Next: Select Conjectures to Verify?
Up: Guiding the theorem prover
Previous: Guiding the theorem prover
Clicking Customize invokes a menu window of several more
options, entitled Set SPECWARE Parameters . The current settings are the alternatives highlighted in
reverse. If no settings have been changed, the defaults are
presented. We discuss those options that apply to theorem proving
- Verify parsed theorems?
- Clicking Yes indicates that we want to prove theorems
that occur explicitly in a specification that is being parsed.
Otherwise, the specification will be parsed without invoking the
theorem prover, but it can be verified later (see
) .
The default is No.
- Verify parsed axiom translation?
- Clicking Yes indicates that when a morphism is parsed, we
want to prove that the axioms of the source specification do indeed
map into theorems of the target specification. Otherwise, the
morphism will be parsed without theorem proving, but the theorems can
still be verified later (see
). The default is No.
- Assume imported conjectures are theorems?
- In building an
axiom list from a specification that
imports another
specification, click Yes if you want theorems from the imported
specification to be assumed without proof, and No if you don't
want to assume them. In this later case, the imported conjectures will
be ignored if we are parsing; if we are verifying the specification
subsequently (see
we will be offered the opportunity to prove the imported conjectures.
The default is Yes.
The choice of a subset of conjectures is described subsequently
- Assume preceding local conjectures are theorems?
Clicking Yes causes previous conjectures in a
specification to be added to the axiom list and
temporarily regarded as valid, whether or not they have actually been
proved. Clicking No means they won't be added to the axiom list
unless they have been proved previously. These selections also apply
to previous translations of axioms in a morphism . The
default is No.
- Ignore following local theorems when proving a
- Yes means that subsequent
conjectures in a specification will not be included
in the axiom list, even if they have already been proved. Clicking
No means they will be added to the axiom list if they have been
proved previously. These selections also apply to
morphisms . Note that the user who assumes preceding
local conjectures are theorems (the previous option) and does not
ignore following local theorems is opening the door to
circularity : it could happen that the proof of the
subsequent theorem depended on an assumption that the current
conjecture is a theorem.
- Select Conjectures to verify?
Clicking No will cause all the conjectures that arise in a
parsing to be treated as a single batch and attacked with the same
strategic settings. Clicking Yes will enable the
user to select a subset of the conjectures to be treated as a batch
and attacked with the same settings; other conjectures may then be
batched separately and attacked with different settings. The default
is No.
In a later section
we see how conjectures are selected.
- Specify proof directives for?
- Here the user is given three options, not Yes or
No. Clicking Every-Batch means that the user will be allowed
to select separate strategic settings for every batch of conjectures
formed in accordance with the earlier option, Select Conjectures
to verify? Clicking Every-Proof means that separate strategic
settings may be selected for every proof. Clicking None means
that no strategic settings may be selected--the most recent settings
will be retained in every proof. The default is None.
- When prover fails, query user to accept theorems
- Yes--the
default--means that if a proof fails, the user will be given the
opportunity to accept the conjecture as valid. It will subsequently
be regarded as a theorem and will be included in the axiom lists for
subsequent proofs. Clicking No means the proof will fail, the
conjecture will not be regarded as a theorem, but the parsing of the
specification or morphism will continue.
In a later section
we see how proof directives are specified.
Next: Select Conjectures to Verify?
Up: Guiding the theorem prover
Previous: Guiding the theorem prover
Richard Waldinger
Mon Jul 15 16:53:31 PDT 1996