Telelogic Tau 3.5
User's Manual
Part 5:
Table of Contents
41. The Type Viewer
Objects and Windows 1702
Objects and Attributes 1702
Type Viewer Windows 1702
Updating the Type Viewer 1703
Main Window 1704
The Drawing Area 1704
The Menu Bar 1705
Popup Menus 1708
Keyboard Accelerators 1708
Tree Window 1709
The Drawing Area 1709
The Menu Bar 1711
Popup Menus 1714
Keyboard Accelerators 1714
42. The Index Viewer
Entities and Windows 1716
Definitions and Uses 1716
SDL Icons 1716
MSC Icons 1719
Index Viewer Window 1720
The Drawing Area 1720
Fast Search 1721
The Menu Bar 1722
Popup Menus 1728
Keyboard Accelerators 1728
Quick Buttons 1728
43. The Coverage Viewer
Coverage Viewer Windows 1730
The Main Window 1730
Transition Coverage 1731
Symbol Coverage 1732
Nodes 1733
The Visibility Condition 1735
Single and Double Clicks 1735
Quick Buttons 1736
The Menu Bar 1737
Popup Menus 1744
Keyboard Accelerators 1744
Coverage Details Window 1745
The Coverage Chart 1746
Quick Buttons 1747
The Menu Bar 1747
Popup Menu 1749
Keyboard Accelerators 1749
44. The SDT Simulator
The Simulator Monitor 1752
Monitor User Interfaces 1752
Activating the Monitor 1753
Syntax of Monitor Commands 1754
Command Names 1754
Parameters 1755
Underscores in SDL Names 1755
Matching of Parameters 1756
Qualifiers 1756
Default Parameters 1757
Signal and Timer Parameters 1757
Errors in Commands 1758
Context-Sensitive Help 1758
Input and Output of Data Types 1759
Integer, Natural Values 1759
Boolean Values 1759
Real Values 1759
Time, Duration Values 1760
Character Values 1760
Charstring Values 1760
PId Values 1761
Bit 1762
Bit_String 1762
Octet 1762
Octet_String 1762
Object_Identifier 1762
Enumerated Values 1763
STRUCT Values 1763
#UNION Values 1763
Choice Values 1763
Array Values 1764
String Values 1765
Powerset Values 1765
Bag Values 1765
Ref Values 1766
Monitor Commands 1767
Alphabetical List of Commands 1767
Traces 1802
Transition Trace 1802
Trace Limit Table 1803
GR Traces 1805
Message Sequence Chart Traces 1806
Initial Trace Values 1807
Dynamic Errors 1808
Dynamic Errors Found by a Simulation Program 1809
Errors Found in Operators 1811
Action on Dynamic Errors 1813
Assertions 1814
Run-time Prompting 1815
Graphical User Interface 1817
Starting the SimUI 1817
The Main Window 1817
The Text Area 1818
The Input Line 1818
Parameter Dialogs 1819
The Button Area 1821
A Button Module 1822
The Default Button Modules 1825
The Menu Bar 1826
Command Window 1834
Watch Window 1838
Definition Files 1841
Restrictions 1845
Restrictions on Monitor Input 1845
Restrictions on Dynamic Checks 1845
45. Simulating a System
Structure of a Simulator 1848
The Simulated System 1849
The Environment Process 1849
The Interactive Monitor System 1849
The Graphical User Interface 1850
Generating and Starting a Simulator 1850
Generating a Simulator 1851
Starting a Simulator 1852
Quick Start of a Simulator 1853
Restarting a Simulator 1853
Supplying Values of External Synonyms 1854
Actions on Simulator Start-up 1855
Issuing Monitor Commands 1855
Activating the Monitor 1855
The Textual Interface 1855
The Graphical Interface 1857
Customizing the Simulator UI 1862
Managing Command Buttons 1862
Managing Button Modules 1864
The Command and Watch Windows 1865
Tracing the Execution 1867
Specifying Unit Names 1867
Determining the Scope of Trace 1868
Textual Trace 1868
GR Trace 1870
MSC Trace and Logging 1871
Other Tracing Functions 1874
Executing a Simulator 1875
Continuous Execution 1875
Executing Until a Condition 1875
Executing Transitions 1876
Single-Stepping Symbols or Statements 1876
Executing Procedures 1876
Stopping the Execution 1877
Examining the System 1877
Current Process and Scope 1877
Printing the Simulation Time 1878
Printing the Process Ready Queue 1879
Examining Process Instances 1879
Examining Signal Instances 1880
Examining Timer Instances 1881
Examining Variables 1881
Managing Breakpoints 1882
Breakpoint Commands 1882
Setting a Symbol Breakpoint 1883
Setting a Transition Breakpoint 1885
Setting an Output Breakpoint 1886
Setting a Variable Breakpoint 1887
Listing and Removing Breakpoints 1887
Sending Signals from the Environment 1889
Sending Signals to a Process 1889
Sending Signals via a Channel 1889
Causing a Spontaneous Transition 1890
Logging the Execution 1891
Logging Commands 1891
Logging the User Interaction 1892
Logging Signal Interaction 1893
Modifying the System 1894
