Appendix A. AspectJ Quick Reference

Table of Contents

Pointcut Designators
Type Patterns
Static Crosscutting
Aspect Associations

Pointcut Designators

Table A.1. Pointcut Designators

Methods and Constructors
call(Signature) Method or constructor call join points when the signature matches Signature
execution(Signature) Method or constructor execution join points when the signature matches Signature
initialization(Signature) Object initialization join point when the first constructor called in the type matches Signature
Exception Handlers
handler(TypePattern) Exception handler execution join points when try handlers for the throwable types in TypePattern are executed. The exception object can be accessed with an args pointcut.
get(Signature) Field reference join points when the field matches Signature
set(Signature) Field assignment join points when the field matches Signature. The new value can be accessed with an args pointcut.
Static Initializers
staticinitialization(TypePattern) Static initializer execution join points for the types in TypePattern.
this(TypePattern) Join points when the currently executing object is an instance of a type in TypePattern
target(TypePattern) Join points when the target object is an instance of a type in TypePattern
args(TypePattern, ...) Join points when the argument objects are instances of the TypePatterns
Lexical Extents
within(TypePattern) Join points when the code executing is defined in the types in TypePattern
withincode(Signature) Join points when the code executing is defined in the method or constructor with signature Signature
Control Flow
cflow(Pointcut) Join points in the control flow of the join points specified by Pointcut
cflowbelow(Pointcut) Join points in the control flow below the join points specified by Pointcut
if(BooleanExpression) Join points when BooleanExpression evaluates to true
! Pointcut Join points that are not picked out by Pointcut
Pointcut0 && Pointcut1 Join points that are picked out by both Pointcut0 and Pointcut1
Pointcut0 || Pointcut1 Join points that are picked out by either Pointcut0 or Pointcut1
( Pointcut ) Join points that are picked out by the parenthesized Pointcut