In the last three options only the processed documents/code/proofs are reset; no other changes are made. Note that code corresponding to a library machine, or that which has been generated through an enumeration is not reset by the penultimate option.
For all four options, the current state can be restored through the Remake tool; note that the last option is thus different from Reverting to a Previous Proof Level when a remake will not restore that level.
Resetting all constructs places the system under development in a state in which previously committed constructs remain committed but no further processing has been done, and so all the constructs require re-analysis, etc.. However, knowledge of the state of the system prior to the reset is retained and the system can be restored automatically (after any editing) to that state by use of Remake. All library machines are retained, but all generated machines are removed (although the Analyser, BaseGen, Enumerator and Interface tools will participate in the remake to regenerate/reproduce the constructs). All code is also removed, with the exception of that of the library machines.
Thus a Reset all constructs immediately followed by a Remake will result in the system restored (at least) to its present state.