The System Library (SLIB)
The B-Toolkit is supplied with a set of reusable machines
which encapsulate basic state and data-structures,
and provide basic abstract types.
These library machines are described here. The text of the
machines is
presented separately.
The Role of the System Library
Static and persistent data of an implementation must be held by an
imported machine. Ultimately, the bottom level implementation must
import a Library machine if static or persistent data is required
(i.e. if you are implementing a state-machine).
A library machine is used simply by importing or seeing the machine in
the construct you are writing. When a predefined machine is imported
into an implementation, actual parameters must be supplied. However
when seeing an existing machine no parameters should be supplied.
Each library machine is formally specified, and the readable
formal specification is available in the development environment after
the machine has been committed.
The manipulation of an object can be performed outside the
state-machine to which the object belongs, using the TYPE machines of
the Library.
Simple i/o can be performed using the i/o machines.
Persistence of data can be achieved using the file i/o machines.
Naming of Library Machines and their Operations
The naming library machines and their operations follows a uniform
Library machines with state have to be renamed when they are
imported into a development. These machines and their operations,
therefore, all have names starting with Rename, which is
automatically replaced by a new prefix supplied in the importing
machine at the time that the library machine is committed from the
The TYPE machines in the library have no state, and need not be
renamed. They can be cited in a SEES clause wherever they are
Operations in library machines are named according to
a uniform pattern described in the text below.
Library Machines
Library Machines are organised into five groups as follows.
Multiple Objects Machines
A Multiple Object Machine is a repository for
structured objects. In this sub-library we have:
In most applications of B to software development, the Multiple Objects
Machines are used for representing the main part of the information
which an application maintains. Composite object structures which are
suitable for representing complex information structures can also be
For example, by using combinations of the Multiple Objects
Machines we can construct a suitable representation for files of
records with different field types. Types can be
simple types (
or more complex (Sets of Strings,
Sequences of Sets of Strings, Sets of Sequences of BITS etc). Such
constructions gives the formal B design language the equivalent power
of a modern high level programming notation.
When importing a Multiple Object Machine it must be instantiated with
respect to the size of store which will be pre-allocated for storing
its objects, and with respect to the type of elements which actually
will populate the structured objects. A multiple object machine can
store a number of objects of the required type (e.g. sequences of BOOL,
sets of SCALARS, sets of SEQOBJ).
Composite object structures can be constructed. For example a
`Sequences of Sets of SCALARS' is constructed by using a Set Object
machine instantiated with
SCALAR in combination with a Sequence Object
machine instantiated with
When providing a design using a machine as a repository then elements
of different types can be stored within the same
machine; e.g. a sequence object machine instantiated with `BOOL or
SCALAR' (written BOOL \/ SCALAR) can store Boolean values as well
as scalar values (positive integers) within the same sequence.
All Multiple Objects Machines offer the following facilities:
The general multiple object operations, which are
described above, are provided:
- Initialisation (INI).
- Creation (CRE) and killing (KIL) of sets;
on creation the created set will be empty.
- Capacity Enquiries (MEM_FUL, OBJ_FUL)
- Set token Enquiries (ANY, XST).
- Persistent Set storage facilities (SAV, RST).
- Sets Browsing facilities (FIRST, NEXT).
In addition, this machine offers special operations for set
manipulation and enquiring about the stored sets:
- Operations for changing existing sets:
CPY copies one set to another set; CLR removes all elements from a set.
- Operations for enlarging sets:
ENT enters a new element into a set; UNION extends a set by all the
members of another set.
- Operations for reducing sets:
RMV removes an element from a set; DIFF removes all elements which are
also present in another set; INTER keeps only the elements which are
present in another set.
- Enquiring about size of sets: (EMP, CRD)
EMP returns TRUE if the set interrogated is empty; CRD gives the
cardinality of a set.
- Facilities for inspecting a particular set: (XST_ORD, VAL)
All elements in all sets can be accessed by using their ordinal
XST_ORD will indicate whether a particular number is a valid ordinal
number. VAL will return the value of an element in the set, given its
ordinal number.
- Operations for determining set properties: (MBR, INCL)
MBR will indicate whether a particular element is a member
of a set; INCL will indicate whether one set is included in another.
The general multiple object operations, which are
described above, are provided:
- Initialisation (INI).
- Creation (CRE) and killing (KIL) of sequences.
On creation the created sequence will be empty.
- Capacity Enquiries (MEM_FUL, OBJ_FUL)
- Sequence token Enquiries (ANY, XST).
