Description: This extension point is used to register accelerator configuration extensions. Accelerator configurations are configurations to which accelerator sets may be registered. The workbench allows the user to select an accelerator configuration from the Workbench preference page. Only one accelerator configuration may be active at a time.
An accelerator configuration represents a general style or theme of accelerators for Workbench actions. For example, the Workbench provides the "Emacs" accelerator configuration. When the "Emacs" accelerator configuration is active, accelerators belonging to accelerator sets registered to the "Emacs" configuration are active. These accelerators are defined to mimic the accelerators in Emacs (a popular text editor amongst developers).
An accelerator set registers with an accelerator configuration by listing the configuration's id as the value of its "configurationId" attribute (see the Accelerator Sets extension point). Many accelerator sets can be registered to the same accelerator configuration.
Note the accelerator configuration name presented to the user is the same as the value of the attribute "name" of the extension element of org.eclipse.ui.acceleratorConfigurations extension point.
Since: Release 2.0
Configuration Markup:
<!ELEMENT acceleratorConfiguration EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST acceleratorConfiguration
name CDATA
description CDATA
Following is an example of an accelerator configuration extension:
<extension point="org.eclipse.ui.acceleratorConfigurations">
description="VI style accelerator configuration">
name="Jon Doe"
description="Jon Doe's personal accelerator configuration">
API Information: None.
Supplied Implementation: The workbench provides the Default and Emacs accelerator configurations.