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    Licensing Management

This chapter gives you more information about the procedures for managing the licenses that are used in Telelogic Tau.

The following topics are discussed:

Table of Contents 

FLEXlm Management Procedures

Updating the FLEXlm Server (UNIX)

Every time you edit your license.dat file to add features, replace expired FEATURE lines, etc, you must advise the "lmgrd" daemon of the changes. To do this, use the updatelicd utility:

(where $telelogic is the Telelogic Tau installation directory)

Updating the FLEXlm Server (Windows)

Every time you edit your license.dat file to add features, replace expired FEATURE lines, etc, you must advise the "lmgrd" daemon of the changes. To do this, use the FLEXlm utility:

and select Reread to update your running license server with the new information.

Automatic Server Startup (UNIX)

In order to start up the Telelogic Tau tool License Server automatically at boot time, the following should be performed:

SunOS 5

  1. Copy the file $telelogic/flex/sunos5flex/sdtlmgrd to /etc/init.d/sdtlmgrd. (Where $telelogic is the Telelogic Tau installation directory.)
  2. Change the file permissions with the following commands:

  3. chmod 744 /sbin/init.d/sdtlmgrd
    chown root /sbin/init.d/sdtlmgrd
    chgrp sys /sbin/init.d/sdtlmgrd
  4. Set up the following links:

  5. ln -s /etc/init.d/sdtlmgrd /etc/rc3.d/S17sdtlmgrd
    ln -s /etc/init.d/sdtlmgrd /etc/rc3.d/K17sdtlmgrd


  1. Copy the file $telelogic/flex/hppaflex/sdtlmgrd to /sbin/init.d/sdtlmgrd. (Where $telelogic is the Telelogic Tau installation directory.)
  2. Change the file permissions with the following commands:

  3. chmod 744 /sbin/init.d/sdtlmgrd
    chown bin /sbin/init.d/sdtlmgrd
    chgrp bin /sbin/init.d/sdtlmgrd
  4. Set up the following links:

  5. ln -s /sbin/init.d/sdtlmgrd /sbin/rc3.d/S17sdtlmgrd
    ln -s /sbin/init.d/sdtlmgrd /sbin/rc3.d/K17sdtlmgrd

Automatic Server Startup (Windows)

The FLEXlm master daemon, "lmgrd", can be installed as a service on a Windows system so that it can be managed from the Control Panel. To install lmgrd as a service, use the Flexlm.cpl control panel extension provided by FLEXlm; see Figure 3.

Figure 3  : Setup dialog for Windows NT
You should replace "tauxx" in the dialog with your actual installation directory.

Extracted pic [1]


Make sure that the full path name (including drive letter) for your vendor daemon is specified correctly in your license file, license.dat.

After clicking Start under Control, lmgrd is installed as a Windows service and will be started automatically each time your system is booted. The account must have the privilege to log on as a service or otherwise the operation will fail.


Beware that when running "lmgrd" as a service it is possible for the user to inadvertently shut down the license server by pressing the Shutdown button when running lmtools.exe from a client machine.

Manually Starting the FLEXlm Server (UNIX)

If the license server goes down for some reason (but the computer does not need to be restarted), you will have to restart the license server manually.

You can start the license server from command line. Proceed as follows:

  1. Log in on the computer where the license server is to run.
  2. Type:

  3. $telelogic/bin/startlicd
    (where $telelogic is the Telelogic Tau installation directory)

Manually Starting the FLEXlm Server (Windows)

If you have not installed lmgrd as a service on Windows NT, or in a Windows 95 batch file, or if the license server goes down for some reason (but the computer does not need to be restarted), you will have to restart the license server manually.

You can start the license server as an application from the Windows console with the -app option. Proceed as follows:

  1. Log in on the computer where the license server is to run.
  2. Type:

  3. cd c:\tau35\flex
    c:\tau35\flex> lmgrd -app > license.log

Adding FEATUREs to an Existing Server

If your system is already using FLEXlm for general license management, it is sufficient to add any DAEMON and FEATURE lines you receive in a license file from Telelogic Customer Support to your existing license.dat file.

If the FLEXlm Server Goes Down

In some cases, the Telelogic Tau tools may lose contact with the license server. This could happen, for instance, if there is a communication failure in your network, or if the license control processes terminate for some reason. A recovery mechanism is provided -- currently running sessions of the Telelogic Tau tools will only have to wait for the license server to come up again. (They will not have to perform any special operations.)

Losing Contact with the License Server

From a Telelogic Tau user's point of view, the following will happen if the license server goes down:

Regaining Contact with the License Server

When the license server comes back up, the Telelogic Tau tools can be used again. Users are notified by a message in the Organizer Log window and the Telelogic Tau tools resume normal functionality.

FLEXlm Event Logging

On UNIX, all events that the lmgrd administrates are logged in a file named license.log, available in the $telelogic directory. (Where $telelogic is the Telelogic Tau installation directory.)

