About XSB
Tabled Resolution
Tabled resolution is useful for recursive query computation, allowing programs
to terminate correctly in many cases where Prolog does not. Users interested
in Parsing, Program Analysis, Model-checking, Data Mining and Diagnosis
may benefit from XSB.
XSB's Tabling implementation:
Evaluates at the engine level programs with stratified and non-stratified
negation, and programs with stratified aggregation.
Allows full Prolog functionality in tabled code including cuts, (subject
to weak semantic restrictions), in meta-logical predicates, in second-order
predicates, etc.
Allows for declaration of tabled predicates either automatically by the
system or manually by the user. Furthermore, tabling can be automatically
performed for termination, for efficiency, or for both.
Provides standard tabling predicates which can be used to program a number
of applications in Non-Monotonic reasoning and Knowledge
Dynamically compiles tables into trie-based SLG-WAM code. which is indexed
dynamically and for which full memory management is provided.
Versions 2.4 and later have as default a tabling strategy called
Local Evaluation which is efficient for returning all answers
to a query, and is useful for applications such as program analysis
and non-monotonic reasoning. As a configuration alternative,
Batched Evaluation is a Prolog-like tabling strategy that
efficiently returns the first answer to a query.
- Versions 2.5 and later have as their default stack management
configuration the SLG-WAM configuration, for which a choice of three
heap garbage collectors are available.
Indexing and Dynamic Code
XSB contains a variety of features to support in-memory data-oriented
applications. Using these features, knowledge bases with millions of clauses
can be quickly loaded and efficiently indexed.
XSB provides a variety of read and assert mechanisms for quickly
loading dynamic predicates, especially if these predicates are unit
Indexes can be created on alternate or joint arguments of dynamic
code. Furthermore this indexing can be hash-based, or trie-based if
it is necessary to perform indexing deep within a term.
XSB provides mechanisms for backtrackable asserts: asserts whose
effects become undone upon backtracking.
For static code XSB provides unification factoring which
extends clause indexing by factoring common unifications out of
clause heads, and can be used to optimize many Prolog programs.
XSB supports a variety of interfaces. All source code is available so
that the interfaces can be tuned as needed or ported to other Prologs. (as some
have been!)
Interfaces under UNIX and Cygwin, to call C functions or to be called by them.
An ODBC interface, to call data stored in a database accessable by an
ODBC driver. This interface translates Datalog clauses into SQL
An alternate interface that supports access to multiple drivers,
including mySQL drivers.
Java interfaces provided through InterProlog and
- An interface to Perl, and especially to its pattern-matching facilities.
Interfaces to libwww routines and various pattern-matching utilities,
all of which are useful for Web applications.
An interface to the stable model generator
SModels via the new XASP package.
HiLog Compilation
HiLog supports a type of higher-order programming in which predicate
symbols can be variable or structured. This allows unification to be
performed on the predicate symbols themselves in addition to the
arguments of the predicates.
XSB's HiLog implementation:
Includes compiled HiLog. Higher-order predicates execute at
essentially the same speed as compiled first-order predicates.
Includes a fully integrated HiLog preprocessor. HiLog terms can be
used anywhere in XSB, including the interpreter level.
Provides a number of meta-logical standard predicates for HiLog
In addition to those mentioned above, several important packages are maintained
on top of XSB, inlcuding
- Flora: a highly sophisticated and efficient implementation of
- XMC: a temporal-logic model checker for verifying properties of
concurrent programs. and containing a graphical user
- xsbdoc: a mechanism for generating manuals for XSB libraries and
applications using principles of literate programming.
Manuals can be generated in a variety of formats, including
html, pdf, ps, and even ASCII text.
XSB has been tested on over a dozen hardware and operating system
platforms under Microsoft Windows 95/98, Windows NT, Windows 2000 and
various versions of 32-bit UNIX. XSB also has also been ported to 64-bit
architectures and has been tested on 64-bit SGI machines. Various
versions of XSB have been used to construct large-scale commercial
systems for the U.S. Customs Service, the U.S. Defense Logistics
Agency, the National Security Agency, Medicine Rules, Inc, MdLogix
Inc., and many others.
Email: xsb-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Last modified: Mon Jun 23 15:08:26 EDT 2003