Eclipse Project Release Notes

Release 2.0.0
June 27, 2002

This software is OSI Certified Open Source Software.
OSI Certified is a certification mark of the Open Source Initiative.

1. Target Operating Environments
2. Compatibility with Previous Release
3. Known Issues

1. Target Operating Environments

Most of the Eclipse SDK is "pure" Java™ code and has no direct dependence on the underlying operating system. The chief dependence is therefore on the Java 2 Platform itself. The 2.0 release of the Eclipse Project is written and compiled against version 1.3 of the Java 2 Platform APIs, and targeted to run on either version 1.3 or 1.4 of the Java 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition.

Eclipse SDK 2.0 has been tested and validated on the following Java 2 Platform implementations:

Operating system Processor architecture Java 2 Platforms
Intel x86 Sun Java 2 SDK, Standard Edition, version 1.3.1 for Microsoft Windows
IBM Developer Kit for Windows, Java 2 Technology Edition, version 1.3.0
Sun Java 2 SDK, Standard Edition, version 1.4 for Microsoft Windows
Linux Intel x86 Sun Java 2 SDK, Standard Edition, version 1.3.1 for Linux x86
IBM Developer Kit for Linux, Java 2 Technology Edition, version 1.3.0
Sun Java 2 SDK, Standard Edition, version 1.4 for Linux x86
Sun Solaris SPARC Sun Java 2 SDK, Standard Edition, version 1.3.1 for Solaris SPARC
Sun Java 2 SDK, Standard Edition, version 1.4 for Solaris SPARC
HP HP-UX hp9000 PA-RISC HP-UX SDK for the Java 2 platform, version 1.3.1 for hp9000 PA-RISC
IBM® AIX PowerPC IBM Developer Kit for AIX, Java 2 Technology Edition, version 1.3.0

The following table describes the combinations of operating system and Java 2 Platform used when testing the Eclipse SDK configurations. The status column indicates the level of testing: "Primary" means a full tested configuration; "Secondary" means a configuration which is only lightly tested; "Untested" means a configuration that has received no testing, but which should work. Note that the Linux GTK configuration is considered early access for the 2.0 release; it has been tested, but is not product quality in this release.

Window system Java 2 Platform
(see above table)
Operating Environment Testing Status
Win32 Windows on Intel x86 Windows 2000 Primary
Windows XP Primary
Windows ME Secondary
Windows 98SE Secondary
Windows NT Secondary

Linux on Intel x86


RedHat Linux 7.2 x86 Primary
SuSE Linux 7.3 x86 Primary
Other Linux; kernel version 2.4.7, and XFree86 version 4.1.0 Untested
Solaris on SPARC  Sun Solaris 8 SPARC Primary
HP-UX on hp9000 PA-RISC HP-UX 11i hp9000 Primary
AIX on PowerPC IBM AIX 5.1 on PowerPC Primary
GTK Linux on Intel x86 RedHat Linux 7.2 x86 GTK 2.0 Early access
SuSE Linux 7.3 x86 GTK 2.0 Early access
Other Linux; kernel version 2.4.7, and GTK 2.0 Early access; untested


The Eclipse Platform is designed as the basis for internationalized products. The user interface elements provided by the Eclipse SDK components, including dialogs and error messages, are externalized. The English strings are provided as the default resource bundles.

Latin-1 locales are supported by the Eclipse SDK on all of the above operating environments; DBCS and BIDI locales are supported by the Eclipse SDK only on Windows operating environments.

The Eclipse SDK supports GB 18030, the new Chinese code page standard, on Windows 2000 and XP only. Note that GB 18030 also requires locale and character encoding support from the Java 2 Runtime Environment; this support is standard in version 1.4, and also available in some 1.3 JREs.

German and Japanese locales have been tested.

BIDI support

The Eclipse SDK 2.0 is a development environment targeted at technical professionals - not an end user application. However, the Eclipse SDK 2.0 tools will permit technical professionals who are working in English to build Hebrew/Arabic end user Java programs which are themselves not based on the Eclipse SDK. The BIDI support in the Eclipse SDK 2.0 allows a Java programmer to work with BIDI strings, code comments, etc. but the Eclipse SDK itself is not designed to be localized for BIDI locales and its widget orientation can not be changed.

IMPORTANT: The above BIDI support is available only on Windows platforms.

2. Compatibility with Previous Release

The Eclipse SDK 2.0 is upwards compatible with the Eclipse SDK 1.0 to the greatest extent possible. We have made exceptions in areas where slavishly maintaining compatibility would not be in the best interests of the Platform or its clients. These exceptions are noted below, so that clients can assess the impact of these changes on their plug-ins and products.

API Contract Compatibility: The Eclipse SDK 2.0 is upwards contract-compatible with the Eclipse SDK 1.0 unless noted. This means that programs in full compliance with contracts specified in the Eclipse SDK 1.0 APIs will automatically be in full compliance with the Eclipse SDK 2.0 APIs. (API is construed broadly to include such things as plug-in extension points.) Downward contract compatibility is not supported. There is no guarantee that compliance with the Eclipse SDK 2.0 APIs would ensure compliance with the Eclipse SDK 1.0 APIs.