- Persistent Set storage facilities (SAV, RST).
- Sequence Browsing facilities (FIRST, NEXT).
In addition, this machine offers special operations for manipulation
of sequences, and enquiring about stored sequences:
- Operations for changing existing sequences: (CPY, CLR, OVR, STO)
CPY copies one sequence to another sequence; CLR resets a sequence to
the empty sequence; OVR over-writes a
sequence with another sequence; STO over-writes a particular location
in the sequence.
- Operations for re-ordering an existing sequence: (SWA, REV)
SWA swaps two elements in a sequence; REV reverses an entire sequence.
- Operations for enlarging sequences: (PSH, APP)
PSH pushes an element onto the end of a sequence; APP extends a
sequence with another sequence.
- Operations for reducing sequences: (KEP, CUT)
KEP keeps an initial part of a sequence; CUT cuts an initial part of a
sequence away.
- Enquiring about a sequence: (EMP, LEN)
EMP returns TRUE if a sequence is empty; LEN gives the length of a sequence.
- Facilities for inspecting a particular sequence: (POP, XST_IDX, VAL)
POP returns the most recently pushed element; an element in a sequence can be accessed by using its index in its
sequence; XST_IDX will indicate whether a particular number
is a valid index; VAL will return the value of an
element in the sequence given its index.
- Operations for determining sequence properties: (MBR, EQL)
MBR will indicate whether a particular element is a member
of a sequence.
EQL will indicate whether two sequences are identical.
The String Machine is a repository for sequences of bytes
(seq(0..255)). It is often used for storing text strings.
The facilities for strings offered in the library and the
the B translators enable strings to be treated as
simple objects, which can be transferred from one machine
to another using operation which will transfers the
entire structured string object. (Also available in the form of a Fixed
Function Machine)
The general multiple object operations, which are
described above, are provided:
- Initialisation (INI).
- Creation (CRE) and killing (KIL) of strings;
on creation the created string will be empty.
- Capacity Enquiries (MEM_FUL, OBJ_FUL)
- String token Enquiries (ANY, XST).
- Persistent String storage facilities (SAV, RST).
- String Browsing facilities (FIRST, NEXT).
In addition, this machine offers special operations
for manipulation of strings, and enquiring about
stored strings:
- An additional operation for creating a particular string: (NEW)
NEW will create a new string with a particular contents, which
either literally occurs in the design text, or, is the contents of
a string which is a result of an input
operation, or, is the contents of a string extracted
- An additional operation for extracting string contents: (XTR)
- Operations for changing existing strings: (CPY, CLR, OVR, STO)
CPY copies one string to another string; CLR sets a string to the
empty string; OVR over-writes a string with another string; STO
over-writes a particular location in the string.
- Operations for re-ordering an existing string: (SWA, REV)
SWA swaps two bytes in a string; REV
reverses an entire string.
- Operations for enlarging strings: (PSH, APP)
PSH pushes a byte onto the end of a string; APP
extends a string with another string.
- Operations for reducing strings: (KEP, CUT)
KEP keeps an initial part of a string; CUT cuts an
initial part of a string away.
- Enquiring about size of strings: (EMP, LEN)
EMP returns TRUE if a string is empty; LEN
gives the length of a string.
- Facilities for inspecting a particular strings: (POP, XST_IDX, VAL)
POP returns the most recently pushed byte; a byte in a string can be accessed by using its index in its
string. XST_IDX will indicate whether a particular number
is a valid index. VAL will return the value of a
byte in the string, given its index.
- Operations for determining string properties: (SMR, EQL, EQL_LIT)
SMR will indicate whether one string is lexicographically smaller than
another string. EQL will indicate whether two store strings are identical.
EQL_LIT will indicate whether a stored string is identical to
another literal string (not stored in by this machine).
This machine stores partial Functions over an
initial interval of Natural Numbers. The interval (its fields) will be
determined when
the machine is instantiated.
The general multiple object operations, which are
described above, are provided:
- Initialisation (INI).
- Creation (CRE) and killing (KIL) of objects.
On creation the created object will be empty.
- Capacity Enquiries (FUL)
- Function token Enquiries (ANY, XST).
- Persistent String storage facilities (SAV, RST).
- Object Browsing facilities (FIRST, NEXT).
In addition, this machine offers special operations
for manipulation of functions, and enquiring about
stored functions:
- Enquiry operations: (TST_FLD, DEF_FNC)
TST_FLD will indicate whether a given number input is a field
of the function. DEF_FNC will indicate whether a function
has been given a value for a particular field number.
