A prerequisite for linking is that the implementation has been translated.
The C-compiler is set through the Translators/Compilers setting of the Options.
For particlar developments, it may be necessary to link in specific libraries; although not usually necessary, this is done through the Non-X Link Libraries and X Link Libraries setting of the Options The latter is usually required when generating Motif interfaces (although in this case, linking is performed by the generator).
If the specification `fifi.mch' is implemented by `mimi.imp', then linking of the latter will produce the executable file `fifi', written to the CDE/C directory.
The linker must be invoked against the implementation which defines the main, procedure, otherwise an error occurs. An attempt to link an implementation having parameters (which will, of course, have been defined in its top-level abstraction) will result in an error, as will attempting to link an implementation in which machines SEEN at a lower level have not all been imported.
See also
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(UK) Limited, Last updated: 25/08/99