This directory contains the executable of the program, data file for demonstration, and the result file after execute the program for the data. Files/folder in this directory: hdrtu: The executable of HDRT algorithm. trainface.txt: A sample training file. testface.txt: A sample testing file. data: The directory contains the data for the demo purpose. result.txt: The results file after using the program with the command: hdrtu -v -t trainface.txt -T testface.txt -d 5632 -q 2 To learn how to use the program, just type hdrtu and see the instruction: Usage: hdrtu [-switch [str]] , where switches are: -t str = set of image file names to be learned (defautl trainface.txt) -T str = set of image file names to be tested (default testface.txt) -d str = dimensional of input image (deault 5632) -q str = q (default 2) -a str = alpha (default 0.100000) -v verbose mode, report class label for every test sample For example: hdrtu -t trainface.txt -T testface.txt -d 5632 -q 2 hdrtu -v -t trainface.txt -T testface.txt -d 5632 -q 2 See trainface.txt and testface.txt to learn the format of the training file and the test file. All the images are stored in binary raw format without any header. If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact us by e-mail at