- Operations for changing a function: (STO, RMV)
STO assigns a value to a particular field of a particular function;
RMV removes a field from a function - the function
will then be undefined for this field.
This machine stores partial Functions over an
initial interval of Natural Numbers. The interval (its fields) will be
determined when
the machine is instantiated.
The general multiple object operations, which are
described above, are provided:
- Initialisation (INI).
- Creation (CRE) and killing (KIL) of objects.
The created function will be empty.
- Capacity Enquiries (FUL)
- Function token Enquiries (ANY, XST).
- Persistent Object storage facilities (SAV, RST).
- Object Browsing facilities (FIRST, NEXT).
This machine also offers the operations
for manipulation of functions, and enquiring about
stored functions as are available for the
standard Function Object Machine:
- Enquiry operations: (TST_FLD, DEF_FNC)
TST_FLD will indicate whether a given number is a field
of a function. DEF_FNC will indicate whether a function
has been given a value for a particular field number.
- Operations for changing a function: (STO, RMV)
STO assigns a value to a particular field of a particular function;
RMV removes a field from a function - the function
will then be undefined for this field.
In addition, special operations for multiple field manipulation
are provided:
- Moving several field values from one function to another: (MOV_FFNC)
MOV_FFNC will over-write the field values of one function with
field values from another function.
- Overwriting several field values: (OVR_FFNC)
OVR_FFNC will overwrite several fields in a function with
the packed version of a sequence of bytes (String).
- Extracting multiple field values: (XTR_FFNC)
XTR_FFNC will extract several field values - converted into
a sequence of bytes stored at a word boundary.
- Testing multiple fields: (EQL_FFNC)
This tests whether the contents of sequence of bytes is equal
to the sequence of bytes stored in multiple fields of a function.
Programming Concepts Machines
These machine offer an extension of the basic data
structures of variable and array which are
available in most languages. We have:
These machines are commonly used to record transitory
information within an application, or used as `anchors'
for information stored in the Multiple Object Machines.
Variables can be instantiated to any type, e.g a
variable of type BOOL can hold a boolean value, and
a variable of type SEQOBJ (an anchor) can hold an token denoting
a sequence within the Sequence Object Machine.
When providing a design using a machine as a repository, then
elements of different types can be stored within the
same machine. For example instantiating a machine with BOOL \/ SCALAR will enable a
machine to have both boolean values as well as scalar values within a
single structure.
All Programming Concepts Machines offer the following facilities:
- Getting a value (VAL)
VAL will return the value of a variable, or in the case of
an array the value of a particular location.
- Storing a value (STO)
STO will assign a new value to a variable or in the case of
an array to a particular location within the array.
- Testing for values (EQL, NEQ)
EQL and NEQ will test the contents of a variable (or
a particular location within an array~) against another value.
- Persistent storage facilities (SAV, RES)
SAV will save the current value of an object onto permanent
storage; RES will restore the value of an object to
a value previously saved.
Note that when saving several structures on the same file then the restores
must be performed in the same order as the saves were performed; different dump files can be used by using file_io operations.
Also note that these primitive operations appear as `procedure calls'
within the algorithms of a B implementation; however in the generated
implementation (the C-Code) all the simple operations from the
Programming Concepts Machines are `in-lined' (no procedure calls are
This Variable machine offers all the facilities described above,
and can be instantiated to any type (SCALAR, BOOL, BITS, SETOBJ, etc.)
We have:
- Getting a value
- Storing a value
- Testing for values
- Persistent storage facilities
This Variable machine, can hold only Numbers, and offers all the facilities available
for a Programming Concepts Machine:
- Getting a value
- Storing a value
- Testing for values
- Persistent storage facilities
In addition the following operations are provided:
- Arithmetic operations
A variable can be modified by: INCrementing it, DECrementing it,
ADDing to it, MULtiplying it by a number, SUBtracting
a value from it, DIViding it with a number, or replacing it
with a MODulo value.
- Ordering Queries
A variable can be tested to determine whether it is GreaTeR
then a particular number, Greater or EQual to a number, SMalleR
than a number, or, Less than or EQual to a number.
- Conditional retrieval (MIN,
MIN will retrieve the smaller of two values, while MAX
will retrieve the larger of two values.
This Array machine can be used to store several values of any type.
The type is determined by instantiation.
This machine offers all the facilities available
for a Programming Concepts Machine:
- Getting a value (VAL)
Getting the value under a particular index of the array.
