Table A.1. Pointcut Designators
Methods and Constructors | |
call(Signature) | Method or constructor call join points when the signature matches Signature |
execution(Signature) | Method or constructor execution join points when the signature matches Signature |
initialization(Signature) | Object initialization join point when the first constructor called in the type matches Signature |
Exception Handlers | |
handler(TypePattern) | Exception handler execution join points when try handlers for the throwable types in TypePattern are executed. The exception object can be accessed with an args pointcut. |
Fields | |
get(Signature) | Field reference join points when the field matches Signature |
set(Signature) | Field assignment join points when the field matches Signature. The new value can be accessed with an args pointcut. |
Static Initializers | |
staticinitialization(TypePattern) | Static initializer execution join points for the types in TypePattern. |
Objects | |
this(TypePattern) | Join points when the currently executing object is an instance of a type in TypePattern |
target(TypePattern) | Join points when the target object is an instance of a type in TypePattern |
args(TypePattern, ...) | Join points when the argument objects are instances of the TypePatterns |
Lexical Extents | |
within(TypePattern) | Join points when the code executing is defined in the types in TypePattern |
withincode(Signature) | Join points when the code executing is defined in the method or constructor with signature Signature |
Control Flow | |
cflow(Pointcut) | Join points in the control flow of the join points specified by Pointcut |
cflowbelow(Pointcut) | Join points in the control flow below the join points specified by Pointcut |
Conditional | |
if(BooleanExpression) | Join points when BooleanExpression evaluates to true |
Combination | |
! Pointcut | Join points that are not picked out by Pointcut |
Pointcut0 && Pointcut1 | Join points that are picked out by both Pointcut0 and Pointcut1 |
Pointcut0 || Pointcut1 | Join points that are picked out by either Pointcut0 or Pointcut1 |
( Pointcut ) | Join points that are picked out by the parenthesized Pointcut |