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The XSB Research Group

The focus of the XSB research group is the development and application of the XSB system, an open source logic programming system that extends Prolog with new semantic and operational features, mostly based on the use of Tabled Logic Programming or tabling.

At first, tabling may seem like a simple idea. At a very high level, during computation of a goal to a logic program, each subgoal S is registered in a table the first time it is called, and unique answers to S are added to the table as they are derived. When subsequent calls are made to S, the evaluation ensures that answers to S are read from the table rather than being re-derived using program clauses. Even from this simple description, a first advantage of tabling can be seen, that it provides termination to various classes of programs. Consider the case of ground positive datalog programs — i.e. Horn Clause programs that allow only constant terms over a finite alphabet. Such a program contains only finitely many ground atoms. Each of these atoms can be added at most once to the table as a subgoal, and each such subgoal can have at most one answer, leading to a finite computation. Tabled logic programming for Horn clause programs was first formalized in the early 1980's. Additionally, several formalisms and systems have been based both on tabled resolution and on magic sets, which can also be seen as a form of tabled logic programming.

However, tabling can be used to far greater effect than ensuring termination for Horn clause programs. Seen abstractly, the table described above represents selected global elements of a given state of a computation, in this case, subgoals called and their answers so far derived. One powerful feature of tabling is its ability to maintain other global elements of a computation in the ``table,'' such as information about whether one subgoal depends on another, and whether the dependency is through negation. By maintaining this global information, tabling can be used to evaluate normal logic programs under the Well-Founded Semantics (WFS). While computation of the well-founded semantics using tabling is quite complex, the essential idea is that global information about dependencies is used to determine the truth value of literals that do not have a derivation. If such literals are involved in a cyclic dependency through negation, they are undefined under WFS; if not, the literals belong to an unfounded set and are false in WFS. In fact, it can be shown that tabling allows non-floundering datalog programs with negation to terminate with polynomial data complexity under the well-founded semantics. A second feature to extend the power of tabling is called tabled aggregation. If partial order tabled aggregation is used, relations can be defined on answers in a table such that only those which are optimal with respect to the partial order need be retained. If functional tabled aggregation} is used, functions can be defined on answers to a subgoal in a table so that an associative function — say a maximum or least upper bound — of the answers is retained rather than the set of answers themselves.

Using these features, XSB can serve as a development platform for applications in two ways. First, applications can be programmed using normal program clauses and the libraries of XSB. Second, XSB can serve as the implementational infrastructure for useful logics which then serve as the programming language for applications. These two choices can be thought of as extremes, and most applications so far have used a mixture of the two approaches.

We consider first the logics that have been implemented in XSB. Based on XSB's implementation of WFS, the Well-Founded Semantics with Explicit Negation (WFSX) has been implemented and extended to allow abduction and logical program updates; the object-based Frame Logic (F-Logic) and several temporal concurrency logics including the Modal μ-Calculus and Concurrent Temporal Logic have also been implemented using WFS, as described below. Using functional tabled aggregation, Generalized Annotated Programs and a type of probabilistic logic programs have been implemented; while using partial order tabled aggregation a species of Preference Logic has been implemented. Many of these logics will become more powerful with the recent addition of logical constraint handling techniques to XSB.

Before turning to applications of these logics we consider in detail how XSB can form the underpinnings of a system based on a non-traditional logical formalism using the case of FLORA, which which amalgamates F-logic, Transaction Logic, and HiLog, and is implemented as an optimizing compiler whose target code is a normal program executable by XSB. Consider an F-logic term:

which indicates that the object  john has a spouse-attribute of mary and children-attributes bob and bill. This term is translated into a conjunction of triples: While this plan seems straightforward, it is hard to realize in a standard Prolog framework. The main reason is that the translation into XSB uses only a small number of predicates, which leads to two main problems: (1) The loss of indexing; and (2) Termination problems.

The first problem cannot be easily solved by increasing the number of predicates, because of the meta-programming features of F-logic. However, FLORA takes advantage of the various optimization techniques that exist in XSB, such as specialization and unification factoring. The second problem is more serious: the small number of predicates used in the translation makes even non-recursive FLORA programs into highly recursive XSB programs. In this situation it is hard to build a compiler that would produce programs with reasonable termination behavior without tabling.

The profusion of logics implementable in XSB has led to a proliferation of research and commercial applications, many of them in areas in which logic programming has not previously been successful. Using XSB, WFSX has been used for machine learning. With the addition of abduction, WFSX has been used for psychiatric diagnosis, as well as for fault diagnosis in electronic circuits. FLORA has been used for the creation of Web agents, for applications in neuroscience, and for processing ontologies and meta-data. Probabilistic logic programs have been used to allow mined association rules to be used within an intensional database. Preference Logic Programs have been used to for data cleaning through the formalism of Preference Logic Grammars. These applications typically mix the use of the various logics with traditional Prolog programming techniques. The reasons for the success of each application varies. However, the use of XSB for the verification of concurrent systems, or model-checking illustrates many common features of these applications.

Model checkers are usually formulated in two stages. First there is a process logic, representing the interaction of communicating systems. Common process logics are Milner's CCS (Calculus for Communicating Systems) and the Π-calculus. Abstractly, a process logic can be seen as a labelled transition system consisting of a set S of global system states and a labelled relation among elements of S representing communications among the systems or changes in the internal state of these systems. Transition systems generated by process logics contain loops and so require a mechanism like tabling even to be traversed. Temporal concurrency logics, such as the Modal- μ-calculus and CTL* have been designed in order to be able to query interesting properties of transition systems such as whether termination occurs along all paths starting from a given state, whether such paths are free from deadlock, are fair, and so on. It can be shown that many concurrent temporal logics — such as the non-alternating modal μ-calculus — can be embedded into dynamically stratified logic programs, and can be evaluated directly in XSB producing a two-valued well-founded model. It is unknown whether general concurrent temporal logics, (such as the alternating modal μcalculus) can be modularly embedded into the well-founded semantics, but such logics have been evaluated by using XSB as a preprocessor to a stable model generator. Thus in model checking, XSB may be used alone or with other tools depending on the needs of the user. Given its power and applicability, it has not been trivial to implement tabling so that it is both efficient and integrable with Prolog. Much of the work of the XSB group has involved design and implementation of its underlying engine, the SLG-WAM, and its extensions. From the point of view of implementation, tabling has necessitated the development of algorithms in a variety of areas. During a tabled evaluation, one computation path may consume answers produced by another computation path. This means that resources must be retained for environments that consume answers to a given subgoal until they have consumed all answer that the evaluation will produce for that subgoal. Furthermore, the evaluation must be able to switch efficiently between computation paths that produce answers and those that consume them. These differences between tabled and non-tabled evaluation have led to the study of strategies to schedule the return of answers to consuming environments; the study of how to efficiently determine when mutually recursive sets of subgoals have been completely evaluated; and of how to perform efficient memory management, environment switching and garbage collection. Much work has also been done on how to efficiently access tables from a WAM-style engine, how to maintain dependency information in the table (and stacks) for the well-founded semantics, and how answers in a table can be efficiently shared among subsuming calls.

Descriptions of tabling algorithms their implementations; of implemented logics, their applications, and implementations can be found via

Email: xsb-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Last modified: Mon Jun 23 15:08:55 EDT 2003