RAPIDware publications sorted by year
  1. Formalizing and Integrating the Dynamic Model for Object-Oriented Modeling
    Betty H.C. Cheng and Enoch Y. Wang
    IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2002. (To appear)

  2. Critical Path in Secure Multicast for Dynamic Groups
    S. S. Kulkarni and B. Bruhadeshwar
    International Workshop on Assurance in Distributed Systems and Network, July 2002. (To appear)

  3. Complexity of Adding Failsafe Fault-tolerance
    S. S. Kulkarni and A. Ebnenasir
    International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, July 2002. (To appear)

  4. A Study of Adaptive Forward Error Correction for for Wireless Collaborative Computing
    Philip K. McKinley, Chiping Tang, and Arun P. Mani
    IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2002. (To appear)
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  5. Leader-Driven Multicast for Video Streaming on Wireless LANs
    Peng Ge and Philip K. McKinley
    In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Networking, Atlanta, Georgia, August 2002. (To appear)
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  6. Comparisons of Error Control Techniques for Wireless Video Multicasting
    P. Ge and P. K. McKinley
    In Proceedings of the IEEE International Performance, Computing, and Communications Conference, Phoenix, Arizona, April 2002.
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  7. Separating Introspection and Intercession in Metamorphic Distributed Systems
    E. Kasten, P. K. McKinley, S. Sadjadi, and R. Stirewalt
    In Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Aspect-Oriented Programming for Distributed Computing (with ICDCS'02), Vienna, Austia, July 2002.
    [PS ]

  8. Realizing Multi-Dimensional Software Adaptation
    Philip K. McKinley, E. P. Kasten, S. M. Sadjadi, and Zhinan Zhou
    In Proceedings of the ACM Workshop on Self-Healing, Adaptive and self-MANaged Systems (SHAMAN), \rm held in conjunction with the 16th Annual ACM International Conference on Supercomputing, New York City, June 2002.

  9. Programming Language Support for Adaptable Wearable Computing
    P. K. McKinley, S. Sadjadi, E. P. Kasten, and R. Kalaskar
    In Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Wearable Computers, Seattle, Washington, October 2002.
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  10. Adaptive Reliable Multicast in Wireless LANs
    Chiping Tang and P. K. McKinley
    In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Networking, Atlanta, Georgia, August 2002. (To appear)
    [PDF ]

  1. Automated Development and Run-Time Adaptation of Interactive Distributed Applications
    B. Cheng, L. Dillon, K. Stirewalt, P. McKinley, S. Kulkarni, and J. Lee
    NCO Workshop on New Visions for Software Design and Productivity: Research and Applications, December 2001.

  2. Polynomial time synthesis of Byzantine Agreement
    S. S. Kulkarni, A. Arora, and A. Chippada
    Twentieth Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems, October 2001.

  3. Stabilizing causal deterministic merge
    S. S. Kulkarni and Ravikant
    Workshop on Self-Stabilization, October 2001.

  4. Integrating Informal and Formal Approaches to Requirements Modeling and Analysis
    Laura A. Campbell and Betty H. C. Cheng
    In Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Requirements Engineering (RE01), Toronto, Canada, August 2001.

  5. A Metamodel-Based Approach to Formalizing UML
    Betty H. C. Cheng
    In Proceedings of the IEEE International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC01), Naperville, Illinois, October 2001.

  6. Experiments in Composing Proxy Audio Services for Mobile Users
    P. K. McKinley, U. I. Padmanabhan, and N. Ancha
    In Proceedings of the IFIP/ACM International Conference on Distributed Systems Platforms (Middleware 2001), Heidelberg, Germany, pages 99--120, November 2001.
    [PS ]

Last modified: Thu Aug 1 15:21:31 2002

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