Subject: [Sens] SENS Presentation on Thursday, Feb. 15 at 2pm Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2001 12:22:01 -0500 (EST) From: Xing Fang To: Title: The Jalapeno Virtual Machine: A Jvm in Java Abstract: Jalapeno is a virtual machine for servers written in the Java language. To be able to address the requirements of servers (performance and scalability in particular), Jalapeno was designed "from scratch" to be as self-sufficient as possible. Run-time services conventionally provided in native code are implemented primarily in Java, too. In this talk I will be presenting a paper about the Jalapeno. We will talk about Jalapeno's unique object model and memory layout, which allows a hardware null-pointer check as well as fast access to array elements, fields, and methods. Java threads are multiplexed by virtual processors implemented as operating system threads. A family of concurrent object allocators and parallel type-accurate garbage collectors is supported. Jalapeno's interoperable compilers enable quasi-preemptive thread switching and precise location of object references. Jalapeno's dynamic optimizing compiler is designed to obtain high quality code for methods that are observed to be frequently executed or computationally intensive. We will also discuss the current status of the Jalapeno project and compare it to related Jvms. ---------------------------------------- References: 1. The Jalapeno Virtual Machine, 2. Implementing Jalapeno in Java, _______________________________________________ Sens mailing list -