Binary (plug-in) Compatibility: The Eclipse SDK 2.0 is upwards binary-compatible with the Eclipse SDK 1.0 unless noted. This means that plug-ins built for the Eclipse SDK 1.0 will continue to work correctly in the Eclipse SDK 2.0 without change. Downward plug-in compatibility is not supported. Plug-ins for the Eclipse SDK 2.0 are unlikely to be usable in the Eclipse SDK 1.0. Plug-ins with hard-coded references in their plug-in manifest file to 1.0 versions of prerequisite Eclipse Project plug-ins will not work in 2.0 as the plug-in version numbers will be incompatible.

Source Compatibility: The Eclipse SDK 2.0 is upwards source-compatible with the Eclipse SDK 1.0 unless noted. This means that source files written to use the Eclipse SDK 1.0 APIs can be successfully compiled and run against the Eclipse SDK 2.0 APIs. Since source incompatibilities are easy to deal with, maintaining source compatibility is considered much less important than maintaining contract and binary compatibility. Downward source compatibility is not supported. If source files use new Eclipse SDK APIs, they will not be usable with an earlier version of the Eclipse SDK.

Workspace Compatibility: Eclipse SDK 2.0 is upwards workspace-compatible with Eclipse SDK 1.0 unless noted. This means that workspaces and projects created with Eclipse SDK 1.0 can be successfully opened by Eclipse SDK 2.0 and upgraded to a 2.0 workspace.  Individual plug-ins developed for Eclipse SDK 1.0 should provide similar upwards compatibility for their workspace metadata; plug-in developers are responsible for ensuring that their plug-ins recognize 1.0 metadata and process it appropriately.  Note: the interim Eclipse SDK 1.0 plug-ins (ones with provisional APIs) are unlikely to automatically upgrade their metadata to 2.0. User interface session state may be discarded when a workspace is upgraded.  Downward workspace compatibility is not supported. A workspace created (or opened) by Eclipse SDK 2.0 will be unusable with an earlier version of Eclipse SDK.

Note on non-compliant usage: All non-API methods and classes, and certainly everything in a package with "internal" in its name, are considered implementation details which may vary between operating environment and are subject to change without notice. Client plug-ins that directly depend on anything other than what is specified in the Eclipse SDK API are inherently unsupportable and receive no guarantees about compatibility within a single release much less with an earlier release. Refer to How to Use the Eclipse API for information about how to write compliant plug-ins.

Platform - UI

The public client API has been kept stable with the exception of ITextViewer interface which changed in an incompatible way:

There is also a known problem with runtime compatibility (bug 13926). To work around this, classes that implement the IContextInformationValiditor interface should also implement IContextInformationPresenter.

Platform - Debug

The debug API has been completely reworked for 2.0. The new APIs are not compatible with the 1.0 APIs, which were all considered "interim".

The high level API differences between the new and old debug platforms are:

As well, the Java debug model API has been enhanced and changed to reflect changes in the debug platform.

Platform - Core

Eclipse 1.0 Core Target Management was provisional. For 2.0, Core Target Management has been withdrawn and replaced by team target management providers. These new target management facilities are early access, and are contained in the Eclipse FTP and WebDAV Support feature (separately installable).

Platform - Help

Help APIs and extension points were marked as interim in Eclipse 1.0. Based on the initial feedback, the Help APIs and extension points have changed significantly in Eclipse 2.0 and are not compatible with those in Eclipse 1.0.

Platform - Scripting

Eclipse 1.0 Scripting support was provisional and incomplete. For 2.0, the Scripting component has been withdrawn completely from the Eclipse Platform.

Platform - Install/Update

The Install/Update component API has been completely reworked for 2.0. The 1.0 notion of component has been replaced in 2.0 by the notion of a feature. The new APIs are not compatible with the 1.0 APIs, which were all considered "interim".

Platform - Team

Workspace compatibility from VCM CVS 1.0 to Team CVS 2.0: the meta information for CVS providers has considerably changed from 1.0 to 2.0, and the meta information is not being preserved. To ease migration, some automation of migrating CVS repository locations is provided, and some helpful steps have been included. These are described in the Team CVS FAQ.


Extension point schema file extension changed

Extension point schema file extension has been changed from *.xsd to *.exsd to avoid conflicts with XML schema editors and/or non-PDE schema files. PDE will still detect files with the old extension and will issue a warning about the change.

Support for components removed

Eclipse 2.0 Install/Update has discontinued the use of components in favor of features. Consequently, PDE 2.0 supports feature-related development while component support has been removed. Features are described in the Eclipse Platform Plug-in Developer Guide.

3. Known Issues

3.1 Platform
     3.1.1 Core
     3.1.2 Ant
     3.1.3 Help
     3.1.4 UI
     3.1.5 SWT
     3.1.6 Team
     3.1.7 Install/Update
3.2 Java Development Tools (JDT)

3.3 Plug-in Development Environment (PDE)

3.4 Other
     3.4.1 FTP and WebDAV support

Note: Bug numbers refer to the Eclipse project bug database at

3.1 Platform

Eclipse process does not exit (HP-UX only)

On HP-UX, the HP JVM process that runs the Eclipse Workbench does not terminate upon closing the workbench. The remedy is to always pass the -XdoCloseWithReadPending to the VM via the Eclipse launcher command line; that is, launch Eclipse with the command line:

eclipse -vmargs -XdoCloseWithReadPending

(bug 18321)

3.1.1 Platform - Core

Invalid characters in install directory prevents Eclipse from starting

Eclipse will fail to launch if installed in a directory whose path contains certain invalid characters, including :%#<>"!. The workaround is to install Eclipse in a directory whose path does contain invalid characters. (bugs 3109, 17281)

Problems with classloaders in created threads

There is a known issue with trying to load classes from a newly created thread using a class loader different from the plug-in class loader. The result will be a ClassNotFoundException. As a workaround, do the following:

  1. Create a thread in which to run your code.
  2. Send yourThread.setContextClassLoader(yourClassLoader); // you can find your classloader by grabbing a class it loaded (YourPluginClass.class.getClassLoader())
  3. Run your code in the newly created thread.

