A document is displayed only in the Documents Environment.
An option to introduce a `Document' or `Document of configured constructs' is available under Top Bar Introduce->New.
The general form of a DOCUMENT is given in a BNF-like syntax as follows:
the syntax exp1 | exp2 indicates exp1 or exp2
(choice), and
<< exp >> indicates zero or more occurrences of exp
document_description ::= DOCUMENT document_name CONTENTS includes_verbatim_list END document_name ::= Identifier includes_verbatim_list ::= includes(construct) | verbatim(filename_string) << , includes_verbatim_list >>
construct ::= Identifier.extension | Identifier.extension(op_list) op_list ::= Identifier << , Identifier >> extension ::= mch | ref | imp | bse | int | enm | doc | mch.number.prf | ref.number.prf | imp.number.prfAnnotations may appear anywhere inside the CONTENTS clause.
The optional op_list argument dictates which operations are to be printed. If it is not present, all operations are printed, otherwise only those appearing in the list are printed. If none of the operations are to be printed, this may be achieved by including an op_list comprising a single name that is not one of the operations of that construct.
When a DOCUMENT is submitted for mark up, all included constructs that have already been marked up are copied into the marked up document; thus the characteristics of that already marked up construct remain (for instance the presence or otherwise of cross referencing - see Options). The current characteristics may be obtained by first removing all marked-up documents (available under the TopBar Constructs pull-down).
Verbatim files are included in the document inside a \begin{verbatim} ... \end{verbatim} clause.
Each included document that has not been marked up is first marked up, if possible. For example, if `fifi.mch' is included, but is not yet analysed (and thus not yet ready for mark up) a warning is issued, and fifi.mch would not be included in the marked up DOCUMENT.
An index can be automatically produced at the end of a DOCUMENT by setting the Document Index flag.