The Team Library (TLIB)

This facility parallels that of the System Library (SLIB) and enables members of a team to create a library into which they may export a (sub) development, and from which they may import a development.

Making a New Project Team Library

  1. Create an empty directory (with appropriate name) (e.g. some-path/BTeamLib); all team members must have read/write permission to the directory.
  2. Make the directory into a B development directory by invoking the B-Toolkit from within the new directory. Leave the development empty.
  3. The team member who will be working on sub-developments within the team must set the Teamlib value of the Options, e.g.
The team library is now ready for use.

Exporting Developments to the Team Library:

This facility is available under Utilities, enabling a user to export a completed (sub) development from their directory to that of the current team library; Teamlib must be set.

A completed development is a single MACHINE for which an IMPLEMENTATION is written and a binary code module exists (see Translator for getting binary code modules from IMPLEMENTATIONS).

A warning will be given if the MACHINE SEES other MACHINES. This can be ignored unless the intention is that the seen machine should be a non-sharable module private to the exported sub-development, in which case the seen module should be IMPORTED into the sub-development that is being exported.

Exported developments appear as library machines within the team library. The library machines can be used directly within the team library or can be committed into other B developments within the same team.

Committing Developments from the Team Library:

TLIB constructs may be introduced to a development through Introduce. If a TLIB construct SEES other MACHINES, a warning will be issued that these constructs should subsequently be introduced into the importing environment.

Each committed TLIB MACHINE is, of course, animatable.

A full on-line help listing is available in the Contents Page
Also available in the form of a complete Index.
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