If you set the context class loader for the current thread, you are competing with other users of the thread (all of Eclipse), so the results will be unpredictable. (bug 8907)

Deadlock creating executable extension in Plugin.startup

If Plugin.startup code is too complex and performs tasks such as creating an executable extension, a deadlock situation can be created. Only simple bookkeeping tasks should be performed in Plugin.startup code. (bugs 12827, 5875, 16141)

3.1.2 Platform - Ant

System.exit() in Ant task causes Eclipse to crash

If an Ant script is run as an external tool or using the Run Ant pop-up menu, it runs on the same Java VM as Eclipse. If the running script execute any Ant task that calls System.exit(int), Eclipse exits and any unsaved work is lost. A workaround for these Ant tasks is to configure Ant as an external tool. The following steps show how this is done:

  1. Download and install the binary version of Ant from
  2. Click Run > External Tools > Configure.
  3. Click New.
  4. Enter a name for your external tool (for example, "External Ant").
  5. Click Browse File System.
  6. Find and select a file called ant.bat (it should be in the bin/ folder of your Ant installation).
  7. In the Tool Arguments field enter the arguments for your script that would normally enter for running the script outside of the Workbench.
  8. In the Working directory field enter the directory of your script.
  9. Click OK to exit the wizard.
  10. To run the script, click Run > External Tools > External Ant.

(bug 17487)

3.1.3 Platform - Help

Help documents not displayed in a browser or very slow document loading (Windows only)

If your LAN settings are not properly configured for local host access, your Help browser might open to a blank page or display an HTTP error instead of a help page, or you may experience long delays when loading help documents. Your system administrator can configure your LAN settings so that help documents can be accessed from the local help server.
  1. In the Control Panel, open Internet Options, select the Connections tab and choose LAN Settings.
  2. If your host was configured to use DHCP for IP assignment, make sure that the "Automatically detect settings" check box is cleared.
  3. If you use proxy server, ensure that the "Bypass proxy server for local addresses" is selected.
  4. In "Advanced" settings for proxies, add ";localhost" to the "Exceptions" if these addresses are not listed.
  5. If you are using an automatic configuration script for proxy settings, and are not sure that the script is correct, clear the "Use automatic configuration script" check box.

If the above steps do not fix your problem, try changing the port and host properties in org.eclipse.tomcat\preferences.ini. In general, setting host=localhost or host= should work. Also, especially when running a firewall, you may want to set port=80 or some other firewall-friendly value. (bugs 7036, 9418, 11394)

Working disconnected from the network (Windows only)

If you are experiencing problems when not connected to the network you must install the loopback adapter from the Windows installation CD. (bug 831)

Using Internet Explorer in offline mode (Windows only)

If you have been using Internet Explorer in Offline mode, when you access the help system, you will get a message indicating that the web page you requested is not available offline. Click Connect to return the system behavior to normal.

Opening and navigating Help produces clicking sound (Windows only)

Internet Explorer has a sound event associated with navigate events. To turn this sound off, go to Control Panel -> Sounds ->Windows Explorer and change the sound for "Start Navigation" to "none" in the menu box. (bug 16081)

Keyboard navigation in help using Mozilla

Accessibility support is limited in pre-1.0 releases of the Mozilla browser. If you need to navigate help using the keyboard, you must upgrade to Mozilla version 1.0. (bug 15018)

Searching help produces unexpected results and highlights incomplete words

For some languages, a stemming algorithm is used to enhance the chance of a search hit. For these languages, the word roots are searched for; exact searches are not supported.  As such, the result set contains documents with variations of the search query words, and only the common roots are highlighted in the document. Stemming and stop word removal also applies to search query terms enclosed in quotation marks ("), so the search results will not be an exact match of the quoted string. (bug 17030)

Help topic tree collapse behavior (Windows only)

When the selected topic in the navigation tree is hidden, clicking on a "+"/"-" icon to expand/collapse a node just brings the topic into view, but does not expand/collapse the desired node. The workaround is to either double click on the node to expand/collapse, or to click on a visible topic and then on the "+"/"-" icon. (bug 20887)

3.1.4 Platform - UI

Manual refresh required when files modified outside Eclipse

When files within a project are added or removed outside of Eclipse, or when an external editor is used to modify a file within a project, a manual refresh must be done in order for the changes to show up in the Workbench. To do this, select the project in the Navigator view and choose Refresh from the pop-up menu. This refreshes only the selected project. Alternatively, activate the Navigator view and press F5, which refreshes all projects.

Dirty state not tracked properly for OLE documents (Windows only)

The dirty state for an OLE document is not updated properly. This causes it to prompt to save the contents when the document is closed, even if the contents have already been saved.

OLE document crashes can cause Eclipse to also crash (Windows only)

If an OLE document crashes, this can cause Eclipse to either crash, or to have workbench menus become inconsistent.

