The Editor
The `opn/clo' option may be invoked from all environments selectable from
the EnvironmentPanel, and
for all constructs. It represents a toggle for opening/closing (quitting
from) a construct edit; if the construct
is currently open, the option label is printed in inverse video.
Open Editor
A copy of the CFG file
is first made in the SRC
directory; if a file of that name currently exists in SRC, and differs
from that in CFG, the following options are offered:
Open SRC file
opens the SRC file, when edits may subsequently be committed in the
usual way.
Open CFG file
opens the CFG file and in so-doing overwrites the edited SRC file (which
is thus lost); edits may subsequently be committed in the usual way.
Show difference
displays the UNIX diff between the two files.
The editor setting is made though the Construct
Editor setting of the Options.
Quit Editor
If the currently-edited SRC
file is the same as the CFG
file, the following prompt is displayed:
Quit editor requested, but no changes saved!
`Cancel' if you want to save any changes ...
to ensure that any edits made which have not been saved are not unintentionally
lost. The `OK' option causes the edit to be killed, with no commit therefore
being necessary.
However, if there is a difference between the SRC
and CFG files (i.e.
the edited file differs from that which is currently committed), the following
choice is offered:
Commit edits
updates the CFG directory, and in so doing causes any processing of
the construct to be lost; further, processing of any dependent constructs
is also lost (but you will be warned in this case before the commit is
actually made). If the difference is annotational, the processing lost
is restricted to marked-up documents.
Discard edits
removes the edited SRC file from the file system.
Save in SRC
does not commit the edited file, but leaves it in the SRC directory
for later use.
Show difference
displays the UNIX diff between the SRC and CFG files.
It is also possible to commit the changes of an edited construct through
the Close, CommitEdits,
Commit, Remake,
Analyser, POGenerator
and Mini-Remake tools.
If the editor is closed by the user, this will be dected by the BToolkit
and the option label will indicate that the construct is now closed (ie.
it will be printed in normal video); an information popup will confirm
that the closure of the editor has been detected. Any edits made will,
of course, remain in the SRC
directory, and the construct button
decoration will indicate if there is any difference between that file
and the one currently configured in CFG;
if the two files differ edits may be committed without opening the construct
through Commit All Updated Constructs
invoked from the TopBar Constructs
A full on-line help listing is available
in the Contents Page
Also available in the form of a complete
© B-Core
(UK) Limited, Last updated: 25/08/99