MACHINE Rename_SocketClient(TOK,insize,outsize) SEES String_TYPE, Bool_TYPE VARIABLES in,inptr,outptr,outbufsize INVARIANT outbufsize : NAT1 & outbufsize >= outsize & in : NAT1 & in >= insize & inptr : & outptr : 0..outbufsize INITIALISATION in,inptr,outptr := 0,0,0 || outbufsize := outsize OPERATIONS /*** operation to initialise ipaddress,port and reset pointers ***/ rep <-- Rename_INIT(ipaddress : STRING & port : NAT) = BEGIN in,inptr,outptr,outbufsize := 0,0,0,outsize || rep :: BOOL END; /*** operations on the socket ***/ rep <-- Rename_CONNECT = BEGIN rep :: BOOL END; rep <-- Rename_WRITE = CHOICE rep := TRUE || outptr := 0 || outbufsize := outsize OR rep := FALSE END; rep,pp <-- Rename_READ = ANY bufsize WHERE bufsize : NAT1 & bufsize >= insize THEN CHOICE rep := TRUE || pp := bufsize || in := bufsize || inptr := 0 OR rep := FALSE || pp := 0 END END; rep <-- Rename_CLOSE = BEGIN rep :: BOOL END; /*** operations to read from the input buffer ***/ tok <-- Rename_GET_TOK(toksize : 1..4 ) = IF inptr+toksize <= in THEN tok :: TOK || inptr := inptr + toksize ELSE tok :: TOK END; ss <-- Rename_GET_STR = IF inptr + 3 <= in THEN ANY str, newptr WHERE str : STRING & newptr = inptr + size(str) + 3 THEN ss := str || inptr := newptr END ELSE ss :: STRING END; rep,filesize <-- Rename_GET_FIL(filename : STRING) = CHOICE ANY newptr WHERE newptr : & newptr > inptr THEN inptr := newptr || rep := TRUE || filesize :: NAT END OR rep := FALSE || filesize :: NAT END; /*** operations to to write the output buffer ***/ Rename_PUT_TOK(tok : TOK & toksize : 1..4 ) = IF outptr+toksize <= outbufsize THEN outptr := outptr+toksize ELSE CHOICE outbufsize : ( outbufsize : NAT1 & outbufsize >= outptr+toksize ) || outptr := outptr+toksize OR skip END END; Rename_PUT_STR(ss:STRING) = IF outptr+size(ss)+3 <= outbufsize THEN outptr := outptr+size(ss)+3 ELSE CHOICE outbufsize : ( outbufsize : NAT1 & outbufsize >= outptr+size(ss)+3 ) || outptr := outptr+size(ss)+3 OR skip END END; /*** operations to get and set the input buffer pointer ***/ Rename_SET_IN_PTR(ptr : NAT) = PRE ptr <= inptr THEN inptr := ptr END; ptr <-- Rename_GET_IN_PTR = BEGIN ptr := inptr END; /*** operations to get and set the output buffer pointer ***/ Rename_SET_OUT_PTR(ptr : NAT) = PRE ptr <= outptr THEN outptr := ptr END; ptr <-- Rename_GET_OUT_PTR = BEGIN ptr := outptr END; sz <-- Rename_GET_OUT_SIZE = BEGIN sz := outbufsize END END