For copyright information please see the file LICENSE, which contains the GNU Public Library License plus the license files of any third-party software contained in this disctribution.
In src/java_cup there are a few classes from the Java_Cup parser generator that are necessary to run the IDL compiler. These are redistributed here with permission from Scott Hudson. The source code for the trading service is copyrighted (GNU) by Object Oriented Concepts (OOC), Inc. and redistributed here in accordance with the GNU license. The source files in java_mapping replace some of the automatically generated classes in org/omg according to the rules of the Java language mapping.
For installation (and optional building) instructions please see the installation documentation and the Programming Guide available in the doc/ subdirectory and from the JacORB web pages at For release notes see the file REL_NOTES. The build file in this directory can be used to remake and recompile all of CORBA and the CorbaServices Naming, Trading, Transaction and Events.
After installation, please have a go at the examples in demo/. In idl/omg we provide the complete IDL text of all of COSS for you to play with.
Gerald Brose,, May 2004.