- Storing a value (STO)
Storing a value in a particular location of the array.
- Testing for values (EQL, NEQ)
Testing the value stored under a particular index.
- Persistent storage facilities (SAV, RES)
In addition the following operations are provided:
- Index testing (TST_IDX)
TST_IDX will indicate whether a particular index is a
valid index.
- Search operations (SCH_LO_EQL, SCH_LO_NEQ, SCH_HI_EQL, SCH_HI_NEQ)
These operation will return the lowest (or highest) array index which
is equal (or not equal) to a particular given value.
- Array manipulations (REV, RHT, LFT, SWP)
REV will reverse the array; RHT and LFT will shift the values in an
array either to the right (to higher indices) or left (to lower
indices); SWP will swap two values in an array.
This Array machine can be used to store several Numbers.
This machine offers all the facilities available
for a Programming Concepts Machine:
- Getting a value
Getting the value under a particular index of the array.
- Storing a value (STO)
Storing a value in a particular location of the array.
- Testing for values (EQL, NEQ)
Testing the value stored under a particular index.
- Persistent storage facilities (SAV, RES)
In addition the following operations are provided:
- Arithmetic operations
An array location can be modified by: INCrementing it, DECrementing it,
ADDing to it, MULtiplying it by a number, SUBtracting
a value from it, DIViding it with a number, or replacing it
with a MODulo value.
- Ordering Queries
An array location can be tested to determine whether it is GreaTeR
than a particular number, Greater or EQual to a number, SMalleR
than a number or Less than or EQual to a number.
- Conditional retrieval
MIN will retrieve an array index, for which the array holds a
minimum value, while MAX
will retrieve an an array index, for which the array holds a
maximum value.
In addition the following operations are provided:
- Index testing (TST_IDX)
TST_IDX will indicate whether a particular index is a
valid index.
- Search operations (SCH_LO_EQL, SCH_LO_NEQ, SCH_HI_EQL, SCH_HI_NEQ)
These operation will return the lowest (or highest) array index which
is equal (or not equal) to a particular given value.
- Additional Search operations
These operation will return the lowest (or highest) array index which
is relates in a particular way (greater or equal, greater, less or equal, or, smaller) to a given value.
- Array manipulations (REV, RHT, LFT, SWP)
REW will reverse the array; RHT and LFT will shift the values in an
array either to the right (to higher indices) or left (to lower
indices); SWP will swap two values in an array.
- Additional Array manipulations (SRT_ASC, SRT_DSC)
Sort the array to contain either ascending values or
descending values.
Client-Server Machines
Rename_Client / Rename_Server
These two machines are used as a pair to establish a Socket (TCP/IP) Client-Server
For the Client machine:
For the Server machine:
Mathematical Concepts Machines
The Mathematical Concepts Machines allow the programmer to
design using higher level concepts, which are likely to
match more closely the concepts used in a set theoretical
specification, hence making the design step more reliable.
We have:
The Mathematical Concepts Machines are either used for
storing transitory information or for `anchors' to
information stored within a Multiple Object Machine.
When importing Mathematical Concepts Machine its type and
its capacity must be given by instantiation.
When providing a design using a machine as
a repository then elements of different types can be
stored within the same machine. For example instantiating
a machine with BOOL \/ SCALAR will enable a machine
to have both boolean values as well as scalar values
within a single structure.
A Mathematical Concepts Machine offers the following common facilities:
- Getting a value (VAL)
The VAL operation returns a particular value within the structure.
- Persistent Storage facilities (SAV, RES)
For saving onto and restoring from permanent storage.
NoteWhen saving several structures on the same file then the
`restores' must be performed in the same order as the `saves'
were performed; different dump files can be used by using
file_io operations.
A set machine provides access to a single set structure.
It offers the common operation for Mathematical Concepts Machine:
- Getting a value (VAL) with a particular ordinal number.
- Persistent Storage facilities (SAV, RST)
In addition it offers:
- Familiar Set Operations: (ENT, RMV, CLR)
ENT enters a new element into the set; RMV removes an element from
the set; CLR clears the set
- Familiar Set Enquiries: (MBR, EMP, CRD)
MBR is used for testing set membership; EMP tests whether a set is
empty; CRD gives the cardinality of a set.
- Additional Enquiries (FUL, XST_IDX)
FUL indicates whether a set is full; XST_IDX indicates whether
a particular number is a valid ordinal.
This sequence machine provides access to a single sequence. The
type of the elements of the sequence can be determined through instantiation.