Sending an Internal Signal 1894
Changing the Process State 1895
Creating and Stopping Processes 1895
Setting and Resetting Timers 1896
Changing a Variable 1896
Changing the Input Port 1897
Rearranging the Ready Queue 1898
Exiting a Simulator 1898
46. Remote Target Simulation
Target Simulation 1902
Overview 1902
Architecture 1903
The Configuration File and Simulator UI Command Extension 1904
Tarsim Shell (UNIX only) 1906
Executing and Terminating the Tools 1907
Known Problems 1908
Source Code Files 1908
Special Information about Windows NT 1909
47. The SDT Validator
The Validator Monitor 1912
Monitor User Interfaces 1912
Activating the Monitor 1913
Monitor Commands 1914
Alphabetical List of Commands 1914
Graphical User Interface 1962
Starting the ValUI 1963
The Default Button Modules 1963
The Menu Bar 1966
The Command and Watch Windows 1972
The Navigator Tool 1972
The Report Viewer 1975
Definition Files 1977
Rules Checked During Exploration 1978
Deadlock 1978
Implicit Signal Consumption 1978
Create Errors 1979
Output and Remote Procedure Call Errors 1979
Max Queue Length Exceeded 1980
Channel Output Errors 1981
Operator Errors 1982
Range Errors 1983
Index Error 1983
Decision Error 1983
Import Errors 1983
View Errors 1984
Transition Length Error 1984
Non Progress Loop Error 1984
Assertion Errors 1985
User Defined Rule 1985
Observer Errors 1985
MSC Verification Errors 1985
REF Errors 1986
User-Defined Rules 1988
Predicates 1988
Expressions 1990
Autolink Configuration Syntax 1994
State Space Files 1996
Syntax 1996
Lexical Elements 1996
Restrictions 1998
Restrictions on the SDL System 1998
Restrictions on Monitor Input 1998
Restrictions on Dynamic Checks 1998
48. Validating a System
Introduction 2000
Application Areas 2000
Structure of a Validator 2000
Underlying Principles and Terms 2001
Behavior Trees 2001
State Space Explorations 2002
States and Paths 2002
Generating and Starting a Validator 2003
Generating a Validator 2003
Starting a Validator 2004
Quick Start of a Validator 2005
Restarting a Validator 2006
Supplying Values of External Synonyms 2006
Actions on Validator Start-up 2007
The Validator User Interface 2008
Activating the Monitor 2008
The Graphical Interface 2008
The Command and Watch Windows 2009
Navigating in the State Space 2010
Moving Up in the Behavior Tree 2011
Moving Down in the Behavior Tree 2012
Moving Along the Current Path 2012
Redefining the Current Root 2013
Going to a System State 2014
Using Manual Navigation 2014
Returning to an Already Reached State 2014
Using an MSC 2016
Using a User-Defined Rule 2016
Tracing, Logging and Viewing Facilities 2017
Tracing the Execution 2017
Logging the User Interaction 2018
Examining the System 2018
Performing Automatic State Space Explorations 2021
Executing an Exploration 2022
Rules Checked During Exploration 2023
Interpreting Exploration Statistics 2023
Examining Reports 2024
Validating an SDL System 2027
Using a Default Exploration 2027
Determining if the Validation is Finished 2028
Handling Low Symbol Coverage 2029
Using Advanced Validation 2031
Validating Large Systems 2032
Decomposed Exploration 2032
Using MSCs to Limit the Search 2034
More Efficient Bit-State Exploration 2035
Reducing the State Space Size 2036
Using Random Walk Exploration 2038
Incremental Validation 2039
Verifying an MSC 2040
Basic MSC Verification 2040
Converting Instances Before Verification 2042
Verifying a Combination of MSCs Using High-Level MSCs 2043
State of the Validator after MSC Verification 2044
Using Batch MSC Verification 2044
Verifying Message Parameters 2045
Requirements for MSC Verification 2046
Using Observer Processes 2047
The Access Abstract Data Type 2049
Defining Signals from the Environment 2054
Test Values 2054
Test Values Restrictions and Options 2056
Defining and Listing Test Values 2056
Validating Systems That Use the Ref Generator 2060
Validating Systems with External C Code 2061
Using User-Defined Rules 2064
Different Usages 2064
Examples of Rules 2065
Managing User-Defined Rules 2065
Using Assertions 2066
Configuring the Validator 2067
Managing Options 2067
Affecting the State Space 2068
Bit State Exploration Options 2069
Random Walk Options 2070
Exhaustive Exploration Options 2071
MSC Verification Options 2071
Report Options 2073
MSC Trace Options 2074
State Space Options 2075
Autolink Options 2080
Setting Advanced Options 2080
References 2081