Minimum display resolution

A number of dialogs in Eclipse, such as the Preferences dialog, require a minimum display resolution of at least 800 x 600. (bug 5549)

External Tools will automatically quote path variables containing spaces

When an external tool is launched, expanded path variables that contain spaces will be enclosed in double quotes ( " ). While it is typical for Windows executables to expect paths containing spaces to be quoted, this is known to cause problems on platforms such as Linux which do not expect these quotes. A workaround is to make the external tool a script which strips off the quotes before launching the executable with those parameters. (bug 20599)

Default text file encoding may be detected incorrectly (Windows XP/2000 only)

The "Text file encoding" value displayed in the Preferences dialog under "Editors" may be wrong on platforms running Windows XP (or 2000) when the user locale and system locale differ. 

Example of the manifestation of the bug: A Japanese user using Japanese Windows 2000 works in New York, United States. The user has selected English (United States) as the user locale. The "Text file encoding" value displayed by Eclipse is incorrect: "Cp1252" (English). It should display the system locale "MS932" (Japanese).

Workaround: The user can modify the user locale so that user locale and system locale are identical. In the example above, this means the user should set Japanese as the user locale. Then restart Eclipse. The "Text file encoding" value will then be correct: "MS932" (Japanese).

For Windows XP:

For Windows 2000:

(bug 20641)

Preferred Output Level on External Tools preferences page has no effect

In Window > Preferences > External Tools, there is a group of radio buttons under the heading "Preferred Output Level" with possible options of "Information", "Verbose" and "Debug". Changing these values does not affect Eclipse in any way. Workaround: when running an Ant script, use the Ant command line arguments -verbose or -debug to get an output level other than the default ("Information"). (bug 20817)

Ant UI in External Tools does not handle ENTITY entries in all cases

Eclipse's Ant UI correctly resolves entities with URI-based system values specifying the "file:" protocol. Other formats and protocols, such as a relative paths, "http:" URIs, etc. are resolved by the user's default XML parser, which can vary by JRE, user settings, etc. Parsers such as org.apache.crimson.parser, for instance, expect valid URIs only and will fail on an entity reference such as this:

<!ENTITY custom SYSTEM "../../custom.xml">

The workaround for this problem is to insure you add the "file:" protocol specifier to relative paths as follows:

<!ENTITY custom SYSTEM "file:../../custom.xml">

This problem only occurs in the UI, as Eclipse's Ant execution engine uses SAXParser, which correctly resolves formats such as relative paths. (bug 20819)

Updating the toolbar in multi-page editors

Clients of action bars may create a number of SubToolBarManagers on their IToolBarManager (e.g., multipage editor). The client will typically make one SubToolBarManager visible, the rest invisible, and call updateActionBars. The visibility of the items may not update correctly.

A workaround is for the client to explicitly update the toolbar:


(bug 20988)

3.1.5 Platform - SWT

Available colors on 8-bit Linux (Linux only)

Typically, in Gnome Linux installs running with 8-bit visuals (i.e. 256 color mode), before the Eclipse application is started you already do not have any free colors. This may mean that Eclipse is unable to allocate the default widget background color, causing it to display a white background. The functionality, however, is otherwise unaffected.

Printing support (Linux only)

The X printing extension implementation on Linux is currently disabled because it can take up to 7 seconds to determine that the X print server is not running. Until this is rectified, Printer.getPrinterList() will always return an empty array on Linux. (bug 8821)

Disposing in a focus event

Applications should not dispose widgets in focus changing events. Doing so on Motif may cause Eclipse to terminate, since Motif accesses the disposed widget within their internal focus change event handler. A similar (but less serious) issue exists on Windows and occasionally results in an SWT exception being thrown.

List and ComboBox on Windows NT (Windows NT only)

On Windows NT only, you should avoid creating items in a List or ComboBox with strings longer than 1000 characters. Doing so may result in a General Protection Fault. This has been fixed in more recent versions of Windows.

BiDi support

The StyledText widget provides bidirectional language support for Hebrew and Arabic locales. Currently this support is available only on Windows and has several known problems.

Cursor constructor arguments

In the constructor Cursor(Device device, ImageData source, ImageData mask, int hotspotX, int hotspotY), when both a source and mask argument are specified (that is, the mask is not null), the meaning of the two arguments is reversed. That is, the "mask" argument should be the source image and the "source" argument should be the mask image. (bug 4809)

Using IBM J9 VM (Photon and AIX)

On QNX Photon and IBM AIX, the SWT library will not be found when running with an IBM J9 1.5 VM. This is a bug in the IBM J9 class library in version 1.5. You can workaround this problem by adding the SWT library directory to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable.

