Telelogic Tau 3.5
User's Manual
Part 3:
Table of Contents
23. The ITEX Browser (on UNIX)
Introduction to the Browser 948
Opening the Browser and a TTCN Document 948
The Browser User Interface 948
Controlling the Items in the Browser 950
Selecting Items 950
Controlling What is Displayed 951
Creating a Sub Browser 952
Editing the TTCN Document Structure 952
Adding and Inserting Items 953
Adding and Inserting Groups 954
Adding and Inserting Compact Tables 954
Sorting Items 955
Cutting, Copying and Pasting Items 955
Deleting Items 956
Browser Shortcut Keys for Navigation 956
Renaming Dynamic Items 957
Opening a Table 958
Printing a TTCN Document 958
Requesting License Information 959
Using Popup Menus 960
Node Specific Popup Menu 960
Background Popup Menu 960
Popup Menu Commands 960
Using More Complex Selections 961
Making Selections With the Selector 961
Keeping and Retrieving a Selection 966
Searching 966
Making Sub Browsers from Selections 966
Regular Expressions 967
Replacing Text Strings 968
Using Replace from a Browser 968
Using Replace from a Table Editor 968
The Replace Dialog 969
Presenting Status Information 971
Constructing Lists with the Reporter 971
Revision Control 975
Comparing TTCN Documents 976
Comparing by Using the Compare Tool 976
Comparing by Using itexdiff 981
Using Compare Before Merging Two TTCN Documents 981
Merging TTCN Documents 982
Preparing for a Merge 982
Merging Two TTCN Documents 983
Creating Documents by Using the Merge Tool 984
Merging from MP Files 985
Exporting a TTCN Document to TTCN-MP 989
Converting to TTCN-MP in ITEX 989
Exporting by Using itex2mp 992
Importing a TTCN-MP Document 993
Converting a TTCN Document 993
MP File Format Problem 993
Converting Fields Containing the Dollar Character 994
Generating the Test Suite Overview Tables 995
Selection Expressions 995
Test Case, Test Step and Default Descriptions 995
The Group Table 996
Generation of the Test Suite Overview and Indices 997
Crash Recovery 998
Key and Button Bindings 999
24. The ITEX Table Editor (on UNIX)
Introduction to the Table Editor 1004
Opening a Table 1005
Renaming a Table 1006
Navigating and Editing Text in a Table 1006
Setting the Input Focus 1006
Editing Text in a Table 1007
Replacing Text 1008
Moving the Insertion Point When Editing Text 1008
Editing Rows in a Table 1009
Selecting Rows in a Table 1009
Deselecting a Row 1009
Cutting, Copying and Pasting Rows 1009
Deleting Rows 1010
Inserting Rows 1010
Indenting Rows in Behaviour Descriptions 1011
Selecting Branches in Behaviour Descriptions 1012
Showing the Indentation Level 1012
Exporting and Importing Objects 1013
Browsing in the Table Editor 1013
Generating Behaviour Statements 1014
Reverting a Table 1018
Creating a New Constraint Table 1018
Generating the Test Suite Overview Tables 1018
Using Popup Menus 1019
Context Sensitive Popup Menu 1019
Background Popup Menu 1019
Key and Button Bindings 1021
25. Analyzing TTCN Documents (on UNIX)
The Analyzer 1024
Using the Analyzer from the Organizer 1024
Using the Analyzer from a Browser 1024
Using the Analyzer from a Table Editor 1025
The Analyzer Dialog 1026
Error Messages 1027
Resolving Forward References 1029
ASN.1 External Type/Value References 1030
TTCN Static Type Restriction Control 1033
Generating a Flat View 1034
Finding Tables 1038
Finding Tables by Name 1038
26. The ITEX C Code Generator (on UNIX)
Introduction to the C Code Generator 1042
Getting Started 1042
Running the C Code Generator 1044
What Is Generated? 1049
The Code Files 1049
The Makefile 1050
The Adaptation 1051