In Windows: When the license server has been installed as a service on Windows NT (see Updating the FLEXlm Server (Windows)) all events that it administrates are logged in a file named lmgrd.log, available in the system32 directory. For Windows 95, you can specify the directory and file name for the log file, by using the `>' sign (see Automatic Server Startup (Windows)). Our default location is c:\tau35\flex\license.log

The events logged include:

Each event involving a license also specifies:


The log file will grow as users run Telelogic Tau. You may consider deleting the head of the file from time to time to save disk space.

CopyControl Utilities and Procedures

Three DOS utilities are provided, both on your CopyControl license floppy disk and in the Telelogic Tau installation (in <Tau Installation Directory>\COPYCTRL\), that allow you to inspect and transfer the License Keys between disks. The utilities are:


CCMOVE creates an inactive license in a directory. Telelogic Tau CopyControl licenses are "CCROM" licenses. Thus, they must be transferred to a local hard drive.


You cannot transfer licenses from the hard disk to another hard disk with CCMOVE.


CCROM license floppies can be used as many times as needed to install inactive licenses. Each installation will yield a unique product serial number. So, if something goes wrong in your license activation process, you can reuse your license floppy and start again.

To execute CCMOVE, start a DOS prompt, insert a License Key disk in your floppy drive, and change the current directory to the root of your floppy drive. The command is used in the following way:

where <from> is the source path and <to> is the destination path of the License Key transfer. The from path must contain a Telelogic Tau License Key disk. You must have read/write/create access to both paths.

The <options> are:


The /O option is not recommended, since it may lead to the loss of License Keys.

Example 2       

To move the license from the floppy to your hard disk (using the default installation directory):

This will create an inactive license in C:\TAU35\bin\Wini386. To activate the license you must note the reported product serial number, contact Telelogic Customer Support to obtain an activation code, and then activate the license by running CCCHANGE.


The CCLOOK utility is used for finding a License Key on a disk and for displaying the license information contained in the License Key.

To execute CCLOOK, start a DOS prompt and change directory tothe root directory of the floppy disk. The command is used in either of two ways:

  1. CCLOOK [<path>]

  2. where <path> is the only path to look in for License Keys. If no path is included, the current directory is used.
  3. CCLOOK [<drive:>] [/S]

  4. where <drive:> is the drive to look in, and /S specifies to search the entire drive for License Keys. If no drive is specified, the current drive is used. If /S is not used, only the current directory is searched.

The normal way to use CCLOOK is:

If any License Key is found, the license information is displayed, including the path to the License Key.


CCLOOK will find and report any License Keys or copy protections for other software packages that also use CopyControl, not just the Telelogic Tau protections.


CCLOOK should report the expiration date of the activated CCROM license. Even though the key is, for example, a "30 day" key when installed, when the key is activated it is set to expire on an absolute date.


The CCCHANGE utility is used to activate the code for CopyControl licenses.

To execute CCCHANGE, start a DOS prompt and change directory tothe root directory of the floppy disk. The command is used in the following way:

where <path> is the destination path of the License Key to be changed/activated. If the <path> is omitted you will be prompted for it. The <code> is the activation/update code that Telelogic Customer Support has provided. If the <code> is omitted you will be prompted for it. If you do not have an activation code at this point, you should press enter and no changes will be performed. You must have read/write/create access to the path.

The <options> are:


Do not use the /S option unless you actually have a valid serial number for an inactive installed copy, since otherwise your licenses will be invalidated.


Do not use /U option unless specifically instructed by Telelogic Customer Support, since this option will invalidate your license.

Moving a CopyControl License

Moving a node-locked license is done with the help of codes and the provided software tools. The required codes are obtained by running CCMOVE and CCCHANGE. In short these steps needs to be carried out:

Example 3       

This example assumes that a license is to be transferred from one computer to another. The original license on Computer A resides in directory C:\MACHINEA\TAU35\bin\Wini386 and should be moved to Computer B's directory C:\MACHINEB\TAU35\bin\Wini386. So, again we assume the default Telelogic Tau installation directory, \TAU35, on each machine.

  1. Install an inactive license copy on Computer B. Insert the license floppy in the A drive and type:

  2. C:> A:
    A:> CCMOVE A: C:\MACHINEB\TAU35\bin\Wini386 /M
    CopyControl will print out the serial number, e.g:

    Serial number of the installed product is nnnnn
    Make a note of this number.
  3. Obtain an activation code for the inactive license copy on computer B by deactivating the license copy on Computer A. Insert the license floppy in the A drive and type:

  4. C:> A:
    A:> CCCHANGE C:\MACHINEA\TAU35\bin\wini386 /Snnnnn
    where "nnnnn" after the /S option should be replaced with the number from the previous step.

    CopyControl will print out the activation code for the serial number supplied to the /S option. e.g:

    CopyControl parameter changing.
    New activation code for serial number nnnnn = 22 63 76 c4 17
    The license on Computer A will be completely removed.
  5. Activate the license copy on Computer B. Insert the license floppy in the A drive and type:

  6. C:> A:
    A:> CCCHANGE C:\MACHINEB\TAU35\bin\wini386
    CopyControl will prompt you for the activation code:

    Version 1.71. Product code TAU, Serial no.: nnnnn, Update number 1.
    Enter code given to you by your supplier:
    22 63 76 c4 17
    Confirmation code 0/2085
    Update number 1 completed successfully

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