Missing permissions for SWT native libraries in workspace (HP-UX only)

When retrieving the SWT Motif fragment into an Eclipse workspace, the permissions of the native libraries are reset. This creates a problem on HP-UX because shared libraries need to have execute permission. Attempting to self-host with this fragment throws an UnsatisfiedLinkError...Permission Denied error. You must manually change the permissions to make these libraries accessible (assume the workspace is at /workspace):

cd /workspace/org.eclipse.swt.motif/os/hpux/PA_RISC
chmod 555 *.sl

(bug 20305 describes a related problem)

Javadoc not consistent across platforms

Because of a bug in the way we updated the javadoc in SWT source code, the javadoc for protected methods is not consistent across platforms. The javadoc for the Windows platform, which is used to generate the documentation that appears in the Platform Plug-in Developer guide, is the definitive source. The javadoc for the other window systems will be brought into line in a future release. (bug 20968)

JAWS requires MSAA for List Views to read checkboxes in Tables (Windows only)

In order for JAWS to detect the checkbox information in Tables, MSAA support for List Views must be activated as follows:

  1. Open Eclipse and hit INSERT + F2.
  2. In the Run JAWS Manager dialog select Configuration Manager.
  3. In the Jaws Configuration Manager that opens up, select Set Options and then select Advanced Options.
  4. Check "Rely on MSAA for List views".
  5. Hit the OK button.
  6. Choose File > Save from the menu bar.

No accelerators or mnemonics on Solaris (Solaris only)

The Solaris implementation of Motif has a long-standing bug with respect to adding and removing accelerators and mnemonics. The behavior is such that the time to do so becomes increasingly longer each time it occurs, to the point that, in Eclipse's case, it can take more than a minute to switch between editors and views! Because of this, accelerators and mnemonics are explicitly ignored on Solaris.

3.1.6 Platform - Team - CVS

Note: Additional information on how to use CVS from Eclipse can be found in the Eclipse CVS FAQ.

Cannot perform CVS operations on a project that was renamed

If a project under CVS control is renamed, certain CVS operations will fail. To work around this problem, first select Team > Disconnect from the popup menu of the project in the navigator and choose to keep the CVS folders. Then, choose Team > Share Project to re-share the project with CVS. Exiting and restarting Eclipse also clears up the problem. (bug 21036)

"extssh" is not a supported command line method

Since the "extssh" connection method is not a supported command line method, you cannot use the command line tool when a project uses this method. Instead, use the Eclipse supported "ext" method and set the appropriate environment variables so that the command line tool will work. (bug 7943)

Connection cannot be found after initially missing

If a connection initially fails due to a network problem, the connection may continue to fail even when the network problem is fixed. In order to establish the connection you must exit and restart Eclipse. (bug 9295)

CVS meta-folders appear in some cases

There are some cases where setting folders as team private won't hide them from the UI as the user would expect. (bug 12386)

"Received broken pipe signal" error from server

Eclipse sometime performs multiple commands within a single connection to the server. This may cause problems with CVS servers that are running server scripts in response to certain commands. (bug 15490)

"Terminated with fatal signal 10" error from server

There is a bug in the CVS server related to some compression levels. If you get this error, changing the compression level on the CVS preference page may help. (bug 15724)

Team > Update does not indicate that there are outgoing changes

The Team > Update command will load all remote changes into your local working copy. If you are using Team > Update and you want to see which files have outgoing changes, open the CVS console before performing the update. The console will show the results of the update (which files had mergeable conflicts, which ones had unmergeable conflicts and which ones had outgoing changes). Warning: Only use Team > Update if you know CVS. If there are "real" conflicts (i.e., those that affect the same line of a file) then CVS will add markup to the file during the update. Resolving these conflicts in this manner is not pleasant. (bug 16750)

Synchronize view "Mark as Merged" has surprising behavior with respect to modes

When you Mark as Merged, if its your only incoming change and you are in the incoming mode, the sync view becomes empty. On the surface it looks like the change is gone. However, your change will appear in outgoing mode. (bug 18513)

Team > Commit on an unchanged file does not update decorator

If you perform a Team > Commit on a file that has been modified but whose contents match the contents of the file on the server, the file will remain on outgoing change. To correct the problem, either perform a Team > Update or use the Synchronize view to commit. (bug 18647)

Change ASCII/Binary Properties not available for unadded files

The Change ASCII/Binary Properties menu item is only enabled for files and folders that are under CVS control. If you want to set the keyword substitution mode for a new file, you will need to add it to version control first. (bug 19183)

Error updating incoming directory additions with pruning turned off

If pruning is turned off and a project has incoming nested folder additions that do not contain any files, performing an update in the Synchronize view will result in an error (cannot create folder). The workaround is to perform a Team > Update which will bring in the directories. (bug 19442)

"Remove from View" in Synchronize view does not exclude resources from view actions

If you remove one or more resources from the Synchronize view using the Remove from View menu item, these resources will no longer appear but they will still be included in any performed operations (Update, Commit, etc.) (bug 19538)

Ctrl-S does not save in Synchronize view and CVS compare views

Ctrl-S does not perform a save in the workspace resource editor in the Synchronize view. Instead, use the popup menu and choose Save. (bug 20327)

Cannot save in Compare with Revision editor

If you compare a file with a revision (Compare With > Revision), the Save action in the resulting editor does nothing. (bug 21082)

CVS automatically prunes empty directories

By default, empty directories will be pruned on checkout and update. This is desirable in most cases as directories on a CVS server are never deleted. However, if this causes problems, there is a CVS preference to disable auto-pruning. (bug 20463)

ClassCastException on attempt to replace directory with file

Performing the following steps will result in the above exception:

  1. Create a new project & share it with a CVS repository.
  2. Create a directory in the project root and a file inside this directory.
  3. Synchronize the project using Team > Synchronize with Repository.
  4. Locally delete the directory (and contained file) that was just created
  5. Create a file in the project root with the same name as the directory that was just deleted.
  6. Synchronize again using Team > Synchronize with Repository.

