Description: This extension point is used to define a working set wizard page. Working sets contain a number of elements of type IAdaptable and can be used to group elements for presentation to the user or for operations on a set of elements. A working set wizard page is used to create and edit working sets that contain elements of a specific type.
To select a working set the user is presented with a list of working sets that exist in the workbench. From that list a working set can be selected and edited using one of the wizard pages defined using this extension point. An existing working set is always edited with the wizard page that was used to create it or with the default resource based working set page if the original page is not available.
A new working set can be defined by the user from the same working
set selection dialog. When a new working set is defined, the plugin provided
wizard page is preceded by a page listing all available working set types. This
list is made up of the name
attribute values of each working set
Views provide a user interface to open the working set selection dialog and must store the selected working set.
The resource navigator uses a working set to filter elements from the navigator view. Only parents and children of working set elements are shown in the view, in addition to the working set elements themselves.
Since: Release 2.0
Configuration Markup:
<!ELEMENT workingSet EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST workingSet
Following is an example of how the resource working set dialog extension is defined to display and edit generic IResource elements:
<extension point="org.eclipse.ui.workingSets">
API Information: The value of the
attribute must represent a class that implements the org.eclipse.ui.dialogs.IWorkingSetPage
Supplied Implementation: The workbench provides a working set wizard page for creating and editing resource based working sets.