27. The ITEX Simulator (on UNIX)
The Simulator 1054
Performing a Simulation 1054
Setting Up a Simulation with SDT 1055
The ITEX Simulator User Interface 1056
Managing Setup Documents 1057
Selecting Test Cases and Groups 1058
Executing a Test 1059
Viewing Documents 1061
The Simulator Editor 1062
Managing Documents in the Simulator Editor 1062
Editing Documents in the Simulator Editor 1063
Files Handled by the Simulator 1064
Information Messages 1065
Informative Messages 1065
Warnings Messages 1065
Error Messages 1065
Using the UI with an ETS 1065
Type Mappings in Co-Simulation 1066
TTCN Types 1066
ASN.1 Types 1067
SDL Types 1068
28. Customizing ITEX (on UNIX)
Customizing ITEX 1072
How Resources Are Read 1072
Customizing Key and Button Bindings 1073
Itex*XmText.translations 1073
Itex*textWindow*XmText.translations 1073
Itex.browser*node.translations 1073
Itex.nodeTranslations 1073
Itex.editor.headerFields.overrideTranslations 1073
Itex.editor.rowFields.overrideTranslations 1073
Itex.editor.fieldEditor.overrideTranslations 1074
Other Customizations 1074
Change of Paper Size 1074
Change of Font Size in Editor 1074
Change of the Header/Footer 1074
Change of Font Family 1074
Changing Relative Widths of Columns in Editor 1075
Hiding and Showing the Browser Toolbar 1075
Configuring the Help Environment 1075
ITEX in Windows
29. Editing TTCN Documents (in Windows)
Introduction to ITEX 1080
Different Views of the TTCN Document 1080
Functionality to Apply on the TTCN Document 1081
Starting ITEX 1082
Using the Browser 1083
Opening the Browser and a TTCN Document 1083
The Browser User Interface 1083
Controlling the Nodes in the Browser 1086
Editing the Browser Structure 1087
Opening a Table 1090
Printing a TTCN Document 1090
Editing Tables 1091
Resizing Cells and Table Parts 1091
Renaming a Table 1092
Setting the Input Focus 1092
Editing Text in a Table 1092
Editing Rows in the Body of a Table 1093
Browsing in the Table Editor 1096
Creating Behaviour Lines 1097
Opening the Data Dictionary 1097
Generating a Send or Receive Statement 1098
Adding a Timer Statement 1099
Adding an Attachment Statement 1100
Viewing Log Information 1101
Automatic Appearance 1101
Changing the Appearance of the Log 1102
Exporting Information from the Log 1102
Clearing the Log 1102
Finding and Sorting Tables 1103
Opening the Finder 1104
About Search Criteria 1104
Finding Tables 1105
Finding Tables Relationally 1107
Editing and Sorting the Results List 1108
Exporting and Importing TTCN-MP 1109
The Standard MP Format 1109
The ITEX MP Format 1109
MP File Format Problem when Importing 1110
Importing Fields Containing the `$' Character 1110
Revision Control 1110
Exporting to HTML 1111
Shortcuts 1112
Common Shortcuts 1112
Browser Shortcuts 1112
Table Editor Shortcuts 1114
Log Manager Shortcuts 1114
Finder Shortcuts 1115
30. Analyzing TTCN Documents (in Windows)
Analyzing TTCN Documents 1118
Using the Analyzer 1118
Error Messages 1120
Resolving Forward References 1122
ASN.1 External Type/Value References 1123
TTCN Static Type Restriction Control 1126
Finding Tables from the Analyzer Log 1127
31. The ITEX C Code Generator (in Windows)
Introduction to the C Code Generator 1130
Getting Started 1130
Running the C Code Generator 1132
What Is generated? 1134
The Code Files 1134
The Adaptation 1135
32. The ITEX Simulator (in Windows)
The Simulator 1138
Performing a Simulation 1138
The ITEX Simulator Operations 1139
Information Messages 1140
Informative Messages 1140
Warning Messages 1140
Error Messages 1140
Troubleshooting 1141
The Simulators Stop Communicating 1141