The workaround is to commit the folder deletion before creating the new file. (bug 20906)

Still prompted if delete unmanaged preference turned off

If the "delete unmanaged resources on replace" preference has been disabled on the Team > CVS preference page and a Team > Replace With operation is performed on a project that has one unmanaged resource and no other outgoing changes, the user is prompted to overwrite local changes even though the operation will not overwrite the unmanaged resource. (bug 18834)

Hidden CVS/ folders get copied when copying folders from one project to another

If you copy a folder that is under CVS control to a folder that is not, the CVS/ folders (usually not shown) will be copied as well. This can cause problems if the target project is under CVS control and you try to add the moved folder to CVS control. The workaround is to manually delete the CVS/ subdirectories using the file system browser, or disconnect the source project from CVS control before copying the folders. (bug 20621)

Update with incoming deletion and addition involving file with different case fails (Windows only)

On update, if there are incoming deletions for one or more files and incoming additions for files of the same name with a different case, then the operation may fail on Windows depending on what order the server sends the files in. Workaround is to update the deletions first and then the additions using the Synchronize view. (bug 21001)

3.1.7 Platform - Install/Update

Migrating 2.0 pre-release workspaces

When migrating an existing workspace that was used with a 2.0 pre-release version of Eclipse (e.g., created with development drops obtained directly from, or updated via the Eclipse update manager prior to 2.0 release), it is strongly recommended that you start with a fresh install of Eclipse 2.0, and delete the .config/ subdirectory of the .metadata/ directory located in the workspace you are migrating (<workspace>/.metadata/.config/) before reopening the workspace. (bug 16456)

Not enough space for temporary files

If you get the error " There is not enough space in the file system." but still have plenty of space in the selected install location, check to make sure that you also have sufficient space in the standard location where temporary files are created. (bug 17787)

Install/Update creates empty directories

Under some conditions, Install/Update creates empty directories when attempting to process installation locations that used to be configured but no longer exist. (bug 18318)

Workbench non-responsive while attempting to connect

If the connection to an update site does not respond (the site does not exist or is down), the workbench becomes non-responsive until the connection request times out. Once the time out is reported, you will be able to continue. (bugs 18598, 19775)

Processing pending "downgrades"

Natively-installed feature changes are automatically detected on workbench startup. If this change is a downgrade (that is, the newly detected version of a feature is older that one already configured), you will be prompted whether you'd like the change applied; even when you say Yes, the change will not actually be applied, and the currently configured newer feature will remain configured. If the downgrade was intentional, open Help > Software Updates > Update Manager, and from the Install Configuration view, choose Show Disabled Features, explicitly enable the lower version and explicitly disable the newer version. (bug 16502)

Local JAR files are locked

While processing update sites in the local file system (for example, by exploring My Computer), some of the feature JAR files may be left open while the workbench is active, and will not be available to other applications. Exit and restart the Eclipse to correct this condition. (bug 15594)

Wrong status being reported for unconfigured or missing features

If you select Show Status for a feature that is unconfigured or missing, the resulting dialog erroneously claims "The feature is configured properly". (bug 19932)

Unable to refresh update site content

Under some conditions, the Refresh action in the Feature Updates view will not actually refresh the content of an update site after a change. Exit and restart the Eclipse to correct this condition. (bug 20811)

Accessing update sites through a proxy

To access an update site through a proxy, you will need to start the workbench with the following command line options:

eclipse -vmargs -DproxySet=true -DproxyHost=<proxy_name> -DproxyPort=<proxy_port>

as documented in JavaWorld Tip 42. Proxies requiring user authentication are currently not supported. (bug 19717)

URL validity checking on input

URL syntax is currently not completely checked on input. Ensure that any entered URLs use the correct separators (eg. forward  slash '/') and do not contain invalid characters. (bugs 19685, 20247)

Running "headless" applications that do not handle restart

When install changes are detected, the changes are automatically processed and the workbench restarts. The executable launcher supplied with the application correctly handles the restart. However, if you have applications that directly call the platform (eg. by calling the BootLoader APIs) and do not handle restart, the startup reconciliation processing can be suppressed by specifying -noupdate command line option. In this case, the application will start with the set of features and plug-ins that were processed and configured on the previous start. If prior configuration cannot be found, the application will start with the full set of plug-ins found in the installation location.

3.2 Java Development Tools (JDT)

Running Java programs with non-Latin-1 characters in package or class names

You get a java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError when running Java programs with non-Latin characters in the package or class names. The workaround is to package the class files as a JAR file and run the program out of the JAR and not from the file system directly. (bug 4181)

Missing debug attributes

The debugger requires that class files be compiled with debug attributes if it is to be able to display line numbers and local variables. Quite often, class libraries (for example, "rt.jar") are compiled without complete debug attributes, and thus local variables and method arguments for those classes are not visible in the debugger.

Setting breakpoints

In general the debugger will not allow you to place breakpoints on lines of code that are not executable (comments, blank lines, etc.). However, there are some cases where the debugger will allow breakpoints on lines of code that are not executable. For example, the debugger will allow a breakpoint to be placed on a variable declaration that does not contain an initializer ("int x;"). Note that enabled breakpoints which are successfully installed on an executable line in a running (debuggable) VM are displayed with a checkmark. Breakpoints that are displayed without a checkmark are not installed in a running (debuggable) VM.

