
Complex object of the variable


public void addVariableAsObject(java.lang.String name,
                                java.lang.Object object)
Adds a new variable to the parser as an object, or updates the value of an existing variable. This must be done before parsing an expression so the parser is aware that the new variable may be contained in the expression.

name - Name of the variable to be added
object - Initial value or new value for the variable


public java.lang.Object removeVariable(java.lang.String name)
Removes a variable from the parser. For example after calling addStandardConstants(), removeVariable("e") might be called to remove the euler constant from the set of variables.

The value of the variable if it was added earlier. If the variable is not in the table of variables, null is returned.


public java.lang.Object removeFunction(java.lang.String name)
Removes a function from the parser.

If the function was added earlier, the function class instance is returned. If the function was not present, null is returned.


public void setTraverse(boolean value)
Sets the value of the traverse option. setTraverse is useful for debugging purposes. When traverse is set to true, the parse-tree will be dumped to the standard ouput device.

The default value is false.

value - The boolean traversal option.


public void setImplicitMul(boolean value)
Sets the value of the implicit multiplication option. If this option is set to true before parsing, implicit multiplication will be allowed. That means that an expression such as
"1 2"
is valid and is interpreted as

The default value is false.

value - The boolean implicit multiplication option.


public void setAllowUndeclared(boolean value)
Sets the value for the undeclared variables option. If this option is set to true, expressions containing variables that were not previously added to JEP will not produce an "Unrecognized Symbol" error. The new variables will automatically be added while parsing, and initialized to 0.

If this option is set to false, variables that were not previously added to JEP will produce an error while parsing.

The default value is false.

value - The boolean option for allowing undeclared variables.


public void parseExpression(java.lang.String expression_in)
Parses the expression. If there are errors in the expression, they are added to the errorList member.

expression_in - The input expression string


public double getValue()
Evaluates and returns the value of the expression. If the value is complex, the real component of the complex number is returned. To get the complex value, use getComplexValue().

The calculated value of the expression. If the value is complex, the real component is returned. If an error occurs during evaluation, 0 is returned.


public Complex getComplexValue()
Evaluates and returns the value of the expression as a complex number.

The calculated value of the expression as a complex number if no errors occur. Returns null otherwise.


public java.lang.Object getValueAsObject()
Evaluates and returns the value of the expression as an object. The EvaluatorVisitor member ev is used to do the evaluation procedure. This method is useful when the type of the value is unknown, or not important.

The calculated value of the expression if no errors occur. Returns null otherwise.


public boolean hasError()
Returns true if an error occured during the most recent action (parsing or evaluation).

Returns true if an error occured during the most recent action (parsing or evaluation).


public java.lang.String getErrorInfo()
Reports information on the errors that occured during the most recent action.

A string containing information on the errors, each separated by a newline character; null if no error has occured


public Node getTopNode()
Returns the top node of the expression tree. Because all nodes are pointed to either directly or indirectly, the entire expression tree can be accessed through this node. It may be used to manipulate the expression, and subsequently evaluate it manually.

The top node of the expression tree


public SymbolTable getSymbolTable()
Returns the symbol table (the list of all variables that the parser recognises).

The symbol table


public NumberFactory getNumberFactory()
Returns the number factory. Copyright © 2000 Nathan Funk