AspectJTM Compiler and Core Tools License

The AspectJ compiler and core tools are distributed under the Mozilla Public License version 1.1. This license has been approved by the Open Source Initiative as conforming to the Open Source Definition.

More information about the history and rationale behind this license can be found at the mozilla web site.

Version 1.1

1. Definitions.

2. Source Code License.

3. Distribution Obligations.

4. Inability to Comply Due to Statute or Regulation. 5. Application of this License. 6. Versions of the License. 7. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY. 8. TERMINATION. 9. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. 10. U.S. GOVERNMENT END USERS. 11. MISCELLANEOUS. 12. RESPONSIBILITY FOR CLAIMS. 13. MULTIPLE-LICENSED CODE.

EXHIBIT A -Mozilla Public License.