Using Hot Code Replace

Hot code replace is supported on JDK 1.4.x VMs, and IBM J9 VMs. Hot code replace is limited to changes which do not effect the shape of a class. That is, changes within existing methods are supported, but the addition or removal of members is not supported.

Hot code replace and stepping on JDK 1.4.0 VMs is unreliable. This appears to be a VM issue that should be fixed in later releases of the JDK.


Setting a breakpoint inside a scrapbook page is not supported.

When a snippet is run in the scrapbook which directly or indirectly calls System.exit(int), the evaluation cannot be completed, and will result in a stack trace for a com.sun.jdi.VMDisconnectedException being displayed in the scrapbook editor.

Terminating a scrapbook page while it is performing an evaluation results in a com.sun.jdi.VMDisconnectedException being displayed in the scrapbook editor.

Debugging over slow connections

A global Java debug preference specifies the debugger timeout, which is the maximum amount of time the debugger waits for a response from the target VM after making a request of that VM. Slow connections may require that this value be increased. The timeout value can be edited from the Java > Debug preference page. Changing the timeout value only effects subsequently launched VM, not VMs that are already running.

Updating of inspected values

When inspecting the result of an evaluated expression in the debugger, it is important to note that the result displayed is the result of that expression at the time it was evaluated. For example, when inspecting a simple integer counter (primitive data type), the value displayed in the Expressions view is the value when the expression was evaluated. As the counter is changed in the running program, the inspected result will not change (since the view is not displaying the value bound to a variable - it is displaying the value of an expression, and the value of a primitive data type cannot change). However, if an expression results in an object, fields of that object will be updated in the inspector as they change in the running program (since the value bound to fields in an object can change).

Stepping over native methods that perform I/O

When the debugger steps over native methods that perform I/O to System.out or System.err, the output may not appear immediately unless the native performs a flush on the output buffer.

VM and process termination running on IBM 1.3 JVM on Linux (Linux only)

Terminating a launch, debug target, or system process associated with a debug target running on the IBM 1.3 JVM on the Linux platform does not work when the associated debug target has a suspended thread. To remove such debug targets from the debug UI, select Terminate and Remove from the debug view's pop-up menu (or use the shortcut "delete" key). Associated system processes in the OS may not be properly cleaned up. If a debug target has no suspended threads, termination works properly.

Searching for constant field references

Search does not find references to constant fields inside binaries because the Java Language Specification mandates that constant field values be inlined in the class file's bytecodes, leaving no trace of a field reference. (bug 12044)

Java compilation units outside of the build class path

When a compilation unit with compilation problems is moved outside the Java build class path, it retains its Java problems forever (its compilation problem list does not get refreshed because it will never be compiled again). Renaming a *.java file to one with another a different file extension suffix causes the same problem. (bug 13008)

Refactoring operations update references in the entire workspace

Refactoring operations always update references in the entire workspace. This can be more than what is needed and expected. For example, when you have the same project twice in your workspace and you perform a rename refactoring in one of the projects, then the references in the other project will be updated as well.

Actions to modify read-only files

Actions on the Source menu (e.g., Generate Getter and Setter) are always disabled when the file is read-only. This is currently true even when the repository provider supports automatically checking out files on modification. (bug 17600)

Java code templates

You cannot use ${CURSOR} inside of a comment in a Java code template (Window > Preferences > Java > Templates). (bug 19556)

Organize import and imports from default packages

Organize import does not handle imports from default packages. Note that importing from a default package is no longer supported in JDK 1.4. (bug 19487)

Add Javadoc action for fields

The Add Javadoc action does not work for fields. (bug 20259)

Javadoc hover in the Java editor

The Javadoc hover help shown when hovering over identifiers in the Java editor does not handle links inside of Javadoc comments properly. (bug 20644)

3.3 Plug-in Development Environment (PDE)

Comments in source pages of PDE XML editors

PDE provides a number of multi-page editors that include a raw source page. Editors that handle XML files (plug-in, fragment and feature manifests) will preserve comments in most cases. However, comments will not be preserved if added before the root XML element, or if added after the last child element contained in the parent element. (bug 8000)

Clipboard operations in the property view

Clipboard shortcuts (Ctrl+X, Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V etc.) do not work in cell editors of properties that belong to the PDE Plug-in Manifest Editor. Use pop-up menu to activate these operations. (bug 13776)

Problem while importing fragments

If a workspace contains binary projects for a plug-in and a fragment that references that plug-in, fragment libraries are added to the class path of the referenced plug-in project. When an attempt is made to overwrite the plug-in and the fragment with versions from another build, deletion of the old fragment may fail. If that happens, repeat the operation to repair the workspace. Only the affected plug-in and fragment need to be re-imported. (bug 16921)

Assumption that output is in bin/ folder

PDE assumes that all plug-in and fragment projects that contain Java code have one or more source folders and build output in the bin/ folder. Although it is possible to change the name of the output folder in Properties dialog, the PDE run-time workbench launcher does not work correctly for those plug-ins. (bug 17444)

Preferences not working with import/export

Preferences set in PDE preference page called Target Platform are not preserved the same way as other preferences. Consequently, they are not subject to Import/Export operations in the Preferences dialog. (bug 19688)

Clipboard operations do not work in the Feature Manifest Editor

GUI pages of the Feature Manifest Editor support pop-up menus that contain standard clipboard operations (Cut, Copy, Paste). However, none of these operations work for structural widgets (trees and lists). The only place where these operations do work is in text widgets in Information and Source page (bug 20460)