Test Execution Stops 1141
The Simulators Get Out of Sync 1141
Type Mappings in Co-Simulation 1141
Common ITEX Functionality
33. TTCN Test Suite Generation
Introduction 1146
TTCN Link -- Generation of Declarations 1147
Autolink -- Generation of a Test Suite 1147
Using TTCN Link 1149
Preparing for the Generation of Declarations 1149
Generating the Declarations 1150
Creating Test Cases 1156
Showing SDL System Information 1158
Merging TTCN Test Suites in ITEX 1158
Summary of TTCN Link 1159
Overview of the TTCN Link Algorithm 1160
Configuring the TTCN Link Executable 1165
User-Defined Rules 1174
SDL Restrictions 1179
TTCN Link Commands in ITEX 1181
TTCN Link Commands in ITEX on UNIX 1181
TTCN Link Commands in ITEX in Windows 1186
Using Autolink 1191
Specifying the SDL System and Performing Other Preparations 1192
Defining Paths for Test Case Creation 1194
Defining an Autolink Configuration 1198
Computing Test Cases 1199
Translating MSCs into Test Cases 1203
Modifying Constraints 1204
Generating a TTCN Test Suite 1206
Translation Rules 1207
Test Suite Structure Rules 1214
Syntax and Semantics of the Autolink Configuration 1218
Coverage Based Test Generation 1224
34. The GCI Interface
Overview of the GCI Interface 1228
The GCI Interface Model 1228
Informal Description of the Test Run Model 1229
Which Does What? 1231
Case Studies 1232
Methods Used 1235
Introduction to the GCI Interface 1238
GCI Interface -- C Style 1243
Predefined Types 1243
Management Interface 1243
Behavior Interface 1245
Operational Interface 1245
Value Interface 1248
Examples 1255
Encoding Decoding Examples 1255
TTCN Examples 1260
Adaption of the Generated Code 1262
The Missing Functionality 1262
The GCI Interface Model 1263
The Adaptor Functionality 1264
Adaptor Contents 1268
Extra Adaptor Functionality 1273
35. Error Messages in ITEX
Error Messages 1276
The Structure of Error Messages 1276
Additional Error Messages on Standard Error 1277
Messages When Starting ITEX 1277
The Meaning of Error Messages 1277
36. The Languages Supported in ITEX
The Restrictions in ITEX 1280
External ASN.1 Types 1280
ValueList 1281
ASN.1 AnyValue 1281
ASN.1 NamedType & NamedValue 1282
Data Object Reference 1283
Macro Value 1283
The TTCN-MP Syntax Productions in BNF 1284
The ASN1 Syntax Productions in BNF 1310
TTCN Static Semantics 1313
Test Suite 1313
Test Case Index 1313
Test Step Index 1313
Default Index 1313
Test Suite Type Definitions 1313
Simple Type Definitions 1313
Structured Type Definitions 1314
ASN1 Type Definition 1315
Test Suite Operation Definition 1315
Test Suite Parameters Declarations 1316
Test Case Selection Expression Definition 1316
Test Suite Constant Declarations 1316
Test Suite Variable Declarations 1316
Test Case Variable Declarations 1317
PCO Declarations 1317
Timer Declarations 1317
ASP Type Definition 1317
ASN1 ASP Type Definitions 1318
ASN1 ASP Type Definition By Reference 1319
PDU Type Definition 1319
ASN1 PDU Type Definition 1320
ASN1 PDU Type Definition By Reference 1320
String Length Specifications 1321
Alias Definitions 1321
Structured Type Constraint Declarations 1321
ASP Constraint Declarations 1321
PDU Constraint Declarations 1322
Constraints Part 1322
Matching Mechanisms 1323
Base Constraints and Modified Constraints 1324
The Behaviour Description 1325
TTCN Test Events 1325
TTCN Expressions 1326
The ATTACH Construct 1326
Labels and the GOTO Construct 1327
The Constraints Reference 1327
Verdicts 1327
Default References 1328
Formal Parameters 1328
DataObjectReferences 1328
ASN.1 Static Semantics 1329