It offers the common operations for Mathematical Concepts Machine:
- Getting a value (VAL) with a particular ordinal number.
- Persistent Storage facilities (SAV, RST)
In addition it offers:
- Familiar Sequence Operations:
CLR clears the sequence; PSH pushes an element onto the sequence;
POP gets the element most recently pushed; FST gets the first element;
LST gets the last element; TAL modifies the sequence by removing
the most recently pushed element; STO stores an element into the sequence.
- Some Sequence Enquiries:
EMP test whether the sequence is empty; LEN gives the length of
the sequence.
- Some Sequence Tests:
EQL tests whether a particular value is at a particular index; NEQ
tests whether a particular value is not at a particular index.
- Additional Enquiries:
FUL indicates whether a sequence is full; XST_IDX indicates whether
a particular number is a valid index.
- Searching Operations:
The searching operation search for the lowest (or highest) index in the
sequence which is equal (or not equal) to a particular value.
- Sequence manipulation operations:
KEP keeps the beginning of a sequence; CUT cuts the beginning
of a sequence away; SWP swaps two values in the sequence;
REV reverses the entire sequence; RHT shifts some elements in the sequence
to the right (up); LFT shifts some elements in the sequence
to the left (down).
This sequence machine provides access to a single sequence of numbers.
It offers the common operations for Mathematical Concepts Machine:
- Getting a value
(VAL)(VAL) with a particular ordinal number.
- Persistent Storage facilities
It offers the common sequence operation:
- Familiar Sequence Operations:
CLR clears the sequence; PSH pushes an element onto the sequence;
POP gets the element most recently pushed; FST gets the first element;
LST gets the last element; TAL modifies the sequence by removing
the most recently pushed element; STO stores an element into the sequence.
- Some Sequence Enquiries:
EMP test whether the sequence is empty; LEN gives the length of
the sequence.
- Some Sequence Tests:
EQL tests whether a particular value is at a particular index; NEQ
tests whether a particular value is not at a particular index.
- Additional Enquiries:
FUL indicates whether a sequence is full; XST_IDX indicates whether
a particular number is a valid index.
- Searching Operations:
The searching operation search for the lowest (or highest) index in the
sequence which is equal (or not equal) to a particular value.
- Sequence manipulation operations:
KEP keeps the beginning of a sequence; CUT cuts the beginning
of a sequence away; SWP swaps two values in the sequence;
REV reverses the entire sequence; RHT shifts some elements in the sequence
to the right (up); LFT shifts some elements in the sequence
to the left (down).
In addition the Number Sequence Machine offers:
- Extracting Values:
These operation extract the maximum (or minimum) value within a particular range.
- Arithmetic Operations:
These operations modify a particular location within the sequence.
- Test Operations:
These operations test a particular location within the sequence against
a given value.
- Searching Operations:
These operations search for the lowest index (or highest index) in
which a value satisfying a particular condition can be found.
- Sequence manipulations:
Sort the sequence to contains either ascending or descending
This function machine provides access to a single partial function over
numbers (mapping). The type of
elements which the function returns can be determined through instantiation.
It offers the common operations for Mathematical Concepts Machine:
- Getting a value by applying the function
(VAL) .
- Persistent Storage facilities
In addition it offers:
- Changing the function:
STO gives the function a new value for a particular field number; RMV
removes a field number from the domain of the function.
- Testing function values:
These tests for a particular value in a particular field.
in the function.
- Enquiries:
TST_FLD indicates whether a given number is
a valid field number; DEF tests whether a given number
is within the domain of the function; FREE return a field
number for which no value has yet been given.
This function machine provides access to a single partial function over
numbers (mapping). The function will return numbers.
It offers the common operations for Mathematical Concepts Machine:
- Getting a value by applying the function
- Persistent Storage facilities
It offers:
- Changing the function:
STO gives the function a new value for a particular field number; RMV
removes a number from the domain of the function.
- Arithmetic operations:
These operation modifies the value of the function for a particular
field number.
- Testing function values:
These tests for a given value in a particular field
in the function.
- Enquiries:
TST_FLD indicates whether a particular number is
a valid field number; DEF tests whether a particular number
is within the domain of the function; FREE return a field
number for which no value has yet been given.
This function machine provides access to a single partial function over
numbers (mapping). The type of
elements which the function returns can be determined through instantiation.
It offers the common operations for Mathematical Concepts Machine:
- Getting a value by applying the function
- Persistent Storage facilities
It offers the additional operations:
- Changing the function:
STO gives the function a new value fro a particular field number; RMV
removes a number from the domain of the function.