Choosing Compute Build Path causes Java project to no longer build

PDE computes the build class path of a plug-in project by looking up source mappings in the file. This file defines how source folders are compiled into runtime libraries. In the absence of this file, PDE will compute the class path that contains no source folders, resulting in compilation errors. The required file is generated by PDE when a new plug-in project is created. If the plug-in project is created in some other way, a file must be added manually. See the PDE Guide for details on the format of files. (bug 9765)

ECLIPSE_HOME produces fragile class paths due to version numbers in plug-in directory paths

Eclipse products are typically built so that plug-ins are located in the same directory and each plug-in is in the directory whose name includes both a plug-in id and a version id (e.g., "org.eclipse.ui_2.0.0"). If external plug-ins are used while self-hosting, these plug-in directory names show up in PDE-generated class paths. These class path are sensitive to plug-in version changes and must be recomputed if the target platform uses different version numbers. (bug 15199)

Plug-in import wizard does not allow plug-ins of different versions to be imported

The Eclipse platform allows two plug-ins with the same ID but different versions to coexist if the only thing they contribute is run-time libraries. However, PDE cannot handle these plug-ins because it creates project names using plug-in IDs during binary project import. (bug 18500)

PDE nature required for plug-in manifest syntax checking

PDE will only be able to provide syntax checking and error/warning markers for plug-in manifests if the plug-in project has the PDE plug-in nature. A plug-in project automatically gets this nature when created by a PDE wizard. This situation can only occur if a regular Java project has been used to host a plug-in. The problem can be fixed by converting it into a PDE project. (bug 19248)

PDE does not preserve original manifest file layout

When non-Source page of a PDE manifest editor is used, PDE will convert changes back into XML by regenerating the file. Although the overall content and the comments are preserved, the actual file layout is not. This may cause problems by showing false changes during file compare. If file layout is important, perform all editing in the Source page. Alternatively, avoid using Source pages altogether. Since XML files are generated in a way that respects and preserves the relative order of major elements (extensions, extension points etc.), changes made in a non-Source page of a PDE manifest editor do not result in false deltas during file compare. (bug 19251)

Go To Line in manifest editor causes Outline view to go blank

When the Source > Go To Line command is invoked in the Source page of a PDE manifest editor, the Outline view will become gray. Since the Source page does not have a functional outline, there is no actual loss of function. (bug 19361)

New Feature wizard does not generate file

When creating a new feature project, the PDE wizard does not automatically generate a file. As a result, building the feature will create a feature JAR without any content. To work around this, create a manually using the instructions provided in the PDE Guide. (bug 20118)

Update Classpath attaches source from the wrong Eclipse install

Java libraries are associated with source code according to source code locations specified in a PDE preference. By default, these locations are registered by plug-ins of the design-time Eclipse instance. If the target platform is not the same as the design instance, the source code provided by these plug-ins will not be in sync with the libraries. The workaround is to uncheck the default locations and define new source code locations that point to the source-bearing plug-ins in the target Eclipse installation. (bug 20578)

No way to specify plug-in library type

PDE manifest editors do not provide widgets for specifying run-time library types as being either "code" or "resource". The only way to specify this attribute is to add it manually in the source page. (bug 20757)

Run-time libraries exported through more than 2 plug-ins not in classpath

If a plug-in requires a runtime library exported through more than two plug-ins, it is not automatically added to the compile class path when generating the build.xml file. Example: Plug-in A export its libraries, plug-in B requires plug-in A and re-exports A, plug-in C requires plug-in B and re-exports B. If plug-in D requires plug-in C, when generating the build.xml file, plug-in A libraries will not be added to the compile path even though they will be available at runtime. The problem can be worked around as follows::

  1. Generate a build.xml using PDE (select the plugin.xml file and click Create Plug-in JARs)
  2. Edit the and add the following line:
    custom = true
  3. Add the missing JARs to the classpath of the javac task in build.xml.

(bug 20119)

3.4 Other

3.4.1 FTP and WebDAV support

When mapped to a target, the project folder is ignored

Ignoring the project folder is by design. Normally with target management you put/get the contents of the project, not the actual project. The place you pick in the site explorer is where the project contents will go. This allows your local project to have a different name than the container in the WebDAV/FTP server. If you want to map several projects to the same site location, you create a new folder for each one. This is why "New Folder" is in the mapping page. (bug 17657)

When setting the target site of a project, reselecting the same location gives misleading warning

Using Deploy > Target Site on a project that is already deployed and selecting the same target site produces a scary overwrite warning. In this case, the warning can be safely ignored. (bug 17707)

FTP messages cause an exception

With some servers, the FTP client may receive messages that it did not anticipate. These will cause an exception. Trying the operation again usually works. (bug 18108)

FTP download fails with deep directory structure

When downloading a new nested directory structure, the FTP client may fails to create a parent directory. The workaround is to create the folder manually. (bug 20679)

FTP problems with spaces in resource names

FTP does not work properly when file or folder name contains spaces. (bug 20220)

FTP problems retrieving remote timestamps with NT server

Problems have occurred with some servers (NT server Serv-U FTP-Server v2.5k ) when trying to obtain the timestamp of a newly uploaded file. This causes a "file does not exist" error. The workaround is to Synchronize again and continue. (bug 19715)

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