The PASP Translator

The PASP Translator is invoked from the PASP Translators Environment and is applicable to all implementations which are currently analysed, but not translated.


Since the scoping rules of AMN are different (less strict) from those of PASP, we allow PASP developments to use the scoping rules of the former, and make the PASP translation a multi-stage process to enable `incomplete' PASP modules to play a transitory role; this allows the use of `parameterised' constructs.

The sharing of contextual information (through the AMN SEES and USES clauses) also falls naturally into this scheme and permits, for example, the use of abstract sets and constants in a layered development which are accorded PASP types and given values at the implementation stage by the module `owning' the set or constant.

The latter leads to the re-declaration of constants by modules using but not owning them; however since all such declarations will be identical throughout the development this presents no problem.

The PASP Translator translates an IMPLEMENTATION into a PASP module; a prerequisite for translation is that the implementation and all subordinate implementations are analysed; Subordinate implementations that are analysed but not yet translated are translated first.

Note that, an IMPLEMENTATION has no variables of its own which are global to all operations (e.g. the VARIABLES clause is not allowed). All static data (information global to the module) or persistent data (information which survives from one invocation of the module to the next) must be held within other machines which the implementation IMPORTS. In the B-Toolkit environment there is a selection of such pre-defined machines.

The pre-defined machines are held in the System Library and can be introduced into a development by using the `Introduce construct from SLIB' facility.

Stage 1: Translation (trl)

If the specification `module.mch' is implemented by `prog.imp', then translation of the latter will produce the file `module.param',written to the CDE/PASP directory.

`module.param' is thus an incomplete PASP module in which formal parameters of the construct (if any) appear unset; each AMN implementation is translated in this manner.

Stage 2: Instantiation of Parameters (ipm)

This second-stage translation is invoked only for the top-level unparameterised MAIN module, which should comprise a single operation called MAIN, which should also be unparamererised. All subsidiary modules are automatically translated, and each subsidiary module needs to be imported (somewhere in the development) for this translation stage to be successful - i.e. the development really must be complete.

The file `module.noatt' is created from `module.param', parameters being replaced by their actual values. Translation is now complete except for memory attribute information: a template memory map file is automatically produced at this stage, permitting the setting of memory and read/write attributes for all global and local variables of the entire development in one single file (for subsequent use in the next translation phase).

Stage 3: Setting of Attributes (sat)

This third-stage translation is again invoked only for the top-level MAIN module, with the code `module.pasp' is created from `module.noatt' by inserting attribute information from the memory map file.

Editing the map file results in the removal of this PASP module, and so the `sat' button must be invoked each time the map file is edited.

Stage 4: Finalisation of PASP Modules (fin)

This final phase produces a filtered `module.pas' (only those operations actually employed are included) in the DECCO sub-directory of CDE/PASP. The memort map file and a link (.lnk) file is also produced.


During each of the four stages a hypertext version of the code module is created and written to the HTX directory; this means that each of the files `module.param', `module.noatt', `module.pasp', `module.pas' and `' exist in hypertext form with links between each, and back to the AMN implementation `prog.imp'. These may be accessed through the hypertext tool.

The Translation Process

The PASP Translator translates the following clauses of an IMPLEMENTATION:

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