Note: The help system is still under development and can be expected to change somewhat before reaching stability. It is being made available at this stage to solicit feedback from early adopters, on the understanding that the details of the contribution mechanisms might change in breaking ways.



Description: For providing web browsers capable of displaying html documents at given URL
This extension point was added in 2.0.

Configuration Markup:

   <!ELEMENT browser EMPTY>
   <!ATTLIST browser id CDATA #REQUIRED >
   <!ATTLIST browser factoryclass CDATA #REQUIRED>
   <!ATTLIST browser name CDATA #REQUIRED >


The following is a sample usage of the browser extension point:

(in file plugin.xml)

 <extension point="">
   <browser id="org.eclipse.myPlugin.myBrowserID"
     name="My Browser" />

API Information: The supplied factory class must implement the interface. Methods in that interface determine whether the factory is available on the given system, i.e. is capable of supplying browser instances, and create browser instances that implement IBrowser interface.

Supplied Implementation: The plug-in contains implementation of a browsers on common platforms.  Other plugins can provide different implementation.  In the preferences, user can select the default browser from among available browsers.

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