The AspectJtm Development Environment Guide

the AspectJ Team

Copyright (c) 1998-2002 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.


This user's guide describes the tools which are part of the AspectJ development environment. A companion guide describes the AspectJ language.

Table of Contents

I. The Command Line Tools
ajc - compiler for the AspectJ language
ajdb - debugger for .class files produced by ajc (early-access)
ajdoc - generate HTML API documentation, including crosscutting structure (early-access)
II. The GUI Tools
AspectJ Browser - GUI tool for compiling programs with ajc and navigating the crosscutting structure (early-access)
AspectJ Development Environment (AJDE) support for JBuilder - OpenTool extension Borland's JBuilder IDE.
AspectJ Development Environment (AJDE) support for Forte - Module extension to Sun's Forte for Java and NetBeans IDEs.
AspectJ-mode - support for XEmacs and GNU Emacs
AJDEE - JDEE support for XEmacs and GNU Emacs