- Testing function values:
These tests for a given value in a particular field.
in the function.
- Enquiries:
TST_FLD indicates whether a particular number is
a valid field number; DEF tests whether a particular number
is within the domain of the function; FREE return a field
number for which no value has yet been given.
Some special operation for manipulation
of segments of fields:
- Moving segments of values:
This operation moves the values stored in a seqment of
fields to another segment of fields.
- String Operations:
OVR over-writes a number of function fields with a packed
string; XTR extracts a string from a number of function fields.
- String Testing:
Tests whether a particular string is equal to a string packed
in a number of fields.
Input Output Machines
The Input Output Machines offers an application some simple
input and output facilities:
This machine provides operations for writing to the terminal
display and reading from the keyboard:
- Spacing operations:
- Writing and reading numbers:
An interval to which the numbers must belong is specified.
- Writing and reading B numbers:
- Writing and reading boolean values:
- Writing and reading binary values:
- Writing and reading strings:
- Writing and reading characters:
This IO facility allows for a value of any elementary type
to be read from the keyboard and written to the screen.
NoteThis includes SEQOBJ, SETOBJ etc., since all these
are represented as a single machine word)
We have:
File Machines
A new file can be introduced by importing an instance of
the file_io machine.
This new file can be opened for writing/appending by Rename_OPEN_READ/
All subsequent `saves' will now be written to that file.
The file can be opened for reading by Rename_OPEN_WRITE.
All subsequent `restores' will now be read from that file.
Rename_CLOSE will close the file.
A file should always be closed to ensure that all written
information is properly recorded.
This machine provides the default dump file (TMP.file), which is
known by all object machines. Unless otherwise specified this
file can be used for `saving' and `restoring'.
open_write_dump_file will open the dump file for saving.
open_read_dump_file will open the dump file for restoring.
close_dump_file will close the dumpfile.
A file should always be closed to ensure that all written
information is properly recorded.
This machine provides the renamble dump file (Rename.dump).
Rename_open_write_dump_file will open the dump file for saving.
Rename_open_read_dump_file will open the dump file for restoring.
Rename_close_dump_file will close the dumpfile.
A file should always be closed to ensure that all written
information is properly recorded.
Type Machines
The following machines allow for the manipulation
of local variables introduced in an algorithm within
an implementation.
A value might be retrieved from the state of an object machine into
a local variable,
and then modified using the operation provided by the
Type Operation Machines before stored into an object
Introduce the type BOOL which consists only of
the values TRUE and FALSE.
The Bool machines provide the familiar boolean operations:
- Conjunction (and): CNJ
- Disjunction (or): DIS
- Negation (not): NEG
- Bit conversion: BTS_BOOL
This operation returns 1 for input TRUE and 0 for
FALSE input .
These machines introduce the types CHAR and STRING.
The operation CPY_STR must be used for assigning a value of type string to a local variable; the operations
HAR_TO_NAT are also provided.
This machines introduce the type of SCALAR (= 0..2147483646).
The following operations are provided:
- Assigning a Scalar SCL
- Arithmetic Operations
- Testing operations:
EQZ tests for zero.
Note that the normal syntax available in programming
languages can be used within an algorithm of a
B implementation. e.g ` :=' for assignment, ` +' for ADD,
` =' for EQL. However, if this syntax is used then
no checks will be made by the B-Toolkit for
This machines introduce the type of INT (=- 2147483647 to +2147483646).
The following operations are provided:
- Assigning an INT SCL
- Arithmetic Operations
- Testing operations:
EQZI tests for zero.
Note that the normal syntax available in programming
languages can be used within an algorithm of a
B implementation. e.g ` :=' for assignment, ` +' for ADDI,
` =' for EQLI. However, if this syntax is used then
no checks will be made by the B-Toolkit for
This machine introduces the type of BITS as a set
of sequences of length 32. The most significant
bit position is 1, the least significant position
is 32. We have:
- Bit operations:
VAL returns the value of a bit; STO stores a new bit.
- Shifts:
LFT shifts left; RHT shifts right (no wrap-around).
- Bit-wise Logical Operations:
CPL negates all bits; LND performs a bit-wise `and';
LOR performs bit-wise `or'; LXR performs bit-wise
`exclusive or'.
- Masking Operations:
MSK generates a mask of 1's; VMS performs a masking and returns
the resulting value; MMS merges a pattern with another pattern using
a mask.
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© B-Core
(UK) Limited, Last updated: 26/08/99